Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad! (21 page)

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Authors: John Pfeiffer

Tags: #HEALTH & FITNESS / Pregnancy & Childbirth, #HUMOR / Topic / Marriage & Family, #FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Fatherhood

BOOK: Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad!
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Quick, you need medical advice! Where do you turn? For my two cents, the Mayo Clinic seems like a trustworthy source. Although not on par with
The Onion
as far as entertainment value, if you need accurate medical advice this is your go-to.


This is a good website written from a man’s perspective. The articles and lists are topical and informative as well.


We got you started in Chapter 5, but of course you are going to want to consider every possible name combination. This site is a good place to start, with everything from the general lists of popular names to ones like “Popular baby names in Germany.”


It’s the Wal-Mart of baby stores. But boy do they have selection. It always pays to shop around, but this is a good place to get an idea as to what exactly is out there.


This well organized and informational website has lots of great articles, especially on selecting an obstetrician.

About the Author

John Pfeiffer is a financial advisor, author, and married father of three girls. He thought he met “the one” at least 300 times, but always ended up being disappointed . . . until he met her.

“Her” came with a mini-her in the form of a soon-to-be stepdaughter, which allowed Pfeiffer to perfect his parenting skills before his wife became pregnant with their first child. Since nothing horrible happened to either child over the next few years (mostly because of his wife’s watchful eye), they decided to give it one more go — this time with the help of a third party. (Pfeiffer thought threesome; his wife corrected: fertility doctor.)

The fertility doctor was able to introduce an aggressive sperm cell to a receptive egg, and they had their third and final bundle o’ joy. So as the father of a stepdaughter, a naturally conceived daughter, and a genetically enhanced superbaby, Pfeiffer is especially qualified to take expectant dads all the way through pregnancy’s home stretch (pun intended).


It is an honor and a privilege to be writing this book. I want to thank the many people in my life who obviously were overserved their share of patience. As long as I have this forum, and long after, I will thank my wife, Alana. Thanks for being so wonderful and supportive. I love you. To Kaitlyn, Lindsay, and Zoey: I want to send three heaping scoops of love, one for each of you. To Roy and Marie, Ken and Joan, the best grandparents our kids could have. To Marcia: may this effort do you proud. To Brendan at Adams Media, who made this project a reality. To Jenny, my devoted and skillful editor, who magically took my semicoherent manuscript and turned it into a book. To Michael Cunningham, whom I have never spoken to, but whose article gave me pause about my purpose and goals as a writer. Although great care was taken, any mistakes within are completely of my doing. Finally, to those who take the time to read this offering, I can only hope it proves in some way valuable to you, and somewhat entertaining as well.

Copyright © 2011 by John Pfeiffer. All rights reserved.
This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

Published by
Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc.
57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.

ISBN 10: 1-4405-0536-5
ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0536-2
eISBN 10: 1-4405-0962-X
eISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0962-9

This e-book edition: June 2012 (v.kf8.1.1)

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