Drawing Blood (20 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou George

BOOK: Drawing Blood
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“As soon as possible. It would be dangerous to wait.” Decision made, Stryker’s voice was firm. “I’m doing it tomorrow. She has no idea what she is. Her family doesn’t want to accept what she can do. I’m going to need resources on your end to investigate her mother. Holly gave me pictures of her. I’ll get them to you with what information I can dig up tonight. With the extensive records we have at our disposal, it shouldn’t be too hard.”

Declan said, “And you’re sure it’s the mother?”

“Yeah, her father just doesn’t fit the profile. His daughter’s gifts scare the perfectly pressed pants off him. He’s had her on drugs for years trying to keep her abilities at bay.”

“It’s hard for others to understand. To outsiders, abilities such as hers are disconcerting at best.”

“Alan Seaton is protective of Holly and fears what she’s capable of doing. She admires and loves her father, but has grown tired of his interference in her life, though she doesn’t come right out and say it,” Stryker said.

“Be careful how you tell her. She won’t easily understand. She will try to pull away from you…pretend it’s all a fabrication. You can’t let that happen. She has to understand. You don’t have the luxury of time to ease her into understanding.”

“That brings me to something else you’re not going to like. I want to tell her friend Avery as well.” Stryker ignored Declan’s vivid curse. “Her friend has to know. They’re closer than sisters. If I don’t tell her, Holly will and I’d rather she hear it from me. At first she’ll accept it easier than Holly will. Avery will help her to open up to her true nature. Hell, the woman’s so perceptive I wouldn’t be surprised if she suspects something already.”

There was reluctance in Declan’s voice as he responded. “Okay, Avery will know. If you think it’s necessary. I’ll defer to your judgment, brother.”

Stryker expected no less. “Good because I’ll have to tell Avery’s husband Stephen too.”

“Bloody hell, Stryker, why not put an announcement in the local newspaper while you’re at it?”

“We cannot ask Avery to keep something like this from her spouse. Such a thing is not acceptable to us and you know it. I’m sorry, my timing sucks, but fate has dealt me this hand and I intend to play it to the best of my ability.”

Declan sounded resigned. “Do you make things difficult for yourself on purpose, just to prove you can conquer every obstacle in your path? Christ, Stryker, if you weren’t my brother, I’d kick your ass. What we are trying to do has been in the works for too long and is too important. We need your full attention. When you sensed Holly’s presence that day in the supermarket, you should have left immediately.”

Stryker laughed. “I’ll ignore the ass kicking comment because I like to think you have a more finely tuned sense of self preservation than your words suggest. You have no idea how hard it is to resist a bloodmate. It hasn’t happened to you yet. I hope I’m around when it does. I promise to be just as supportive.”

“You won’t have to worry about that. The phenomenon is too rare. It doesn’t happen for all of us, you know that. There’s a good chance I’ll never know it. I have much more important concerns. The distraction would be even more inconvenient for me. I’m not destined to mate for life which makes my sex life far more interesting and varied.” Declan declared.

Stryker laughed. “You have no idea, little brother.”

They spent the rest of their conversation discussing Holly’s drawing and the threat to
. Declan accepted the news with a litany of foul words. Stryker raised his eyebrows. “Your vocabulary hasn’t grown I see.”

Declan ignored his brother. “From your reports, everyone else is managing well.”

“Yes, that’s true, but someone knows we’re here. First Irene is murdered, now
’s in jeopardy. The mere fact that Holly drew
’s “accident” suggests that it was anything but. Too coincidental. We have to consider the possibility that there is a bloodstalker in our midst.”

Declan was silent for a long moment then said, “You’re right of course. I’ll look into it. In the meantime, do you want me to send reinforcements?”

“Not yet, I don’t want to draw unwanted attention and I could be wrong.”

Declan scoffed. “You’re never wrong about this kind of stuff, but I’ll abide by your decision. Use an abundance of caution, brother. There are many who love you.”

“I promise to be very careful,” said Stryker. “One more thing you should know. There’s a sensitive here that our research didn’t uncover. Her name is Margaret Wickham. I’ll write up a report of all I know and send it to you. From what I learned from Holly and Avery she sounds gifted.”

“I wonder how we missed her. Damn it, we can’t afford to make such stupid mistakes. Leave it with me. This is going to spoil someone’s night.”

“I thought you might say that,” Stryker murmured just before he said goodbye.

After hanging up the phone, Stryker booted up one of his computers. He wasn’t quite at Arnie’s level of hacker expertise, but he could navigate electronic information with ease. He pulled up the journals and scrolled through them quickly. He read at an uncommon speed so it took a matter of seconds to consume all the information the others had provided. Except for Holly’s drawing of
, all seemed fine. It pleased him to see that Candace,
’s daughter was beginning to make friends. It was so important that young people learn to adapt. The move had disrupted Candace’s teenage life, but if her journal was anything to go by, she seemed much happier now.

He stretched and looked down at Polly as she rested her head in his lap. The sound of his computer powering down always brought her to him. He said, “You want to go for a run, girl?” She paced to the door and back again as if trying to hurry him.

“Okay, let’s go.” He swept out of the house and took off into the night, Polly at his side.


* * * *

Holly couldn’t sleep. Lifting her head up, she punched the pillow twice for good measure. She wanted to talk to Avery, but knew it was too late. Once she started talking about Stryker, she knew she’d have a great deal to say. Avery would get no rest. Holly chose to spare her friend. At least one of them should get some shut eye. No use disturbing both their sleep patterns.

She’d had a big day. It was natural to have a little trouble winding down, she told herself. Earlier Stryker had brought her to more than one climax with finesse. One built on the other and tore her apart in the very best way. What she’d experienced in her dreams was nothing compared to what he could do to her in reality. He’d stopped though, refusing to let her return the favor. His actions had disrupted the balance of power and left her feeling unsettled. It gave him the upper hand in a way that made her very uncomfortable. When it came to sex, Holly was a firm believer in give and take. She was naturally more comfortable giving than receiving, so Stryker’s behavior put her at a personal disadvantage. At least she’d made it clear she wasn’t happy with the situation. Avery would give her points for that. Too often Holly kept her peace, staying silent, accepting other people’s actions without question. That was her family’s dynamic. Avery had always encouraged her to demand more, but Holly never bothered. It didn’t seem worth it. It was easier for her coast when she didn’t make waves. Usually she took the path of least resistance, but for the first time in her life, Holly understood that would be the wrong approach…especially with a man like Stryker.

In some ways, Stryker was like her father, both were alpha males. She didn’t want two men in her life telling her what to do. With Stryker, she’d stand her ground and perhaps their relationship could be a more equal one.

He had secrets, just like her father, but unlike Alan Seaton, she wouldn’t let him keep them. She would insist on knowing the truth, every drop of it. Gone were the days where Holly skulked away quietly when told she didn’t need to know something.

* * * *

Bloodstalker. The word sounded like something out of a science fiction movie but it described him perfectly. He’d decide who their next victim had to be and he’d deal out their death sentence without hesitation. Years ago his hands had dripped with their thick red blood, but not anymore. The passage of time had aged him. A part of him still missed the hunt and the smell of spilled life force, but contemporary times called for more advanced methods which made the kill much less satisfying. So those types of dispatches he reluctantly left to others. He resented the distance he was forced to put between himself and his prey. Because of advances in forensic science, they’d had to get more creative and make some of the deaths look like accidents. He missed the days when he could revel in the sweet pleasure of watching as the life drained from those he’d bled. It was a calling he liked to think he’d been able to turn into an art form and he’d always been happy to answer it.

Chapter 15

Holly slept through the night and woke in the morning without remembering a single dream. It had taken her a while to finally nod off, but when she did, she’d slept soundly. Erotic visions of Stryker were conspicuously absent. Holly had no idea of what that meant, but she was sure it had some sort of significance.

Avery stopped in after dropping the kids off at tennis camp. She and Stephen splurged and had a court built on their vast property, but no one in the family actually knew how to play. However, the kids were eager to learn. Holly and Avery vowed to take a few lessons, just enough to volley back and forth. They were not interested in competition, but they were firm believers in teamwork.

Avery was visibly anxious to find out how Holly’s evening with Stryker had ended. Holly could see it in her eyes. She wasn’t always good at hiding her curiosity from her friend and that morning was no exception.

Avery poured herself a cup of coffee and muttered what she always muttered while sipping coffee when the kids weren’t around. “I don’t know why we can’t have hot chocolate in the morning.” She shook her head sadly and tsk tsked. She perched on a stool by the kitchen island and commanded, “Tell me everything.”

Holly complied. Avery listened, asking for clarification here and there. When Holly was finished, Avery said, “Wow. By the sounds of it, your dreams are just the tip of the iceberg. The guy’s a sexual impresario. Lucky you.”

“Very funny, but I’m really uncomfortable with the way we left it. The balance is off,” Holly said seriously.

“Well, kiddo, I think you could use a little vertigo. You don’t always have to stay the course you know. A little excitement is just what you need, and by the sounds of it, Stryker Cain is the guy to provide it.”

Avery’s reaction didn’t surprise Holly at all. “Easy to say, not so easy for me to do, I’m scared of how he makes me feel. My pulse rate keeps jumping. He’s a good cardio workout for me.” Holly shrugged helplessly.

“Now isn’t that handy? Does that mean you’re not going to play remedial tennis with me?”

Holly laughed. “I’m not backing out.”

Avery sobered. “Your reticence with Stryker is understandable, especially under the circumstances. You were right to insist he explain himself. I’m proud of you”

“He’s supposed to call me today. I’m not going to agree to see him unless he’s prepared to come clean with me,” Holly vowed.

Her friend nodded. “I think that’s fair, but what about Irene O’Neil and this
woman? Are you saying you’ll stop investigating your drawings?”

Holly shook her head vehemently. “Not on your life. If need be, we’ll go it alone. We don’t need him.”

“Atta girl.” Avery lifted her hand and Holly slapped her palm. The phone rang and they exchanged meaningful looks.

Avery glanced at the call display. “Unknown caller. It’s probably him. He strikes me as the kind of guy who chooses to remain anonymous.” She handed it to Holly.

Taking a deep breath, Holly pushed the talk button and said, “Hello?”

It was Stryker. “Good morning, Holly. I hope I’m not calling too early.”

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