Dr. Frank Einstein (18 page)

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Authors: Eric Berg

BOOK: Dr. Frank Einstein
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      Muslims can only attack soldiers.  Muslims can only attack when first provoke by their

Qur'an 2:190 Fight in the cause of God those who start fighting you, but do not transgress limits (or start the attack); for God loveth not transgressors.

     Bin Laden attacked non soldiers.  The Qur'an says that to attack one innocent is like killing all humankind. "...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...(The Noble Qur'an, 5:32).

Included in this are those who would be included as humankind would be all the Muslims.  So when Bin Laden kills innocents he is killing every Muslim including the Prophet Mohammed.  Bin Laden was not Muslim but was a narcissist that Used and abused Islam for his own selfish mega mania.  Every religion has its fundamentalists.  Fundamentalists claim absolute belief in their religion, but they manipulate that religion to their own ends.  The Religious Right of Christianity is religious abusers just like Al Quada.  The American Religious Right claims the Bible is the absolute truth but they refuse to follow it. They mislead people to think that their beliefs are those espoused in the Bible.  But their beliefs are not consisted with the Bible.  Al Quada and Bin Laden do the same thing with the Qur’an. 
The religion is not evil.  It is the people that are evil.

Quada’s excuse for not following the Qur'an, when it says,” do not kill non soldiers,” is this: “The enemy killed our non-soldiers first.”  The Qur'an does not make that exception.    They are just making excuses so they can justify their selfish wants.  They are copping out. They disgrace The Prophet Mohammed.

      Jesus was an ascetic pacifist who saves Humanity from a Sinful world.  Mohammed was a warrior that wanted to conquer sin by r
eligious practices.  I myself believe in Jesus Christ.  Jesus taught not to judge anyone, but like him I can criticize bad acts.  I believe that Muslims are my neighbor. Unfortunately Al Quada has declared themselves as my enemies.  However I have to love them too.

I have traveled to two Muslim countries: Indonesia and Malaysia.  However when I was in Indonesia I went to Bali, which is Hindu not Muslim and Bhutan which is Buddhist not Muslim. Where I was is Malaysia was definitely Muslim.   In Malaysia there is an attitude of modeling Islam; Most Malays seemed not to want to force Islam on non-Muslims.  The state’s own media seems to discourage those that want to force Islam on others.

     Bin Laban displayed some very non-Muslim traits:  He watched pornography, took Viagra type medication.  This demonstrated that he in actuality desired the carnal instead of the asceticism that he would want every Muslim to believe he practice in life.              

   Bin Laden was a stooge for the Bush administration. President Bush wanted Bin Laden to attack America;    the Patriot Act was written years advance in anticipation of nine /eleven. President Bush developed a strategy called The Bush Doctrine. It was a strategy of preemptive war.  This was explicitly stated in the National Security Council text "National Security Strategy of the United States," published September twentieth, two thousand and two. "We must deter and defend against the threat before it is unleashed . . . even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack... The United States will, if necessary, act preemptively." The choice to not use the word 'preventive' in the two thousand and  two  National Security Strategy, and instead use the word 'preemptive' was largely in anticipation of the widely perceived illegality of preventive attacks in international law, via both Charter Law and Customary Law.

     Policy analysts noted that the Bush Doctrine as stated in the two thousand and two  National Security Council document bore a strong resemblance to recommendations originally presented in a controversial Defense Planning Guidance draft written in nineteen ninety two by Paul Wolfowitz, under the first Bush administration.  This strategy could assume a link be Hussein and Bin Laden before one was found and justify a preemptive war with Iraq. Thus Bush lured Bin Laden to participate in the nine /eleven attack.  This enabled Bush to announce a link between nine /eleven and Hussein, so justifying, under the Bush Doctrine, Bush to attack Iraq.

  This compact could only be enforced if America was attacked.  Yet the signatories demanded it be enforced as soon as possible. Bin Laden, as all major Muslim leaders, are a part of the military industrial complex that beholden to the whims of the western powers.  Bushes and Bin laden are brothers.  In fact, Bin laden brother, Salaam, had a secret controlling interest in Bush’s Oil Corporation, Harkin.  On September twelve, two thousand and one all air traffic in the United States was suspended except for flights that had the Bin laden family on them. The reason for is the Bin Laden family is considered super privileged by the United States. This is especially true by the Bushes.

      Fundamentalists are not Christians nor Muslim nor Hindu nor Jew.  Fundamentalism is a religion in itself.  All fundamentalists are the same.  They are so much the same they should love each other.  For example George Bush has the same religion as Osama Bin Laden.  Personally, I think George W. Bush is a nice, courtesy, hospitable gentleman; but he shares in the same belief system with the other entire world fundamentalists.  Fundamentalists idolize their sacred text but refuse to follow it.  They will say they believe the Bible, Qur'an, Talmud or the Hindu text but they always incorrectly proof text these texts. 

    The Muslim fundamentalists say they are extolling women by keeping them at home.  They say they are putting them as head of the home. But Sher’ia law denies women the right to an education, to have a job, or a career.  In countries and places under Sher’ia law, which does not come from the Quran?  Women are beaten more than men for improper dress.  They are more likely to be punished for adultery than men.  If a woman is rape she is punished for adultery.  Women cannot get a divorce, men can do it. They cannot have more than one spouse, and men can.

The Qur'an forbids terrorism.  This included the destruction of a building in Lebanon because the demonstrators were angry over a Danish cartoon image of the prophet.  Anyone who condones violence against an innocent Muslim owner of building over an anti-Muslim cartoon is not Muslim.

"It may be that God will grant love (and friendship) between you and those whom ye (now) hold as enemies.  For God has power (over all things); And God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.  God forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for God loveth those who are just.   God only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection).  It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong.  (The Noble Qur'an, 60:7-9)"


       When I see Muslims being oppressed by so called Christians or so call Jews I am going to help those Muslims.  Just because someone or some group professes to be Christian or Jew does not mean they are telling the truth.

     Hasidic Jews, who are true believers, believe that only the Messiah can usher in the restoration of Israel.  They believe that the Israel of today is a false Israel.  Obviously many other Jews do not agree with Hasidic Jews.  These Jews can be called Zionists.  Zionist beliefs have a wide spectrum.  Some believe that Israel should integrate all Muslims into Israel completely.   Some believe Israel should be separated from Palestine, and some want to eradicate the present of all Muslims from Israel and blot out any concept of Palestine.

     Under the auspices of the Israeli government there has been established an autonomous Palestine state.   The Muslims in this state are called Palestinians.  The Muslims that lived in the rest of Israel are called Israeli Muslims.  Israeli Muslims have the same equal rights with Jews and Christians.  Palestinians are not allowed to go to Israel without permission.  However, Israeli Muslims, already living in Israel are free to go anywhere, even Palestine and come back.  Israeli Muslims are citizens of Israel.  Palestinians are citizen of Palestine.

   Before Sharon became President of Israel, Palestinians could go pretty freely back and forth between Palestine and Israel.  The Palestinians needed documentation of their purpose, such as that they had proof that they had a job in Israel.   Israel then was content to have Palestinians do the menial of jobs.  Then Sharon cracked down on Palestine.  He established stricter procedures at the border.  The procedures were more time consuming.  So a lot of Palestinians were fired from Israeli jobs because they were habitually late for work. 

    The Israeli government built a wall between Israel and Palestine.  Now there are very few Palestinians who are able to work in Israel.  They are much fewer jobs in Palestine.   Unemployment among Palestinians has skyrocketed.

      Palestine occupies two territories on completely different sides of Israel:  the Golan Heights and Gaza strip. Palestine controls east Jerusalem.  The ruins of Jewish temple are in Palestinian East Jerusalem, underneath the Dome of the Rock, the third most holy Muslim site.  Most of the Zionists want to take this land back to rebuild the temple.  The Muslims leaders in other Muslim countries, especially Saudi Arabia, promised a war if Jews ever take back this land.  So it sits as a stalemate with the underdog Palestinians having something over Israel.

     If you total up all the foreign aid the United States gives to all countries.  It would be less than the foreign aid the United States gives to Israel.  Israel has a comprehensive welfare state.  This welfare state exempts Palestine.  It has free medicine and free education up to a doctorate.  The Israeli government gives a majority of Hasidim Jewish men jobs to study the Talmud and Torah.   That is all they do.  They do not preach in synagogue or teach, all they do is read the Torah and Talmud.  They men do not have to qualify for it.  They tell the government I'm to study Torah and government has to pay them a salary.  It is The United States that has to pays for all this: the total cost of Israel free medicine, free education and pay for salary of the Hasidic men who study the to' rah.

       Americans are not allowed to have these free programs but are forced to pay for it in Israel. Why? It is because of the American Jewish council—a Washington lobby. American Jewish council is run by the religious right not Jews.  Amongst members is Hillary Clinton. These are Fundamentalist Christians that have plan to placate all Jews in Israel to follow a program that will first eradicated the Palestinians from Palestine, then eradicate all the Jews from Israel.  The right wing Jew who have align themselves with AJC have been assured that rumor of their plan to eradicated the Jews are lies.  However the AJC believe that during the Second coming, Christ will give each Jew a choice: convert to Christianity or be killed.  It is fear that AJC may come to frustrated that Christ did not come when expected and thus decided to eradicate the Jews themselves.
































                                  Chapter Twenty Eight


     Here is another article


     Homosexuality is not sodomy.  The root of the word sodomy comes from the story of Lot, Abraham's nephew, in Genesis 4. In this story, the sodomites, that is, the people that live in the city of Sodom, wanted to rape two angels who were in Lot's house. The common misconception of this passage is that the angels were men. But they were not men because they are angels. All angels were created by God thus voiding their need for reproduction. They are sexless. By attacking the angels they Sodomites attacked God. They wanted to dominate God. This is because they wanted to be gods. Therefore sodomy is the use of sex to dominate a person.

The apex of the New Testament is to protect the meek from the strong; the oppressed from the oppressors.   Someone who claims to be a Christian but does not protect the oppressed from the oppressors is not a Christian.

   The New Testament states in several places that Christians should follow only the New Testament (Hebrews 8, Mt 5:19-48, Mt 11:11, Romans 3:19-26) the reason is, is that there are two levels of the Law: The Old Testament and the New Testament.  Christians must only follow the New Testament's Higher Law. When Paul wrote Romans 1:18-:26 he had Baal ism in mind. Baal ism teaches the belief that when people have sex the gods will have sex. When the gods have sex, their sexual activities will cause a good harvest. The best place to have harvest enriching sex is in the Baal temples. These temples employed prostitutes, both male and female, for this purpose.

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