Dreams of a Virgin (7 page)

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Authors: John Foltin

BOOK: Dreams of a Virgin
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I knew I needed to shed a bit of weight. I
heard about this camp where I could do just that. Three months of
working out and eating right.

I went there with high expectations. I
quickly found that it was not as easy as it looked. From someone
who ate mostly fast food, eating healthy was very hard. I never
worked out, so it didn’t take much to get me winded.

We had two personal trainers there, Sean and
Megan. Given my needs, Megan worked with me. She was stricter, but
she got results.

After the first week, we had our first
weigh-in. I had only lost three pounds. Megan was upset. She worked
me harder the next week.

After the second week, we had another
weigh-in. I had better results, losing seven pounds. Megan still
wasn’t satisfied.

She made me a proposition. If I could lose
ten pounds at the next weigh-in, we would have a special private
one-on-one workout. I took her up on the offer.

I worked out harder than ever before. I spent
many hours on the treadmill, on the bike, and lifting weights. I
watched every single calorie.

After the third week, I weighed in. Megan was
there to see the results. Twelve pounds. As excited as I was, I
could also see a smile on Megan.

The next day, we started with a two mile run.
I was sweating buckets at the end of the run. Megan just had a
glisten to her.

Part two of the workout started when we
returned to the camp. Megan took off her pants and lied faced down
on the floor. She then told me to take off my pants. I was hesitant
at first, but she’s the boss.

She told me to hover over her and do fifty
pushups, so I did. With each up and down motion, I entered her
rear. You’d think that the more pushups I did, the more tired I
would get. I actually got stronger the longer I went, but after
number fifty, I was spent.

She gave me two extra incentives. If I lost a
total of fifty pounds, there would be another one-on-one workout.
At the end of the program, there was a marathon. If I finished the
marathon, there would be an extra special one-on-one workout.

With incentive like that, I knew I had to do
whatever it took to lose the weight and get into shape. I ran
faster and at a steeper incline on the treadmill. I did more reps
on the weights. I cut down the calories.

Three weeks later, I had reached that fifty
pound mark. As promised, we had yet another private one-on-one
workout. This time, she had me run five miles before the

For the last five weeks, I worked on building
endurance. I had a twenty-six mile race to run, and I needed to
finish. I cut back on the weights and concentrated on the
treadmill, bike, and Stairmaster.

At the end of the three month camp, I had
lost a total of ninety-seven pounds. I went from three hundred four
down to two hundred seven pounds.

A week later was the marathon. I saw Megan
for the first time since leaving the camp. Now I knew I would
finish this race.

The gun sounded, and I took off. I paced
myself. Around the nine mile mark, I started feeling like I might
not make it. Then, I thought of Megan, and I got my second

I felt good until I hit mile seventeen.
That’s when I hit the proverbial wall. But I knew what I had
waiting for me at the finish line, and I was going to finish this
race, even if I had to crawl on my hands and knees.

By mile twenty-three, I was walking. My legs
were rubber and on fire, but I would finish this race.

I saw the finish line. Megan was there
waiting on me. When I saw her, I took that last bit of energy I had
and sprinted to the finish. I crossed the line and passed out.

When I came to, Megan was standing over me. I
hoped she didn’t expect me to perform now. I was hardly in any

Fortunately, she gave me a few days to
recover. She invited me to her house for a workout that, according
to her, “I would never forget”.

Once I was back to one hundred percent, I
took her up on the offer. I went to her house. Her assistant
answered the door. She told me that Megan was waiting for me in the
gym, third door down the hall on the left.

When I walked in, there she was. She was in
the buff. Michelangelo couldn’t have sculpted a better looking
body. She told me to join her. By that, she meant for me to take my
clothes off. As I said before, she’s the boss.

She walked over to the ab straps, placed her
arms in them, and pulled herself up. She spread her legs. She told
me to come over and do fifty pelvic thrusts.

When I came into the house, I had a limp
rope. Seeing her in that position, though, I now had a weight

After the fifty thrusts, she was just warmed
up. She took me to the inversion table. She set me on it. I hooked
my legs in. She took a running leap onto me. We were upside down
now. I started doing more pelvis thrusts.

After a few minutes, the workout was over.
Too bad this was the last I would see of Megan.

I considered putting the weight back on so I
would have to go back. I decided against it. I knew that I wouldn’t
get the same treatment from her the second time.




I believe in the old saying: “The best things in life
are worth waiting for.” Especially in this case.


I could still remember the first time I saw
Natalee. I went to see my friend Scott. He had company, his
girlfriend Paige and her friend Natalee. It was love at first

“Jeff, this is my girlfriend Paige and her
friend Natalee.”

Our eyes locked. We exchanged hellos and
phone numbers. Her flowing brown hair. Amber eyes. Freckles all
over her face. Petite frame. I knew that she was the woman I wanted
to spend the rest of my life with.

Our first date was typical. Dinner and a
movie. Walk to the door and said good-bye.

Our next few dates were similar. We spent
some nights at home, renting movies and ordering takeout. We were
more friends than boy or girlfriend. I knew as much about her as
she did me after the first month.

Two months into the relationship, I declared
my love for her. It would be for not if she did not accept it and
return it. Not only did she accept it, she returned it sealed with
a kiss, our first kiss.

Three months in, we decided to go exclusive.
Not that I would ever stray from her. Both of us being virgins, we
decided that just because we were going steady, that was no reason
to ruin it by having sex.

As I said, on sight, I knew Nat was the woman
I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. So, on our six month
anniversary, I planned a great picnic dinner. Fried chicken. Potato
salad. Corn on the cob. White wine. And a surprise.

As we finished the meal, we lay on the
ground, staring at the clouds. Suddenly, a plane flew overhead. It
was dragging a banner behind it. “NATALEE, WILL YOU MARRY ME?” As
she looked at me, I was holding a half-karat diamond engagement
ring. She gave me her answer with a hug and a kiss.

We set our wedding day six months from today,
our one year anniversary. We didn’t plan a big, fancy wedding. Just
your basic church wedding. Friends and family.

A month after our engagement, we found an
apartment. Although we were living together and sleeping in the
same bed, nothing sexual happened. We decided to save it for the
wedding night.

Finally, the day arrived. I stood at the
altar wearing an ivory tuxedo. At my side was my brother, the best
man, and the ushers. As the bridesmaids walked down the aisle, the
ushers met them and escorted them.

The music played. I stared down the aisle. I
saw an angel in white, minus the wings. As she slowly inched her
way to me, my heart began to race with every step. Her father
handed her to me.

The preacher began the ceremony. “Dearly
beloved, we are gathered here today to unite Jeff and Natalee in
the bonds of holy matrimony. Be there anyone who feels that these
two should not be united, please speak now or forever hold thy
peace.” I looked around as if to say “Don’t even think about

From that point on, I had no idea what the
pastor was saying. I was lost in Nat’s eyes. Suddenly, I felt a
nudge from my brother.

“Do you, Jeff, take Natalee to be your lawful
wedded wife?”

“Oh, yes, I do.”

“And do you, Natalee, take Jeff to be your
lawful wedded husband?”

She smiled at me and says, “Yes, I do.”

“May I have the rings please?”

My brother handed him the rings. He blessed
them, and we placed them on each other’s finger.

“I now declare you husband and wife.” We

We had a nice reception. We had a DJ playing
music and my friend bartending. All through the meal, the people
clanged their glasses demanding kisses. So, we gave it to them. Her
sister caught the bouquet. My brother caught the garter. We danced
the night away.

As the party died out, we got into our limo
and went to the airport. We were taking a Caribbean cruise for our
honeymoon. We slept through the flight. We woke up just as the
plane landed.

We checked into our hotel. We were going to
spend two nights here before our four-night cruise. It was here
that we decided to consummate the marriage.

That night, we decided to undress in separate
rooms. We still felt uncomfortable about being naked. I undressed
and hid under the sheets.

She came from the bathroom. Turned out she
had freckles all over her body. Small, but firm, breasts. Buns of
steel. In short, Heaven on Earth.

As she joined me under the covers, our lips
met. I could feel my appendage grow. She grabbed my hand. I grabbed
hers. All I knew about sex was what I’d seen in movies.

Like the movies, I got on top of her and slid
into her my appendage, rock hard now. I moved around, but at the
same time, I was careful not to hurt her. She started yelling.

“Are you okay?” I didn’t know if she was in
pain or what.

“Ooh. Yesss.”

This continued for a while. When it was over,
we cuddled, smiled, and fell asleep. I was glad I waited for this

They say you never forget your first time.
This is just how I wanted to remember it. With the woman I love,
not rushing into it.




Four guys. Three women. One man will be left out.
Usually Jeff. Just once, he wished things would be different.


For the first time in months, my friends and
I decided to go clubbing. Craig had just broken up with his
girlfriend a few weeks ago. We tried to take his mind off her.

Seeing as I didn’t drink, I was appointed
driver. At the first club, we bought Craig a beer. Raymond and
David already had a few. Nothing was happening here.

The next club we went to was more active.
They had a few drinks, but there weren’t really any women to meet

We went to another. This club was really
kickin’. So, after they had a beer, we hit the dance floor. David
couldn’t dance worth a lick, but he was out there anyway.

All of a sudden, these three women, two
brunettes and a blond, started dancing with us. The blond, Taylor,
started dancing with Raymond. Heather started grinding on Craig,
and Mackenzie started on David. Here I was, by myself. Again. That
didn’t stop me.

We ended up spending the rest of the night
there. My friends asked them if they had a friend for me. No luck.
That didn’t stop them.

At closing time, they invited us back to
their place. I felt uncomfortable. I was the odd man out, and they
wanted me to drive them to their house? Well, they convinced

I followed them to their house. When we went
in, Taylor took Raymond to her room. David and Mackenzie went to
her room. Craig and Heather headed for her room, leaving me all by
myself in the living room.

Five minutes later, out came Mackenzie. She
was wearing a bra, but no panties. She came up to me.

“So, whatcha doin’?”

“Just sitting here, waiting on my friends.
What are you doing here?”

“Oh, David and his inchworm. He was in and
out in two minutes. I told him I needed something to drink.”


She moved closer to me. “I bet you’ve got
more than an inch hard.” She started rubbing my inner thigh.

“Uhh. I guess.”

“Well, let’s find out.” She wrapped her legs
around mine as she began to undo my pants. As she pulled them down,
she slid onto my lap. She placed her hand down my briefs and felt

“Ooh, that’s definitely more than an

Still holding it, only much bigger now, she
placed my salami into her container. She started gyrating in slow
clockwise circles. As she did this, I unfastened her bra and slowly
took it down. I placed my hands on top of her bosom.

Having pleasured herself, she got up and put
her bra back on.

“Meet me here tomorrow. You were great.” She
kissed my cheek and went back with David.

I put my pants back on and composed myself.
Ten minutes later, out came Taylor.

“Having fun, Jeff?”

“Not really. Kind of boring out here.

“Sort of. Raymond’s too rough with me. I
don’t like that.” She put her arms around me. “I bet you’d be

“Sure. I know how to treat a beautiful

She lay me on the couch. “Prove it.” She lay
on top of me and pressed her lips to mine. She ran her tongue
across and around my lips.

As she did this, I rubbed my hand down the
back of her undies. I caressed her baby soft tush. I took my index
and middle fingers and felt around until I found the hole in
between her legs. They slipped in. As this happened, she let out a
loud gasp.

As they slowly wiggled around inside, the
gasps got quicker and louder. Her back arched, her breasts now in
my face. I poked it in and out. She gripped my arm, cutting off the
circulation, nails digging into my flesh.

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