Dreaming of Jizzy (27 page)

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Authors: Y. Falstaff

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Fantasy

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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Whether it was lying flat on the ground, on their hands and knees, standing up, crouching, bending over, riding on top, or even swinging from the rafters, Rick recreated the book on sex in every conceivable way. No pussy, mouth, or tight asshole went unfilled by his mammoth dick that night, and when he finally blew his titanic loads, it was like he was a firefighter and all those sexy aliens in the harem were a blaze. By the time he was done gushing, they were almost swimming in his seed it was so thick and heavy. After fucking until he could hardly talk because his tongue was so spent from licking, his dick had literally been rubbed raw and was sore to the touch, and his unquenchable appetite was somehow, miraculously satiated, Rick finally left the gorgeous ladies of Manza-zar's harem behind him.


Taking Jizzy's bottle off the glass pedestal, Rick crept back behind the showers, put back on his clothes, and stuffed both the bottle and cap into his backpack. Taking a final peek at all the lovely women lounging lazily around on colorful pillows, smoking on a great hookah, and their eyes now low and satisfied, Rick couldn't help but giggle to himself like the perverted little devil he was. While back on Earth, he had chased after an Ivy League brat in Candace, who didn't give him the time of day and was only maybe half as good looking as any one of these ladies in the harem, now he had fucked a prized lot of handpicked beauties that even if he had only fucked one of them, it would have been legendary, but he had fucked them all. While there might have been a slave born every minute, occasionally there is also born one lucky motherfucker, and on that day, Rick knew without a doubt that that lucky motherfucker was him.








With Jizzy's cap and bottle secure in his backpack, Rick removed the necklace Darkness had given to him to disguise himself for fear of Kitty accidentally mistaking him for one of the kull and blowing him away with good ole Betty Buckshot. After whispering down to her from the other side of the hatchway to give her fair warning, Rick then slid the stone door of the portal aside and stared down at his loyal feline companion. Faithfully warding over the barely lucid genie, Kitty smiled up at him and appeared genuinely happy to see him.


After scrambling down the rungs of the ladder and giving Kitty a quick hug in greeting, Rick felt like his heart was in his throat. Even though he had somehow miraculously retrieved both his stolen genie and her bottle, ever since he had fled from the harem, he felt like he was constantly hearing heavy footsteps of the kull just behind him and around every corner. It was a queer paranoia that seemed to grow more and more with the realization that he was actually accomplishing, what he initially had thought, was kind of the impossible. Even though he could still hear the city in chaos overhead through the sewer grates and there was literally open warfare on the streets, Rick knew at some point, Manza-zar and his cronies would eventually find out Jizzy had been taken, and when that happened, Rick wanted to be as far away from the city as possible.


“I got it, Kitty! I got it!” Rick breathed, smiling and nodding to his feline companion, who sniffed at him with her tiny cat-like nose and narrowed her wide eyes at him.


Guessing he must have been absolutely reeking of sex, Rick smiled but didn't say anything as Kitty continued to sniff away at him. Crouching beside the beaten and bloodied genie, Rick quickly unshouldered his backpack and retrieved the bottle out of it.


“Jizzy, Jizzy, I got your bottle,” Rick whispered, holding it up in front of her face to show her. “What do I need to do to make you better, huh? Just tell me.”


Unfortunately, at Rick's begging question, Jizzy just moaned inaudibly and writhed on the ground like before, almost as if he wasn't there at all. To Rick, it almost appeared like she had had a long day of drinking and was only barely lucid. Not sure what to do, Rick took her hand in his, and then he placed the bottle in her hand.


“There you go. You can get better now, Jizzy. You can get all better now,” Rick whispered to her, but the genie did not appear to be aware of anything that was going on around her.


Biting his lip, Rick glanced back up at the hatchway overhead that he had set back into place. Knowing he was only hearing his own heartbeat in his hears, Rick still suspected that he was being trailed. Even though he knew he was scaring himself with all this paranoia, Rick knew they needed to move and soon if they hoped to escape. His eyes then fell from the portal overhead and drifted over to the tiny fiery servant that Darkness had summoned to show them the way out of the sewers. Hearing Jizzy's bottle hit the hard stone of the ground a moment later, Rick's eyes then strayed back down to Jizzy, who still appeared completely helpless.


“We need to get out of here,” Rick said, feeling a keen sense of urgency to move and not stay put.


Picking up the distinct blue bottle off the floor, Rick pulled the cap off of it, hoping that might shock the genie back to herself, but that didn't seem to do the trick either. Rick knew, the longer they waited there, the better chance they had of inevitably being discovered, and he knew he just had to move, even if Jizzy was in the pitiful state she was in. Staring into the dark sewer system ahead, Rick thought to himself how this definitely wasn't going to be any fun.


After shoving the bottle back into his backpack, Rick took the shotgun from Kitty, slung it around his torso by the sling, and then the two of them managed to help Jizzy to her feet. Even though the genie was barely conscious, Rick was happy that she did at least seem to help them a little bit, and once stood up on her feet, she managed to lean against either one of them for support under her own power, instead of just being dead weight that they were forced to drag around. With Rick under one of the genie's arms and Kitty under the other supporting her, they readied themselves to depart.


“All right, ladies, let's get the hell out of here. Little burning dude...,” Rick announced, looking to the tiny fiery servant on the stone ledge nearby. “... show us the way out of here.”


After the burning servant bowed, it immediately started off down the broad corridor, and Rick and Kitty helped Jizzy along, one unsteady step at a time.


For the remainder of their time down in those wretched sewers, Rick honestly had no idea whether they were down there only an hour or several hours. After a couple turns down one tunnel system to another, Rick had successfully got himself completely lost again, and both he and Kitty grunted, sweat, and labored on as best they could under the circumstances. By the time they finally reached the final portal sticking out of the city's alabaster wall, Rick was completely spent and honestly ready for a long break.


As the two of them set Jizzy down against the sidewall of the tunnel for a moment to catch their breaths, they stared out into the nighttime desert surrounding the city. Overhead and in the city behind them, Rick could hear painful and terrified screams, hideous laughter, and loud explosions, which occasionally even shook the very place where they stood. The tunnel they were in was suspended a half-dozen feet over a pool of raw sewage which it lazily leaked into, but beyond that tiny pond of waste was the stretching, nighttime desert, as far as the eye could see.


In the partly clouded nighttime sky overhead, he saw a massive pale moon shinning beams of light between the swiftly moving cloud-cover. Occasionally in the distance and far up in the sky, Rick could just make out an explosion, like fireworks going off on the Fourth of July back home in the United States, and then he'd see the wreckage of one of those strange sailing ships come tumbling out of the heavens. Rick wasn't sure exactly what was taking place to cause these explosions, but clearly the demons and devils he had let loose were responsible. Even far in the desert at times, Rick could spot a flare of fire, like a giant column of raging flames that would spark up for just a moment and then immediately die down. Clearly this wasn't the kind of warfare he was familiar with, with guns and bombs, but there was definitely some kind of war going on, and it was happening all over, either deep in the desert, high in the heavens overhead, or behind them in the city.


It was during these moments when he was recovering his breath and standing within that massive sewer pipe, that Rick thought through everything he had done. The explosions, screams of the dying, and the grunts and shouts of aggression never seemed to cease and all those horrible sounds blended together to form a symphony of mayhem the likes Rick had never honestly heard or ever experienced before. In making his deal with Darkness, Rick was personally responsible for literally unleashing hell there, and even though the kull may or may not have deserved it, or made their own bed, so to speak, he still swallowed hard at his decision and hoped Jizzy would soon wake so he might reverse his actions and send those demons back to the nether regions they inhabited before he had so cavalierly let them loose.


Having no idea where they would go or what they would do, Rick knew one thing, they couldn't exactly stay there. Using the cloak of however much nighttime remained and the chaos of warfare to shield their movements, Rick thought it was better that they moved now and get as far away from the city as possible.


“Well, we better get going, Kitty. Help me with Jizzy,” Rick instructed, and the two of them once again helped the barely lucid genie to her wobbly feet.


The next several minutes, Rick did the best he could to get them down out of the stone pipe and onto the sand without having to take a bath in that reeking pond of sewage. After they had managed that, Rick and Kitty shouldered Jizzy and started off into the desert, heading towards what looked like a craggy mountain of sorts in the far distance.


It wasn't but ten minutes into this effort though when Kitty unexpectedly gave out a loud and frightened meow that immediately seized Rick's attention. Turning and looking to his companion, he saw her eyes were wide, and she gestured up into the sky with her hand. Following with his eyes where she was pointing, Rick saw a gigantic sailing ship, like a sixteenth century man-of-war ship he had seen in history books, baring down on them. While this heavy ship was similar to the ones he had seen pictures, it was different in that it was all shinny like chrome, with white puffy sails, and seemed to be somehow miraculously flying through the open sky on nothing but the desert winds. In addition, unlike the other ships he saw being attacked and blown out of the sky, this heavy ship appeared to be heading on a direct course right for them.


“Fuck!” Rick barked out, immediately suspecting that Manza-zar's seers had somehow spotted them and were now looking to capture or outright kill them.


Dropping Jizzy to the sandy desert floor, Rick immediately swung his shotgun from around his shoulders. Taking a final peek down at the genie, he saw that she was completely out of it, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Rick knew he wasn't going to be able to wish his way out of this one. Instead, he was going to have to fight. He had figured it would eventually come down to this one way or another, and to be honest, he was more than a little surprised he had gotten this far without a major engagement. But this was it. They had finally found them out.


“All right, Kitty, be ready!” Rick excitedly warned, pumping his shotgun as he watched the massive ship bearing down on them.


Crouched low and with her claws out, Kitty stood faithfully by his side, and the two of them protectively stood directly in front of Jizzy's unconscious body. As Rick raised his shotgun and aimed at the ship, he watched the fat ship bank sharply to starboard just as it got within a few hundred feet of them, and he immediately expected to then see dozens of giant kulls dressed in their colorful garb and carrying their heavy scimitars standing along the railing of the shinny ship. He was shocked and pleasantly surprised then, the next moment, when instead of formidable kulls, he hear a familiar voice shout out at them from the deck of the ship.


“Hello, my love!” Asha greeted, and his eyes immediately went to her along the aft portion of the ship, waving at him with one of her four hands. “Give me a minute to stop this thing and lower the gangplank.”


“Holy shit!” Rick breathed in disbelief. “Where the hell did you come from?! And... and where have you been?!”


Asha though didn't answer him and disappeared from the railing of the ship a second after greeting him, and Rick watched the ship drop slowly out of the sky, but not quite landing on the sand. Once the behemoth finally drifted slowly to a stop, Rick then saw a long walkway extend automatically off the deck of the ship and down to the desert floor. At the top of it, Asha appeared a moment later, dressed in her skintight ivory suit and with a broad smile on her pretty alien face.


“Hurry! We have to get out of here before the demons or kull attack!” Asha urged and then dashed away and disappeared from view.


“Come on, Kitty, let's get Jizzy. She's a friend,” Rick excitedly relayed, and the two scrambled to pick back up the sleeping genie and carry her on-board the massive sailing ship.


As bright explosions continued to rock the city behind them and all throughout the desert and sky around them sudden flares of fire unexpectedly erupted, Rick and Kitty managed to drag Jizzy's unconscious body onto the deck of the shinny ship minutes later.


“Hurry! Hurry! We got to get out of here!” Asha encouraged from the aft-deck of the ship where the controls and the massive steering wheel on the ship was mounted.


After carrying Jizzy onto the fat ship and gently putting her down on the deck, Rick turned to Kitty and quickly handed over his shotgun.


“Here! Guard Jizzy! I'll be right back!” Rick quickly instructed, and Kitty nodded her head that she understood and took the shotgun from him.


Scrambling past the three towering masts, which each had three white sails attached, Rick dashed up the steps leading to the aft-deck of the ship. Behind a massive steering wheel, which was almost bigger than she was, the petite four-armed alien reached over to a console on either side of her with two of free hands and pressed buttons, frantic to get them out of there and to safety as soon as possible.


“Kisses later, my love!” Asha shouted, two of her arms working the wheel and spinning it sharply to starboard.


“What the hell is going on?! How did you know I was even here?!” Rick asked, watching her frantically work, though not seeing any immediate threat around them.

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