Drug War Capitalism (50 page)

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Authors: Dawn Paley

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Denny, Charlie, 12
deportation, 127, 210
detention, “arraigo.” See
dictators and dictatorship, 41, 172, 186, 187, 196
Dirección Federal de Seguridad.
Federal Security Directorate (DFS) (Mexico)
disappeared people: Colombia, 54, 58, 63; Guatemala, 171, 172, 187; Honduras, 198, 204; Mexico, 26, 34, 36, 109–14 passim, 161
displaced people.
internally displaced people (IDPs)
Dole, 65
Dominican Republic, 172, 189, 234n75
Doyle, Kate, 40
drug addiction, myth of, 42
drug decriminalization.
decriminalization of marijuana and narcotics
Drug Enforcement Administration.
US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Drug Lord
(Poppa), 119
drug prohibition.
prohibition of drugs
drug sales statistics, 88–89
drug use statistics, 41–42
“drug war” (term), 29–30, 39, 43
Drug War Mexico
(Watt and Zepeda), 47
Drummond Company, 64, 65
Duarte, Javier, 150
Dudley, Steven, 124
Dulles, Allen, 257n2
Dulles, John Foster, 257n2
Dunagan, Sean, 49
Durango (state), Mexico, 101, 134–35
Durón Raudales, Ángel Francisco, 206
DynCorp, 92


Ecopetrol, 8, 57, 73–77 passim
Ecuador, 27, 78, 115
education reform, Mexican, 94, 95
Eisenhower, Dwight, 257n2
Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) (Colombia), 54
ejidos, 96, 97, 133, 155–59 passim, 223
Elbit Systems Ltd., 127
election fraud, 3, 22, 25, 204, 207
electricity, 22, 101, 160, 208.
See also
hydroelectric projects
El Paso, Texas, 127, 128
El Salvador, 4, 88, 116, 172, 188–89, 198, 200; CARSI, 37; emigrants, 149; gang membership in, 210; Sarah England on, 211; “soccer war,” 196; US aid, 197; Zeta relations, 20
Empie, Beriah, 39–40
Encinas, Alejandro, 223
England, Sarah, 211
small business
eradication of crops (drug interdiction).
crop eradication (drug interdiction)
Escalante, German Alfaro, 216
Escobar, Pablo, 28, 59–60, 61
Espinal, Edwin, 212
Estrada, Joel Armando, 13–14
Euraque, Dario, 201
Evensen Dodge International, 92
evictions, 177–82 passim
Ewing, John, 195
extortion, 50, 84; Colombia, 70; Honduras, 208–9; international, 40–41; Mexico, 17, 34, 84, 122, 129, 143–51 passim, 159, 161–67 passim
extractive industries, 8, 16; Colombia, 48, 54, 56, 59, 74, 76, 162, 220; Guatemala, 8, 174, 176, 190; Honduras, 212; Mexico, 151–61.
See also
oil industry; mining industry; resistance to extractive industries
extradition, 145, 189, 199
Exxon, 67


Facebook, 233n66
Facussé, Adolfo, 201
Facussé, Miguel, 216
Facussé family, 202, 203
“false positive” assassinations, 54, 58–59
La Familia Michoacana, 145, 147, 165, 166
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC)
farmers and farming: Colombia, 57, 58, 72; Guatemala, 169, 173, 177, 183; Honduras, 21, 214; Mexico, 48–49, 96, 97, 154, 155, 163–68 passim.
See also
banana industry; sugar and sugarcane
Fazio, Carlos, 25, 220
foreign direct investment (FDI)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 116, 128, 144
Federal Electricity Commission (Mexico).
Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) (Mexico)
Federal Security Directorate (DFS) (Mexico), 120
Feeley, John D., 85
Fernández Chanel, José, 191
Fernández Ligorría, José, 232n49
Ferrari, Bruno, 129
Honduran Financing Bank (FICENSA)
Figueroa, Ruben, 150
Figueroa, Yolanda, 29
films, 63
financial reform, Mexican, 95–97
fishing, 213
Fong, Carlos Yeffim, 121–22
food crisis, Colombian, 58
food exports, Mexican, 106, 164
Forces of Habit
(Courtwright), 43–44
Ford, Don Henry, 46
Ford, Jess T., 72
foreign debt, 73, 196, 201
foreign direct investment (FDI): Colombia, 8, 57, 59, 61, 64, 72–73, 74; Honduras, 199, 204–5; Mexico, 8, 94, 106
forensic anthropology, 171–72
forests: Colombia, 48; Guatemala, 177–79 passim; Honduras, 212, 214, 217; Mexico, 135, 166
forestry, 7, 135
Fortuna Silver, 158
Fox, Vicente, 2, 22
fracking, 153, 220
France, 116, 118, 144, 181
Freedom and Refoundation Party, Honduras.
Libertad y Refundación (LIBRE) (Honduras)
freedom of association, 211
freedom of movement, 18, 35
free trade agreements, 48; Colombia, 59, 74, 79–80.
See also
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Friedman, Milton, 8
Friedman, Thomas, 98
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), 54, 55, 57, 62, 66, 70
Fukuyama, Francis, 2
fumigation of crops (drug interdiction).
crop eradication (drug interdiction)


GAFEs, 120, 144, 190, 254n11
Galán, Luis Carlos, 61
García, Carla, 213
García, Maria, 109–11 passim
García, Tomás, 214
García Luna, Genaro, 119
garment industry, 199
Garner, Roger, 104
Garza, Antonio, 30
gays, violence against.
LGBTI people, violence against
gendarmerie, Mexican, 137–38
General Electric, 94
genocide, 71, 169–76 passim
Gereda Valenzuela, Sylvia, 191
Germany, 45
Ghosn, Carlos, 23
Gibler, John, 41
Glencore, 65, 67
Glysophate, 58
Godoy, Julio Cesar, 165
Godoy, Leonel, 165
Goff, Stan, 19
gold, 24, 48, 68–69, 101, 133, 135, 154, 156
Goldcorp Inc., 159, 160
Gómez Vásquez, Hugo, 20, 190
Gomis, R., 221–22
González Castillo, Tomás, 151, 178
González, Itzel, 112
Gootenberg, Paul, 43, 44
government subsidies.
Grandin, Greg, 186–87
Grand Tierra Energy Inc., 77
Great Britain, 44, 45
Grillo, Ioan:
El Narco
, 47
Grunstein, Miriam, 100–101
Grupo Beta, 150
Guajira, Colombia, 67, 68
Guatemala, 35, 88, 120, 169–92, 198, 200; CARSI and, 37; emigrants, 149; massacres, 20, 27, 171–73 passim, 180, 181, 187, 190; protests, 101; in Rivera painting, 257n2; Zetas in, 28, 180–81, 190, 191, 232n49

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