Dreaming Of You (10 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Dreaming Of You
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His hot breath touched her cheek, wrecking havoc between her body and mind. When his hand cupped her chin a greater confusion began. She couldn’t let him do this, yet she melted from the mere idea of what he wanted.

“Will I be the first man to kiss you, Katelyn?” His fingers stroked her cheeks tenderly.

She didn’t know why she couldn’t slap his face or push him away. She also didn’t know why she wanted him to kiss her—if only to satisfy her memory from when she was in college and had a crush on him.

“Shane? What are you doing? Anyone could walk by and see.” Her voice shook.

“Not in this rain. Besides, my truck has tinted windows.”

He moved his thumb across her bottom lip, his gaze attached to the same place. The color of his eyes darkened, and she melted that much more.

She should be praying for strength to fight him off, but she wanted to satisfy her curiosity. She wanted to experience it just as her heroines had.



Chapter Seven


Staring down at her mouth, Shane had no idea what had come over him. He’d been a charmer in his younger years, but right now, with Katelyn, he could scarcely breathe. What was it about this woman that made him act in such a way? Anger mixed with confusion had been controlling his actions. Yet, the longer he looked at her, the more those emotions disappeared.

Sighing, he rested his face against her hair and breathed in her rose-scent. Although he really wanted to kiss her, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He’d gone about it the wrong way. Being angry with her and saying those things was not a tool in winning her friendship.

“Katelyn, forgive me. I shouldn’t have said what I did,” he said softly against her hair. “You were right. It’s none of my bus—”

She turned her face and her lips brushed against his. Explosions erupted everywhere and he couldn’t stop himself this time. He pressed his mouth against hers and kissed her. Tingles spread throughout him; from their joined lips, traveling through his face and to every nerve ending in his body. He hitched a breath from the suddenness of the moment, but then wrapped his arms around her, bringing her closer as he kissed her harder.

She broke the kiss and touched his face, and then moved her fingers to his wet hair. The tenderness in her eyes and her touch made him feel that much worse for the way he’d been acting around her lately. At the moment, the only way he could think to make it up to her was through the kiss.

Using gentle strokes, he brushed his lips against hers again. Soon, their kiss turned urgent, and she clung to his shoulders. His heart sang with happiness. Finally, a woman who just might like him for himself instead of his wealth. Katelyn wasn’t after his money since she acted like she couldn’t stand him.

Yet now…

He sighed and ended the kiss, resting his forehead against hers. There was an attraction between them no matter how hard he wanted to deny it.

“Shane, I’m sorry.”

Keeping her in his arms, he pulled back enough to look into her eyes. “For what?”

“You were right.”

“How so?”

“I’ve never been kissed…” She swallowed. “You were the first man to kiss me like that.”

Her confession warmed his heart, and he pulled her closer for another kiss. She responded, but within seconds, stopped the kiss again.

“But this is still wrong,” she whispered.

He pulled back again, farther this time. “Why?”

“Because we don’t really know each other.”

He grinned. “Do you want to get to know me?”

A blush stole across her face, making her look adorable. “Well, I suppose we should since we keep running into each other.”

He chuckled and stroked her heated cheeks. “I’d like nothing better than to get to know you.”

Bright lights shined through the back window as a truck pulled up behind them. He turned and looked then groaned in disappointment. “It looks like the tow truck is already here.”

Shane pulled away from Katelyn and watched in his review mirror until the driver climbed out. Shane rolled down the window.

“Howdy, Shane. Got car problems?” the man asked in a gruff voice.

“Yup.” Shane pointed to the jeep in front of them. “Would you tow it to the shop for me?”

“Sure will.” The man’s eyes switched to Katelyn and he nodded. “I’ll get right to it.”

“Thanks, Bill.” Shane smiled. “I’ll pay you in the morning.”

“No problem.” The man turned, and then hollered over his shoulder. “See ya tomorrow.”

Shane didn’t want the day to end, but he needed to take Katelyn home. There was no way he could be around her any more today since his emotions were in an uproar. Confusion still swam in his head. In order to get everything straightened out, he needed to put some distance between them.

He looked at Katelyn who had scooted away from him, almost hugging her door. She didn’t appear frightened, but looked to be as perplexed as he felt.

“Let me take you home.”

She nodded and told him her address.

Not a word was spoken between them as he drove. He didn’t know anyone who lived in her area. His head pounded harder in confusion. So how did she know him? He knew she’d written about him in her book even though she tried hard to discourage his accusations.

Well, he’d still get the answers from her, even if it meant kissing her to distraction. He grinned, realizing how enjoyable their newfound
would be.

* * * *

Shane sat behind the solid oak desk in his condo, happy to be in his own place. He drummed his fingers on the polished top, knowing he should be doing something else right now besides thinking of Katelyn, but his wandering mind wouldn’t concentrate on anything else.

Scenes from three nights ago played through his memory, and although he felt the need to see Katelyn Palmer again, his conscience argued the point. As much as he wanted to get to know her and discover how she knew him, he worried because of the strong attraction he felt while in her presence. He couldn’t have feelings for a woman he didn’t trust. There were too many coincidental meetings. She had to be up to something. How else did she know so much about his life?

Without his control, she had awakened an ache inside him he didn’t know he had. Her mention of church and being a girl who had high morals, brought back to mind his youth and what his parents had tried to teach him. Back then, he’d wanted to be a religious man.

Now look at him. Miserable with a divorce behind him, and two beautiful, motherless children who craved some of God’s blessings.

Unfortunately, there was something different Shane craved, as well. Kissing Katelyn hadn’t been as simple as he thought it would be. Why he kept egging her on, he didn’t know. But that kiss had changed his way of thinking. He didn’t know why it had made him think so differently about his life, either.

Irritated, he growled and pushed away from the desk, then stepped to the window, looking out across the tennis courts. Two couples occupied the courts. He suspected California’s colder temperatures and rain would drive them away soon. This time of year, most people looked for activities that kept them warm.

And speaking of warm…Katelyn had definitely made him warm and she fit so comfortably snug in his arm the other day while in his truck.

He grumbled again. What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he stop thinking about her? It was important to get Katelyn out of his head and concentrate on something more critical—like his children and helping them deal with their mother’s death, and especially living full-time with the father they were used to spending weekends with.

Glancing at his watch, he realized it was almost time to pick up Cori and Casey from preschool. As he drove, his mind wandered back to Katelyn again, reminding him what they’d done in this very truck.

He still didn’t understand what made him kiss her. She had every right to slap his face instead of the reaction he’d gotten from her. The attraction had been mutual, or certainly appeared that way at the time.

Shane pulled to a stop in front of the preschool. Stacey Hanley, the director, stood on the porch talking with another parent. He waited until they were done, then he climbed out of the truck and walked up to her. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Hanley.”

She smiled, and the twinkle in her blue eyes seemed very familiar. He shook the confusion from his mind, realizing he saw Katelyn in most every woman now.
Good grief! How did that happen?

“Hello, Mr. Hunter.” She glanced down at her watch. “You’re early.”

“I know. I just thought I’d come spy on my kids to see how they’re doing.”

She laughed. “Cori and Casey are doing wonderfully. They’ve adjusted quite nicely, and they’ve made many friends.”

“I’m relieved to hear that.” He swiped his fingers through his hair. “I was worried they’d have problems, particularly Cori. How is she doing emotionally?”

“She seems to be doing okay. Why do you ask?”

He shrugged. “Because she seems more affected by her mother’s death than Casey.”

Stacey nodded. “Girls usually are at first. Pretty soon Casey will realize it and you’ll have to give him special attention.”

“I understand.”

“Would you like to take a peek at them? They’re out in back learning about the different types of animals.”

“Sure, I’d love to watch. But I don’t want them to see me.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll be hidden.”

Stacey led him around the corner of the building and to a clump of large bushes. He looked between the bushes and saw the group of kids gathered around another teacher. Right away, he noticed Cori and Casey. Their faces beamed with happiness, their smiles stretched tight in laughter.

The children were mimicking the teacher who hopped around like a bunny; her hands curled in front of her, her legs together as she jumped. Suddenly, the teacher turned his way, and recognition struck.
Katelyn Palmer?

Doubt clouded Shane’s mind once again. How strange to find her here and he still couldn’t shake the sense he’d met her somewhere long before now. Yet, if she was working at this preschool, what were the possibilities that she had worked at his children’s former school?

He shook his head. That wasn’t right. In the romance she wrote, there were things about his life that happened many years ago, even before he’d married.

“Who is that woman with the children?” he asked Mrs. Hanley, keeping his eyes on the group behind the fence.

“She’s my sister.”

He swung his head and looked at her, feeling shocked, once again. That was why her smile and eyes looked familiar. “Your sister?”

“Yes. Katie helps me from time-to-time.” Stacey switched her gaze back at the group. “She makes up silly games, and the children enjoy playing with her. They really love her.”

He exhaled roughly as he leaned closer to the bushes, trying to get a better look. Okay, so maybe she didn’t know him or his twins.

Katelyn wore a pair of faded jeans, and a pair of white tennis shoes. Her short-sleeve, sweater-style shirt was dressier than what he’d seen her wearing before, which were sweats. In fact, even her hair was different. Instead of the ponytail she always wore, she’d left her hair down, flowing over her shoulders like silk. The red tints in her sandy colored hair were more profound today as the sun tenderly stroked her waves. Her eyes lit up when she laughed with the kids, and the pleasant expression on her face melted his heart that much more.

“Mr. Hunter? Is something wrong?”

He snapped out of his thoughts. “No, but I’ve just recently met your sister.”

“Oh, really?”

He glanced at Stacey and grinned. “Yes. I don’t know if she told you, but I was the one who rescued her the other night when her jeep died in the middle of a rainstorm.”

The woman’s eyes widened. “Yes, Katie did tell me that a man helped her. You even had her jeep towed away.” She reached out and touched his arm. “That was very thoughtful of you, Mr. Hunter.”

“I’d actually met her before then, so it was a pleasure to talk with her again.” He switched his attention back to the kids. “So she goes by Katie and not Katelyn?”

Stacey chuckled. “Funny story… When Katie was two or three years old and just starting to talk, she couldn’t pronounce Katelyn. She would say ‘Katie-win’. Then the rest of us picked up on it and started calling her Katie.” She shrugged. “The name kind of stuck after that.”

“That’s funny.”

From around the building, Mrs. Hanley’s name was called. “Will you excuse me?” she asked.


Stacey smiled, then turned and hurried around the building. Obviously, the family resemblance was in the smile. As with Katelyn, when Stacey smiled, it lit up her whole face and created a sparkle in her eyes.

He chuckled as he looked back at the group of kids playing with Katelyn. What a strange coincidence. Or was fate somehow sticking her nose into his life again?

The longer he watched her play with the children, the more he relaxed and the wider his smile grew. And the prettier she became.

He’d never seen her at ease like this or smiling as much, and when she laughed, his heart skipped. She needed to smile more. It literally took his breath way. Suddenly, he wanted to make her smile and laugh all the time.

Katelyn changed the bunny to a bear, and her hands clawed through the air as she growled. She even went as far as trying to snarl. Shane laughed over her failing attempts. She crouched over and her hair fell around her face.

All at once, the children turned, and still acting like bears, charged at Katelyn. When they attacked her, she laughed and fell to the ground as they proceeded to tickle her. He laughed out loud, but thankfully, nobody heard.

Happiness glowed on Cori and Casey’s face. It thrilled him to know they were getting a woman’s special loving treatment here.

After a few minutes of laughter ringing through the yard, Katelyn finally stood and ushered the children inside. Cori and Casey each grabbed hold of her legs, hugging tightly.

“Miss Palmer? I love you,” Cori said then Casey chimed in with his sentiments.

Shane’s chest constricted with an ache he hadn’t felt before. His breathing caught in his throat and his eyes misted. Yet he wanted to shout with joy at the same time. The feeling confused him.

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