Drawing Blood (25 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou George

BOOK: Drawing Blood
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He nodded. “The older ones can always tell. I’m not the oldest of my kind by a long shot, but I have had experience with this kind of thing. It has been my job to find people with our blood no matter how diluted. Declan is convinced that these people should be the first we approach when we begin to initiate contact. Their minds would be more open to the possibility of our existence. Many of them already feel like misfits.”

“Is that why you told me?”

“Yes, but that’s not the only reason. Holly, you have far more power than you know. Raw abilities such as yours left untrained would be like a beacon to a bloodstalker. So far, I think perhaps the drugs you were taking temporarily retarded your capacities. When your powers come to you, if you’re not prepared, there’s no telling what could happen. Tragedy could ensue.”

Holly looked at him warily still keeping her distance. “What kind of tragedy?”

“The kind that made Margaret Wickham throw you from her house in a panic.” He gave her a sympathetic look.

Positively incredulous, she stood up and started to pace. “So everything I’ve known up until now has been a lie? Even who gave birth to me? You’re telling me that I’ll discover new abilities that could be dangerous to me and other people?”

She ran both hands through her hair and pushed the thick strands behind her ears with impatience. She waited for his answer.

“That’s it in a nutshell sort of.”

“Now I know why you didn’t tell me this last night.” She tried to smile at him. The whole thing was completely outrageous, but Stryker was so serious, so earnest that Holly couldn’t help but believe him.

“Think about it. Have you ever had a single sick day in your life? Any cut or scrape healed very quickly, didn’t it?”

She looked away from him and thought about his questions. He was right, she’d been incredibly healthy her entire life. Except for her ‘spells’, she’d never seen a doctor for any other reason. She did heal fast and viruses that attacked the people surrounding her, always seemed to avoid her.

She said, “You’ve offered to let Stephen take your blood and test it.” When he nodded she continued, “Well then, I want him to take mine as well and prove to me that what you’re saying is possible.”

“I think that would be wise. You trust Stephen. I’m sure he’d be happy to do this for us.”

“Agreed. That’s the first thing I want to do.” She wiped her hands on her shorts, continuing to pace. “Next, I want as much information as possible about my mother. If I’m going to confront my father, I want to know everything.” Holly had had enough of secrets.

He nodded. “I’ve already got people working on that. If you trust me to take care of this for you, they can continue.”

She didn’t mince words. “I’m not sure if I trust you or not, but that’s beside the point. I want to see everything you have right away. I’ll ask Arnie to verify anything that doesn’t ring true.”

He didn’t look offended, merely regretful as he said, “This thing between us…”

Holly interrupted him with a raised hand and said firmly, “Is on hold until I find out who I am.”

* * * *

Avery was just as shocked as Holly had been with Stryker’s claims. They sat around Avery’s dining room table with martini glasses in front of them. Avery had made pomegranate martinis, Oprah’s recipe. Avery’s version of the drink was strong and a little biting, exactly what Holly needed. They’d just managed to put the kids to bed and spoke in hushed tones. The sun was setting and the two women watched as it turned the sky spectacular shades of blue, purple, yellow and pink, beautiful beyond reason. The breathtaking sight made Holly believe that maybe anything was possible after all. Since meeting Stryker, each day brought her something new to wonder about. Today had been a notable example.

When Holly finished explaining what Stryker had told her, Avery said paradoxically, “I’m speechless.” She took a breath, opened her mouth let out the air she’d taken in and closed her mouth again. Avery was truly left speechless. That as much as anything scared Holly.

“Help me out here, Avery. This is crazy, right? He’s certifiable and I am too, for listening to him.”

Avery was absolutely serious when she finally found her voice. “If that’s the case then you’ve taken Stephen with you. He believes everything Stryker has told us so far.” She shrugged and said reluctantly, “I’m afraid I do too.”

Holly scoffed. “You believe I’m a vampire?”

Avery laughed and said, “That’s putting it a bit harshly, but when it’s boiled down, yes, I believe it’s a possibility. You
different than most humans. I’ve always known you were special. I can believe that you possess untapped gifts or abilities. Do they come from vampire blood? I don’t know, but Stryker is very convincing and paints a very different picture of vampires for me.” She shrugged. “Let’s wait until Stephen is finished with the blood samples before we head down to Sherman Funeral Homes and pick out your new long, narrow bed with a lid.”

Off hand, Holly said, “Stryker said that’s a myth. Vampires do not sleep in coffins.”

“A little artistic license would be appreciated, Vampira.” Avery smiled engagingly and Holly couldn’t help but smile back. Avery said, “Damn it, I meant to rent the first season of
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
…research you know. Doesn’t that Angel guy remind you of Stryker?”

“Very funny.” Holly rolled her eyes.

“Comedy. It’s my only defense. I would go insane without it,” Avery admitted.

Holly sighed, “Well these days I’m not sure you’d have to go too far.”

“I would like to see some of the abilities Stryker claims to have.” She giggled.

“I already have.”

“Yeah, and one of them is the ability to give you multiple orgasms in your sleep. Have you asked him about that yet?” Avery teased.

Holly appreciated her attempt at humor and smiled. “No, of course not. But he can move at a remarkable speed…get your mind out of the gutter Avery. I’m serious. The first time we met, he came from nowhere and stopped me from falling to the ground. He gets out of the car and opens my door before I can get my seat belt off. He’s fast, but it’s weird, I never see him move at super speed. He’s just there.”

“Well, Holly, he did say that for short distances he can move faster than the human eye can see. Maybe what you’ve seen is proof of that. It sure as hell sounds supernatural.”

“It’s possible. He smelled you earlier today you know.” Holly could tease as well.

Avery flushed. “How embarrassing.” She lifted an arm and sniffed.

Holly laughed. “He didn’t seem to mind.”

“My pores secrete honey.” Avery smoothed a hand over her hair with mocking supreme confidence. “From what I’ve learned about vampires from Stryker’s example and what I read in his books last night before I went to bed, I think I like vampires better than humans.”

“He does paint a rather rosy picture of his kind.” Holly agreed. They heard a sound and both froze. Had one of the children fallen out of bed? They looked at each other and waited. They heard nothing.

Avery said, “This is a time when that super sonic speed would come in handy. You could just whip down there and check. I wouldn’t even have to stop talking to you. You’d be back before I noticed you were gone and before I finished your martini on you.”

“You can’t help yourself can you?” Holly laughed.

“Why stop now? Stephen is meeting with Stryker and a couple of his medical geniuses right now. Let’s not panic until we hear from him.”

Holly nodded. She liked that idea. It was all she was capable of doing at the moment. She set the panic aside and picked up a pencil.

* * * *

Declan hung up the phone. So it was done. Stryker had forced the issue and stepped up their plan a little. No matter, he was very adaptable. When executing such a multi-pronged and complicated plan, one had to make room for the unexpected. Neither of them had imagined the unexpected would prove to be Stryker’s bloodmate.

In a way, Declan envied his brother. From what he’d heard of bloodmating it could be the most fulfilling part of being a vampire. Few humans could understand what it was like to find the other half of one’s soul. Declan had seen it in his parents’ relationship. They’d made each other complete, but not in a way that made them
on their own. If anything, finding your bloodmate meant you were never alone again. The love shared by bloodmates could survive beyond death. Just like they could walk in each other’s dreams, a bloodmate could conjure up the vision of a beloved departed partner with ease. Their love could live forever and need never be replaced.

He’d accepted that it wasn’t meant to happen for him. Long ago Declan had married himself to a vision, one that would save his kind and human kind as well. It proved all consuming. His attention had to stay focused on the plan. It would take many years. It
taken many years, but he knew that the end product would be worth the wait and their hard work. Declan wondered if he’d live to see his plan come to fruition, but in the long run even that didn’t matter. There were those who would pick up where he’d left off.

Now Stryker had told outsiders. It relieved Declan that one of them was a medical doctor. Finding brilliant human minds and helping them to understand the vampire species had always been part of his vision, but not this soon. Hundreds of years had taught him to work with what was handed him and it made sense to connect with Stephen Williams. The doctor’s trusted relationship with Holly Seaton aside, they couldn’t have found a more suitable human to bring in this early.

Declan could tell by the sound of Stryker’s voice that he hadn’t explained things fully to Holly yet. He hadn’t spoken of it, he hadn’t needed to. Both brothers knew Stryker couldn’t wait much longer. Soon it would be too late for her.

Chapter 19

Holly kept her finger on the doorbell. She knew Arnie would eventually have to get up and answer the door, his mother had left for work hours ago and he was the only one home. She heard his voice through the screen. Grumbling, he swung the door wide.

He blinked owlishly and looked past her for Avery.

Reading him, Holly said, “Avery couldn’t come.”

He looked so disappointed Holly laughed and said, “Now I feel like Jan Brady.”

Arnie recognized the reference and whined, “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.” He smiled at Holly and stepped aside to let her in. “Sorry, Holly, I was just hoping to get some advice from Avery. You see, there’s this girl…”

Holly put up a hand. “Yeah, I remember you mentioned her the last time we were here. I’ll tell Avery to call you, but let me say that any girl you’re interested in is very lucky indeed.”

The young man blushed and said, “Thanks. I took Avery’s advice. I sent her a picture of myself.” He looked enormously pleased. “And she didn’t shut me down at first sight. I think she might be the most amazing girl in the world. She sure looked beautiful in the picture she sent me. We’re going to meet as soon as I get this thing off.” He pointed to the police bracelet on his ankle.

“I take it your girl doesn’t know about your run in with the law then?”

“Actually she does. I decided to be totally honest with her. She was pretty cool about it.”

“Well, then why wait until it comes off? Why not invite her here and meet as soon as possible?”

Arnie looked thoughtful for a second then smiled. His face lit up and he looked as handsome as Holly had ever seen. Young love was miraculous.

“You’re right. Thanks for the advice.” He looked at what Holly was clutching. “That’s it?”

She nodded and handed it to him. Stryker had the disk delivered to Holly that morning. It contained everything his sources had discovered about Helene Seaton. Holly hadn’t the courage to look at the stuff herself. She’d immediately called Arnie and asked him to verify the information contained on the disk.

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