Dreaming Of You (3 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Dreaming Of You
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Then again, San Diego was his hometown. He’d probably gone to school with her.

“Is the woman all right?” Justin asked.

Shane met his friend’s stare. “I guess. She wouldn’t let me help.” Shane folded his arms. “Anyway, where was I?”

“You were talking about bringing charges against the author,” Justin reminded.

“That’s right.” Shane paused when the face of the woman in the booth flashed through his mind again. His memory opened briefly and he could see her laughing. She was younger then, and…was her hair wrapped in a bun? Couldn’t be. Most women didn’t wear their hair like that. He definitely knew her, but he couldn’t think of that now. Unfortunately, the mystery woman would nag at his subconscious until he found the connection.

Trying to dismiss her from his thoughts, he leaned forward and rested his arms on the table. “As I was saying, I would like you to find out if I have a case against her—as long as I can find out who this author really is and where she lives.”

Justin stared down at the book cover and chuckled. “This man definitely looks like you.”

“I know. It’s scary, I tell you. The events she wrote about really happened in my college days.”

Justin finished his orange juice in one gulp. “I’ll check into it. It’s too coincidental.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Shane relaxed against the seat. 

Justin slid out of the booth. “Ready to leave?”

“Not yet. I still have a lot of thinking to do and I can’t do it at home. My parents want me to stay with them while my condo is being prepared for me to move into. I love them dearly, but I can’t concentrate with them around.”

“When will your place be ready?”

“Another week. Hopefully, the next seven days will pass quickly or I’ll go insane. My parents know I’m upset with Tori, yet because of the kids, Mom and Dad think I need to keep my temper hidden.” He shook his head. “I should have stayed at a hotel, but my mother would have been crushed. See what I do because of love?”

Justin laughed then placed money on the table for his juice. “That’s true.”

Sighing, Shane massaged his forehead. “It’s bad enough I have two very depressed four-year-old children to deal with. I hadn’t been around much right before Amber and I divorced because I was busy expanding my business. And after the divorce, Amber lived with her sister and the kids rarely even talked with me then. Now I have to build my relationship with them again, and I don’t want to have to worry about a crazy romance writer. Do you know what I mean?”

“You’re a good father, Hunter. I’ll call you Monday. We’ll talk over racquetball or something. Just like old times.”

“Good idea.”

Justin nodded and left. As Shane rested against the booth, he sighed. The death of his ex-wife had been a shock. She’d loved her children no matter how much she despised Shane and his dedication to his businesses. Her life shouldn’t have ended so tragically. It was hard enough for Cori and Casey, his four-year-old twins, but now Tori was in the picture. The selfish woman was a thorn in his side.

A cough from the woman two booths away, pulled him from his thoughts. Shane took another sip from his juice, wondering why the choking woman looked so familiar.

He dropped his gaze to the back of the book to study the author. Chelsea Mitchell had pretty blue eyes, and long, light sandy-color wavy hair with a touch of red. He squeezed his eyes closed and massaged his forehead. Had he dated her? Why else would she know some of the things he did? As he searched through the cobwebs of his life, he entered a place he never thought he’d visit again.

His past.

The past he couldn’t wait to leave behind when he began making money. Coming from a poor home taught him to work and invest in everything he wanted out of life. Unfortunately, as he grew, most of the pampered kids looked down on him for getting his hands dirty and sweating his way through school.

The demure woman in the other booth called to the waitress, causing him to glance at her booth again. Their gazes met for a brief moment. Her cheeks flamed and she looked away.

Chuckling, he turned back to the book. As soon as he laid eyes on the author’s picture, something sparked inside his head. There was an uncanny resemblance between the author and the woman not more than twelve feet away. They had the same color hair, although the woman sitting not far from him hadn’t styled hers this morning, only pulling it back into a ponytail. They both had the same heart-shaped face. Same chin and nose…and mouth.

Could he have found his stalker? Was this the reason she’d acted so strangely since spying him when she first walked into the diner?

Wrapping his fingers around the paperback, he scooted to the end of his seat and stood. One way or another, he was going to discover the truth.

* * * *

What am I going to do?
Katelyn closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. How could she write herself out of this mess?

Footsteps thudded on the floor near her table, but she didn’t look up. She didn’t have time to watch the other occupants. It had been one of her pastimes to study people and try to figure out their life just by their expressions and actions. That wouldn’t happen today. Finding a way to fix the mess she’d dug for herself was more important.

“Excuse me, but can I have your autograph?” the deep masculine voice rang out.

She jumped and looked at him with wide eyes. “Wh-what?”

Shane stood in front of her, his finger pointing to her picture. “Is this you?”

Her heartbeat thundered in her ears as panic consumed her. Obviously, he’d put two and two together, so she had to confess without telling him the whole truth. Lying didn’t come easy for her, and she worried she wouldn’t be able to do it now. Yet, she must. Her lifestyle depended on it. Perhaps she didn’t have to outright lie…just skirt around the subject enough to make him think differently.

“Um…yes, I’m the author.”

“Then can I have your autograph?”

Her autograph? Why would he want that after what she’d just heard? She must follow his lead and go along with him. She must not act like an idiot, either. Although right now she was painting a perfect picture of one. “Well…a…sure.”

He slid in the seat across from her. “Along with your autograph, can you do something else for me?”

She swallowed hard as she searched through her purse, looking for the pen she knew was in there but somehow couldn’t find. “What’s that?”

Leaning forward on the table, he linked his fingers. “I’d like you to tell me how you knew me and why you used my identity without my permission?”

Where was the hole she could stick her head in? Maybe if she closed her eyes and put herself somewhere in her daydreams—anywhere but here—she would vanish. Being with the scallywag pirates was better than sitting across the table from Shane Hunter.

“Uh, lady?”

She snapped her attention back to him. “I’m sorry. What…um…what was your question?”

He rolled his eyes. “Will you just tell me how you know me?”

Taking a deep breath, she ran her fingers through her hair, wishing she’d had taken a few minutes to actually make herself look presentable before she left her house this morning. Gads, of all the days to look un-pretty.


“Um…yes. I mean, I’m sorry.  I mean…”
Shoot, I’m a blabbering like a fool.

She continued to look through her purse for her favorite purple pen while her mind scrambled for a decent thought. What could she tell him?

Shane reached into the pocket inside his jacket, pulled out a pen and handed it to her.

With an unsteady hand, she took the pen and the book then scribbled her name. Usually her handwriting was neat, smooth and precise. Not today. Her nerves had undergone a major case of battering. She took deep breaths, hoping the oxygen would help her brain to function right now.

“I don’t know you,” she answered his question as she returned his pen and the book.

She didn’t really lie about not knowing him, since the only way she knew him was in her dreams. She had also been friends with his sister-in-law, Tori, which was where Katelyn had received most of her information to write about his life. She and Tori had worked together, and Tori vented to Katelyn all the time about her good-for-nothing, brother-in-law.

“Really.” The tone of his voice let her know he didn’t believe her answer. He leaned closer. “Is Chelsea Mitchell your real name?”

Her hand was still wobbly when she returned the book and pen. “Well…not really.”

“Will you tell me what is?”

She swallowed, moistening her dry throat. It was quite embarrassing having a good-looking man study her so intently, especially today of all days! Self-consciously, she swiped her hand over her hair.
Why didn’t I at least style it today?

He wanted to know her name. If she gave it to him, he’d certainly remember her from college, wouldn’t he? And, if she told him her real name, he’d sue her. Then again, she had no other choice. She couldn’t lie—or skirt around

“I’m Katelyn Palmer. Chelsea is my middle name and Mitchell was my mother’s maiden name,” she rattled on, feeling once again like the shy girl she’d been in college.

“Ms. Palmer, if you don’t know me, why is my name and identity in your book?” He pushed the book on the table, making it slide into her plate.

Surprised, she blinked with wide eyes. He still didn’t remember her, even after she gave him her name. Well, she needed to play off that.

She picked up the book, pretending to study the front cover. Frantically, she searched through her mind for an easy way to answer him. Her thoughts filled with ideas, but she didn’t dare voice any. Although she’d been caught, she still fought for control.

“What makes you think that this is you on the cover?” She glanced into his angry brown eyes, very dark right now. “I must admit, the resemblance is remarkable, but—”

“Lady,” he interrupted, “you’ve used my name for your hero.”

She gulped. “Your name is Shane Hunter?”

“Sure is, sweetie.”

She forced a laugh. “I can’t believe it. What a coincidence.”

His eyebrows rose. “Is it?”

“Of course it is. It’s like you pointed out; we don’t know each other. How could I possibly use your identity in my book if I don’t know you?”

His close scrutiny sent chills up her spine, and without having to look in the mirror, she knew her expression was that of a sinner going to church. As each second passed, his face softened, and she finally felt in control of the situation.

He drummed his long fingers on the tabletop. “Do you know a lot of what I read in your book fits with my life?”

Katelyn wiped her moist hands on her pant legs. “That’s remarkable.” She forced another shaky smile.

As his expression gradually weakened, she held herself strong. Soon, he released a heavy sigh and her heart soared with relief.

He relaxed in his seat. “Maybe you’re right.” The corner of his mouth turned up into a smile. “I’m sorry if I’ve come across like a lunatic, but your book unnerved my ex-wife’s sister, and she’s trying to complicate my life because of it.”

Katelyn breathed easier. “I’m sorry my book has caused problems. I assure you it wasn’t my intention.”

She waited for his acceptance and when he grinned and the dark anger from his eyes disappeared, she melted. His ruggedly handsome features struck her nearly senseless. Hopefully, she wouldn’t see him after today.

“I just thought because the man in your book shared similar adventures with me, that we were one and the same.” He shrugged. “I guess I overreacted.”

She smiled without a struggle this time. “It’s understandable, although I’ve never had anyone accuse me of such a thing.”

He laughed. “To tell you the truth, if my ex sister-in-law didn’t think I’d had an affair with the author because of what was written in the story, I’d feel a little flattered over the resemblance.”

“And I’m flattered that you’re flattered.” Her cheeks heated. She couldn’t believe Tori would accuse him of having an affair with the author just because of the contents. Ridiculous! She continued to stare at his hypnotic, remarkable eyes, feeling her mind gradually falling through a bottomless hole.

Standing, he broke the spell. “Again, I’m sorry about the mistake. I hope I didn’t come across like a madman.”

Katelyn shrugged. “I was a little frightened at first, but not any longer.”

“Good.” He turned to leave, but stopped. “In fact, to let you know how sorry I am, let me pay for your breakfast.”

“Oh, no, I couldn’t let you do that.”

“I insist.” He reached into his pocket and withdrew a twenty-dollar bill and threw it on the table. “And I won’t take no for an answer.”

She nodded.

“You know, your novel was the first romance I’ve ever read, and I thought it was very good.” He stretched forth his right hand. “Although it was under these circumstances, it was really nice to meet you.”

She kept herself calm as she slipped her hand into his. Right away a warm, comforting current emanated from his clasp and grow inside her. “And it was a pleasure meeting you.”

Shane stared at her for a few moments longer. The smile on his face changed, almost to a smirk. Finally, he winked, turned and walked out the door.

She exhaled deeply, blowing the few strands of hair hanging on her forehead. That was a close call, one that she didn’t want to experience ever again.

Yet, did he believe her? From his expression just now, he looked like the cat that had captured the canary…chewed her up and had her for dinner.

* * * *

Katelyn darted from her parked car to the porch of her friend’s condo. Thankfully, Melissa didn’t live too far from the city limits. When Katelyn reached the door, she pounded on the hard wood, not caring if her knuckles turned red from the supreme effort. After rapping a couple more times, she waited and listened for any movement on the other side of the door, but only detected her own quick nervous breaths.

“Come on, Melissa, wake up,” Katelyn muttered impatiently, and knocked again.

Shuffling of feet and a loud curse came from inside before her friend opened the door. Melissa stood in her white bathrobe, her short dyed-blonde hair in disarray with a newly awakened expression on her forty-five-year-old face. The sight was laughable, but Katelyn refrained from grinning. Not today, and definitely not after what happened at the pancake house.

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