Durty South Grind (10 page)

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Authors: L. E. Newell

BOOK: Durty South Grind
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Sparkle's knees were weak. The intense pleasure had him so hyped. He was surprised that he was still standing; he thought he was about to faint.

Luxuriating on the immense passion, he barely felt the knock on the door. But he snapped out of the nerve-tingling explosion when he heard a faraway voice. “Yo, bro, JJ's out in the parking lot blasting the horn for ya.”

“Oh shit.” They huffed between gasps and both pulled his pants up. His eyes blinked uncontrollably as he looked down at her. “Whew!! Where the fuck you learn how to do that shit there, my woman, whew!”

She smiled up at him seductively, still down on her knees. “Shit, playa, we just got started.” She stood up and backed up to the bed, sat down and spread her legs. Narrowing her eyes in lust, she started waggling them back and forth, and rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties. “Man, hurry up and handle your biz with that nigga, and get back in here and stick all that big-ass black dick in this wet-ass pussy of mine.” Cocking her legs even further back and apart, she pushed her panties to the side so that he could see all her juices.

He stood there stunned with lust until another knock on the door rattled him alert. Sighing again he gathered himself and reluctantly opened the door to leave the room. He headed straight for the door, ignoring Ruby, who was standing in the hall with her hands on her hips.

He slowed down when he saw Violet standing in the hall counting some more money. Her two buddies were sitting on the sofa looking at them anxiously. “Baby, I'm getting ready to jet and I got forty-five bucks left. What can you give me to ride with 'til I get back?”

His first instinct was to straighten her but he smiled. “Baby girl, I'll, uh, the best I can do is three twenties. You can add the rest to our little debt. Then again, the short can be a down payment for our kicking-it session later on.” She squinted but didn't say anything.

After a moment, she smiled. “Yeah, that'll work, but you and JJ need to get some more over here right quick. I called one of my peeps over in East Point and told them about how good ya'll stuff is.”


“And they should be over here with a big roll in about an hour; maybe less.”

“Damn, why so long? Where they coming from?”

She frowned. “Damn, you geeking yourself, ain'tcha? I just told ya, East Point. Hell, it really don't matter. Can ya'll be ready when they show?”

Sparkle checked his watch and stared off into space like he was really calculating. “Yeah, we'll be ready,” he said when she put her hands on her hips like she was getting impatient. “Then again, they might be out there with it now. Let me go see what's up; hold on for a minute and I'll let you know.” He started to rub her shoulder but thought better of it. He stepped around her and left the apartment.

The horn was still blaring when he saw the dark Chrysler New Yorker with its lights on. As he approached, the window whirled down and JJ stuck his head out of the passenger side. “Yo, Sparkle, come here, dog. I got somebody I want you to meet.”

He slowed down and cocked his head to the side to see the driver but couldn't see through the tinted glass. He finally leaned on the passenger side and peered across JJ to see a nigga glittering like new money in a red, shark-skinned silk short set peeking from under the bib of a bright red fedora. A brilliant gold-toothed smile greeted him as dude reached across the seat and shook his hand firmly.

A smiling JJ pulled their hands apart. “Sparkle, this here's Percy. Percy, this is…”

Percy interrupted him with a flip of the hand. “Yeah, yeah, partner, man, he done told me about how you just got out from down there in Valdosta. Man, I helped build that joint when I was on the construction crew some years back. Anyway, fuck that, and since he has convinced me that you're going to be working with us, I thought I'd give you a quick holla before we go get this stuff.”

Sparkle pulled his hand out of the car and rested his elbows on the door before nodding his head. “Uh-huh, uh-huh, that'll be a pretty good thing to do. I'm definitely all for that there, soldier; no doubt about that.”

Percy pinched his nose and pointed at him. “All good, yeah, that's all good, but look a here; I hate to sort of hit and run and shit but we gotta split.” He paused to look at his watch, a gleaming Rolex. “Like a couple of minutes ago, I'll, uh, we'll kick it when we get back.”

JJ, who up until that time had remained silent, said, “Yeah, dog, we'll be gone for about an hour. Oh, and by the way, you clocked any dollars yet? We gonna try to get a little more this time since you joining the crew.”

Sparkle reached into his pocket and handed him the digits he'd made so far and repeated what Violet had said.

JJ nodded. “Oh yeah, I know who she's talking about. They be from way over there in East Point and College Park. It'll take them a minute or two to get over this way. Tell ya what, I'm gonna slip to the crib right quick and get you the last of this package here to hold them until we get back. Wait a sec, and you can get back to that red-ass bitch; I know she working her magic by now. Hell, you done probably already busted a couple of nuts already.” JJ did a quick count of the money he'd given him, pocketed it and nodded to Percy, who immediately pulled out of the parking lot.

Sparkle waited until the lights disappeared around the corner before he headed back to Dee's. Violet and her friends were coming down the steps. She smiled at him. “Yo, baby boy, my people just called again. They said they were on the way to pick me up, so we'll be back in a few minutes.”

“Okay, you know where I'll be,” he said over his shoulder as he passed them. He didn't wait for a response and walked right past
little Ruby standing at the door and headed for the back. He served up a couple of hundred dollars' worth before he went back to join Dee in the other room.

When he opened the door, a big smile crossed his face when he saw Dee lying on the bed buck naked playing in her pussy.

She opened her eyes and slowly took her fingers, which were glistening with pussy juice, and started licking them one by one.

He practically snatched his clothes off and crossed the floor, admiring her sweaty body. Before he could lie beside her, she got on her knees and started sucking on his thighs like a vampire.

She nibbled her way to his dick, whirling her tongue along his skin to his collarbone. She scraped her teeth across his chest until he grabbed her head and started guiding her movements. When she got around his navel, she started pulling his hairs with her teeth.
The pleasure pain had his stomach muscles contracting and his knees buckling.

Before he realized it, she was pulling him by the waist onto the bed between her wide opened thighs. Her small hands grabbed his jerking dick and started stroking him roughly, then massaging the head with the drool that oozed out of the tip. Then she gripped it at the base, making it stretch out as long as possible.

With him damn near in convulsions, Dee worked her way back up to his ears and whispered, “Come on, nigga, ride this hot pussy with that long muthafucka. I want to watch it go in.” Her voice was husky with desire.

As he lowered himself in her, he damn near skeeted as her pussy lips started engulfing his pulsating dick. He let out a strained snort as he watched her pussy slowly begin to eat his dick up. Her muscles made it seem like her hot hole was gnawing its way up his rock-hard shaft.

The pressure of pleasure was way too much for him to stand,
and he started spurting cum like a fountain. “Godayum, woman, whaddafuck you doing to me…” he stuttered as his balls were drained of all their juices.

Dee cried out with a passionate purr when she felt his dick spitting, “Oh nigga, your cum is making me cum. Oh, God, that dick is so muthafucking hard, I'm cumming, baby, I'm cumming. Hit that pussy, man, don't stop. Please don't stop. Push that big muthafucka. That big Mu-tha-fuc-ka.” She screamed and lifted her ass off the bed, grinding hard into his balls. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and wailed over and over, “Oh shit, oh shiiit, I'm cumming again, nigga. Godayum, that fat-ass dick is all the way up in that pussy. Oh shit, oh shit, I'm nutting all over that dick again. Hit it, baby, hit it, baby, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.”

He reached under her to cuff that soft ass, spreading the cheeks and ass hole wide open and started pile driving that pussy. Her muscles were contracting around his dick so hard and fast that his dick was soon throbbing to another nut with each power stroke. She was moaning out of control now and holding on to him for dear life.

She sighed in his ear, “Kiss me, nigga. Godayum, put that tongue all the way down my throat.” He maneuvered his mouth to catch her tongue, which was darting in all directions. She moaned louder and her tongue went wild twirling around his. He felt his third nut streaming through his shaft at the same time that he felt her start to get yet another one. She cried out, “That's it, baby, hold that dick right there. Let me fuck on that dick now, man. Let me fuck on it. Oh shit, oh shit, that's it, nigga. Right there, oh shit, right there. That dick is so goooood, nigga, that dick is soooooo goooooood.”

He looked down in time to see her pussy juices squishing along
the sides of his erupting dick. All of a sudden she unwrapped her legs and arms from around him and pushed him off of her. He grunted from shock because his dick was still squirting cum. He watched in total amazement as she caught his dick in her mouth and deep throated the last spurts while she jacked her fingers wildly in and out of her gushing pussy.

His chest was heaving as he lay back on the bed, resting his eyes. The bed was soaked with their combined sweat and cum. He rose to his elbows, looked down at her, blinked several times and flinched, not believing what he was seeing.
What the fuck?
he cursed at the image of Beverly smiling back at him. Her face was turned up to him, eyes glistening with satisfaction, with a beautiful smile on her lips. She sighed. “Now that's what I needed; some real loving.” He knuckled the corners of his eyes, blinked a couple of times and stared at the far wall.

A voice with a vibrating echo crashed through his lust-a-mare.
Now that's what I needed—some helluva dick slung up in this muthafucka.
She breathed heatedly with her fingers finally relaxing calmly on her pussy.

He gazed at her with half-closed lids as her features cleared through his own hazy climax. “Hell yeah, you definitely got the bomb pussy there, girl.”

She shook her head along with him, “And you got the bomb dick, my man, the bomb-dick-a-dick. Now that's for muthafucking sho.”

He stared through her momentarily and slipped to the edge of the bed, contemplating his next move. She sat up, caressing his back as he moaned over his shoulder. “Check this out, redbone. On the real, how long it'll take you to help get this stuff off?” He poured the remainder of the package out on the bed in front of her.

As he watched her eye the contents, he wondered how long it was gonna take JJ to get back with the rest of the dope.
Damn, those niggas have been gone for well over an hour by now. What's up with that?
He wasn't fond of having to go back to Debra's crib and leaving all that hot-ass pussy of Dee's, not to mention that suffocating head of hers. Hell, as freaky as she was, there was little doubt she'd offer that ass sooner or later. He shivered with the thought.

He shifted to her counting the dope dumped on the bed. “Looks like you got about six hundred dollars worth left, playa.”

He did some quick calculating himself. “Okayeee, dig this, baby, you go ahead and do your thang at twenty percent and we'll go from there, cool.”

“You mean to tell me that you are about to trust me with a package. Nigga, I be smoking this here shit twenty-four-seven; you sure you want to take a chance like that?”

Sparkle arched a brow and smiled at her. “Well, baby girl, for some reason I can't explain, I feel like I can. You and I are going to go a long way together. Call it a hunch, intuition, hell, call it whatever the fuck you wanna call it. I just feel like we need to do this together. That is, if you can find it in you somewhere to keep the money at least partially straight. And to tell you the truth, down in my heart, I feel that you will.”

He got up and started to get dressed. She watched him considering things. Hell, ain't nary a soul had ever trusted her like that. And here was a nigga who she was meeting for the first time in her life doing exactly that. She twisted her bottom lip and started to laugh.

He turned to her as he was pushing the last button into place. “So what's so funny, girlie?”

“Shit, baby boy, ain't nobody trusted me with this here shit for
so long that it's fucking with my head. I ain't lying.” Dee shook her head in disbelief.

He spread his hands. “Well, can I trust you or what? Make up your mind now, and I do mean
right now
'cause I'm tired of waiting on JJ to get back. I've got to go back to the crib and wash my tired ass. It's been one helluva long day.”

She nodded in agreement, realizing that he was going through some shit; his first day out. Radiating a brilliant smile, she purred, “I gotcha, baby, I gotcha.”

He sighed, nodding, and reached for the doorknob. Before he closed the door, she called out to him and pointed to the rocks on the bed. “Hey, I know you tired and all that, but ain't you forgetting something?”

He squinted and cocked his head to the side, left his gaze on the rocks. “Naw, girlie, I ain't forgetting a thing. I'll see ya when I come out of this coma I'm about to go in.” He left the apartment and fished out Violet's note. Smiling to himself, he pocketed it and thought,
What a first day back on the bricks; what a first day home.

Halfway across the parking lot he heard the car horn. JJ and Percy were in the car on the other side of the apartments. With eyelids heavy from fatigue, he headed toward them.

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