Dreams of a Virgin (5 page)

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Authors: John Foltin

BOOK: Dreams of a Virgin
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She unfastened her bra. She took my hand,
placed them on the straps, and slid them down. She took my hands
and placed them on her small, yet gorgeous, breasts. She ran her
hands down my pants. I got excited and shrieked out.

She took my hands and pulled her shorts down.
She wasn’t wearing panties. She placed my hands on her tender soft
rear. She straddled my leg and unzipped my pants. She dropped them.
My stiff had no problem finding a home in her.

She started to wiggle around like Jell-O. I
felt all tingly. I didn’t know who was moaning louder, her or me. I
silenced myself by sticking my face between her breasts.

My screaming into her chest tickled her,
making her squirm even more. I shook my head. Her grip was so
tight; I felt her nails digging into me. I tasted her Hershey’s
Kiss nipples.

“Ohh! Jeff, you were the best I’ve ever had.
I know I made the right choice with you.”

“Ohh! April, I never knew I could feel like
that. I love you. Will you marry me?”

“I don’t know what to say. I... I...”

The phone rang and woke me up. Who was it?
April, my friend. I didn’t dare tell her about my dream.




Have you ever meet that one woman whom you would like
to get to know but couldn’t talk to her? What if you could just
look at her without her knowing?


One day, I was fueling up my car. I looked
over at the next pump. I saw the most beautiful woman I’d ever
seen. Long red hair. Teal eyes. Button nose. Hourglass figure.
Perfect thighs.

In my mind, I figured, “Single woman driving
a Baretta. She’s got to be seeing someone. Especially looking like
that. She’s too gorgeous to pass up trying. I’ve got nothing better
to do. I’ll follow her home.”

She pulled out from the gas station. I left
shortly thereafter. Her license plate was hard to miss: CUTY PI. If
ever a license plate was made for someone, this was it.

About ten minutes later, she pulled into a
driveway. It was not a huge house, not a family house. No other
cars in the garage. She was single! Now knowing where she lived, I
drove by. I didn’t want her to know I was following her.

Still not a hundred percent sure she was
single, I decided to go back in a few days and peek in the window
to make sure.

About nine o’clock that evening, I parked my
car around the corner, walked up to her house, and hid in the
bushes. It was not a well-lit neighborhood. I looked through my
binoculars into her living room window.

She was wearing only a nightshirt watching
Desperate Housewives.
She had a bowl of popcorn in front of
her. I watched as she slowly chewed each popped kernel, wishing I
was one of them just for the chance to touch her luscious lips.

A half hour later, she turned out the light.
I figured she was going to bed. I ran around to what I assume was
her bedroom. I guessed right. The light came on. In she walked,
still wearing the night shirt. Just before she got into bed, she
took off the shirt.

My eyes got as big as saucers. My jaw was on
the ground. She was perfect. Nothing on underneath. Silver dollar
nipples. Clean shaven private area. I now had a place to hang my
hat. She put on her nightie, got into bed, and went to sleep.

I found out tonight that she is single. I
enjoyed this too much. I had to do this again. I decided to do this
again Saturday.

Saturday came, and I went to her house again.
This time, I went straight to her bedroom window. Instead of my
binocs, this time I brought my camcorder. I was going to remember

After waiting for an hour and a half, she
came in wearing a T-shirt and jeans. She dimmed the lights and
slowly began to disrobe. My camcorder started rolling. After the
last of the garments was removed, she looked around in the closet.
She brought down a shoebox and opened it up.

She pulled out a silver bullet vibrator. I
had to grasp hold of myself to control my excitement. She checked
the batteries. Slowly, she inserted the device and turned it

Methodically, she twisted it around. I
twisted my device around to match her, imagining it was me making
love to her. Her other hand rubbed up and down her chest. I could
hear her moans from the bushes through a closed window.

This proceeded for about ten minutes. I
looked down. I messed up my pants. It was worth it. We both ended
up sweating profusely. I decided, “This is going to be a Saturday
night ritual for me.”

All week, I couldn’t get this redhead out of
my head. Everywhere I looked, I saw things that reminded me of

Saturday. Brand new tape in the camcorder.
Ready to go. On cue, in she walked. This time, she walked in with a
blond-haired person. I only saw the back of the stranger. I
couldn’t tell one way or the other from the hair length. They
turned around. The blond was a female! She was a lesbian.

They kissed; tongues were exchanged. Again, I
had to control myself. Slowly, they disrobed each other. My grip
got tighter. The blond began to descend the scarlet beauty, tender
kisses from head to toe.

They lay in the bed and assumed the 69
position. They licked each other’s tender spot. They started slow
and long, then to fluttering tongues. Blondie screamed in pleasure.
The crimson beauty screamed in ecstasy. I screamed in total

Suddenly, they stopped. They heard me. Seeing
this, I grabbed my camcorder and took off. They opened the window
in time to see me turn the corner. My stalking days were over.

I couldn’t stop thinking of her. I wanted to
go back, but, after this, I was afraid of getting caught. I decided
to wait a few weeks, until it blew over, to try again. Little did I
know what would happen that night.

After a few weeks, I parked farther away than
usual. I took the binoculars this time. I assumed my usual spot in
the bushes and waited. A half hour later, here she came, wearing
hot pink lingerie. She looked in the mirror, brushed her hair, and
walked out of view.

Suddenly, she appeared in the window. I
figured I was busted. She had to have seen me in the mirror. She
signaled me to come inside. I ignored her, hoping she was not
pointing to me. She continued to signal me inside. Finally, I was
like, “Who? Me?” She nodded her head and winked. I sprung from the
bushes to the now open window.

“Come on in,” she said. And I did. “So,
you’re the one who’s been watching me, huh?”

“Yeah. I just think you’re the most beautiful
woman in the world and couldn’t bring myself to tell you. You’re
not mad at me, are you?”

“Not at all. In fact, I’m flattered. No one’s
ever gone out of their way to get to know about me before.” She
wrapped her arms around me. “I’m just glad we got to meet. You’re
cuter than I thought. What’s your name?”

“Jeff. What’s yours?”


“That’s a pretty name. You really think I’m

“Uh-huh,” in a seductive voice. Just then,
our lips met. She pushed me onto the bed.

“You’re glad we met?”

“Uh-huh,” even more seductively. She dropped
to her knees and unzipped my pants.

“I can’t believe someone as pretty as you is
single. Is this true?”

“Uh-huh.” Down came the pants.

“You know, Jeff, I like it rough and kinky,
but you probably already knew that.” She stood up and went to the
closet. She pulled out a whip and a pair of handcuffs. She cuffed
my hands around the bedpost.

“You like it like this?”

“Uh-huh,” I answered.

“Now, you’ve been very naughty. I think you
need a spanking.” She cracked the whip across my back. “Very, very
naughty.” CRACK! CRACK!

She turned me over and crawled on top of me.
I felt her hand go down my underwear. Suddenly, instant pain. She
had a claw hold on my scrotum, claws digging in.

“What are you, stupid?! Do you think I
enjoyed you spying on my private life, you freakin’ pervert?!” I
couldn’t answer. “Now you see what it’s like to be violated.” She
walked out of the room, but turned back at the door.

“By the way, I called the cops. They should
be arriving any time now.” Just then, the doorbell rang. Sure
enough, the police came to cart me away.




In this time of technological breakthroughs, wouldn’t
it be great to have a means of safe sex with any person your
imagination could create?


One day, I was talking to my friend Glenn,
who had just come back from vacation.

“Jeff, you would not believe the time I had.
The things I saw, the things I did. Especially this one place.

“FantasyWorld? What’s that?”

“It’s a state-of-the-art place where you can
live out your dreams. You can be a sports star, movie star, rich
and famous. Whatever you want. But the best was the CyberSex
module. For fifteen minutes, you can do what you want with a famous
celebrity or a woman of your own design.”

“Really? Sounds great. I’m going down there
myself in a few weeks. Guess I’ll have to check it out.”

“Okay, but it’s not cheap. It’s about $100
per module, and that includes a videotape of your experience. Just
thought I’d warn you.”

“Well, thanks for the warning.”

A few weeks later on vacation, I was checking
out the sights. Just driving along, when I came across
FantasyWorld. Remembering what Glenn had told me, I pulled in.

Inside, I saw the most amazing sight I’d ever
seen. Virtual reality everywhere. People everywhere.

Being a sports fan, I was drawn to SuperBowl,
the football module. I wanted to play football in high school, but
never got the chance. The sign said “SUPERBOWL $75 VIDEO OF
EXPERIENCE $25". I gave them a hundred dollars and entered the
module. I put on the headgear. Suddenly, a list of options appeared
before me.

“CHOOSE YOUR TEAM:” All thirty-two teams
appeared before me. I chose the Steelers.

“CHOOSE OPPONENT:” Being a Steelers fan, I
chose the Ravens.

“CHOOSE POSITION:” I always wanted to play

They flashed the scenario. Fourth quarter.
Down by four. No timeouts. Three minutes left in the game. Ball on
the one yard line.

I saw a run or pass option. I entered run. I
handed off to the back. He gained five yards. I decided that from
now on, I would pass. My first pass was incomplete.

Third and five. I passed to the left.
Complete for thirteen yards. Two minute warning.

First and ten. Pass to the middle. Complete
for nine.

Second and one. Pass incomplete. Third and
one. Pass incomplete.

Fourth and one. 1:25 left. Run up the middle.
First down. 1:05 left. Pass right. Complete for fifteen yards. Out
of bounds. Stops with :55 left.

First and ten. Screen pass complete for three
yards. :41 left. Second and seven. I got sacked for a seven yard
loss. :25 left. Third and fourteen. I scrambled. I couldn’t find a
receiver. Time running down. I threw it away.

Last play. Fourth and fourteen. Seven seconds
left. Sixty yards for a touchdown. I was thinking only one play:
Hail Mary. I dropped back and threw with everything I had. The
receivers and defenders jumped up. Mike Wallace came down with the
ball. Touchdown! Steelers won!

I took off the headgear and picked up my
video. I looked over the place to find CyberSex.

Then, I saw ActionZone. I figured, “What the
hell.” I gave them a hundred dollars and entered the module.

loved martial arts movies. I chose Jackie Chan.

“CHOOSE LOCATION:” I figured with a martial
arts scene, I chose the Orient.

Suddenly, I was surrounded by ninjas. They
made their move. I started throwing punches left and right. I hit
one with a thrust kick. I took out two with a jumping swing kick. I
looked down. Ninja carnage everywhere.

I looked up. I saw their boss. Huge with
bulging muscles. Bald as a cue ball. And ticked off.

He hit me with a barrage of lefts and rights.
Finally, he floored me with a back thrust kick. He hovered over me
to finish me off.

I swept his legs from under him. I showered
his body with palm shots. Uppercut with an elbow. Right cross.
Right cross. He staggered back. Right cross. He was about to fall.
I floored him with a spinning jump kick.

Having defeated the bad guys, I went to
retrieve the girl. We hugged, and the fantasy ended. I took off the
helmet and added the video to my collection.

I searched around some more. I saw so many
modules. StandUpComic. SpaceBattle. NaturalDisaster.

Finally, I saw it. CyberSex. There was a line
waiting to use this. So, I waited. An hour later, it was my

I put on the helmet after giving them a
hundred dollars. I saw my options.

“WHO WOULD YOU LIKE: ” It gave me a list of
women to choose from or the option to design my own. I loved all
the choices, but I decided to design my own.

“HEIGHT:” I didn’t like too short. I selected
five feet nine inches.

“HAIR COLOR:” I loved redheads.

“COLOR OF EYES:” Nothing matched red hair
quite like green eyes.

“SIZE OF CHEST:” I was partial to
small-breasted women. I selected B cup.

“SELECT CLOTHING:” I selected black lace bra,
black panties with garters, black short miniskirt, and skin tight

“PRESS TO BEGIN:” I touched the option, and
we began. Suddenly, a vision of loveliness appeared before my eyes.
She slowly began to undress. I knew it was artificial, but it
looked real to me. She pressed her chest against me as she kissed
me. There must have been special enhancements in this module
because I could actually feel the kisses on my cheek. She kissed
down my chest and back up. Our lips met. I kissed down her chest
and back up.

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