Durty South Grind (37 page)

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Authors: L. E. Newell

BOOK: Durty South Grind
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“Huh?” Beverly blinked a few times to bring herself back to the present and said with a bright smile, “Oh, excuse me, my mind was way out yonder, but no, that'll be all but could you please wrap a couple of them croissants in a napkin for me.”
Oh my God, where is my mind;, what's wrong with me
? “Could you put one of them on a paper plate for me? I think I'll just eat one here right quick.”

Smiling gracefully, she picked up the plate and ordered a small cup of cappuccino and took a seat in the rear of the Krispy Kreme. She was about to bite into her croissant when she noticed a familiar car pull into the fenced-in parking lot of the MARTA station across the street.

She recognized the driver immediately as Lt. Woo. But what really drew her attention was how animated she was in the conversation she was having with her passenger. It was someone that she wasn't familiar with but that didn't really matter. Beverly could tell that Woo was upset. And the passenger was obviously scared. Her police instincts automatically wondered why. Then again it may have been one of her snitches; every police officer had their lot of them. Yeah, that's probably what it was and she was using scare tactics to gather some information. But for some reason it didn't seem right. There was something odd that she couldn't put her finger on.

On the other hand what was she doing parked near the club where her three amigos frequented? Why was she putting them in the same thought with what she was watching? Was it her intuition telling her to check things out further? Those thoughts and others crossed her mind as she sipped on her cappuccino and settled back to observe.

Unbeknownst to Beverly, there was someone watching her watching Lt. Woo. The occupant in the dark blue sedan in the parking lot of the West End mall placed his cigarette in the ashtray and adjusted his binoculars to study her more closely.

It wasn't that RJ had been trailing her; he happened to see her entering the Krispy Kreme as he was departing the Pep Boys after buying some auto supplies. He couldn't really explain why he had chosen to spy on the chief at that moment. And when he noticed that her attention was directed at a red Mustang in the MARTA parking lot, he got that much more inquisitive and turned the binoculars that way as well.

Seeing Woo preoccupied in what seemed like a heated conversation, obviously with one of her informants, didn't surprise him at all. Where she was doing it did, though. It was just too close
to the club to be a coincidence as far as he was concerned. He had invested too much into their secretive drug enterprise at the club to have that little bitch nosing around. He smiled evilly as his attention flipped back and forth between the lot and the donut shop, fully curious why two extremely ambitious police officers were in the area. As he watched them with ever-rising concern, he punched a set of numbers on the cell phone. When an unfamiliar female voice answered, his first instinct was to hang up. He was too anxious to find out what the holdup was with the furniture he needed to furnish the condos that had recently been built. Arrangements had already been made to get rid of the hijacked furniture rig. And paying the driver extra for having to wait was out of the question.

The timetable was getting too close for comfort, so throwing caution to the wind he said, “Could I please talk to Al? Well, do you know when he will be available? No, I don't want to talk to anyone else, just tell him to get in touch with Mr. Tombs as soon as possible. Oh yeah and make sure that you tell him that it's quite urgent that he do so. Thank you.” Hanging up without waiting for a reply, he clicked off the scrambler. Always being cautious was his number one motto.

Lighting up a cigarette he noticed that the occupant in the car with Woo had gotten out. Moments later she was sprinting across the street to the club. The look on the girl's face really piqued his curiosity.

Once the girl disappeared into the club, his attention reverted back to the chief, who was still calmly observing the scene as well. He wondered if she was as curious as he was why Woo didn't pull away after the girl had left. Was her reason for being there other than regular police business? Or could it be that the little bitch was in some kind of an affair? Especially since he had
never seen her in any kind of a relationship with a man, there was certainly the possibility that she was into women. He wished that he had noticed her earlier; maybe there was some freaky stuff that could have been observed. That would surely be some ammunition to be used against her in the future, if it became necessary. One never knew when or how they could use a go-getter like her. And a go-getter she surely was. That, he had no doubt about at all.

Maybe, just maybe he had better keep a closer eye on the chief as well. Being near the top of the list to replace her in case anything went awry was something to consider. There was enough at stake to think about all the possibilities and he would gladly step on whoever got in his way to the next step up the ladder.

He continued to watch anxiously as the chief got out of her seat when Woo pulled out of the parking lot. He wondered briefly if he should follow her following Woo. But she veered in the opposite direction down Lee Street. Something in the back of his mind told him to follow one of them. His dilemma was which one.

Even though she didn't see any immediate danger, she felt it. She'd always relied on her razor-sharp instincts to survive in the harsh world of law enforcement. As she passed the East Point city limit sign, her thoughts drifted back to the events that had occurred.

Lt. Woo had parked under the MARTA rail line on Lee Street across the street from the club and lowered the visor to take a pack of Newport cigarettes from under a rubber band. As she pushed in the car's lighter, she smiled across the seat at Crystal,
a jet-black version of Beyoncé. She reached into the pack and removed a perfectly rolled blunt of reefer and cocaine and lit it up.
I wonder what the high and mighty Chief Johnson would say if she knew about this. Fuck it, a bitch has got to have some kind of secret pleasure.
After sucking up a long drag, she passed the blunt to Crystal and said, “Whooosh, whoosh, hmm, dat-a be some good-a shit there-a, home girl.”

Crystal harrumphed her way through a couple of long tokes and passed the joint back to the little Vietnamese, who waved it away and said, “Naw-a, baby girl, enjoy-a yourself. You can-a duck that joint there, do that shit-a later on.”

Not quite knowing how to react to her sudden generosity, Crystal pinched her nose between fingers that were glittering with recently done designer nails, sucked up some more of the smoke and purred in a squeaky voice, “Taint no problem with that, home girl, no problem at all.”

Woo narrowed her eyes as she laid her head on the steering wheel, licked her lips before she smiled at her and said, “Hmmm, I can-a still taste-a your musky-a pussy, aaaah.” She took her head off the steering wheel and reached across the seat to pick up Crystal's left hand between both of hers and placed them in her lap on the top of her pussy mound. Crystal felt an immediate tingle run up her arm as the heat radiated from Woo's lap. She shivered when Woo leaned across the seat and said, “You-a know dat-a you are-a special to-a me, don'tcha?”

“Of course I do, sweetie,” Crystal murmured as she gently removed her hand from Woo's grasp and pouted her lips. She ducked the blunt, wrapped it in some tissue and deposited it in the bra of the costume concealed under her leather jacket and repeated, “Of course I do.”

Without any warning, Woo's face suddenly hardened as she
said sternly, “That's a good-a, that's a good, that's why I need-a you to prove-a that I am special to-a you too.” She retrieved her hand and placed it back in her lap. “You-a understand me?”

Crystal answered with a shy nod.

Woo continued, “You-a stay-a real wid-a me and I-a stay-a real wid you,” as she put the hand to her mouth and gently kissed it.

Crystal was confused with another sudden change of her attitude and nodded again, mumbling, “No doubt, no doubt.”

Eyeing her intensely, Woo licked between her fingers and scraped her teeth along her knuckles. Her tone got harsher. “Then you-a shouldn't-a have a problem finding out-a what I-a asked you-a to then?”

Crystal felt a terrifying chill tickle the nape of her neck when she made eye contact. The fire shooting out of those eyes seemed to burn right to the fear factor in her brain. She blinked once and then again as her mind registered the psychotic image of how crazy this bitch actually was. She rubbed her kneecap nervously anticipating what could be coming next.

Before she could even comprehend what was happening, Woo's arm shot out like a striking cobra and gripped her neck with nails that felt like steel talons. The intense pain cut her breath off, causing her to gag as tears stung down her cheeks.

Her eyes bucked wide with fear and she instinctively reached for her throat. She felt the heated spittle from Woo's snarling mouth hissing in her ear, “Then slut-ass bitch, don't be playing no fucking games with me and get that information I told you to.” All of her broken English was gone now.

Crystal had never been so scared in her life as she felt the sticky warmth of her own blood oozing from the iron claws that were choking her. The darkness of unconsciousness was a welcoming relief from the overwhelming pain when the death grip finally eased.

Stars circled dizzily as her body convulsed and jerked forward as her head rammed into the dashboard. She bent forward grasping her burning neck with both of her hands and blinked back to awareness. She sighed heavily at the spark of relief.

And then she felt Woo's hot slippery tongue slide in and around her ear. In a lustful reflex she aahed and arched her back when she felt those same deadly claws ease down to her lace panties to cuff her hairy mound and snake into her damp pussy lips. The realization that she was sloppy wet caused her to gush cum all over the slender fingers that started plunging rapidly in and out of her now humping pussy.

The combination of fear, pain and ecstasy, along with the thought that it was another woman, nearly caused Crystal to faint with pleasure. She had never had a nut so intense in her whole life.

As the tingling subsided she heard Woo say in a soft whisper, “You-a my baby-a right-a, sugar?” The sultry accent had suddenly returned, soothing her as the uncontrollable trembling ran its course. After several moments she was finally able to find enough of herself to nod.

“Okay-a then, go do whatcha-a supposed to,” Woo cooed and reached across her to open the door.

Crystal, still visibly shaken, eased one leg out of the car and turned to Woo with dreamy eyes and purred, “I'll get that the first chance that I can.”

“Yeah you-a do-a that, sweetie. I'll-a holla atcha.” Woo smiled, closed the door and backed onto Lee Street and sped away waving. She didn't realize she'd pulled straight out into oncoming traffic until she heard several horns honking in protest. She threw a bird over her shoulder and kept pushing her souped-up Mustang until she pulled into a Hardee's restaurant in East Point. For the entire ride she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. “Fuck it,” she mumbled as she stepped out of the
car and reached for her cell to gather her troops. As she headed for the restaurant, she smiled to herself as she thought about the rendezvous she would soon be having with an old friend.

As she watched Woo's car disappear around the bend, Crystal raised her head to the sky and thanked God for allowing her to escape from that crazy bitch. Her shoulders slumped and she pressed her hand to her chest wheezing with relief. She walked to the club massaging her neck and dreading what else the evil little woman could, or worse, would do if she didn't do what she wanted.

She put Woo's threats to the side and thought about that ho Carol, who had disappeared suddenly after she'd heard Don tongue-lashing her about his package being short or something or other. There were rumors flying that Carol's head was in Henry County and other body parts in College Park and Marietta. What really shook her nerves was that it took days for those parts to be put in those places. She gave an involuntary shiver at the thought of having to go through days of torture like that.

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