Don't Wake Me if I'm Dreaming (25 page)

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Authors: J. E. Chaney

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Don't Wake Me if I'm Dreaming
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“I’d have you start with rock walls and climbing classes, but yes, I’ll talk you into it. Persuasion is a strength of mine.”

“South America, huh.”

“Brazil is amazing, too. We could party our way through Rio, dance in the streets, check out Carnival, visit the statue Christ the Redeemer, take a bike tour of the city, and maybe go hang-gliding.”

“You’re relentless. You really think I’m going to learn to ride a bike and hang-glide? You’re delusional if you think that’ll ever happen.” I was holding firm with that one.

He reached down and kissed my forehead, again. “We’ll work on your fear of heights, but before this vacation is over I’m teaching you to ride a bike.”

“Perfect. I’m so looking forward to that,” I said with the utmost possible sarcasm.

“Tell me about your dreams.”

“You…you want to talk about my dreams?” My body stiffened involuntarily. Why would he want to talk about my dreams, and what sort of distraction could I conjure to avoid the truth.

“Of course, I know you want to travel more, but you’ve never shared your desires and life ambitions.”

My body went lax a little, relieved, realizing Jack wasn’t referring to my slumbered events, and that he hadn’t noticed my burst of anxiety. “Well, I guess I haven’t given it much thought.” I pondered, remembering the long drives through the country with my mom when I was a child. “Don’t judge me harshly for impractical dreaming, but I’ve always wanted to buy a plantation and restore it. I know it sounds like a lot of work. I mean, I’m sure it would be.”

“That’s sounds like a hefty load, but not impractical. I have respect for the work that goes into historical preservation.”

“Yeah? There’s a vacant home outside of Charlotte I’ve looked at a few times. It looks structurally sound, but needs a load of work, especially to the property. It was an old cotton plantation that now has nothing but sticker brush— Jack, this moment is absolutely perfect except feeling a pain in my rear from sitting on stone.”

“I was just thinking the same.” He lifted me to my feet then folded the blanket back into the backpack. “Let’s see what’s going on down there.”

We headed down to the docks to see what the fishermen were hauling in. A man wheeled a cart with at least a dozen octopi and a couple others hauled in tuna, John Dory, and a few other types of fish.

While Jack was busy mingling and checking out the day’s catch, I stood on a boulder out of the men’s way, looking out to sea. The view would inspire an artist to paint; it was flawless. A sailboat in the distance was adjacent to the golden red casts from the sunset. The colors were so pure and rich, it was hard to see where the water ended and sky began. Oddly, the colors reminded me of flames, surfacing memories of Matt. I glanced at Jack with guilt clearing my thoughts, and then took a picture with my cellphone, but was disappointed it didn’t properly capture the hues. Jack joined me, wrapping his arm around me, watching as the last boat sailed toward the harbor.

“Are you ready to heave the stairs?” he asked.

“I can’t talk you into a donkey ride?”

“Nah, maybe another time.” He took my hand helping my down.

We were heading back up to town when I stopped midway up the monstrous steps for a breath. “One thing is for sure, there won’t be a need for the gym tomorrow.”

We were hardly hungry after eating an enormous lunch but decided to stop at a casual restaurant for takeout. Waiting for our food, we sorted through a wine collection in the tasting room. Jack paired a fine Greek wine with our feta and Greek olive salads and we headed back to the hotel room for the night.

Jack set the dinner table and I poured the wine.

“A real Greek Salad. I have to admit, I might get used to not cooking.” He took a bite.

“Dating me, that’ll never happen, sorry.” I picked at my salad, one piece at a time. I listened as Jack talked about tuna fishing, but my attention was elsewhere. I was picturing us finally making love, as he meaningfully called it.

“Where’d you go?” He waved a hand regaining my attention.

“I’m here. I was just thinking it would be a spectacular night for star gazing in the Jacuzzi.”

“Yeah, that sounds nice. I’ll make sure it’s heated up and ready. Excuse me.” He took a sip of wine, and then headed outside. 

I finished my drink and most of my salad, cleared the table, and refilled our glasses.

“It’s heated, but I turned it up a few degrees,” he explained, walking in the kitchen looking at his cellphone. “It’s currently fifty-three degrees, the upper sixties the rest of the week.” He noticed I was cleaning. “Babe, let the housekeeper clean up in the morning.”

I smiled, setting the hand towel on the counter. “I feel spoiled.”

“As you should. I’m going to change,” he headed into the bedroom.

I took a personal moment to collect and prepare myself with the idea of sleeping with Jack, hoping I’d be good enough in bed to appeal his sexual appetite.


ack headed out of the bathroom after collecting our towels. “I’ll wait outside,” he said, noticing my presence in the bedroom.

“I’ll be right out.”

I opened my suitcase and dug out my new bikini. I stared at it a minute unsure if I was brave enough to wear it then slid into the bathroom and tried it on.

“Are you kidding me?” I turned looking at my backside, “Oh, hell, no!” I looked like I should be bent over a muscle car in a Hustler magazine. I wrapped myself in a towel and snuck back into the room. Digging for another bikini, finding the top of one with much more fabric, I dug looking for the bottom.

“Is everything okay?” Jack asked, standing in the doorway.

“I’m perfect.” I gripped my towel.

“I’m going to grab our drinks.” He headed into the kitchen, returning a few seconds later with our glass. “What are you looking for?”

“My bikini, it’s buried in here somewhere. I packed way too much stuff.”

He noticed the red tie around my neck “Aren’t you wearing one?”

I looked at him anxiously. “It doesn’t fit, like at all.”

His brows furrowed into a mischievous grin as he approached me. He grabbed the towel and tugged it. “Whoa!” He laughed in surprise.

“That’s not funny.” I grabbed the towel from him and covered myself.

He swallowed hard. “Wow!” His hand reactively ran through his hair. “Wow.”  

“Your candor is appalling at the moment!” I covered myself with the towel.

“Get that frown off your face.” Jack reached, grabbing the towel, tossing it on the floor. 

I stared at him blankly and realized he was in awe of what was in front of him.

“You really like it?” I made a face wondering why.

“And everything under it!” His hand cupped over his mouth wiping away his grin. “Like is definitely an understatement. Turn around.”

I looked at him, shying my gaze away as I modestly turned around, biting my lip, until facing him again.

He reached his hand out taking mine, stepping closer to me until his lips reached my shoulder. “You have got to be the sexiest woman alive.”

“I look foolish, and you’re about to mate with this body. Of course you appreciate it.”

“You look gorgeous.” His lips reached my neck, giving me a small shiver. “And your body is impeccably beautiful.”

I placed my hand on his arm and then dropped it to his side as his lips traced my collarbone. My heart accelerated, nervously.

His hands slid down my arms, then over to my spine, tracing it lightly with a finger. Noticing my rapidly unsteady breath, he took my hand and walked us out onto the terrace.

It was secluded, no peering eyes, only an exceptional view of the stars.

I hurried into the water, seeking warmth. Jack sat on a bench along the far side and pulled me gently onto his lap. The water was a comfortable temperature, not too much steam. 

“It’s a perfect night.” He looked at the heavens.

“Thank you.” I felt a sense of meaningful joy for all of Jack’s efforts to please me.

“For?” His smile was a little perplexed.

“Everything.” I briefly leaned my forehead against his face. “Thank you for being so kind to me.”

He looked skyward with satisfaction on his face. “I can’t believe how perfect the sky looks tonight. Every star is visible.” We both stared up, his arms wrapped around me. “It’s no wonder the ancient Greek civilization was so big into chartering stars.”

“They don’t normally look so immense back home. I learned a little about the constellations in school, I remember the names, not their placements except that one, Orion’s belt, and the two dippers.” I pointed.

“Look.” He pointed to the streak of light that lasted only a couple seconds, followed by another streak.

“Shh, we have to make a wish.” I closed my eyes trying to decide what more I could want for.

Jack kissed the side of my neck. “I’ve made my wish.”

“If you tell me it won’t come true.” I turned placing a finger over his lips.

He kissed it sweetly.

“If you had one single wish, just one, what would it be, but it can’t be the one you just made.”

“That was the one I wanted most.” He grinned.

“Well, choose another.”

“Okay.” He looked up at the sky that held his eyes in attendance. “I wish the feelings I have for you at this moment, right here, right now never end.”

My feet fidgeted a little in the water. “Well, your first wish must have been humongous because this one was rather huge.” I reached my hand to my head, feeling my bun. “Does my hair look funny pulled up like this?” I asked.

“Not at all,” he said with a short laugh. “I like your hair up. It shows off your neck.” He reached taking my hand, unfastened the clasp on my bracelet, and set it on the side of the tub.

“Thanks, I forgot I had it on.”

“You changed the subject rather dejectedly.”

I ran my finger over the water.

We were quiet for a few minutes relaxing in the water. His hold on me was comforting, my body relaxed against his.

I turned placing an arm around his neck, resting my forehead against his. “I love you.” I breathed lightly near his lips that reached kissing mine.

He was tender as his hand caressed my skin, leaning me back for a more loving kiss. I reached my other hand around his neck, pressing my body against his.

“I don’t want to wait another minute to have you,” he muttered. His finger lightly traced my spine. Finding the tie, he gave it a gentle tug, his fingers sought the other tie around my neck. His hands tenderly gripped my arms with the peak of his nose rubbing across my cheek affectionately. His lips occasionally brushed my skin until finding my mouth.

He untied my bottoms and pulled the fabric away letting it drift in the water.

I stood just enough for him to remove his shorts, then suddenly felt edgy. “I can’t do this out here knowing someone might hear us.”

“Let them be envious,” he said carefree.

I breathed, reacting to his touch, and squiggled from his arms laughing.

His face went from aroused to emasculated in an instant. “What just happened?” His tone was flat.

“Next County over ring a bell?” I whispered loudly.

His brow’s furrowed, then suddenly popped. “

I gave a little push helping my body glide across the tub and then perched up against the side to see if I could hear anyone nearby. Jack moved across the water to my side and reached his arms around me, holding the ledge. “We’re alone.”

He kissed my cheek and I closed my eyes, calming the flurries within my nerves. I turned and wrapped my arms around him, both on our knees, balancing each other against the swaying motion of the water. He leaned back and pulled my legs around him. “Let’s try it again.”

Feeling too exposed, I shook my head no. “Let’s go inside.” My arms were secured around his neck and I leaned my head back, inviting his lips to my chest.

He reached his wet hand to my face and kissed me intimately.

He knew all the right places to touch. He was responsive to my reaction to his every move, making sure I enjoyed myself. I returned the favor repositioning myself to fondle him. Noticing his manhood about to rupture, I glided away again, just a few feet along the ledge. I was grinning, taunting him with my chest just above the water.

“You’re killing me,” he spoke just loud enough for me to hear his aroused voice.

“I have to use the bathroom.” I climbed from the water, quickly covering up with a towel.

I could hear movement behind me as Jack swiftly pushed himself out onto the terrace.

I used the restroom, washed up, brushed my teeth, and let my hair down, shaking it into place. I stared in the mirror anxiously securing the towel around me. I was beyond nervous. Worried he’d think I was a horrible lay, worried he’d realize I wasn’t right for him and want to leave me, worried he’d been with women more exciting and experienced than me in the bedroom. I looked away from the mirror and focused on my breathing then opened the door to the bedroom.

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