Dreaming of Jizzy (30 page)

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Authors: Y. Falstaff

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Fantasy

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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As Darkness began explaining her wish in full, Rick continued to fight for oxygen, and he felt himself slowly slipping into a black hole of unconsciousness. Even though he had his eyes closed now, he was starting to see stars sparkling out of the corners of his eyes, and he felt himself slipping away. He had brought hell to this world, but now it was about to be let loose on all of creation, even Earth. As he struggled for consciousness, he suddenly grasped at a final straw, and mustering all of his remaining will, he just barely managed to put his two fingers together.


“... universe, and in all planes of creation, to go out, and I want...”




He was barely able to do it and it wasn't all that loud either, but once Rick snapped his two fingers together, Darkness immediately stopped speaking. As if she had suddenly got lightheaded, the demon stumbled back, let him go, and he instantly dropped helplessly to the floor. The next instant, Darkness fell back against the wall of the cabin, her legs unsteady underneath her.


“What was that, Master?” Jizzy asked, her eyes and face uncertain, as if she hadn't heard her correctly and couldn't obviously fulfill the demon's wish.


“What? What have you done to me?!” Darkness then whispered in terror, as if some new horrible feeling she had never yet experienced was suddenly overcoming her within.


Out of breath, Rick just lunged desperately for the bottle in Darkness' hand then, and wrapping his entire body around it, like he was a football player smothering a loose ball with his body, he yanked it free from her grasp and fell to the floor of the ship with it pressed firmly against his chest.


“What?! What have you...?!” Darkness continued to wonder, her voice now sounding amazed, and she reached her clawed hands up to her heart and crumpled back against the wall, overcome with raw and never-experienced-before emotion.


“Checkmate, bitch!” Rick barely managed between heavy breaths.


“Oh, Master! Are you all right?!” Jizzy instantly sprung into action and ran over to Rick, who had both arms wrapped firmly around the bottle in death-grip but was gasping for breath at the same time.


Staring over at Darkness only a few feet away from him, Rick saw her digging her clawed fingers into her oily flesh, and he saw black fumes springing into the air like a fountain from her dark heart.


“No! What have you infected me with?!...What is this... looooove....!?”


As the word left her mouth, Darkness' fiery eyes suddenly blazed to life a final time. Rick saw the outline of the skull features of her face then, and the next instant, as if a black hole had opened up inside her chest, all in a heartbeat, she was sucked into nothing and ceased to exist all in an instant. At that same exact moment, Rick suddenly felt free of all her evil possessions over his body.


“Oh, Master! You slew a demon! You are my hero!” Jizzy excitedly exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close to her.


“I think more a fool,... than a hero, Jizzy,” Rick gasped, knowing just how close he had come to being responsible for unleashing all of hell onto all of creation.


Outside the cabin, Rick then heard the heavy footsteps of the kull, and he still heard Kitty and Asha fighting it out with the enemy somewhere on the ship.


“Back-to-back, cat! Back-to-back!” Asha shouted out, and the repeated sounds of his shotgun going off and the electrical sound of Asha's futuristic pistol was heard over and over, along with the screams of the giant kull.


“Quick, Jizzy!” Rick then breathed. “I need you to wish all the kull... around and on our ship... back to Manza-zar's palace... Do it now!... Hurry!”


Jizzy immediately let him go, sat up straight, and she nodded her head. The next instant, the heavy footsteps on the deck of the ship and the alien screams of the kull instantly vanished.


“Where did they go?! Where...?! We've been saved, cat! We've been saved!” Asha happily rejoiced.


Letting his head fall back into Jizzy's warm bosom, Rick took in long breaths for a few seconds as relief flooded over his body. He had done it. Somehow, someway he had managed to do it. He had rescued Jizzy from the kull, and he had even managed to save the universe from his own folly and killed a demon in the process. At that moment, worn out and exhausted, Rick wondered if the way he felt at that moment, was the way a real hero felt? But then, a thought suddenly entered his head, and he turned to Jizzy with excited eyes.


“Oh! One more little wish for now, it's about hell...”








“I'm flying! I'm flying!” Rick yelled out mockingly, his two feet together and his arms stretched out far to either side of him like wings.


Standing on the prow of the magnificent sailing spaceship, which looked like it should have been in the water but was instead miraculously flying through the cosmos, Rick stared out at all the dazzling nebulae, ringed planets, and thousands of stars surrounding him on all sides and honestly felt like he was on top of the world.


Exhaling the next second, Rick gazed down and chuckled as he watched Kitty, naked and down on all fours, lovingly licking away on his wrinkly balls. With his stiff dick already coated with her runny saliva and propped up against the side of her pretty face, Kitty took her time and addressed his hairy nuts with detailed precision.


“Master! Master! Did I hear you say that you wanted to fly!? Do you desire a wish?!” shouted out Jizzy, quickly racing up the metal steps behind him to join him on the foredeck of the shinny spaceship.


Glancing back over his shoulder, Rick saw the beautiful genie rush up in her royal purple and gold outfit, tiny bells ringing, and her plump tits jiggling in her excitement. After making a few choice wishes to keep the kull off their tail, the four of them had escaped into outer space after settling matters with Darkness. Even now, Rick could see the towering mainmast of the ship with its three magnificent white sails puffed out and full, like cheeks on a ivory giant. Seeing Jizzy's eager expression, Rick couldn't help but smile to see her so happy and well again.


“No, no. It's from a movie. You know, iceberg sinks a giant ship?” Rick explained.


“A movie?” Jizzy asked, her index finger going to her pink lips, and her head tilting to the side, making her blonde ponytail dance.


“Ya, kind of like a story with moving pictures, I guess you can say,” Rick tried to explain, realizing there was no way she could possibly know what a movie was or what ship he was talking about.


“Oh! I love stories, Master, especially love stories!” Jizzy breathed dreamily.


“Well it's definitely that, but... I kind of like this one better,” Rick thoughtfully considered.


“Oh, that is so sweet, Master!” Jizzy adoringly purred, and then suddenly remembering, she perked up and continued. “Oh! Did you say that you wanted to fly, Master? I could wish it true for you. That would be an easy one!”


Suddenly feeling the head of his fat dick sinking into a wet and hot place, Rick blinked and leaned his head back while exhaling. Down below, Kitty now had his hard shaft in her mouth, and she slowly moved her tiny pink tongue around and around his cock outside her mouth as she took her time and leisurely sucked away on it, in no hurry at all to have him blow his titanic load.


“Oh! You're such a cum-hungry little slut, Kitty,” Rick gasped.


“She is, isn't she, Master!” Jizzy happily agreed, nodding her head. “About that wish?”


“No, no, I think I'm good, Jizzy. As far as I'm concerned, I'm flying high right now. I don't need wings,” Rick explained, reaching down and petting Kitty's metallic blue hair as she greedily gobbled away on his thick love-spear.


“Oh, Master!” breathed Jizzy, stepping up beside him and leaning her pretty face against his shoulder.


Reaching his arm out and slipping it over Jizzy's shoulder, Rick pulled the sexy genie close to him and just stared out at the universe going by all around them. He had no idea how they had somehow not lost gravity and became weightless once they had passed through the atmosphere of the kull homeworld, but he honestly didn't care all that much either. Whether it was by some magical means or some alien technology that allowed them to stand on the deck of the ship and not float off it or, worse, suffocate to death, Rick had no idea what was behind the defiance of physics. The truth was though, answers were less important than the journey now, and he had been on one hell of a roller coaster ride of a journey ever since he had met Jizzy.


Thinking back on his rather boring life before where he was trapped behind a desk all day, surrounded by people he really didn't want to be around, and working a job that didn't exactly inspire him, regardless of all the danger in his life since, Rick honestly felt like this change in his life was for the better. As he stood there contemplating his life with Kitty persistently sucking away on his hose and Jizzy under his arm, Rick felt like the whole, big universe was out there just waiting for him.


“I want to thank you, Master,” Jizzy quietly began, breaking his quiet reverie.


“Thank me for what?” Rick asked, pulling her closer to him and kissing her on the forehead.


“For rescuing me. I have never had any master go through that much trouble for me before. You risked your life... for me,” Jizzy thankfully explained, gazing up into his eyes.


Smiling, Rick thought to himself how crazy her words were, but they were true. He had, in fact, risked his own life to save her's, but he also realized deep down that in saving her life, he was really saving his own as well. The life he had been living before was not something he was proud of, satisfied with, or he got any sense of fulfillment out of at all. At that moment, he suddenly realized that the life he was living before, he was little more than a spectator, almost like watching the movie of someone else's life instead of living his own. Instead of fucking real beautiful women, he jacked off to porn more times than not. Instead of living a heroic life himself where he did things he was proud of, he instead rooted for sports stars on the television. Now, he was in the arena. He was the gladiator. He was risking his life, yes, but he was also reaping the rewards. He was no longer living the life of doing nothing but complaining and letting his life slip away from him day by day. Now, things had definitely changed, and he knew in his heart that the change was for the better. Thinking of Jizzy's thankful and loving words, Rick smiled, gazed down into her beautiful eyes, and answered her.


“I'd do it all again.”


“Oh, Master!” Jizzy breathed, and she closed her eyes and the two lovingly kissed one another.


Breaking the silence of the loving moment, down below, Rick heard Kitty sloppily sucking away on his prick, and as she took his dick deep down inside her throat, he broke off his kiss and exhaled.


“Oh, my god, Kitty! That's it, suck on it,” Rick breathed, looking down at her busily working away.


“She is a very good cocksucker!” Jizzy commented, giggling and staring down at the feline alien slowly laboring on her loving chore.


“She is, and she gets better all the time,” Rick noted.


“That is because she practices all the time!” Jizzy immediately added with a laugh.


As both of them chuckled, Rick reached down and pulled his stiff penis out of Kitty's mouth, which came popping out of her mouth with a loud fart-like noise. Rick teased his feline companion then, and he playfully slapped her in the face with his meaty rod. As he did, long saliva trails on his dick, splattered across her face, and they both laughed as he played with her.


After a few minutes, footsteps were then heard from behind, and Rick let go of his dick and turned to watch Asha come striding up from behind them in her skintight ivory-colored suit. With her perfectly perky tits mounted proudly on her slender torso, the petite four-armed alien was more than a feast for the eyes of any upstanding horn-dog. Stopping and leaning her weight to one side, Asha planted her four hands on her round hips, and she stared at the three of them through her goggles.


“Is there room for me in this party, or do I need to take a number?” the spunky alien asked with a knowing smile.


Holding out his free arm, Rick gestured for her. “There is always room for you, Asha!”


“Good!” Asha replied, and she stepped up into his embrace.


While she did so, Kitty went back to licking his stiff rod up and down, and Rick now stood with Jizzy under one arm and petite Asha under the other. Eerily and without a sound, the giant ship continued to drive through open space on the currents of the solar winds, and Rick wondered all around them at the planets, asteroids, stars, and moons that he saw both up close and from afar.


“So where to now?” Rick finally asked, breaking the silence after a few happy moments.


“Oh! I was waiting on that decision myself,” Asha immediately answered. “You told me just to get us out into space and far away from the kull homeworld. I have done that. I was actually coming over here to find out where exactly you wanted to go, and what you wanted to do?”


“Yes, Master! Where would you like to go?!” Jizzy eagerly asked, her eyes suddenly excited.


“Oh, I... I don't know?”


“I thought you might like to go back home, where it is more... safe,” Asha hesitatingly proposed, though that clearly didn't seem like something she wanted.


As soon as the words left Asha's mouth, Rick already knew his answer though. Outside of Chinese take-out and football, there wasn't much about his former life he was missing, and technically, he could wish himself some Chinese take-out and, if he really wanted, a television to watch football on if he absolutely had to have it. No, his life had gone from the hair-pulling mundane to the outlandishly spectacular overnight, and he didn't have the slightest whim in him to return to that other life, at least not at the moment. After all, there was a whole universe out there just waiting for him. Who knows what could happen?!


“No, I don't want that life anymore. No, this... this is the life, right here... with you all,” Rick told them.


In response, Jizzy and Asha breathed out in relief and put their heads on his chest, while Kitty continued to just methodically experiment with different ways to suck on his rod, many of which were rather noisy and produced lots of dripping saliva.


“Gosh! She is a hungry little slut, isn't she?” Asha then laughed, hearing Kitty noisily working away.


“She is!” Rick chuckled, and Kitty stopped for a moment, considered them all, but then smiled and immediately went back to licking on his balls once again.


“Would you like me to stick my tongue up your ass like this morning, Master?” Jizzy innocently asked.


“No, that's all right. Kitty is just practicing right now, that's all,” Rick dismissively answered.


“Well, my question still stands then. If you are not heading home, then where in the wide universe shall we go, and what shall we do?” Asha asked, officially directing everyone back to the primary questions at hand.


“I don't know? I kind of just feel like a king right now. Everything is just right,” Rick honestly answered.


“I agree!” Jizzy emphatically shouted out, nodding her head.


At her excited words, Rick then suddenly had a tiny thought enter his mind, and the quirk of a smile on his face grew to a long secretive one within seconds. Though he didn't say a word, both Jizzy and Asha stared up at him, and their faces were pinched with question.


“What?!” Rick defensively asked.


“What is that look on your face?” Asha asked.


“What look?” Rick played.


“I saw it too, Master! You had an idea. Please share it with us! Please! Please!” Jizzy begged, and even Kitty stopped laboring away on his dick and stared up at him curiously.


“Oh, I don't know?” Rick started, his eyebrows devilishly bouncing on his forehead. “I was just thinking of Manza-zar and...”


“Oh, you do not need to worry about him or the kull, Master!” Jizzy cut him short. “I have wished it so they can no longer follow the trail of my magic, even if they wanted to, remember? They have all the dimensions of the wide universe to search for us now! It is like finding one grain of sand in an entire desert of sand, you need not worry your head about that at all.”


“No, no, no. I remember your wish, but that wasn't what I was thinking,” Rick eased her mind.


“What were you thinking then? You don't want to go back there, do you?” Asha asked, somewhat shocked at the possibility.

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