Drug War Capitalism (44 page)

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Authors: Dawn Paley

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90 Deborah Weissman, “Remaking Mexico: Law Reform as Foreign Policy,”
Cardozo Law Review
4, no. 354 (2014): 18.

91 Rodger
Garner, “Statement by USAID Mission Director to Mexico, Rodger D. Garner on USAID/Mexico’s Role in the Mérida Initiative,” March 10, 2009.

92 Deborah Weissman, “Remaking Mexico,” 18, 28.

93 Martha Huggins, “U.S. Supported State Terror: A History of Police Training in Latin America,” in
Vigilantism and the State in Modern Latin America
, 265.

94 CMDPDH/Red SOS-Tortura, “Arraigo Made in Mexico: A Violation to Human Rights,” October 2012, http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cat/docs/ngos/CMDPDH_OMCT_Mexico_CAT49_en.pdf.

95 Organization of American States, “IACHR Wraps Up Visit to Mexico,” September 2011, http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/media_center/PReleases/2011

Malkin and Archibold, “A New Leader Pushes a Different Side of Mexico.”

97 Jason
Lange, “Mexico sees 2010 FDI bouncing back,” Reuters, May 4, 2010,

98 Comisión Nacional de Inversiones Extranjeras, “Informe estadístico sobre el comportamiento de la inversion extranjera directa en México,” http://www

99 Ibid.

100 Shannon O’Neil, “Refocusing U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation.”

101 US State Department. “Congressional Budget Justification,” 687.

UNODC, “World Drug Report, 2010,” United Nations, 2010,
, 18.

103 Dominic
Rushe and Jill Treanor, “HSBC’s Record $1.9bn Fine Preferable to Prosecution, US Authorities Insist,”
The Guardian
December 11, 2012,

New York Times, “Too big to indict,”
New York Times
, December 11, 2012,
. Matt Taibbi, “Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War is a Joke,”
Rolling Stone
, December 13, 2013, http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/outrageous-hsbc-settlement-proves-the-drug-war-is-a-joke-20121213#ixzz2vZpnNZ7o.

105 Rajeev Sayal, “Drug Money Saved Banks in Global Crisis, Claims UN Advisor,” December 13, 2009, http://www.theguardian.com/global/2009/dec/13/drug-money-banks-saved-un-cfief-claims.

106 Perhaps the most famous case is that of Tomás Yarrington Ruvalcaba, who was mayor of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and who went on to be governor of Tamaulipas and a presidential candidate for the PRI. According to documents filed in a Texas court, between 1998 and 2005, Yarrington—now a fugitive of justice—“acquired millions of dollars in payments while holding elected office from large-scale drug organizations operating in and through the Mexican State of Tamaulipas, and from various extortion or bribery schemes.” United States District Court Southern Division of Texas, “U.S.A. v. Real Property,” May 22, 2012, http://www.ice.gov/doclib/news/releases

107 Alberto Nájar, “El gran negocio del lavado de dinero en México,”
BBC News
, http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/noticias/2013/07/130717_mexico_negocio_

108 Barney Jopson, “Walmart Tackled on Laundering Concerns,”
Financial Times
, August 15, 2012, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/0c949a9a-e6f1-11e1-8a74-00144feab49a.html#axzz333RM46B9.

109 N. Miroff and W. Booth, “Mexico’s 2012 Vote is Vulnerable to Narco Threat,”
The Washington Post
, January 15, 2012, http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2012-01-15/world/35440426_1_luisa-maria-calderon-drug-cartel

110 It was reported in 2012 that a van used for trafficking drugs through Nicaragua was registered to the television empire. Televisa officials denied wrongdoing. Homero
Campa, “Admite Televisa que vehículos confiscados en Nicaragua podrían estar a su nombre,”
September 12, 2012,


1 Christopher Hooks, “Q&A with Molly Molloy: The Story of the Juarez Femicides Is a ‘Myth’,”
Texas Observer
, January 11, 2014, http://www.texas

2 Melissa Wright, “Necropolitics, Narcopolitics, and Femicide: Gendered Violence on the Mexico-U.S. Border,”
36, no. 3 (Spring 2011): 713–714.

3 Victor Quintana, “Sordera calderoniana, movilización ciudadana,”
La Jornada
, December 2009.

4 Molly Molloy, “The Mexican Undead: Toward a New History of the ‘Drug War’ Killing Fields,” August 21, 2013, http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/the-mexican-undead-toward-a-new-history-of-the-%E2%80%9Cdrug-war%E2%80%9D-killing-fields.

Human Rights Watch, “Mexico’s Disappeared: The Enduring Cost of a Crisis Ignored,” February 2013,

6 Organization of American States, “
Wraps Up Visit to Mexico,” September 2011, http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/media_center/PReleases/2011/105.asp.

7 US State Department, “Ecuador’s Push for Conditions-free Foreign Assistance Has Major Implications for Usg Operations,” February 24, 2010, http://cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=10QUITO101#para-6706-12

8 Ibid.

9 Martha Huggins,
Political Policing: The U.S. and Latin America
(Durham: Duke University Press, 1998), 4.

10 Huggins, “U.S. Supported State Terror,” 219.

11 US GAO, “FOREIGN AID: Police Training and Assistance,” March 1992, http://www.gao.gov/products/145909

12 G.
Thompson, “U.S. Widens Role in Battle Against Mexican Drug Cartels,”
New York Times
, August 6, 2011,

13 William Brownfield, “The Future of Mexico-US Relations,” May 20, 2014, http://www.state.gov/j/inl/rls/rm/2014/226345.htm.

14 C.
Hawley, “U.S. Training Bolsters Mexico’s War on Drugs,”
USA Today
, October 29, 2009,

15 Beth
Asch, et al, “Mitigating Corruption in Government Security Forces: The Role of Institutions, Incentives, and Personnel Management in Mexico
,” 2011, Rand Corporation, http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/technical_reports/2011/RAND_TR906.pdf, xii.

16 Ioan
Grillo, “Mexican Police Attacked CIA Officers, Ambush Likely: sources,” Reuters, August 29, 2012
, http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/29/us-mexico-shooting-idUSBRE87S19K20120829.

“¿Cuántos policías hay en México?,” September 12, 2010,


19 The highest-ranking federal police officer in Mexico today was trained in the United States, Israel, and Spain.

20 Michael Evans, “Mexico Fusion Center: NSA Refuses to Acknowledge ‘Existence or Non-existence’ of Documents on U.S. Intelligence Facility,” February 11, 2014, http://migrationdeclassified.wordpress.com/2014/02/11/mexico

21 Anthony Wayne, “Ambassador’s Remarks for Opening Ceremony of International Gang Training Conference,” June 10, 2013, http://mexico.usembassy

22 Puebla Noticias, “Puebla contará con la mejor Academia de Profesionalización Policial del mundo,” February 21, 2012, http://pueblanoticias.com.mx/noticia

23 Academia de Formación y Desarrollo Policial Puebla Iniciativa Mérida Gral. Ignacio Zaragoza, “Oferta Educativa,” undated, http://www.academianacional

24 Anthony Wayne, “Ambassador’s Remarks at Tactical Village Ribbon Cutting,” December 10, 2013, http://mexico.usembassy.gov/eng/ebio_ambassador

25 Patrick
Corcoran, “Mexico, Colombia Talk Security, Tied by Drug Trade,” Insight Crime, August 3, 2011, http://insightcrime.org/insight-latest-news/item/1338-mexico-colombia-talk-security-tied-by-drug-trade.

Staff, “Capacitará Colombia a 12 mil policías mexicanos en lucha antidroga,”
Animal Politico
, April 13, 2012,

27 EFE, “Jefes de la Gendarmería mexicana reciben capacitación de Francia y Colombia,” March 3, 2014, http://www.efe.com/efe/noticias/usa/mexico/jefes

Belén Zapata, “Un exdirector de la policía de Colombia asesora a Peña Nieto en seguridad,”
CNN Español
, June 14, 2012,

29 Human Rights Watch, “Neither Rights nor Security,” November 2011, http://www.hrw.org/reports/2011/11/09/neither-rights-nor-security-0, 5.

30 Ibid., 6.

31 Ibid., 7.

32 Ibid., 16.

German Alfonso Palacio Castañeda, “Institutional Crisis, Parainstitutionality, and Regime Flexibility in Colombia: The Place of Narcotraffic and Counterinsurgency,” in
Vigilantism and the State in Modern Latin America

34 Yolanda
El Capo del Golfo
, 31.
Sierra Gúzman and Jorge Luis,
El Enemigo Interno: Contrainsurgencia y Fuerzas Armadas en México
(Madrid: Plaza y Valdes, 2003), 120. Reporte Indigo, “La DEA detrás de exgobernadores,”
, February 11, 2012, http://www.vanguardia.com.mx/ladeadetrasdeexgobernadores-1216637.html. La Redaccion, “Exmiembro de Los Zetas incrimina a exgobernadores de Tamaulipas con el narco,”
, February 2, 2012, http://www.proceso.com.mx/?p=296970.

35 T.
Drug Lord
(New York: Pharos Books, 1998), 167.

See, for example, Consulate Monterrey, “Border Violence Spreads to Nuevo Leon,” February 26, 2010,

Rubén Mosso, “Detienen a 16 policías por proteger matanzas de Los Zetas en San Fernando,”
, April 13, 2012,

38 By its own admission the US trained at least one of their members:
US State Department, “Subject: Setting the Record Straight on Zetas and U.S. Military Training,” August 21, 2009,


Paley, “Strategies of a New Cold War.”

41 Kim
Murphy and Ken Ellingwood, “Mexico Demands Answers on Guns,”
Los Angeles Times
, March 11, 2011, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/mar/11/nation/la-naw-mexico-guns-20110311.

42 Bill
Conroy, “US Court Documents Claim Sinaloa ‘Cartel’ Is Protected by US Government,”
Borderland Beat
, July 31, 2011,

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