Dreams Do Come True (11 page)

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Authors: Jada Pearl

BOOK: Dreams Do Come True
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“Hello to you too, Shontell. I don’t remember you ever being this rude before.”  Jesse stood there looking at her through the crack of the door.

“Shon, please tell me that you aren’t going to make me stand out here.” Jesse flashed his smile that she remembered all too well. She cringed when he called her Shon. Hesitantly, she opened the door. She wanted to get this over with sooner than later. She stepped back, and he stepped into her foyer. She folded her hands and tapped her foot. She looked him in the face for the first time in two years. He still looked the same…just older and more distinguished. He was still as fine as he could be. She could tell that he had been working out more. He was always a horrible eater. She almost told him what she was thinking, but then it hit her that she shouldn’t even be thinking about that. He didn’t mean anything to her. She berated herself. “What do you want, Jesse?” she repeated.

“I was in town, and I just came to see how you were since you never respond to my texts.”

“Yeah, a normal person would have gotten a clue by now. I don’t have a reason to answer your texts or even entertain this visit. You have exactly two minutes to tell me why you are really here, or I will be escorting you out,” she said. She didn’t even want to look at him anymore. She had always wondered what would happen if they had crossed paths. She thought that it would be in public, not him just showing up unannounced in her personal space. She thought looking at him would repulse her, knowing what she lost when he cheated on her. But she had been surprised. Her heart didn’t betray her this time, like it always had in the past while she was trying to get over him. She used to hear a song by him, or his name, and it would nearly tear her in two. Right now, she didn’t feel anything for the man in front of her. Did her seeing Nico have anything to do with this? She happened to look at Jesse, and noticed that he was staring at her. She rolled her eyes and unfolded her arms as she glared at him. “Jesse, I know that look, and you need to fix it now. You lost that right a long time ago. Your time is ticking away!”

“You look so beautiful when you are mad. Shontell, I am a little confused by your actions tonight. Why are you being like this? Doesn’t our past warrant some kindness? I mean I…I miss you. I miss us.” He spoke quickly, to fix the words he had just said. He began walking in her direction. Shontell backed up from him and held her hand up. She sort of laughed and began shaking her head. This could not be happening to her. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer for strength. She hoped that she wouldn’t be going to jail tonight. Her emotions quickly shifted when she noticed the flowers from Nico. She was getting lightheaded, and she needed to get him out of her space. She removed her hand from his chest and tried to contain her shaking voice. She didn’t like being in this situation at all.

“Jesse, I think it’s time for you to leave, NOW!” she said through clinched teeth, as she was trying to control her anger.

“Shon, please don’t do this. We need to talk,” he pleaded, as he stood his ground. 

She looked at him incredulously. Was this fool serious? Talk? Did he just say that?

“I know you didn’t just say we needed to talk. Please tell me I misunderstood what you said,” she yelled at him. Jesse backed up from the force of her words. “We’ve talked, I’ve screamed, and I’ve gotten over you! That was something that I thought I couldn’t do some days. But, you know what? I did. There isn’t anything you can say that can make me change my mind. You cheated on me…maybe more than once, for all I know. I have forgiven you so that I could go on with my life. I will never be able to forget what I saw and how you hurt me, Jesse. Go run your game on someone that gives a damn. You interrupted my bath with your unexpected visit. I’m going back to take it, and when I get out, you better not be here.” Shontell hoped her face didn’t look as she was feeling right now. Her whole body was shaking. She had never been this angry in her life. She started to head to her bathroom, when she stopped dead in her tracks. She thought about the question that she had asked herself this morning. It was a question that only he could answer. She turned back around and faced him. “I do have one question. Why wasn’t I enough for you?” she asked as she swung back around to face him.



Love Is A Verb

Jesse stood there. He opened his mouth to respond to her question. He wasn’t prepared for the hurt that he saw in her eyes when she asked him why she wasn’t enough.

“Shontell, I thought I was going to die myself when I saw you hit that gate. I replayed that night over and over. As much as I would like, I can’t change what happened. I can try and be better, and that’s what I am working on. But you must know it never was about you not being enough. You were more than enough. I told you those women didn’t mean anything to me. I know that may not be what you want to hear. My love for you is real. You are more than any of them, and that shit scared the hell out of me. I… I didn’t know how to give back what you gave to me.”

Jesse watched as Shontell stared at him emotionless. She threw up her hands and walked away. He observed her until she rounded the corner. He wanted to run after her and tell her that he had changed. He couldn’t get himself to move, because he wasn’t sure if he had really changed or if he had finally realized that there would never be another woman for him like Shontell. In the two plus years since their breakup, he tried to find someone that stood out like she did. He had failed miserably. After what he said, he questioned if he could ever be ready for her. His heart kept telling him that having her in his life was far better than not having her in it at all. He stood in the living room and didn’t hear sounds coming from the bathroom. He started to get concerned, but he still couldn’t make himself walk in that direction. He would always blame himself for her accident. Her parents forbid him to see her and, even as much as it hurt him, he couldn’t blame them. It was his fault.

He slumped his shoulders, and he did the only thing he could do. He did what she asked. He walked over to the door and opened it. He walked out. He had three days in Detroit before he left for Divine Attraction’s twenty-fifth anniversary cruise. He was a special guest. He wanted Shontell to accompany him, which was one of the reasons he came by her place. He knew how much she liked the group.

When Dennis called him a day ago and asked about her, he thought it was strange. He didn’t think too much else about it. They had hung out that night, but he didn’t mention her again. Shontell was known in Detroit for her catering and event planning, so it could have meant anything. Dennis was a cool guy and if it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t be on the cruise. He needed the exposure. He was trying to get his career going again. He may not have acted like it, but that accident shook him and losing Shon had affected him. He covered it up well, he had to admit. Lately, she had been all he thought of. He had to think about how he was going to do this. As long as he lived on this earth, he never wanted to see that look on her face again. The pain he saw was too much.

The metro car driver opened the door for him. He quickly grabbed the glass and poured a drink. He winced as it burned going down. He would normally relish a good bourbon burn, but tonight he felt he needed to feel that sting. He finished the glass and poured another one before they even left her cul-de-sac. He did like that she still looked beautiful.  She was glowing. She let her hair grow, and she had dropped a little weight. He put the glass down, and he grabbed his phone as it began to ring. Dennis’ name flashed across the screen. He answered it as the driver used the screen in front of him to ask what his destination was. He looked at the words as he listened to Dennis give him the info he’d asked about. He had set one meeting with a producer who he had wanted to work with. Jesse typed in an address quickly. He knew one person who would welcome him the way he wished Shontell would have.



Ebony tapped her man on the shoulder. He didn’t respond. Well, she guessed he was her man, even though he hadn’t made it official yet. She figured he may as well be. She did everything sexually a woman could possibly do for her man. She was still working on that domestic part though. That was her mama’s fault, she concluded. Elena was always working to provide for her and her brothers. She didn’t take out the time to teach her how to cook anything besides fried chicken, eggs, toast, and spaghetti. She could make a mean ass pot of spaghetti. Most men these days wouldn’t even eat it because of that stupid old wives’ tale about the period blood in the food to keep a man. She laughed to herself. There were a whole lot of ways to keep a man, and in her book, that wasn’t one of them. 

Ebony was pouting on the inside; she wanted some attention. When he got to her house, he was on a call. She made him his usual drink and then gave him some quick head while he finished his call. When she finished she wanted more, but he was too distracted. She watched him as she tried to read his mind. Her man always kept her guessing. That was a good thing, right? They never had a dull moment. She laughed to herself as she stood up, opening her robe for a dramatic effect to let him see what he was missing. She left him in the living room. Going into the bathroom, she used her mouthwash. Within seconds, she was done. Looking at herself in the mirror, she admired her own beauty. She could have any man but, for some reason, she only wanted HIM. Sighing, Ebony turned around to head to the kitchen and ran smack into her man’s chest. He looked down at her with a mischievous smile. “Going somewhere?” his sexy voice came at her. “I…I,” Ebony attempted to respond, but his mouth came down on hers so swiftly that she was caught off balance. He grabbed her waist to make sure she didn’t fall. Why did his kiss feel different? Maybe it’s because he normally didn’t kiss her. She was surprised at how sweet and soft his kiss actually felt as their tongues danced. Ebony felt her juices start to pool as he untied her robe and pushed it off her shoulders. She was now naked. He deepened the kiss, and she fought with her emotions as she tried not to think. She knew what her man wanted…what he always wanted…and that was to fuck her. They never made love, and she used to be okay with that.

Ebony racked her fingers down his back. He flinched from the sensation but didn’t stop kissing her. When he picked her up, she instantly wrapped her thighs around his waist. He walked a few feet and placed her back up against the wall.

Her dude lifted her up slightly higher and started blowing on her wet pussy. Ebony squirmed as she made her way up his body and put herself on his shoulders while he went to town on her pussy. Ebony could have sworn he was eating her like she was his last meal. Within seconds, she was cumming.

Damn, he always knows my hot spots
, she thought.

Ebony was catching her breath when she felt him slowly letting her down. He handed her a condom, and she opened the packet with her teeth.

When he picked her up again, he opened her legs wider as he positioned her wet, still throbbing, pussy at the tip of his dick. Ebony gasped out loud when she felt the sharp pain of his size as he tried to enter her fast. She never got used to his size. He wasn’t huge, but he was big enough. She had not been with any man other than him. When he noticed her cries, he pulled out. This time he entered her slower as he took her whole breast in his mouth. Ebony’s juices lubricated the condom with each light stroke.  After a few more strokes, she slid up and down his shaft more and more, filling her up to the core. Ebony came instantly. It was like his dick knew right where her g-spot was. Smiling, he knew he had her and could go all in. He leaned her back on the wall, holding on her waist, and fucked the shit out of her. With each orgasm, her head spun faster. She lost count after the third one. She felt like she was floating on cloud nine. She instantly thought how stupid Shontell was to let all this go. She held on to his shoulders as he pounded into her sweet pussy. When he called out her name gruffly, she knew what that meant. As he let her down and pulled the condom off, Ebony went to her knees. When she sucked his dick hard, she arched her neck as she felt his semen coating her throat. She swallowed some but let most of it exit out her mouth, using her tongue as she continued to suck his semi-hard dick. When he let go of her head, she stopped and he stepped backwards until he landed on her bed. She stood up and went to plant a kiss on his mouth. He was fast asleep. Shaking her head, she got back up—not even bothering to put her robe on—and headed into the kitchen that had been her original destination before the distraction.

She opened the fridge and grabbed the juice out, drinking it straight from the carton. She finished it off and threw the empty container in the garbage. She looked over to the wall clock and she saw that it was almost three in the morning. She knew she needed to go and wake Jesse up because he had a meeting in the morning. He told her he couldn’t stay the night. When she was walking back to the room, she heard noises.  She knew then he was up and she wouldn’t have to wake him up. 

She watched as Jesse got dressed. His body was molded with some muscles and tattoos. She loved watching him work out. She used to sit in that hot ass home gym of his, watching him flex. He turned her on with the slightest effort. She smiled, recalling them having sex a couple hours ago. The things he did to her body and mind weren’t like anything she had ever experienced. She wished he would move here or take her with him permanently. She was tired of going days and weeks without him. Whenever she brought up the subject, he cleverly avoided it. It always pissed her off. Then he would start playing with her body, and she would easily forget about it for that moment. 

Jesse must have sensed her watching him because he stopped buttoning his pants and turned around to look at her. He licked his lips as he scanned her naked body. His eyes traveled from her feet to her full breasts as she stood in the doorway. The look he gave her made her cream instantly. She walked seductively to where he was and kissed his chest. She circled his nipple, and he let out a low growl. She did the other side, and he grabbed her hair hard and pushed her head down toward his crotch. He unbuttoned his jeans the rest of the way, and she pulled his dick out. She wanted a round two, as she put his dick into her mouth with expertise. She worked her magic with her tongue until she felt him push her away. She stood and backed up to the bed, trying to take him with her. He stood still as she fell on the bed. She knew what that meant, and she and tried not to get into her feelings—even though she already knew he wasn’t staying. She wanted him to do what she wanted for a night. He always had to be in control. It was one of the things that drew him to her. She decided to try her luck anyways.

“You do know that it’s almost 4 a.m. Why do you have to go?” she asked him, this time reaching for her robe and tying it. 

“My meeting is at the hotel and I need to prepare…that’s why.” He grabbed his jacket to get his phone. He called his driver while she walked around him into the living room. She tried hard not to act like a baby. She hated when he didn’t stay the night. He was only going to be in town a few days, and she wanted as much of his time as she could get. He walked up behind her and kissed her neck. She closed her eyes and let the scent of his cologne fill her nose. 

“Okay, so you need to stop doing that. You know that’s my weak spot, especially if you are not staying the night. Will I see you later today?” She stepped out of his embrace.

“Um, I guess. But I am not sure what time,” he said, heading toward the door. 

“Oh, okay. So it’s like that?” she said, sensing his hesitation in seeing her. 

“Ebony, don’t start this mess again. I said you would. What you need to be doing is focusing on the plan we have. We need to get this done before I leave. I’ve given you this lifestyle, and I can take it back…remember that!”

“Humph, how can I not? You make sure to remind me every chance you get.” She sat on the edge of the couch. Jesse said nothing, but he kissed her forehead and gave her a look of a father scolding his child. He walked out the door without saying anything else. Ebony picked up the first thing she saw and threw it at the door. The coaster bounced off the door with a soft thud and landed on the floor. She flipped onto the couch and screamed into the pillow. She was being a little dramatic. She didn’t care. Jesse treated her like a night whore sometimes instead of someone he had feelings for.


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