Durty South Grind (34 page)

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Authors: L. E. Newell

BOOK: Durty South Grind
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Rainbow quickly added, “I don't blame you one bit, baby. That sorry muthafucka done put a whole dorm of good niggas and hoes in the joint with all that snake-ass snitching he be doing.”

Sparkle added his two cents' worth. “Uh-huh, as much dope as that bastard used to oil up, I don't see how he got away with that shit he do and niggas let him live. Somebody should have given his bitch ass a battery shot years ago. But you know what, somebody had to be behind that there because that's all that nigga does is dirty stuff for other niggas.”

Rainbow interrupted him with an angry cough. “That's exactly what I was thinking when that shit went down. And then right after that, this nigga named Black Don appears out of nowhere from Miami and provides enough coke that he ends up as Mack
and Junior's co-owners.” His words were laced with plenty of venom.

“And don't forget about him digging roots into the 617 and the Checker Club,” Bertha added angrily.

Sparkle leaned back against the bar listening to them until his attention was drawn to a little oriental sexpot, who had just joined three other girls on the circular stage. He looked behind himself on both sides because shawtie's slanted cat eyes were staring right at him. When she was sure that she had his full attention, she started rotating her little golden-hued hips like she was easing onto a dickhead.

Her eyes were glued to his as she worked her way around the girls to the pole and pressed her cute little ass against it. She reached behind her to pull her cheeks apart and arched her back so that her pussy was sliding along the pole. She continued to eye him seductively like it was meant only for him. She reached up behind her to grasp the pole and rubbed it like she was urging someone to fuck her harder. With her other hand, she started massaging her small breasts.

As he sat there mesmerized, her eyes suddenly turned into mere slits as her mouth formed into an “O” of pure lust. Her gyrations against the pole got harder and faster and then she put one, two and then three fingers in her tiny mouth. She started sucking on them as if she was draining the last drops of cum out of a throbbing dick.

Sparkle's eyes were hypnotized to her movements and the lust she was urging his way. He hardly noticed when his hand eased to his crotch as he started rubbing his aching dick. When she realized what he was doing, she began fucking the pole to the rhythm of his stroking. They were so into each other, there was no doubt that they were making love at a distance.

Suddenly her whole body started shaking and she started rubbing her pussy, faster and faster, her eyes locked on him the whole time. To them no one else existed in the room. When it was obvious that she had started nutting, he exploded all down his pants leg. She honed in on his dick jerking through his pants knowing that he had cum right along with her. With her nostrils flared in lust, she gyrated to the edge of the stage. She squatted right in front of him and pulled the crotch of her thong aside, inserted two fingers in her pussy and showed him the pussy juice he had caused to flow.

“Damn, dude, you aight?” Rainbow said as he shook Sparkle's shoulder.

Sparkle flinched from the unexpected contact and shook his head out of the sexual trance shawtie had put him in. “Man, who the fuck is this hot little bitch?”

Bertha, who had been enjoying the show herself, leaned across the bar and whispered in his ear, “That's my little buddy, Mercedes. She's something, ain't she? And she's digging on you too, man. I ain't never seen that little bitch get off like that for nary a nigga, for real, yo.”

Sparkle couldn't keep from smiling as he watched her sexy little ass twist that tight little booty off the stage. She twisted half around to watch him until she bent the corner toward the dressing room area.

Right after she disappeared, his attention was drawn to a figure hobbling with the aid of a black cane around the circular stage. His emotions were laced with both elation and sadness as he watched his old buddy, draped in a gold silk outfit, struggling with each step. Despite the obvious pain he was in, his face was lit up with a bright smile.

“I thought I heard some clucking hens out here that sounded
familiar. What's up, Sparkle, my man? I heard you'd graced these old bricks again. What's up, Lah? Ah damn, I forgot yo crazy ass is Rainbow now.” Old slick-ass Junior pinched his nose, coughed a few times, sniffled and started laughing as he continued in a gravelly voice, “Nigga, you change your name more than I change my CD player.”

“That's the same thing I just told his ass,” Bertha hissed.

Junior stopped in front of them cocked sideways leaning on the cane and beaming all thirty-two. “Man, I heard you had risen. Why didn't you let a nigga know you was out? We could've thrown down in this bitch.”

Sparkle hunched his shoulders and replied, “Hey, bro, what can I say? I got caught up catching up. Hell, you know I was gonna get around this way sooner or later.”

Junior rubbed the stubble on his chin nodding to Sparkle's reply and sat down at the nearest table. Laid his cane against it and crossed his legs O.G. style. Then he reached into his pocket and lit up a Black and Mild cigar. “Your boy Duke was just in here the other night.”

Rainbow snapped to attention and started scratching his neck. “Oh yeah, what was up with that?”

Junior turned his mouth down and looked around the room before he answered, “Uh-huh and big bro left some good blow on the house, dog. Ya'll niggas wanna go do a few rounds, you know, to sorta celebrate my nigga here getting out of the stir?”

Rainbow cocked his brow and looked at Sparkle, who in turn cocked his brow at Junior. “Nigga, please, after a day like we done had, where it at?”

Junior sprung out of the chair and started hobbling to the back. When he got halfway around the stage, he noticed that they hadn't moved. He looked over his shoulder frowning. “Well, come on
then, what the fuck ya'll waiting for?” He continued hobbling his way around the stage, greeting some of the regular customers along the way.

They followed him down the corridor through a door adorned with pictures of gorgeous girls dancing nude and semi-nude in various sexy outfits. They passed through another door into a room full of mirrors and dressing stalls. There were six girls in different stages of dressing and doing their make-up thang for their routines. Nearly all of them were clucking so it was like a pen of hens.

Instead of the conversations slowing down, they were greeted with a chorus of sexy hi's and hellos as they passed through, on their way to a door of frosted glass that prevented folk from seeing whatever was going on inside.

Sparkle spotted Mercedes in the last stall while she was changing into her street clothes. She winked and licked her lips seductively as she eyed him through the mirror. He made eye contact with her and mouthed silently, “I'm gonna get your little sexy ass, for sho,” as he gave her a one hundred-watt smile.

She shifted her petite body on the stool, bit down on her bottom lip and mouthed back at him, “Come on, I'm waiting,” and flared her nose like she could hardly wait.

Now wasn't the time, though, so he nodded and followed Rainbow and Junior inside the door.

The special décor in the room drew an immediate smile from Sparkle as he radared the area. The spacious office was laid out with a black cushioned circular sofa that nearly occupied the entire wall. The floor was made up of black marble tile with gold flakes that gave it a glittering effect. Behind a black ivory desk sat old man Mack sitting in a cushioned wheelchair chomping on a stinky cigar, blowing halos.

When they stepped in, he peeked up over the rim of a pair of oval red-tinted glasses and grimaced. “Well, I'll be damned if it ain't two of the muthafucking amigos. What's up, fellas?”

Rainbow smiled and responded quickly, “Just browsing the neighborhood scoping for some potential vics. Looks like we done ran into a pretty good pair with ya'll old fools.”

“Yep, we heard that there was some good money snatching around these here hills, so are ya'll going to give it up nicely, or do we gotta go gangster up in this bitch?” Sparkle added his brand of humor with a brilliant smile.

Mack wheeled his way from behind the desk and spread his arms out wide. “My nigga, my nigga, feels good to see your narrow ass, boy. Godayum, you looking good, son. Whatcha doing, how ya doing?”

Sparkle responded quickly, “Just getting in where I can fit in.”

Rainbow chimed in, “Hey, man, we been out there reliving old times downtown, know what I'm saying?”

Junior recognized that look on his boy's face and patted him on the back. “Mmmh, the way I taught ya, huh, baby boy?”

Rainbow caught his hand as it rose to his shoulder. “Hell, is there any other way? Of course, we did it like you taught, old man.”

Mack started scratching the back of his ears. “I betcha some foolish feeling somebody's out there mad as all holy hell looking for ya'll two snakes.”

“Probably is, probably is, but we need to be hunting their asses because the bastards tried to play a playa. Sons of bitches had more than they said from the start. You reckon they didn't trust a nigga or something? Ain't that a bitch?”

They all looked at one another and burst out laughing.

After the laughter had petered down, Rainbow took a seat on the couch and pulled out the green money bag they had scooped
off the vics and started leafing through the wads. He counted aloud until he got to three g's and handed it to Sparkle. Then he licked his finger and continued counting the rest. When he finished, his face balled up into a knot of anger and he recounted.

Afterward, he frowned in Sparkle's direction. “Aw, hell naw, Spark, we got to go back downtown and kick those muthafuckas' asses. The bastards done shorted us about twenty dollars.”

A flustered Sparkle snatched out the wad he had folded in his pocket and recounted it. Feigning anger, he snarled, “That slick-ass country hick, he's got some nerve, my nigga. That was some Oscar-winning Hollywood shit they paid for. You just don't get good acting like that every day.”

Rainbow's nose flared as he agreed, “You damn right, partner; that was some fucked-up shit they tried to pull on a nigga who be out there giving it his best, know what I'm saying?”

They burst out laughing again. Junior joined them on the couch holding his side. Mack wiped the tears out of his eyes and placed a crystal ball on the desk top, unscrewed the top half off and took out what looked like at least two ounces of that pinkish blow. “Dudes, our boy Duke says that this be some new shit that he copped on his last trip down the way. They be calling this shit Peruvian golden flake. See how it glitters when you tilt it from side to side. The best shit I've ever had, straight up.”

Sparkle got up and walked over to the desk and started to fondle the package. “It's that good, huh. Check this out, dog, makes you kind of wonder why he didn't say anything about it when he was with us last night,” he said as he looked over at Rainbow.

“But he did say something about it. Yo ass was too busy getting triple teamed by the girls. Shit, you wouldn't have heard a bomb go off,” Rainbow joked.

Junior started tapping his cane on the floor impatiently. Rainbow
took the package out of Sparkle's hand, started fondling with it himself as he walked over and kicked his cane. He spat, “What, nigga, what?”

Junior slapped the cane against his ankle. “Man, what you babysitting that stuff for? Let's do this.” He hobbled over to a picture of MLK and the Kennedy brothers on the wall, unhooked it off the wall and started working a combination on a circular wall safe. Then he reached inside and lifted out a brown leather shaving bag, hobbled back to the desk and placed the bag on it.

Mack unzipped it as Junior went to the bathroom to get a glass of water. Then he pulled out a couple of test tubes and hypos soaking in a Ziploc bag full of alcohol, as well as a couple of hypos still in their wrappings. He placed the items on the desk. “Which way ya'll niggas wanna go? Help yourselves. I prefer oiling myself.” He started scooping some of the powder into a big silver spoon.

Sparkle waited until Junior had registered a hit before he reached into the kit and took out one of the tubes and a baggie of baking soda. He scooped a healthy lump of the coke, along with some of the baking soda and water, into the tube. Then he shook it up hard and started to put a lighter to it. Junior tapped him on the elbow with the cane. “Yo, Sparkle baby, try this mixture here in it.” He handed him a pill bottle full of liquid.

Sparkle eyeballed the bottle for a moment before he lowered the lighter, arched his eyebrows and asked, “What the hell is this, soldier?” as he rotated the bottle in his hand.

Junior retrieved the bottle and poured some of the liquid into the test tube. “It's Seagram's gin and lemon extract. Your boy Duke recommended that; it's supposed to remove all of the impurities out of the coke, increase the size and make it rock hard all at the same time.”

Rainbow, who had been angling his head back and forth to get the best view of what they were doing, asked, “For real, yo?”

Junior eyed him for a second before he took the tube out of Sparkle's hand and put the lighter to it. “Uh-huh, shit works, too. Try it both ways and see for yourself.”

Sparkle lifted the tube out of his hand and dumped a big rock out on the table. He then rocked up the same amount in the usual way with water and baking soda. After he was finished, he dumped the rock beside the other one for a comparison. After watching them nod in approval, he chipped off a small piece off of each rock and passed it to them.

They lit up one behind the other. After hitting the one with the so-called special mixture, Rainbow rushed straight to the bathroom and threw up. He came out a moment later wiping sweat off of his forehead. “Owee, whew, man, that stuff is the bomb, for real.”

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