Don't Wake Me if I'm Dreaming (24 page)

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Authors: J. E. Chaney

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Don't Wake Me if I'm Dreaming
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asha, wake up, baby.”

I felt myself return to a conscience state. My eyes took a few seconds to adjust, realizing there was someone next to the tub.

“It’s just me.” I heard Jack’s voice.

Too quickly I sat up, slipping back into the water, splashing out a couple candles.

“Jack!” I breathed a sigh of relief. “You nearly scared me to death.”

“I didn’t mean to frighten you. I knocked a few times, but heard the music and let myself in. I hope that’s okay?” He moved the unlit candles from the side of the tub, kneeling on the bath towel. “You really should keep your door locked, by the way.” His mouth lifted into a small, soft smile. “You looked so peaceful sleeping. I’m sorry I woke you.”

“I’m not completely sure I was asleep.” I leaned back in the tub trying to remember. “Hand me the towel, I’ll get out.”

“Actually, I came to apologize, I asked you over for dinner, but got caught up at work. I have to be on a conference call this evening. I have a partner wanting to close on a deal this week and I won’t be here, so this is the alternative.”

“I had forgotten you mentioned dinner. Are we going to spend our vacation with you working?” I tried smiling politely.

“Maybe just the flight.” He smiled, “That’s why it’s important to get this out of the way now so I can focus on you without distraction.”

I leaned slightly over the side of the tub, most of my body was still submerged. “Bathe with me.”

“I will this weekend.” He grinned, looking at the water.

I stretched forward a little more, reaching for a kiss. His legs were bent under him, making it easy to place both his hands on my face. His lips unintentionally melted into mine with a feverishly hot kiss.

I positioned myself onto my knees, reaching my arms around his neck. Beads of water dripped down my arms onto his dress shirt. His hands wouldn’t leave my face, I suspected, and hoped, in fear of the temptation of wanting this moment to last.

Without detaching our lips, I placed a hand on his sliding it to my chest. There was little motion as I held it there. I released his hand, expecting it to retract, but it stayed. Instead, his lips worked down my neck to my chest. He was gentle, moving slowly with passion. I lifted my leg, carefully over the tub, holding on to him for balance. My other leg followed and I sat on the tub’s edge, not allowing his lips to separate from my body.

Jack reached his arm around me and held me securely to him, carelessly allowing the water from my body to saturate his clothing. His mouth began moving wildly across my chest and collarbone.

Supporting my back, he lifted a knee placing his foot on the floor. Grabbing my hip with his free hand, he lifted me in his arms to lay me on the floor mat. Both of us soaked, I fought back a shiver that eventually exposed me.

Jack grabbed the towel from the floor and began drying my skin, kissing each place he had dried until I was no longer soaked. I removed his tie, watching his fingers race to unbutton and remove his shirt and undershirt. I reached, rubbing his chest, allowing my hands to aimlessly wander over it. He placed the towel in a bundle under my head and continued kissing my body.

I reached down, unbuttoning his pants, sliding my hand inside. I liked what I found.

His eyes closed in pleasure with a moan.

“I want you, Jack. It’s been long enough.” I was ready for him. I knew he wouldn’t run off, that he hadn’t invested this much effort into having a single romp just to call it off.

“I’m all yours.” He didn’t hesitate to respond, and he began pulling down his pants.

“Oh my God! Oh. My. God!” The bathroom door quickly slammed shut, plunging us into darkness. “Oh my Gawd.” We heard crying from the hall.

My hand flew from Jack’s pants, grabbing at the towel. I sprang up turning on the light.

“Who the hell is that?” Jack was paralyzed, mortified to better describe his face.

“Aimee!” I gasped. “Oh my God!”

Jack quickly pulled his undershirt on, grabbed the bathrobe hanging from the door hook handing it to me, while pulling on his over shirt. His fingers frantically sought out the buttons.

“I’ll call you later,” Aimee hollered from the living room.

“No. I’m coming.” I hurried out of the bathroom tying my robe.

“I’m sooo sorry. I kept knocking, but your radio is so damn loud! I’m going to need therapy for life. Oh my God!”

“So is Jack! Hold on.” I ran into the studio room and turned off the CD player.

“I should leave,” she said.

“It’s fine, it’s okay. Why are you here?”

Jack walked out of the bathroom dressed in his wet slacks and dress shirt. “I’m sorry about that very awkward situation.” His face burned red.

Aimee’s brows shot up as she glanced at his wet clothing. She smiled awkwardly. “Hello, Jack.”

He held out a hand. “Aimee.”

She glanced at it.

His face turned a deeper shade of red as he looked at me. “I’m…I’m going to head home. I’ll call you,” he said, heading to the door.


He slid on his shoes and grabbed his keys. With a blaze from the entryway, he was out the door.

“Holy hell, that was awkward.” Aimee ran a hand over her face trying, I suspected, to remove the scarring image.

“So what’s going on? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m all right I actually can’t stay long. Vance is home with Scott. He hasn’t been feeling well lately.”

“Vance or Scott?”

“Vance. I’m not sure if he has a tummy bug or what, but he’s been uncomfortable all day.”

“Bummer. Hopefully, it’s nothing bad.”

“Anyway, I wanted to give you this.” She held out a small yellow gift bag.

“Thank you. What’s the occasion?”

“You’ll see. Just open it.” She shook her head. “He has a beautiful chest.”

I glanced at her, reaching in the bag, and pulled out the tissue along with a red thread attached to two small rectangular pieces of fabric. “Is this supposed to be a bikini?”

“Don’t be such a prude. Jack will love it, obviously. So, are you guys finally doing it now?”

I held up the bottoms. “Are you kidding me? This is not a bikini, it’s butt floss.”

“They do things differently in Greece.”

“Yeah, like have big fat Greek weddings, not run around nearly naked!”
What on earth is she thinking?

“Just take it with you. Jack will love it. Sooo. You guys are doing it?”

“Aimee! I am not wearing this.” I laughed trying to figure out which side was front or back.

“You’re avoiding my question.”

I stuffed the threads and tissue in the bag. “Not exactly.”

“Oh…wait, that was going to be your first time and I ruined it?”

“It’s fine. We’ll soon have plenty of time locked in a bedroom together. I can wait a little while longer.”

“Mmmm fifty shades of Jack.”

“Exactly! ...Without the plugs.”

She laughed.






ack and I flew in a hopper from Athens to Santorini Airport. The island was as I had dreamed it to be; from the moist air and bright blue sky to the winding cliff-side cobbled streets lined with whitewashed dwellings with blue domed rooftops. Rocky steep terrain made of unusual rock formations, volcanic rock and pumice stone surrounded the islands outskirts, touching the rich blue-green seashore. We had landed in paradise.

Our hotel was built of white stone that sat hillside overlooking the Aegean Sea. A young lady with long black hair, pulled off her face, stood behind the front desk. “Welcome, do you have reservations?”

“Jackson Thomas.” He handed her his credit card and passport.

After making the transaction, he signed a paper, and collected our room key.

The lady handed him a stack of brochures. “Here is a list of places you may choose to visit. I suggest Amoudi Bay and the Mnemossyne Gallery has fine art. The Museum of Prehistoric Thera is rather unbelievable if you enjoy ancient art. Follow me.” She led us to our room. “The Ancient Thera has a breathtaking view from the top. The lighthouse is great too. My favorite is the Byzantine Castle Ruins and if you’re looking for something in the evening the Cinema Kamari is open air and very nice. It’s all in the brochures. Enjoy your stay.”

“Thank you for the suggestions. We’ll have to look through these.” Jack unlocked the door and set our luggage just inside the room and looked around.

I, too, stood a moment in awe, taking in the gorgeous ambiance of the room.

“Do you like it?”

“Did you really need to ask?” I shared a satisfied look. “Jack, this place is…it’s amazing. I gazed around at the many shades of white that covered the soft sandstone walls. “It’s breathtaking.”

“I was hoping it would be perfect.”

“Well, you nailed perfectly on the dot.” Which was the truth. I had never stayed anywhere this much to my liking.

It was pure in natural tones, with brightly colored accents, and terracotta tiles. Nearly everything was crafted of light colored stone, with beautiful archways leading to each room. It was like nothing I’d ever seen in person. Jack carried our luggage into the bedroom as I walked to the terrace doors and gaped, marveling at the panoramic view.

“Look at that. You have got to see this, there’s an outdoor Jacuzzi tub built of stone into the walls, and we have a private terrace with a sunset view of the sea. I’m never leaving here just so you know.”

“You’ll be missed.” Jack was standing near the balcony door smiling at me. “I love seeing you this happy.”

I pinched my lips together. “I love it. I don’t think I’ll want to leave!”

He walked toward me then embraced me in his arms. “That could get very expensive.” His head bobbed back a little. “Do you have an idea of what you’d like to see first?”

“I’m starving. Maybe we can find a café near the beach, do a little sightseeing after we eat.” My response came following a low growl in my stomach.

“Perfect.” Jack headed back into the living room and removed a backpack from his suitcase and filled it with various items, including a throw blanket from the sofa.

“Can I have a moment to change first?”

“Can I help?” He set his bag down and walked behind me removing my cardigan before unzipping my dress. He moved my hair aside letting his lips lightly touch my neck, pulling the fabric away from my shoulders.

“We have all night,” I whispered, “and too much to see.” Overwhelmed with excitement, I wanted the chance to work up a sexual appetite.

Jack had a partial smile as I turned facing him. “Of course.” He breathed deeply through his nose then went onto the terrace as I stepped from my dress and quickly changed into something more comfortable. I tied my tennis shoes and joined him outside.

I glanced up and him, noticing he gazed across the water, his look filled with awe. I rested my head against his shoulder. “This vacation keeps getting better with each passing minute.”

His arm stretched behind my back. “I plan to make sure everything in life just keeps getting better. You deserve it.”

“You spoil me.”

“It brings me pleasure.” He kissed the top of my head.

“Ready?” I reached my hands around his arm playfully tugging. I liked the idea of having this much control.

“Yep.” He grabbed his backpack and we headed out.

Nearly every cobble road was curved on a hillside, with narrow paths leading between buildings. Most homes had brightly colored doors and window shutters. And the one thing the island didn’t lack was stairs. Cars were not nearly as common as bikes, mules, and mopeds for transportation, and people appeared not to mind walking from one place to the next. Small groups of people stood around talking in town or wherever they ran into each other, like everyone knew someone walking by. And the Greek women spoke just as loud with body language as they did with their voices, but were pleasantly friendly to nonnatives.

We made our way to the Café Adelphia. Inside reminded me of Opa, a Greek restaurant back home, mainly because the interior was all Greek design, but also because like back home, they operated in a family tradition.

I ordered one of my traditional favorites, Mousaka. Jack also ordered one of his favorites, Pastitsio. We learned right away that the Greek considered eating a serious matter, and were generous with portion sizes. The sisters that owned Adelphia continually brought us samples of other foods, and kept our Pinots topped. We tried their Tzatziki, Spanakopita, Domathes, and had our fair share of Feta and Greek Olives before graciously convincing the women we were painfully stuffed.

After eating, we worked our way to the port of Ammoudi and stood skeptically at the hilltop looking down over the small town surrounded by craggy red lava walls. The wind blew up the side of the canyon so fiercely that it almost pushed us back to the road.

“I’m not so sure about this.” I twisted my lips.

“It’s only two hundred plus steps,” Jack said, looking and the large stone slats forming the zigzagged light stone stairwell. “The decent looks fine, I’m not so sure about the hike back up.”

I wrinkled my nose at the thought.

“We could always ride donkeys back up,” he joked.

“I don’t think I can even picture you riding a donkey.” I laughed.   

“Nah, I honestly don’t see that happening in this lifetime,” he responded to my laughter.

We descended the stone steps, passing an old fisherman carrying a stick strung with small comber fish and a young boy followed closely behind carrying poles and a net. He stared at us returning our smiles.

The town below the great climb was small, maybe a few more than a dozen buildings stacked along the hillside with a small church above one of the restaurants. Each stone building was painted with various accent colors of reds, blues, and yellows. Each building was timeworn from the climate and salty air. We were astounded by how picturesque our surrounding was. Perfectly blue skies, an almost turquoise sea, boats swaying in the bay, and romantic terraces with beautiful potted flowers. It was almost unreal it was so perfect. The waterfront cafés were closed for the season. Each café had bright colored furniture outside and one restaurant had a sign in the window saying it reopened in May.

The water’s edge was abrupt, mostly large rocks and boulders and the sudden drop off in the water was visible. A distressed cobbled stone road wrapped around the town, leading to the docks. Fishermen occupied the rocks, and at least two-dozen boats lined the water with a handful porting.

A few other couples, possibly tourists, wandered around. An old man sat on a turned over bucket, smoking a cigarette and cleaning fish. He stared at the strawberry blonde bun I tasseled on my head before descending the stairs.

We found a large stone flat enough to sit on and Jack laid out a blanket. I made myself comfortable between his legs as he rested against a rock with his arms draping mine. It was slightly chilly, but the sunlight kept us comfortable.

“What a view,” Jack’s soft tone indicated he was relaxed.

“Don’t wake me if I’m dreaming. Have I thanked you yet?” I asked.

“A few times, but who’s counting. This definitely is at the top of my European explorations. Imagine if we had a couple weeks to explore the other islands. I suppose we’ll have an excuse to return.”

“I would be content to just stay. I’m sure we’d be able to find work and we could live in a little cottage on the water. That sounds so dreamy.” I stared out at the water, watching a boat slow into the port.

“A cottage huh. That doesn’t sound too bad. That would mean we’d have to live together and actually have sex.”

I smiled before responding. “I could handle that. You would willingly move away with me if the circumstances were accommodating?” I was curious how serious he was about us.

“I’m not sure how I’d juggle my career from here, but I don’t see any reason to fret over eventually living together. We’d actually see each other more often.”

“It might put a little strain on this dating thing we’re doing don’t you think?”

“Dating thing.” He laughed. “I believe we’ve surpassed dating by a mile. We’re already on our second vacation together half way across the world.”

“So what would you consider this now, if we’ve surpassed dating?”

“I think it’s safe to assume we’re a couple.”

“The man who has no time to date declares he’s in a relationship. I like it.” I rubbed his knees.

“When you put it like that.” He playfully shrugged. “I like how well things are going. I think we’re more than compatible and don’t see a reason or need to back out.”


“We’ll put it to the test tonight.”

“I have to laugh considering you were the one who wanted to wait.”

“No, I wanted to prove a point and I think my point’s been proven,” he said matter-of-fact.

“Is dry sex getting a little old?”

“It’s a first.”

“You must normally be the
get the girl in the sack
kind of guy. I think waiting has given us a chance to focus on more important things. And it probably kept you around by peaking your interest in me.”

“There’re things more important than sex?” he teased.

“What is it with men needing to penetrate to be happy?”

“It’s a legitimate physical need to sustain health and happiness.”

“So in order for us to be truly happy, you’ll need to penetrate me.”

Jack exploded with laughter. “When I do
you, as you so eloquently put it, I plan to do so by making love to you, and yes, I think it will bring a new level of happiness and closeness into our relationship.”

“Here’s the thing Jack, the act of making love consists first and foremost of two people being in love.”

He was silent for a moment. “Well, like I said.”

I felt a sudden flutter in my tummy.

He leaned his face close to my ear. “I am falling in love with you, Sasha. I’ve been more than ready for this moment. I just didn’t realize it until you came into my life.”

I almost lost my breath. “Don’t say that unless you mean it.”

“I don’t use the words carelessly. I love you. I love everything about you, even your cute moments of insecurity.”

I twisted, looking over my shoulder into his eyes, seeing his transparent sincerity. “I love you, too.” I breathed, feeling the moment couldn’t be more perfect.

He laid me back into his arms and leaned over my shoulder looking into my eyes a moment before kissing my forehead.

“I find I am so much happier with you in my life. I actually have something to look forward to each day, and seeing your beautiful face makes me a happy man.
make me a very happy man.”

“I feel the same. I’m a happy lady that is.” My face was wearing an almost permanent smile.

I remained in his arms looking out over the water in silence for a little while watching the boats porting at the docks. His fingers lightly traced my neck.

“I can see why you travel so much. I can’t believe I’ve deprived myself of so much joy for so long,” I said, sitting up into a more comfortable position.

“This is only the beginning for us.” He reached for my bracelet on my wrist. “We need to load this up with charms. I want to take you to Venezuela with me when I climb Angel Falls. It’s a tremendously tall waterfall. I think it might even be the world’s tallest.”

“Yeah, you mentioned something about wanting to climb there with Vance when we first met.” My words withered into a gruff.

“Climbing isn’t as scary as it looks. It’s so worth the rush and there’s truly nothing comparably spectacular than a bird’s eye view from a monumental climb, but I suppose you’ll never know until you try.”

“You make it sound so amazing.”

“At least agree you’ll travel there with me. You will honestly fall in love with the country.”

“I see where this is going in baby steps. Next it will be for me to agree to see the waterfall, climb up the little rocks, and so on…” I laughed trying not to complain.

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