Dr. Frank Einstein (19 page)

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Authors: Eric Berg

BOOK: Dr. Frank Einstein
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     Paul found this practice abhorrent.   Also what he had in mind when he wrote this verse was the practice of the Roman nobility purchasing male sex slaves.  Then, in Romans two he focuses his indictment of the church leadership. The letter to the Romans, as all of Paul’s writings, was admonishment of the Church.  Paul is saying that the leaders of the church are s obsess with power that they are resorting to sexual domination of other men.  The leaders are heterosexual perverted by power.  This problem is systemic through church history.

Paul sums up what leaders should be in Romans 13.  He admonishes the leaders to change and be the leader he designs in Romans 13.  Romans are the manual which demonstrate how to be a righteous leader.  However, these Roman church leaders had not yet become righteous leaders.

  In modern times, we can apply Romans to heterosexual men who use sex to dominate men and boys. Most Pedophiles are heterosexual. That is they do have romantic feelings for adult women. Pedophiles are married; they grew up dating only females.  On the other hand gay men never had romantic feeling for women.

   Prisoners, who before prison had only romantic interests in women, will seek sexual dominance over other males. Then when they leave prison they will return to only having relationships with women. If they recidivated they will go back to sexual dominance of men.

   Female teachers who are engaged in sexual activities with male students are sexually dominating these students. Women who sexual dominate seem to attach an emotional component to their sexual dominance. But this component is artificial. They only want to dominate these boys; Catholic priests caught in pedophilia are dominating these children.  Catholicism gives too much Spiritual power to priests.  This causes some priests to translate this power into sexual dominance. The errant doctrine of priests’ power stimulates pedophilia. 

The Vatican Council II sought to decentralize the Roman Catholic Church by giving the church and laity more autonomy.  Over the decades since the council in nineteen sixty five, the laity’s autonomy empowered them to stand up to pedophile priests and the bishopacy that protect them.  This crescendo itself into the late nineties with prosecution of a few of the priests.  Meanwhile there was a movement to counteract the Vatican II.

  The leaders of the Vatican bank, none of whom were priests, had embezzled one and half billion dollars.  These leaders feared that the church’s decentralization would expose their criminality; they determined to reverse this decentralization of Vatican II.  In nineteen seventy nine the pro Vatican II Pope Paul VI died.  These bankers determined that there should be an anti-Vatican II pope. With election of Pope John Paul I the bankers realized their determination would not be realized.  So they poisoned the pope to death.  Next came john Paul ii who was very anti Vatican II.  This pope spent the next twenty five years centralizing authority back the Vatican (which is the pope and cardinals).   Thus he destroyed the autonomy of the local churches and laity.  He went around conspicuously as the people’s pope hiding the fact that he was devastating people’s lives.

   The race began with laity developing the   ability to bringing pedophile priests and their protectors to justice against the pope centralizing power to protect ecclesiastical authority which was threatened if anyone of their clergy is scrutinized outside the church.  A few pedophile priests were prosecuted before the pope shut it down. The soon to be pope benedict xvii signed a treaty with President Bush that no Roman Catholic priests will be further  prosecuted for pedophilia again forever.  This is because the church is the one to discipline criminal activities of its priests.  But the church has no penal system.   The church rarely disordained priests.  Mostly priests are kicked out because the cardinal does not like a priest not because of malfeasance.

Pope Benedict resigned because a gay priest blackmailed him.  The gay priest was upset that he had to hide his homosexuality while the pope protected pedophile priests and an English bishop who constantly sexually harassed other priests.  This priest sent a dossier full of new allegations of sexual abuse.   The priest threatened to make allegations public.  After reading this the pope decided to resigned the papacy.


       Pope Francis has taken a more humble approach.  But is this diversion is to cover up these new allegations?  The Vatican will protect its clergy no matter what offenses some of its clergy.  The English Bishop has resigned his position.   If Francis really cares about his flock he would excommunicate every priest who had credible allegations of pedophilia against the priest.

   The more wealth and power a person has the more they have an uncontrollable need to commit sodomy. Powerful heterosexual men want to sexually dominate gay men.   They may hate gay men, but their hatred only increases their desire to sexually dominate them.  This is what happened to Idaho Senator Larry Craig and Pastor Ted Haggard. Many religious right leaders commonly sodomize men.  They publically condemn homosexuality.  They use condemning of homosexuality as a wedge issue.  A wedge issue is an issue to smoke screens the corrupt activities of these leaders. This was the Case for United States Representative from Florida, Mark Foley. The leader does not care or participate in the activities of the wedge issue.  But they know if they show lip service for the issue they get the public to vote against their own vested interest just to support a leader who supports a wedge issue.  Common people are against homosexuality. A pro-union political leader may increase wage benefits and job security but many common people vote for an anti-union leader because that leader will rails against homosexuals.  Then, after his railing the same leader, will go and sodomize men.  This is a must be because power guarantee these men will sodomizes others.


      The United States Military directives dictate that United States Military personnel must sodomize enemy soldiers.  Military personnel have been imprisoned for refusing to sodomize on command.  That is what happened at Abu grade when it was discovered that the military was sodomizing Iraqi soldiers. The Bush administration said that what happened at Abu grade was that a rogue Sargent had directed his soldiers to sodomize prisoners without the consent of his commanders. However, the commanding general of the prison stated that the guards were acting under orders of the intelligence officers who were interrogating the prisoners.  These intelligent officers were under a different command than the prison. Their authority superseded the prison command. These intelligence officers reported directly to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.  [Ghosts of Abu Ghraib (video); Kennedy Two thousand and seven].

  President Clinton's situation with Monica Lewinsky was an act of sodomy.  He was corrupted by power.  He sexually dominated her.  It really did not matter that she was a man or woman. He tried to minimize the perversion of the act by not having intercourse.  But the fact that he did not have intercourse made the act an act of sodomy.

   Congressmen Weiner (Democrat from New York) seemed to get thrills sending obscene pics to unsuspecting girls.   He is like Congressmen Foley who sodomizing acts were identical.   Wiener follow the same pattern as Foley deny then admitting.  Like Foley, he claimed a deviated fetish.  It is perversion of power that causes him to sexual dominate a child. If we understand this maybe we will be able to remove these people from power before they are sodomizing someone else.

       If gay people follow the same s
exually rules as straight people they will please God.  Those rules are no fornication; no adultery; no divorce; proper decorum. With this is mind God wants Gay marriage.   Gay marriage will reduce perversity (indulgence in the flesh) just like straight marriage does.  God always    seeks to reduce perversity.


Galatians 5:13-26

New International Version (NIV)

Life by the Spirit

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh
; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 
For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
if you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever
 you want. 
But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;
idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 
and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 
gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 
Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.





































  Chapter Twenty Nine




    The Philippines is a collection of five thousand Islands in the South China Sea.  It is directly south of Taiwan; The Philippines is divided into three main regions: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.  These regions represent the three main languages and the three main cultures.

    Tagalog is in the language and the culture of the north. Tagalog represents the main island of Luzon. Visayan is in the language and
culture of the middle within the Islands around Cebu city. Zambuanga is the language of the South represented by Mindanao.

    Tagalog the dominant culture of the Philippines because its language is spoken by the most Filipinos.  Also Luzon is the most industrialized of the three regions.

     The National capitol, Manila, is located on Luzon.  Those Filipinos who are not Tagalog learn to speak it because the Filipino mass communication is almost exclusively in Tagalog.

I first came to the Philippines in nineteen eighty seven.  Almost immediately after arriving, Gringo Hussain, a colonel in the Philippines National Army attempted a coup against President Cory Aquino.; The Armed forces repelled him in a single battle at the expense of thirty lives. Gringo Hussain was on the run for the year.  He was captured but escaped a month later with the help of sympathetic prison guards. He is now a National senator alongside Imelda Marcos.  While on Hussein was on the run, a Filipino movie was made called Gringa Hussein. It was a gay spoof about him.  Gays and transvestites are popular in Filipino movies especially in comedies.  My maternal Grandfather’s ancestors and maternal- maternal- great- grandfather ancestor came to America four hundred year ago. My mother’s mother father’s ancestors descended from Miles Standish and John Arden of the Mayflower.  This great grandfather family name was Sampson the name of another member of the Mayflower. The other great grandparents were Irish and Scandinavian and arrived in eighteen nineties in the United States. I have been coming to the Philippines off and on for twenty years.  In the United States, I live in Palmdale, CA which is in the Antelope Valley.  Antelope Valley is home to over ten thousand Filipino Americans.  This article will give my candid insights about the Philippines, its culture, and its people.

The original Filipinos are related to people from Papa New Guinea and the Australian aborigines not Asian.  Therefore they are blacks with Afro.  About five thousand years ago the Malay and Chinese came to Philippines and outnumbered them. They killed off most of the original Filipinos through battles.  There are a few original Filipinos left but they are held in low regard by the other Filipinos and occupied lowest strata of society.  I have seen them but I never have talked to them.  Filipinos have negative stereotypes for black people, even African Americans.  The stereotyping stems from the horrid decimation of the original Filipinos.

   The Filipino language has is root in Sanskrit from India.  Pre Colombian Filipino artifacts show writing similar to the style of Sanskrit.  This style of writing was banned by the Spanish when they colonized the Philippines.  They replaced the Sanskrit alphabet with the Roman alphabet. Yet the Filipino language was never written down in the Roman alphabet until the American did in the Early twentieth Century.

    The Spanish first invaded the Philippines in fifteen twenty one on Mactan Island right outside Cebu city.  King Lapu Lapu valiantly tried to repel the Spanish.  However with huge ships, swords, cannons, primitive guns, long bows, horses and armor (none of which the Filipino had ever seen before) the Filipinos were easily subdued by them. Within a few years the Spanish subdued the entire land of the Philippines. The Spanish named the Philippines after King Philip II who was king of Spain at the time conquest. The Spanish were brutal to the Filipinos.  They enslaved them in on huge haciendas.  The Spanish gave only a few Filipinos any education, to the rest education was forbidden.  Those who did so had to learn in Latin and Spanish.  Yet few Filipinos knew Spanish.  This is strange because every other former Spanish colony now speak Spanish.

   In the seventeen eighties the British defeated the Spanish and control the Philippines for two years. Then the Spanish got it back.  They continue their evil ways until the Americans defeated the Spanish in Cuba in eighteen ninety nine. The Spoils to Americans for their victory was: Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam, the Marshal Islands, American Samoa and the Philippines.  Meanwhile, Filipino General Emilio Aguinaldo raised havoc against the Spanish in Cavite across the bay from Manila.  When the Spanish surrendered to the American, Aguinaldo and his followers decided that meant the Philippines were independent.  Considering that America was a democracy and gotten rid of their tyrannical colonization.  So the Philippines declare itself a republic in eighteen ninety nine and Aguinaldo became the Philippines First president. Unfortunately, President William McKinley and the United States Congress did not agree with Filipino independence and declare war on the Philippines. In America's most obscure war, America won and made the Philippines its territory. Fifty eight, thousand Filipinos lost their lives in that war.  There would not be another Filipino president for thirty years.  Emilio Aguinaldo was exiled in Japan by the Americans and died sixty years later at ninety five.

  Apparently when Commodore Perry accepted the surrender of the Filipinos there were German ships ready to invade the Philippines if the Americans decided they did not want the Philippines.

  All the while that the Americans occupied the Philippines they sent American teachers to educate the Filipinos.  This foreshadowed a sort of the early Peace Corps. Americans invested heavily in its infrastructure.  On the other hand American Corporations exploited the Philippines to the Hilt.

    In nineteen thirty the United States decided that they would give the Philippines independence in ten years.  They made the Philippines its commonwealth.   Osemana was made president.           Unfortunately the Japanese invaded the Philippines thus suspending the ten years to independence.  The Japanese occupied the Philippines for two years.  Then MacArthur returned to the Philippines in Leyte, an island in Visayas.  Then nineteen forty four the Americans bombed Manila to dismantle Japanese control over the Philippines.

    In nineteen forty six the Philippines was granted independence from the United States.

   The United States had two large military bases, Clark Air Force Base and Subic Bay Naval Base, until nineteen eighty eight when the Filipino Constitution outlaws such bases.

   There are three hubs in the Philippines: each one in each region.  Manila is in the northern Tagalog region. Cebu city is in the Visayas region.  Davao is in the Mindanao region.  Inside the hub the life is modern and cosmopolitan.  Outside these hubs life is primitive.  I find it very difficult to live outside these hubs. Inside these hubs if one has money you can live the same as America.  Outside these hubs you would be hard press to find automatic teller machines (ATMS) or a supermarket. In and out of this hub l most everything is written in English:  everything in a store and everything in the supermarket.  Ninety five per cent of everything is written in English.  They speak in one language, write in another.

    The Philippines is one of poorest country is the world.  It is a lot poorer than Brazil Mexico and Argentina.  The average Filipino family earns only three thousand United States Dollars a year. While in Mexico its fifteen thousand United States Dollars and in the United States it’s fifty three thousand United States Dollars.

    Cost for services are very cheap, a haircut is a dollar.  Taxis are about a dollar a mile. Food is only a little less but restaurant prices are a lot less.


     “They all upset.” said my squatter neighbor, “their little daughter was raped and killed--In that empty Lot over there.”

    I looked at the grieving family. Huddled together in the makeshift street, “This never happens.  We neighbors always care for each other. Why Mr. Einstein? How could someone do this?”

   “It's so horrible!” Was all I could say to her.

       Soon the police swarmed the area to find the perpetrator. I stayed inside the rest of the day.

      Two weeks later this same neighbor reported this to me.

       “They know who kill that girl. It was three Drug addicts.  But we don't have to worry about them.  Because the New People Army, y'know the Communists, took care of them.  They killed them!”

























                                   Chapter Thirty


      “Free Palmer! Free Palmer! Free Palmer! Demanded each member of the courtroom audience.  Fifty white men dressed in camouflage kakis.  They thrust their fists in the air in repetition as the screamed against the tyrant, against the establishment.

      Palmer stood for his bail hearing, chanting.  He, Palmer, too was screaming, beside his lawyers, in shackles. Ruckus and Mayhem overwhelmed the courtroom.  He was not saying he was hooting.  He tossed all the papers at his desk; scattering them though the air and unto the floor.  He gleefully hollered in unison with his comrades. “Sic Tyrant Sic Tyrant.”  

         “Free Palmer! Free Palmer! Free Palmer!  It wasn't going to stop.  They came to defeat their enemy.

          “Free Palmer! Free Palmer! Free Palmer!”

       “I am going to clear the courtroom if you all don't shut up!” The judge pounded the gravel.

        “Free Palmer! Free Palmer!  Free Palmer!”

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