Dreams Come True (8 page)

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Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Life, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dreams Come True
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They walked in to her bedroom and Amanda took off her shoes.  She hopped on the bed and sighed.  David chuckled as he lay down next to her. 
He took her hand in his and kissed it.
“I didn’t expect this.  I didn’t expect that hourly rate.  And I didn’t expect to have a girlfriend.  For the first time in my life.”  Amanda smiled as she moved over and put her head in the crook of his arm. 

“Your customer base.”
“I don’t have a customer base as such.  I have two customers who use my services.  They both look after complexes.  So if something needs doing they call me in.  But for that it is a long wait.  I get called in and do the job.  Then I Invoice them.  Then I have to wait till the end of the month to get payment.”
“And other than that?”
“If someone calls then I go and give them a quote.  And wait until it gets approved or turned down.”
“And how many jobs have you got on the go at the moment?”
“I am busy with the one at the moment.  Then I have a few more little jobs to keep me busy next week.  Not that many.  But I have a lot of quotes out and now the wait.”  Amanda smiled and nodded.

“And how does your diary look?”
“Very busy for the next three weeks.  I have a young lady that works in my office from Monday to Friday.  She schedules all my appointments.”
“And do you do it all yourself?”
“No I have a young chap who stands in when I need him.  When I do little ops and things.  Holds the clamps.  And when I am out I know I can rely on him.  He is in his final year.  So I am basically tutoring him.  I let him do quite a bit.  But when he doesn’t feel sure of something I take over.”
“Well you are pretty organized.”
“It has taken a long time to get to that point.  But every year I have a youngster.  They need to work on site for their last bit of their training.  So every year I have someone different.  I like to help when I can.”  David chuckled and nodded.
“You do.  I know that.”

“Now close those eyes and go to sleep.”  David chuckled.
“You know.  People in town hate the words hourly rate.  Because if you charge for two hours and you worked five minutes short then they want to nail you.  It is so different out here.”
“They are different.  Out here we help each other.  Firstly because we want to.  And secondly because sometimes we have to.  There is nowhere else to turn to.  Town.  Or the city.  To many.  Is almost like flying to the moon.”  David chuckled and nodded.
“Do they know you sing?”
“They do.  But not many of them have been to see me.  Which is a good thing.”  David chuckled and nodded.
“Those shorts are kind of hot.”  Amanda chuckled.  They both closed their eyes and went to sleep.


David woke up and took his wallet out of his pocket and put it on the bedside cabinet.  He closed his eyes and went straight back to sleep.  He woke up to the ringing of his cell phone.  Amanda opened her eyes.  He took his cell phone and answered.
“Charles you have just woken me up from a deep slumber.”
“Sorry!  But I have a major problem.  The blasted geyser.  Something has gone wrong.  I really need your help.”
“I can pop over.  But I can only get there in an hour.”
“I can wait an hour.”
“But this time sunshine.  You are going to pay me.  I keep popping over and you use all my spares and you never pay me.”
“I can pay you.”
“Charles.  I have started something new.  I will come and fix that thing.  But I am charging you an hourly rate.”
“And the rate is?”  David gave the hourly rate.
“And I mean it.”
“I have the cash.”
“Good.  See you in an hour.”
“Thanks.”  David cut his call.

“I know what that sounded like.”
“No.  I think that was the way to go.  Probably the little brother.”
“Yes.  And he abuses my services.  They think because they are family they can walk all over you.  The little bits and pieces that I replace cost a bomb.”
“David.”  David looked at Amanda.
“I fully agree.  Family or not.”  David smiled and nodded.
“I am going there and back.  And I am going to bring supper.”  Amanda chuckled.
“The girls might like to go for the drive.”  David chuckled.
“Glad I had that nap.  I think what I will do is stop at the house and fetch a few things for Victoria.”
“Good.”  He chuckled and nodded. 

They both got up and walked down the stairs.  Nicola almost bounced in to the house.  She gurgled with laughter.
“And now?”
“Victoria slid off the horse.  She didn’t fall.  She slid and dangled by her foot.”  Victoria roared with laughter.
“We got to the stables and as I climbed off the horse my foot got stuck and I ended up with the horse giving me a big fat lick.”  Amanda chuckled.
“Dad is going to be going home to go and do a job.  You ladies might want to go for the ride.”  Nicola nodded.
“Hey can we stop and get an ice cream?”  David chuckled and nodded.
“We can.”  He looked at Amanda and she smiled.
“See you much later.  Much.  Much.  Much.”  David chuckled.  He pulled her closer and kissed her.
“Now don’t rush.  Take your time.”

She stood and waved as they all piled in to the van.  David smiled as he drove out.
“And where are we going Dad?”
“We are going to see Uncle Charles.  Something wrong with his geyser.  And then we are going to go home quickly.  So that we can pack a few things for you.  For the week.”  Nicola and Victoria both squealed with delight.
“Can I really stay for the week?”
“Yes of course.  As long as you promise you will be as good as gold.”
“I will Dad.”  Nicola grinned.
“Oh this is going to be awesome!”
“But the two of you need to help Amanda if you can.”  They both nodded. 

“Now when I go to Uncle Charles.  If there is a little argument just expect it.  Things have changed.”
“Dad I hope he pays you this time.”
“That is what the argument might be about.”
“They have to pay you there and then Uncle David.  It works out here.  It should be the same in town.”
“Should Nicola.  Should.”  David smiled.
“About time I started demanding what is rightfully mine.”  Nicola nodded.
“Amanda does.  Sometimes.  Well I am talking a long time ago.  People would bring their pets in and say they would be back with the money.  And then they never came back.  But one day someone brought their cat in.  Amanda said they could take her when they pay her.  They left the cat there.  Three days later they came to fetch her.  Amanda told them they had to pay for the consultation and for the days that the cat had spent there.”
“And what happened then?”
“They paid her every cent.  Because they knew the other people would get to hear.  And Amanda also dips all their cattle.  So if they didn’t who would do that for them?” 

David chuckled.
“If you walk in to the Vet’s rooms the rates are all up on the wall.  That is why when people come in they know exactly what they have to pay.  They don’t even ask.  Only if they need change.  Then they say something.”  David nodded.
“I should print a business card with my rate at the back.”  Victoria nodded.
“You should Dad.  Because then everyone will know.  And make a little comment that it is not pro rata.”  David chuckled and nodded. 

“What are you going to be doing next year Nicola?”
“No gap year for me.  I am going to study as a Doctor.  What are you going to be doing Victoria?”
“I have to get a job.”
“So that I can help Dad pay the bills.”  Nicola nodded and smiled.
“And if you could.  What would you study?”
“I also wanted to become a Doctor.”
“And your grades?”
“I passed with flying colors.  I got an A for both math and science.  The rest were all B’s.”
“Hey that is awesome!”  David smiled.
“And your report Nicola?”  She nodded and smiled.
“I aced it.  Passed with flying colors as well.”
“Good to hear.  So are you going to be at the boarding school?”
“They call it something else.  But yes.  I will be a weekly boarder.  Weekends I will be going to Mom and Dad or I will be going to Amanda.  Not so sure yet.  But I think probably to Amanda.”
“Why not home?”
“Not being funny or anything.  But my Mom and Dad are a little old to have me.  And I guess the noise gets to them.  They don’t mind if I am at Amanda’s.  Mom also goes to Bingo.  And the flower shows and things.  I guess I get in the way just a little.”
“You shouldn’t feel like that Nicola.”
“No I don’t feel bad.  But well I came along a long time after Amanda and Sydney.  I love Mom and Dad.  And that is why I kind of go to Amanda.  So that they don’t have to worry.  As long as they know where I am.”  David nodded and smiled.

They pulled up to the house.  The girls
hopped out of the van.  Charles opened the door.
“Oh I am glad you are here!”
“Uncle Charles this is Nicola.”
“Nice to meet you.  Come inside.”  David and the girls walked inside.  Penny walked through.
“Thanks for coming David.”
“No problem.  Let’s take a look.”
“Aunty Penny this is Nicola.  Dad’s girlfriends.”  Penny and Charles both turned around and looked at Victoria.  She stopped talking.
“Dad has a girlfriend?”  Nicola chuckled and nodded.
“Well I never!”  David hid his smile as he climbed up the step ladder and climbed in to the ceiling.

So what is your Mom’s name?”  Victoria looked at Nicola.
“My Mom?”
“Yes.  The lady David is dating.”
“Oh.  Her name is Amanda Rosendale.”
“That is a lovely name.  And you and Victoria are the same age.  Oh that is nice.”  Penny stood quietly for a while.
“Is that the lady that sang at your concert?”  Victoria nodded.
“But her name is Amanda Rose.  That entertainer.  Is this the same lady?”  Victoria nodded.
“So she is an entertainer.” 

David groaned to himself as he listened.  Penny was already judging Amanda.  And she didn’t even know her.  He smiled as he listened.

“Amanda is not only an entertainer.  She is a Vet.  She has her own lucrative business out of town.  Drives a Ferrari and a four by four and owns a ranch.  And you?”  Penny stared at Nicola.
“Well.  I.  I.  Uhm.  Does she really?”  Victoria grinned.
“Yep.  And I am going to be there for the whole week!”  Penny chuckled.
“Oh that is not fair!”  Nicola chuckled.
“But you should call her Mom.  Show a little respect.”
“Yes Ma’am.”  Victoria smiled and looked at Nicola. 

“And how long has your Dad been dating Amanda?”  Nicola smiled and looked at Victoria.
“Aunty Penny.  It seems to be quite a while.  Oh we all got a kitten.  They were born yesterday.”
“A kitten?”  Victoria nodded.
“Dad chose the little male.  He is pitch black and has a white spot on his foot.  Mine has a dot on her chest.”  Nicola chuckled.
“Mine also has a little white fleck.  And Amanda.  Am.  Uhm.”  David chuckled to himself.  He could hear every word as he worked.
“Mom’s kitten is kind of fluffy.  She has the most fur.”
“Gosh you are so lucky.  So have you packed and are you ready to go?”
“After Dad has finished.”
“And have you eaten?”
“Aunty Amanda made lasagna for lunch.”
“Sounds divine.  Would you ladies like some juice?”  They both nodded.
“Yes please.”

David battled and battled.  It took him an hour and a half by the time he had finished.  He climbed down the ladder.  Charles smiled and looked at him.
“That will be two hours Charles.  Do not argue.  Just pay up.”  He took out his wallet.
“That was an hour and a half.”
“New rules my friend.  I charge per hour.  A minute in to an hour and you pay the full rate.”  Charles nodded and took the money out of his wallet.  He handed it over.
“I am ten bucks short.”
“Ask Penny.”
“You are squabbling over ten bucks?”
“Sure am.”
“Times must be tough.”

He walked down the passage and walked over to Penny in the lounge.
“Pen can you give me ten bucks please.”  Penny took her purse out and handed the note to Charles.  He handed it over to David.
“Thank you.”  David took out his wallet and added the cash to his wallet.
“I see you have quite a wad there.”
“I do.  You are my third job this weekend.  And now I am taking the ladies to go and pack.  And then we are getting take a ways and we are heading home.”

Penny smiled.
“To the ranch.”  Penny nodded and smiled.
“I am glad you have met someone David.  Is it serious?”
“Yes it is.”
“And should we expect a wedding?”
“I think so.”  Nicola smiled and looked at Victoria.
“And when are we going to meet her?”
“Oh some time soon I think.”  Penny nodded and smiled.
“Well I am glad you found someone.  Someone with some money.  You won’t have to even work.  Or do whatever it is that you do.”

David suddenly stopped.  He turned around.
“What on earth are you implying Penny?”
“You can hardly call your business a business.  You don’t do much.  Easier to do a little gold digging.”  David turned around.
“Girls.  In the van.”  David walked out and slammed the door. 

climbed in to the van.  He was seething.
“Sorry you had to hear that.  And no.  I am not a gold digger.  We have our own home.  We have our own van.  We eat every single night.  And we pay our dues.”
“Uncle David, chill.  Shake it off.  You know it is about the ten bucks she had to give to Uncle Charles.  And the fact that he had to pay you.  He obviously said something.  So relax.  Amanda does not think that about you.  If she did you would not set foot on the ranch.  Now can we please have that ice cream?” 

Victoria kept dead quiet.  David roared with laughter.
“Darn but you are right.  Yes we are going to get an ice cream.  Actually.  I think the road house for a double thick.  And Penny’s ten bucks will pay towards the double thick’s.  I will make sure to use her note and get it out of my wallet.  I do not want her money corrupting any of the other notes.”  They all chuckled.

“Sheesh but that woman has her daggers out.  Talons.  Her talons.”  David nodded.
“Nicola.  I don’t have anything to hide.  It wasn’t easy.  Victoria never really had a Mom.  Not like us.  I work my arly off to make ends meet.  And we do.  We even go out.  We always have a little money spare.  Yes it was difficult.  A very different situation.”
“Uncle David.  We all have a past.  We all have a history.  Some people like to dig and delve to find what they can to use against you.  Such is life I am afraid.  But we move on.  If we had to listen and take cognizance of all the comments we would all be suicidal freaks and slash our wrists for fun.”  David chuckled as he listened to Nicola. 

shook her head.
“Dad I am proud of you.  Because we do have everything.”
“We do my sweetheart.”
“Aunty Penny has always been a little on the bitchy side.  Sometimes I think she is jealous because you have your own company and Uncle Charles could not cut it.  He had to go back to work.”  David nodded.
“And you can play the guitar.”  David chuckled.
“The thing about Aunty Penny.  The minute you get something then she goes and gets something better.”  David nodded.
“And when I got my new jeans she said they were a size too small.”  Nicola chuckled.
“Jealousy for sure.”  David nodded. 

He pulled up at the road house and wound the window down.
“I am going to have a vanilla double thick for sure.  What are you ladies having?”
“Chocolate for me.”
“And I will have strawberry.”  David smiled.
“Should we get burgers and take them home?”  Nicola nodded.
“I think Amanda.  So sorry.  Mom.”  David roared with laughter.
“Sorry about that Nicola.”  She chuckled.
“Amanda would probably like a mushroom and cheese burger with chips.”
“Oh I fancy one of those.”
“You Nicola?”  Nicola chuckled and nodded.  David placed their order.  They sat and drank their milkshakes and waited for the meals.  He smiled as they were given the boxes.  He made sure to take the note of money that Penny had contributed.  He chuckled as he took his change.
“Did you release the tainted note?”  David chuckled.
“I sure did.”  He grinned as he looked at his wallet.  There was quite a bit of money in his wallet.

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