Drawing Blood (15 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou George

BOOK: Drawing Blood
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He shook his head. “I’ve known people who’ve worked on their control since childhood. When they were very young, they didn’t understand what was happening to them, but through the years, with help, they’ve managed to find the strength to call up a vision on demand…but that’s after years of practicing.”

“I haven’t done any of that. In the past, my drawings were always so innocent, boring even.”

He spread his arms across the back of the couch. The movement pulled his shirt tight across his chest and Holly swallowed a little loudly.

So attuned to her, he frowned. “Are you okay?”

Feeling the heat rise, she waved a hand at him. “I’m fine.”

He accepted her claim with obvious reluctance. Eying her with concern, he said, “Yesterday you told me that you could see auras.”

“Yeah, that started when I was about seven.” She pulled her eyes away from him and continued a little breathlessly. “A new girl came to my school and we became fast friends. I liked her on sight. Whenever I looked at her in natural light, I could see this haze around her that changed color with her emotions. I didn’t understand it at the time, but as you can imagine, it fascinated me.”

“What did your father say?”

Her eyes met his, alert for any criticism. She saw none. “I didn’t tell him at first. The automatic drawing was bad enough. I didn’t want to worry him with the aura thing.”

“But you ended up telling him.”

She shook her head. “I told my sister Alison. I needed to know if I was the only one who saw it. She thought I was crazy and told father.”

“Your sister worries about you too I see.”

“They all do, my brother Matthew as well. They’re all so alike. They speak the same language. They finish each other’s sentences. I’m the black sheep, a total mystery to them.” Holly tilted her head. “They’re sweet really. I remind them of my mother and they lost her so young. I think they’ve projected some of her qualities on me.”

“What was your mother like?”

“I don’t remember of course, she died only a week after I was born. My birth was difficult for her. My father has always said that she was very much like me. For their part, my brother and sister agree. She was a sculptor.” Stryker looked surprised and Holly hurried to explain. “She wasn’t famous or anything like that. She just liked to sculpt.” She pointed to a figure on the fireplace mantel. “She did that.”

Stryker stood up and studied the work. His eyes narrowed as he continued to stare. Finally he said, “I like it. She was good. I guess you got your talent from her.”

“I certainly didn’t get it from my father’s side.” She laughed. “He’s a very successful businessman. My brother and sister work with him.”

“What do they think of your work with Avery?”

She raised an inquiring eyebrow. “You don’t strike me as the type of guy who reads children’s literature.”

“Normally I don’t, but it shouldn’t surprise you that after meeting you the other day, I did a little checking. It wasn’t too hard to get people to talk about you. The people in this community are very proud of you two.”

“That’s nice to know, but Muskoka is so beautiful, it’s home to many very successful artists. I guess it draws people like me.” She wasn’t sure if she should be flattered by his admission or not.

“What does your family think about you living here?” he asked. Holly couldn’t read his expression, but she had the definite impression Stryker knew the answer to that question.

“They want me to come back home. They worry about me.”

He nodded. “They’re very protective, aren’t they?”

“My father is and he’s infected my brother and sister.”

“So he’s protective of them too then?”

She shook her head adamantly. “Not in the least. They’re older and more like my father, so he trusts them.”

“He doesn’t trust you?”

She sighed. This was beginning to feel like an inquisition. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m an unknown quantity to my family. They don’t know what to do with me. I see things they can’t. I look at the world in a very different way.”

Gently he said, “People fear what they don’t understand.” His eyes peered into hers without blinking.

She corrected him. “They fear

“Ah, I see,” he said, but Holly wasn’t convinced that he did.

She knew she’d be wasting her time trying to explain to him, so she didn’t bother. Instead she asked, “What about your family?”

“There’s just my brother and me in the immediate family.”

He said the words without emotion, but Holly sensed there was sadness there. She reached out and touched his cool hand as it rested on his knee. “I’m sorry.”

He smiled at her. “Don’t be. It was a long time ago. My brother Declan and I are very close.”

“You’re lucky. Where does Declan live?”

“In the States,” he said simply.

She tried again. “What does he do?”

“He heads up a huge co-op of sorts.” He waved a hand at her. “He’s the leader in the family and I’ve always been the protector. That’s where I obtained my investigative experience.”

“You worked for your brother?”

“Kind of. I helped him start the co-op. There were hard times at first, but Declan has made great progress.”

“You’re proud of him.”

“We’re proud of each other. You’d like him. Everyone likes him,” Stryker said.

She smiled. “I guess it runs in the family. The kids seemed to take to you and I don’t think I’m telling tales out of school if I say that Avery likes you too.”

He smiled. “I’m glad. I like Avery and her kids.” His smile died and his blue eyes caught and held hers. “Do you like me, Holly?”

Flustered, Holly tried to look away, but found that for some reason she couldn’t. She said, “Yes.”

There was silence in the room. Neither of them moved. They simply looked into each other’s eyes. Finally Stryker spoke. “I like you too, Holly. From the first moment I laid eyes on you.” His voice was low pitched.

Holly didn’t look away, but felt awkward under his unflinching stare. She smiled tentatively and said, “I guess the feeling is mutual then.”

He astonished her by saying, “There’s so much more to it than that. Do you feel the pull?” Mesmerized by his eyes, she remained silent as he continued, “You don’t have to answer that question. I know you feel drawn to me as well. It’s not going to go away you know. It will get harder and harder to keep our hands off each other.”

He’d woven a spell with his words and Holly tried to break eye contact with him but found the effort a waste of her energy. He smiled and the corners of his eyes crinkled. Her eyes zeroed in on his bottom lip as his smile widened. She loved the way his mouth looked when he grinned like that. Fighting the impulse to touch that lip, Holly put both hands around her empty lemonade glass. He reached out and took the glass from her. His fingers were only slightly warmer than the ice filled glass, but they heated her skin on contact. Taking possession of her left hand, he stood up and pulled her with him. He tugged gently, throwing her off balance. She fell against him and he groaned. She stifled the harmonizing groan in her throat. God, his body felt so cool and hard against her skin. He looked down at her face so close to his. His eyes moved from her eyes to her mouth and back again. She waited. She didn’t know how or why, but after two very erotic dreams about Stryker Cain she knew better than to hurry him.

It was worth the wait. Her reward was the most soul-searing kiss she’d ever imagined, infinitely better than her dreams. His mouth mated with hers. He made love to her with his lips and tongue. When he pulled away, Holly was left even more aroused and it must have shown in her eyes because he smiled with satisfaction. While still grinning he kissed her again. It felt wonderful being kissed by his smiling mouth and she smiled up at him.

As if choreographed, they both pulled back and looked at each other. Holly tried to keep from panting as high grade joy filled her chest and threatened to explode into laughter. Looking in his eyes she saw humor matching her own and she succumbed. She started to laugh and he joined her. The sound spilled into the room and echoed off the walls.

“This isn’t quite what I expected,” he said through his mirth.

She shook her head and said, “Me neither.” And they broke up again. He put an arm around her and they dropped as one to her couch. She landed on top of him and he didn’t seem to mind. In one smooth motion he switched places with her. When he looked down at her, the amusement was still in his eyes.

“Let’s try this again.” He kissed her. Holly’s laughter dissolved as his expert lips covered hers. This was no laughing matter.

Chapter 11

In a way, it was like her dreams, but so much more. Her skin came alive at his touch. She wanted him inside her, hot, heavy, hard and ready. Holly was relieved that he didn’t seem inclined to deny her a thing as he pulled her t-shirt up to expose her midriff. His fingers stroked her as his mouth trailed down the length of her body. Her jeans came undone at the touch of his hand. How was he able to do such things? Holly wondered distractedly. He slipped a hand inside the open zipper and touched her. She almost spun out of control when skin met skin, but there was so much more he had in store for her. His lips and then his tongue replaced his hand and she writhed and cried out. He was relentless, driving her wild, driving her harder and harder until her world exploded, once, twice, three times.

Breathless, she longed to touch him as he’d touched her, to give to him as he’d given to her…use her mouth to explore him. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt but his hands covered hers, effectively stopping her.

His eyes held naked desire as he bowed his head and pressed her open hands against his chest. Their hearts beat in sync. Stryker gathered her into his arms stroking her hair gently. His heartbeat slowed. Lifting her head, she looked at him in confusion.

He consoled her. “Sorry, Holly, but any more and I won’t be able to stop.”

In a husky voice not quite under her command, she said, “I don’t remember asking you to.”

He smiled ruefully. “You have no idea what you’re in for if I don’t put the brakes on right now.”

She frowned. “Tell me then. What exactly am I in for?”

“I can’t right now. It’s complicated.” He cupped her face in his hand and stroked her lips with his thumb. “Please, trust me, Holly, there’s nothing I want more right now than to lose myself in you, but I can’t. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”

Angered by his martyrdom, she pulled away from him. “Thanks for thinking of me, Galahad. Maybe you should leave now. This was obviously a huge mistake.” His patronizing rejection of what she’d so willingly offered had struck at her pride. The balance of power felt lost. He’d touched her so intimately and sent her exploding in every direction, but he’d kept himself from her. He didn’t want her to touch him. She felt tears of hurt and humiliation threaten and gritted her teeth. He wouldn’t see her cry.

Stryker didn’t move. He looked at her hopelessly. His body was still aroused. He couldn’t hide that from her. “I’m sorry, Holly. My timing sucks I know, but please bear with me.”

She shook her head and moved to the chair opposite him. She looked up at the ceiling, forcing the tears and frustration away. She slumped against the cushions and closed her eyes.

He said, “You don’t know enough about me to make this kind of a decision.”

Anger washed over her again and briefly she welcomed its distraction from her hurt. She said, “That’s not for you to decide. But for argument’s sake let’s just take a minute here. So what you’re saying is that I’m promiscuous. I’m willing to jump into bed with you without knowing you.” She stood up, pointing a finger at him. “Listen, buster, I think I’ve been insulted enough for one day. Why don’t you quit while you’ve dug a hole so deep you’ve hit magma?”

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