Dying Assassin (10 page)

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Authors: Joyee Flynn

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dying Assassin
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"Five hundred thousand," I called out for our bid on the mare. I cringed when I saw the announcer's jaw drop open as his microphone fell to the ground. Then Margaret looked up at us before glancing back at her horse.

I realized the mistake I made the second before it happened. I didn't warn her it was coming. The shock got to her, because she swayed on her feet before fainting.

"Aww, shit," I cussed, smacking myself in the forehead. "I really need to start planning things out better. I'm such an idiot."

"Yeah, that's not the word I was going to use." Mike laughed, hopping out of his seat before making his way back down to his sister.


* * * *


A few hours later we were heading back to the house. Margaret ended up being fine, just a little shell shocked over what I had done. I had apologized profusely, but she wouldn't hear of it. We all ended up having a big group hug and laughing over the situation.

We pulled up the driveway, and I realized I was completely exhausted from the excitement and fun. I got out of the truck, reaching behind me to pick up a sleeping Ethan.

"I got the door, Spence," Ryder whispered, standing next to me. "I think we tuckered him out."

"It hurts my heart to know he's so sick," Dean said, opening the front door for us.

"I know, but we'll fix that in the morning, I promise," I answered. He nodded, never taking his eyes off Ethan as we all walked up the stairs and into our room.

"I'll pull in another bed. I'm not thinking five of us can fit on one king-sized bed." Dean chuckled as he left the room. I gently laid Ethan on the bed, then Ryder and Luc helped me turn it. We moved it by the windows at the front of the house, so there was room for another bed next to it. Dean came back in then with the bed frame from one of the guest rooms to start with. Though it was only a twin-sized bed, it should be enough for the five of us. I went to help him get the mattress pieces.

"Thank you for everything, Spence," Luc said when we started getting ready for bed. I hugged him close to me, before lying back on the bed and taking him with me. We were careful not to disturb Ethan, who was in the middle. Ryder climbed in on the other side of Ethan, then Dean behind him.

"Love you, guys," Ryder said.

We all exchanged our good nights, and I felt myself start to drift. I had my arms wrapped around Luc, and he was lying against Ethan. Suddenly there was a loud noise.

"Motherfucker!" Ryder yelled.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked, sitting up.

"He fell in between the beds," Dean answered before bursting out laughing.

"Are you hurt, sweetheart?" Luc asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ryder grumbled, pulling himself back up in the bed. "We need a bigger bed or we're going to start having wolf piles when we sleep."

"I promise to get started on building us a custom bed tomorrow," Dean said, snuggling against Ryder's back. "It will be the biggest bed ever, baby. Maybe a double king size."

"Then I'll quit my bitching." Ryder giggled as we all pulled as close together as we could. I was pretty amazed how Ethan slept through all of the commotion. I guess it attested to how sick he really was, and that scared me.




The next morning I called Deputy Wilcowski and invited him over for breakfast. He sounded confused, but accepted and stopped by over a half an hour later. I had just caught him up on what we learned from Ethan when the man in question walked into the kitchen with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Ethan, what's wrong, sweetheart?" I asked, standing and rushing over to him.

"I understand why you're doing it, Spencer," he whispered against my neck when I pulled him into my arms. "I won't ever tell your secret, I swear. And I want you to know, I really did want to be a part of your family."

"We're not turning you into the police, Ethan," Dean said, coming up behind him. Dean hugged both of us together, sandwiching Ethan between us. "We called the deputy over so he wouldn't waste resources on an investigation when we had the answers."

"You're really not here to throw me in jail?" Ethan asked Deputy Wilcowski quietly, peeking out from around me.

"No, Ethan. But I am going to help stop Greg Payton before he hurts anyone else," the deputy answered. I took Ethan's hand and led him over to the kitchen table. Once we all sat back down, I pulled the shaking man onto my lap.

"Thank you and you have to know how sorry I am," Ethan said quietly. "I didn't know what to do."

"I know, son," Wilcowski replied, reaching out to pat Ethan's hand. "You were put in an impossible situation, and I can understand feeling as if you had no options."

"I appreciate you coming over and being so understanding," Dean said as they both stood. "We just didn't want you to be chasing your tail after everything you've done for us."

"I'm glad you trusted me enough to confide in me," Deputy Wilcowski replied as they left the kitchen.

"I thought you were getting rid of me," Ethan said as he turned around in my lap to straddle me. He threw his arms around my neck and started gently crying. "I was so scared."

"Not going to happen, sweetheart," I replied softly. I stood up with Ethan still wrapped around me like a monkey. "What do you say we turn you and start getting you better?"

"That sounds great, but I like the idea of being with you better," he said, giving my neck a soft kiss. "Please don't be upset when I can't get hard."

"I won't, Ethan. But after you're better, I plan on getting you hard all the time." I chuckled as I walked us up the stairs. He tightened his legs around my hips as we walked into the bedroom. I lay him down on the bed, placing myself in between his legs. "You are so gorgeous, Ethan."

"I'm glad you think so." He panted as I ran my hands down his chest. I slowly peeled his shirt off over his head, my eyes never leaving his. Then I pulled down his pajama pants, running my tongue down his stomach while I did it.

"I'm going to have to stretch you out before I change, okay?" I asked, loving how he squirmed under my touch.

"Please, just hurry, Spencer." Ethan moaned as I ran my fingers over his sac. I chuckled at his impatience, leaning over him to reach the bottle of lube on the night stand. When I moved back in between his legs, I squirted some slick on my fingers. He moaned loudly as I reached down and rubbed them over his quivering hole.

"You like that, sweetheart?" I cooed as he spread his legs wider. Ethan nodded furiously, whimpering when I kept up my teasing. I slid my index finger into his tight hole, watching in awe at his reaction.

"More, Spencer, I need more," he begged, fisting the sheets in his hands. Ethan pulled his knees to his chest, his eyes going wide as I pushed in a second finger. "Oh god, it feels so good. Don't stop, whatever you do, please don't stop."

"I won't, Ethan," I said, leaning forward to lick his lips. He groaned loudly as my fingers sank in deeper. I scissored them around, stretching him out slowly. "It's so hot watching you, Ethan. I'm turning into such a voyeur; I could watch you like this for hours."

"I'm all yours," he replied, smiling up at me. His hips started moving in time with my fingers, and when he was ready, I pushed in a third finger. Watching him thrash his head and enjoy himself at my touch made me hard as a rock. I quickly pulled out my fingers and got undressed in a flash.

"It's going to hurt, Ethan," I whispered as I let the change flow over me and got back on the bed.

"I'm ready," he said, nodding. Then he tilted his head submissively, and I growled my approval. Leaning over him, I licked the side of his neck before sinking my razor sharp teeth into his soft flesh. Ethan screamed out underneath me as he grabbed onto my arms. I pulled my head back and howled, loving that I'd just marked Ethan as mine.

"On your hands and knees, Ethan," I growled, sitting back on my heels so he could move. Ethan gave me a quick wink before doing what I asked. He wiggled his firm little ass at me when he was in position. Again, I growled my approval as I moved behind him. I lined up my hard cock and started to push into him.

"I've never been so full." Ethan moaned, burying his face into the pillow. I gently thrust forward, trying to be tender with him as I grabbed his hips. Ethan cried out under me as I finally bottomed out inside of him. Simply feeling his ass wrapped around my cock snapped what little control I ever seemed to have.

"Mine!" I roared, starting to pound into Ethan's sweet hole as hard as I could. The harder I thrust, the louder his moans became, spurring me on even more. I realized I was getting close, so I changed the angle to hit Ethan's sweet spot each time. The intense pleasure, along with the adrenaline and excitement of what Ethan was about to go through, seemed to override his body's sickness and get him hard.

He screamed out my name seconds later as he shot his load all over the bed. The muscles in his ass clamped down on my cock, giving me more sensations than I was ready to handle. I kept thrusting against his hold, waiting for my eyes to roll into the back of my head. Just as Ethan was finishing his climax, I howled as mine came. I held onto him tight as I kept moving, trying to draw it out.

"Oh god, oh god, Spence." Ethan panted as I nailed his sweet spot as my cock kept exploding in his ass. I remembered how it felt, that it was almost like having a power washer shoot up your ass, the stream of cum was so forceful.

"Just wait, Ethan. It's about to get better." I grunted as my orgasm ebbed.

"I doubt that." Ethan chuckled, and then the knot on my cock latched onto his prostate. He screamed loudly, his entire body shaking.

"Still doubt it?"

"No. God no. What the fuck are you doing to me?" He screamed in pleasure, but before I could answer, his body went limp as he passed out. While still inside of him and attached, I leaned over and pulled out a medium sized butt plug. As soon as the knot receded, I pulled out my softening cock and replaced it with the plug to keep as much of my anti-venom cum in him as possible.

"We should have talked about what he needs to expect before you turned him," Luc said gently, snapping me out of my post-orgasmic glow. "He's going to get very sick, Spencer. It's going to be scary and get really bad."

"It is?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Luc as I moved Ethan into a more comfortable position. I shifted back from wolf and sat down on the bed with crossed legs. "What did Doc say?"

"It will be like horrible food poisoning," Luc answered, sitting down on the bed next to me. "His new werewolf body will expel the cancer cells. They'll group up and want out as if he ate rancid food."

"Well, shit," I said, rolling my eyes. "So it will be like Ryder's detox, except after Ethan's turning instead of before."

"I wasn't there for Ryder's detox, but it'll probably be like that," Luc replied. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my back, both of us watching Ethan sleep.

"It's going to be hell again, isn't it?" I asked in a whisper, feeling myself start to choke up. "I'm going to have to watch him go through the pain like I did Dean, aren't I?"

"I know how hard that was for you, Spence," he said, pulling me into his arms. "But like Dean, we're saving Ethan, okay? That's the part you have to focus on and remember, not that he's in pain. He'll be in bad shape for a few days, but he'll get to live. Isn't that worth it?"

"Yeah, it is." I sighed, hugging him tighter to me. "But it's still hard to do and hurts to see people I care about in pain."

"We know that," Ryder said from the doorway. I looked up over Luc's shoulder to see him and Dean standing there watching us. "It's not any easier for us either. It killed me to see Dean hurting. You'd feel that way whether you were the one to change him or not."

"Wise and beautiful," I replied, smiling at him as I snuggled my head on Luc's shoulder. "One of the many reason you could never be replaced, baby."

"That and you love to fuck me in every position known to man." He giggled as they came to join us on the bed. "I'm sorry I got to the show late, I'm horny as hell."

"When are you not?" Dean chuckled as he sat on the bed, pulling Ryder onto his lap facing me and Luc. "We'll get Ethan through this."

"I think it best if we take shifts," Luc said, scrunching his eyebrows together. It was one of the most endearing faces Luc ever made, it showed me he was thinking hard and using that big sexy brain of his. "Spence and I will stay with him for the next four hours. He should be awake by then and I was the one who talked with the doctor."

"Then Dean and I take over?" Ryder asked, rubbing his cheek against Dean's chin in a very cat-like way. "So we take four hour shifts, one always staying with him just in case while the other is free to get supplies and whatnot."

"Yeah, I think that's the best way," Luc answered with a nod. "How much harder was your detox because it was just you and Spencer? He couldn't leave you for very long and what if you needed more washcloths or something to drink?"

"Or bar me from the door," Ryder whispered, staring intently at me. "Or help dodging when I threw everything in the room at him."

"It was well worth getting hit in the head with a shoe to have you in my life, baby." I winked at him, hating when Ryder felt guilty about his detox from meth.

"We'd better get ready," Luc said, giving me a pat on the back to get off of him. "He could be up in as soon as an hour and I want to be ready."

"You're the boss," Dean replied, getting off the bed. He still had Ryder in his arms, flipping our baby over his shoulder. Ryder laughed loudly, squirming the whole time, and moaning when Dean smack him on the ass. "Behave, we have work to do."

"Fine, but as soon we're ready and they're on duty, you're fucking me until I can't walk," Ryder state firmly as he reached down and pushed his hands under Dean's jeans, grabbing his ass. Luc and I chuckled as we followed them down the stairs to get supplies. It felt like the calm before the storm, which is exactly what was coming.


* * * *


"Oh god, something's wrong." Ethan gasped a few hours later as he woke up. "Am I supposed to feel like my insides are dying?"

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