Dreamboat (29 page)

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Authors: Judith Gould

BOOK: Dreamboat
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Now Mark, the son of a bitch, was screwing up his plans. He watched as he sipped his drink slowly, turned on a CD player, then set his drink down on a coffee table. Mark crossed to the trunk and opened it.

Suddenly the man's eyes widened with alarm.
Jesus! Is he actually going to go through the damn thing?

He watched as Mark idly picked up an old quilt at the top of the trunk, then dropped it to the floor. He picked up several more, letting them slip to the floor with the first one. Then he began rummaging through the quilts more quickly, grabbing one and holding it up to the light and looking at it before tossing it back down.

I may end up having to kill the bastard,
the man thought.

Finally Mark scooped up the quilts on the floor and threw them back into the trunk, crossed back to the coffee table, picked up his drink, and went into his bedroom. He didn't bother closing the trunk, leaving the lid yawning open.

What do you know?
the man thought.
He didn't even see the Semtex.

He scooted over to try to get a better view of the bedroom door. It was open, and light poured out of the room.
Shit! I could be here all night waiting for him to go to bed.
One thing for sure, he promised himself. When he came back the next time it would be to get the Semtex out of there and take his chances storing it in his own cabin.

He sat on his haunches, waiting and watching. In less than fifteen minutes, all of the lights in the suite went out at once.
He's got a master switch at his bedside,
the man thought. He could tell that Mark hadn't closed the bedroom door, or he might try to take the Semtex with him now. But he
decided against it. He could slide the balcony door open and shoot across the room and out, fast and unseen. He was certain of that. But he didn't want to chance going to the trunk and taking out the Semtex with Mark's bedroom door open. For all he knew, the bastard had a gun.

He waited for another fifteen minutes or so, then slowly slid the balcony door open. Slipping inside the suite, he closed the door behind him as quietly as possible, then stood stock-still, listening. Nothing. He couldn't hear anything except the ticking of a clock somewhere.

Taking a deep breath, he shot toward the hallway door, unlocked it, and was out in the passageway in an instant. He walked hurriedly, but not
hurriedly, toward the nearest turn off the hallway. Once around the corner, he stopped, peered around it, saw that no one was coming, and took another deep breath.

Close call
, he thought.
Too damn close. I've got to get the explosives out of there soon. Very soon.

Once down in the hospital, he quickly closed the door behind them. “My God,” he said, taking her into his arms. “You must be the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Crissy held onto him as if he were a life preserver in a storm-tossed sea. “Oh, I'm so glad to be alone with you,” she said. “So glad.”

He kissed her passionately, then drew back, looking at her worriedly. “Are you all right about what happened?” he asked.

“We don't need to talk about it now,” she said.

“Yes,” he said, “we do. Here, sit down.” He indicated the bed in the hospital room. Fortunately, there were no patients required to stay overnight. He had turned off the overhead lights but left on the more subdued light under a wall-mounted cabinet.

Crissy did as she was told, sitting on the edge of the bed. Luca stood in front of her, looking down at her. He put a hand under her chin and lifted her face to meet his gaze. “Tell me how you feel,” he said. “Please. I love you, Crissy, and I want to comfort you.”

She felt tears well up in her eyes, and she fought them back. She didn't know until that moment that his caring for her—and his words—were exactly what she needed to hear. “I-I . . . Oh, I feel so humiliated, Luca,” she stuttered. “I-I just feel so . . . used.”

He put his arms around her and hugged her to him. “Tell me, Crissy. Please,” he said.

She let the tears come then, crying silently against his chest. When she could finally speak, she told him what had happened, then let out a laugh. “I-I'm sorry, Luca. This is so silly. So . . . stupid.”

“No,” he whispered. “You're not silly or stupid. Not at all. Crissy, I'm so sorry you've been hurt,” Luca said, stroking her back tenderly, “but you've got to remember who did it. Those people are unhappy and uncaring. They're only out for themselves. Monika Graf and Jenny are both manipulative bitches.”

“I think you may be right,” she said.

“I know I am,” he said. “I wasn't going to tell you because I didn't want to interfere with your friendship with Jenny, but when she came to see me about her feet, she threw herself all over me. Really acted sleazy.”

“Oh, my God,” Crissy said. “Why am I not surprised?”

“It gets worse,” Luca said. “Monika made an appointment about a stomachache, which I'm sure was just an excuse to see if I might be interested in her. When I didn't show any interest, she warned me that you were trouble.”

“What!” Crissy exclaimed.

Luca nodded. “I didn't want to tell you that either, because I know she doesn't really mean it. She just wants to come between the two of us.”

“I can't believe it,” Crissy said. “She's been so nice to me, or she
On excursions and everything, she's been . . . Well, it's like she's . . . she's taken me under her wing like I'm her . . . her daughter or something.”

“Crissy,” he said, “a woman like her would never simply be nice to you without expecting something in return.”

“But what?” she asked, looking up at him.

He shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe just your company. I think she's a very lonely, unhappy woman.”

“But she's famous and has everything,” Crissy said.

“Believe me, she's unhappy,” he said. “She doesn't have a husband or boyfriend, does she? She's traveling alone, and there's nothing wrong with that. But I think she probably doesn't have many friends, and I think she was using you to keep her company.”

“I thought she really liked me,” Crissy said.

“I think she does like you in her way,” Luca said, “but I also think she would use you.” He paused. “As for Mark Vilos, I wouldn't put anything past him. He's a spoiled, arrogant brat who's used to getting his way no matter what. I don't know whether he made the telephone calls or tore up your underwear, but something tells me he's the type.”

He hugged her, then sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulder. “Just remember, you've got me, and you're safe with me.” He kissed her cheek. “I love you, Crissy.”

“Oh, Luca,” she whispered. “You do make me feel safe, and I-I love you, too. And that's what's important.”

They kissed passionately, their desire for each other overcoming any other considerations. He finally drew back and looked into her eyes. “Let's get undressed,” he said. “Now that we can.”

“Yes,” she replied.

He stood up and offered her a hand. Crissy slid off the bed, and Luca took her into his arms, kissing her again before reluctantly parting. He turned her around and unzipped the back of her dress slowly, caressing her all the while. As he slipped it off her shoulders, he kissed each one in turn, then brushed his lips across the nape of her neck, nuzzling her tenderly. Letting her dress slide to the floor, Crissy turned to him, and he stared at her, standing before him in a white lacy bra and panty hose, the beautiful dress gathered around her ankles in a heap.

“Ah,” he said in a whisper, “you're so beautiful. So beautiful. Even more beautiful than in the moonlight.” He took her into his arms again, kissing her while unhooking her brassiere, then tossing it onto a chair. When her breasts leapt free, he brought his hands to them, cupping each one and leaning down to kiss them, his tongue licking her rosy nipples. He moaned in pleasure before going down on his knees, and, lifting one leg at a time, he slipped her gown from around her ankles, then removed her high heels. He left them on the floor while he reached up with his hands and gently pulled her panty hose all the way down to her feet, reverently lifting each foot and pulling the panty hose off. She was naked now, her body fully exposed for him to see, and he sat back on his haunches, his gaze traversing the landscape of her body as if she were a goddess and he her supplicant.

“Magnificent,” he breathed.

Crissy smiled shyly. She didn't think she'd ever felt so vulnerable, for she had never opened her heart and soul to a man before, not like this. She was afraid, she realized, but her desire for him and to give herself to him overcame her fear.

Luca moved forward to his knees again, placing a hand on each of her rounded cheeks. Burying his head in her stomach, he kissed her, his tongue swirling around and around her navel, then tracing a path down
to the mound between her thighs. Crissy put her hands on his head, her fingers splayed in his black hair, caressing him as he began to kiss her, shivering with desire as his tongue found her most private place. Luca moaned as he was enveloped in her heat, and his hands pushed her to him as he delved deeper, her juices attesting to her lusty readiness. Crissy was overcome with passion for him, and grasped his head forcefully and ground herself against him, then cried out when he stopped and withdrew.

Luca stood up and embraced her, kissing her, his breath coming in pants that were like those of an animal. “I've got to undress,” he rasped.

He drew back and led her to the bed, where Crissy sat watching him. Leaning down, he picked up her dress and panty hose, draping them across a chair. He turned and stood before her, then slowly began removing his uniform. First, he shrugged out of his white jacket, underneath which he wore an undershirt. He slid it over his head, and Crissy let her eyes linger on his broad shoulders and muscular arms, the patch of black hair between his pectorals, and the trail that led to his navel. He looked so strong, so fit and able, and his masculine hardness in the light increased her desire for him. He untied his shoes and took them off. When he'd unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned and unzipped his white pants, he slid them down his legs and stepped out of them. His manhood, fully aroused, was trapped by the white jockey shorts he wore. Sliding those down, he took them off. Standing back up, his aroused cock sprang out in front of him, and for the first time, Crissy saw him fully exposed to her. She drank him in, her eyes hungrily studying his chiseled body, its defined musculature, at last coming to rest on his face.

Luca smiled. “See what you do to me?” he said, approaching her.

“You're more handsome, more . . . everything than I ever imagined,” she breathed.

He got onto the bed with her, and they spread out next to each other, Luca taking her into his arms. “It's so wonderful to be with you,” he said. “Naked and in bed.” He began kissing her passionately, his tongue exploring her mouth, his hands caressing her breasts, then trailing down to the mound between her thighs. His lips found her nipples, and he licked them in circles until they were distended with desire.

Crissy swept her hands down his long back to his buttocks, massaging their astonishing hardness before finding his engorged manhood and
balls, brushing them lightly with her fingers before stroking him slowly and gently. She took pleasure in his lustful moans, and when his fingers slid inside her, she emitted a sigh of ecstacy.

Their explorations continued, their joy in each other seemingly endless, but Luca finally could wait no longer before mounting her and entering her tenderly. They moved rhythmically, slowly at first, Luca engulfing her with his manhood, and Crissy responding by taking him with abandon, opening herself wide for him, glorying in their craving for each other. Their desire was ravenous, and Luca soon began to move faster, the urge for consummation overcoming all else.

“Oh, my God,” Crissy cried. “Luca, Luca . . .” Crissy suddenly felt her body contract, and in a spasm of ecstacy, she cried out and flooded him with her orgasm.

Silent but for his panting, Luca bucked wildly, her orgasm engendering his own, and his muscles stiffened as he burst inside her, a tidal wave of pent-up desire sweeping before him. He moaned. “Ahhh, Crissy, I love you. I love you.”

He clutched her to him and peppered her face and neck with kisses as he caught his breath. Crissy wrapped her arms around him, savoring the feel of him still inside her, of the touch of his lips against her sated flesh. They lay together for a long time, basking in the afterglow of their love for each other, their sweat-sheened bodies as one.

His breath had returned to normal when Luca gently rolled to his side, bringing her with him, still inside her. Embracing her again, he kissed her lips, then drew back, propping his head on a hand and looking into her eyes. “I love you so much,” he said.

“I love you, too,” Crissy said, in a state of wonderment that anything on earth could be this heavenly. “I still can hardly believe it's true.”

He nodded. “I know,” he replied. “It seems impossible—like a miracle—that we've found each other.” He embraced her again, holding her tightly. “It's like a dream come true, Crissy. Like a whole new world, and I never want it to end.”

“It won't,” she said. “Our love will never end. Never.”

She felt him growing inside her, and he began to slowly move, taking her in his arms, kissing her with renewed passion. They made love again, more slowly this time, their eyes on each other, expressing every moment in silent but watchful desire, their lust piqued by their love. When they lay exhausted at last, they talked and talked, discovering more about the
other's history, their wants and needs, their goals and ambitions—past, present, and future—until late into the night.

“We would have to leave around six in the morning,” Luca said, “but we can sleep here if you want.”

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