Dying Assassin (2 page)

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Authors: Joyee Flynn

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dying Assassin
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"Do you or Mr. Fallon have any enemies?" the Deputy asked, being incredibly nice about all this; he really was a sweet guy.

"Not that I know of, everyone's been great since we moved here," I answered honestly. We talked some more, they asked questions, I answered and vice versa. The deputy seemed embarrassed that they couldn't be much more help than tracking down the package through the shipping company.

"I'm pretty sure this is the first explosion Brookings has ever had," he said, wiping his hands on his pants as he stood. "Since it wasn't the United States Postal Service, I don't have to get the Feds involved, and I'd prefer not to."

"Um, I guess let's see what your search comes up with," I answered as I led them to the door. Or the hole in the front of the house that used to be the door, I guess. "I'll ask Spencer when he gets home, but I don't really have a clue what to do. If you don't think the Feds are needed, I see no reason not to trust you."

"I have no problem calling them in if we hit a dead end," the deputy said, nodding in agreement. "But if we call them in before they're needed, it normally just turns into a pissing match and that helps no one."

"Then do what you think is best. I appreciate you coming out here and checking into this," I said. "Wish I'd gotten to meet the local law enforcement some other way."

"Fair enough," the officer chuckled as he left and walked to the car.

"Are you okay to be alone, Mr. Jenkins?" Deputy Wilcowski asked, taking my arm and staring into my eyes. I saw the genuine concern for my safety. "We can stay until your men get home if that would make you feel better."

"I'm okay, really," I replied, patting his hand. "I really just want to go lay down for a bit. This is just a lot to take in."

"Alright, but if you need anything else, you'll call?"

"I promise. Thanks again, deputy," I said as he started to walk away. I waved goodbye after they got in their cruiser and headed down the driveway. As soon as they were out of sight, I raced up the stairs to where Luc and the guys were.

"We good?" he asked as I reached him. I nodded and went back to cleaning Dean's back and wounds. "You're going to have to stitch up that gash; it's healing but it needs help."

"Tell me what to do," I said, not liking the idea of sewing up his side.

"See how I did it to this wound here?" Luc replied, pointing to Spencer's stomach. I looked over and saw the one he'd finished as he was working on another one. "Doesn't have to be pretty, just keep the wound closed until it can heal on its own. Don't worry about scars; I don't have any from the night I almost died, so I'm assuming werewolves don't get them."

"Good point," I answered, feeling better knowing that detail. He handed me some fishing line and a very large needle. He saw that I wasn't loving this idea and gave me a quick kiss.

"They can't feel it, Ryder, and they need the help," he said gently. I nodded, knowing he was right, but I simply didn't like the idea of sticking the fat needle into Dean. Sucking it up, I threaded the needle, cut off what I needed and got to work. Several minutes later, I was done.

"What about all the blood they lost? Don't we need to replace some of it?" I asked, looking from Dean to Luc.

"Yeah, I don't know about that." He sighed, rubbing his eyes and face with a clean towel. "I know our blood is clean, but do werewolves have different types? I guess the doc will have to answer that for us. I'm not a fan of the idea of that jackass being here again."

"Beggars can't be choosers, Luc," I said, rubbing his back. We hugged for a few minutes, both of us shaking from the constant adrenaline that our bodies had been pumping. Then we went back to cleaning up our men and doing whatever busywork we could before the doc got here.


* * * *


Several hours later, we had Spencer and Dean cleaned up and most of the debris from the explosion bagged as well. Right now though, Luc and I were pacing around downstairs as the doctor named Doc took care of our guys. I'd done everything I could think of to stay distracted, played with Gilbert, started making dinner, and rewashed the walls of the hallway and foyer.

"They're both going to be fine in a few days," Doc said as he came down the stairs. "I gave them both a couple of pints of blood to replace what they lost. Also, I pumped them full of sedatives; let them sleep through as much of the healing and pain as they can."

"When should we expect them back up?" Luc asked.

"The effects of the medication will last a while." The doc checked his watch. "I estimate another eight to ten hours, but they might just eat and pass back out," he answered as he pulled out some bottles from his bag. "These are very strong painkillers, since our bodies metabolize everything so quickly."

"How often should we give them to Spence and Dean?" I asked as I reached for the bottles.

"Let's not have the ex-drug addict be in charge of the pills, shall we?" Doc snickered as he pulled them back from me and to Luc.

"Get the fuck out of our house," Luc growled, snatching the bottles. "I don't know what problem you have with us, but you can't speak to Ryder like that."

"Luc, it's fine, I understand," I said, putting my hand on his arm. "The doc is right, even if he's callous and ill-mannered. But you should know I've been clean for almost five months and only thought about even taking drugs once."

"Then you beat the odds, congratulations," the doctor answered gently. "You're right, that was callous. And I don't have a problem with any of you; I'm not a fan of being shipped out when another pack needs me. On top of which, my daughter should be going into labor any day now, and I didn't want to leave her."

"I'm sorry you got pulled into this and dragged away from where you're needed," Luc replied, rolling his neck and calming down. "We wouldn't have called you if the situation wasn't dire. I didn't have a clue what I was doing and kind of went on instinct. We needed help."

"I understand that," Doc answered, putting his hand on Luc's shoulder. "You did a great job, you need to know that. They would have healed just fine with what you did. I just sped up the recovery time by giving them the blood and drugs. Even being worried about my daughter, I wouldn't turn right around and leave if I wasn't completely confident they would be just fine."

"We appreciate that, Doc," I said, smiling up at him. "Is this your first grandchild?"

"It is," he replied, getting this wide shit-eating grin on his face. "My daughter was pregnant few years ago but lost the baby in the first trimester. Unfortunately shifters have a higher rate of miscarriage than humans do. Needless to say we were all devastated, but they decided to try again and this time everything seems fine."

"Boy or girl?" Luc asked as we led him to the door. Luc had gone and picked up the doc and had to drive him back to the airport.

"A boy, they've named him Francis," he answered.

"Best of luck, Doc, our thoughts will be with you," I said, shaking his hand and saying our goodbyes. He smiled at me then left with Luc. I went upstairs to be with my men, needing to see for myself that they were on the mend. Spencer was on his back, while Dean was sleeping on his stomach; both looking peaceful and pain free. I crawled into the bed and lay down between them, hoping they could feel I was there with them and that it might help.



Back to Spencer
s Perspective


I awoke to a dull throbbing in my head, stomach, and thighs. Opening my eyes I could see it was dark out. Had I been napping? And why was I in the guest room? Then the day's events hit me like a ton of bricks; the package, the explosion, everything.

"How much pain are you in?" Ryder asked me quietly as he sat up and stared down at me. He reached out and gently pushed my hair away from my forehead. "You guys had us scared."

"Dean. Is Dean alright?" I replied, my throat as dry as the desert. "Can I get something to drink?"

"Let's start with some ice chips and see how you do," Luc said from a chair next to the bed. He picked up a cup from the nightstand with a spoon and fed me some. Of course it was cold, but at least my throat didn't feel as dry then.

"Dean's fine; you both are," Ryder answered me, tears overflowing his eyes. "We called Max, and he sent the doc over on a private jet. He gave you a transfusion and sedatives, but said you would be just fine. He also left us pain medicine for you both if you want some."

"Yeah, that sounds good," I replied as I tried to sit up and pain shot through my body. "How long have I been out?"

"Almost twenty hours," Luc answered, checking his watch. "The explosion happened at nine in the morning and it's not even five am yet. The doctor said you'd be fine in a few days, but you need your rest."

"Are you hungry?" Ryder asked as he opened a bottle and shook a few pills into his hand.

"No, just thirsty, confused, and in pain," I replied, glancing over to see Dean lying on the other side of Ryder. "How bad is he?"

"He took most of it to his shoulder and back," Luc explained as he and Ryder helped me sit up. "I was more worried about you. You had some pretty good size gashes in your abdomen."

Ryder leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before feeding me the pills and holding the glass of water to my lips. I drank it down greedily, swallowing the pills before he pulled it away. "Go slow, Spence. You've been through a lot."

"You guys are okay? You weren't hurt?" I asked, gazing over their bodies in the dark.

"We had some temporary hearing loss and ringing in our ears, but nothing major," Luc said. "We've taken care of everything, Spence. Right now you just worry about getting better, okay?"

"But I have so many questions," I replied, scared at how bad the aftermath of a bomb going off in our house was. "Did anyone hear the explosion? How bad is the house?"

"Spencer, you have to stay calm," Ryder said firmly. "We'll tell you everything later when you're not all drugged up. Please just trust us, okay? I promise everything's okay, and we've handled what needed to be done for now."

"I do trust you, but it's scarier not knowing," I replied, feeling my eyes droop as the pain pills started kicking in. "Those are some good drugs."

"They'll help you and Dean rest and recoup." Ryder giggled as he helped me slide back down into bed. "We'll fill you in when you wake back up, just take it easy now."

"They're making me sleepy and really horny," I moaned as my cock started to fill. "Can I fuck you in my sleep, baby?"

"Wow, those pills work fast," Luc replied. "Not sure about one of the side effects being the patient gets horny though."

"My cock feels like it's going to explode, it's so hard," I answered, throwing back the sheet so they could see. "I need so bad."

"Spencer Fallon, you're in no shape to be thinking about sex," Ryder said firmly, but then started giggling.

"Please, baby, I don't know what's happening to me," I whimpered. I was feeling half drunk and sleepy, and half wanting to fuck my men until they couldn't walk for a week.

"You're too injured to have sex, Spence," Luc answered gently. "Try to relax and get some sleep; maybe the side effects will go away then."

"Luc, could you sleep with this big of a fucking hard-on?" I whined, never hearing the high octave I was speaking come out of my mouth before. "Please, some just touch me. It doesn't have to be sex, but I'm so hard it almost hurts."

"If I give you some release, will you go to bed and be a good patient?" Ryder asked as he moved down the bed.

"I promise, baby. I'll do whatever you guys want, just please help me," I begged. He gave me a quick nod and rolled his eyes at Luc.

"The things our man will do for a blow job," he chuckled before leaning over and licking the head of my cock.

"I'm not doing this on purpose," I moaned as he took me into his mouth.

"We believe you, Spencer," Luc whispered as he leaned over and licked my lips. I pulled his head down to mine and mashed out lips together. I groaned into the kiss as Ryder started massaging and tugging on my sac. He started swallowing my dick all the way down, his nose rubbing against my skin. Ryder had taken to waxing us all down there, saying we'd love the feeling. As always, my baby had been right.

"Fuck, baby. That's it, suck my cock with that hot mouth," I grunted after Luc pulled away. Luc and Ryder gently held down my hips so that I couldn't thrust up into his mouth. My men might know me too well sometimes. But then again, they knew my injuries better than I did. The harder Ryder sucked and played with me, the more I felt like my body was going to overheat with need.

Luc smirked at me as he leaned over and pulled both my nipples. My men knew I liked some pain with my pleasure at times, now being one of them. I cried out their names as I came hard, shooting my vast load down Ryder's throat. He simply smiled up at me as he swallowed my cum down and kept sucking on me. When I was finally spent, he licked my softening cock gently, cleaning it before moving to the side of me and pulling the sheet back over me.

"Thank you, my loves," I panted as I pulled Ryder up to me and tucked him at my side. "That was so bizarre; I almost felt like a cat in heat, I don't get it."

"It was fun to watch though," Dean mumbled. Ryder jumped up, and Luc ran to the other side of the bed as I turned to see him.

"How bad are you?" I asked.

"Worse off than you if you're up for blow jobs," he snickered then coughed.

"Side effect from the pain meds," Luc answered for me as he helped Dean onto his side and fed him some ice chips. "You're going to have to stay off your left side and back, Dean. That's where you took most of your injuries. Spencer had his on his lower right side, stomach, and legs."

"We gonna live?" Dean asked as Luc and Ryder moved him to sit up, putting pillows behind his right shoulder only.

"You're going to be just fine, big guy," Ryder whispered before leaning in and giving him a kiss. "Doc was here and checked you guys out and left some pain meds."

"Pain meds sound good," he mumbled as Luc fed him more ice chips. Ryder moved off the bed, and grabbed Dean a few pills and a glass of water. He gently crawled back up the bed and slipped them in Dean's mouth before making him drink some water.

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