Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (65 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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them on the chest. I’ve got an order and I need to carry it out. He’s

still quiet while I step toward the dresser and open the top drawer to

reveal a plethora of items sure to make my ass sting, ache and burn.

My cock’s hard. As a rock. Fucking granite between my thighs.

The solid wood paddle appeals to me, but it’s the one with the

holes that I need. That one draws me like a moth to a flame. Trite, but


With infinite care, I lift the paddle from its place and then slide the

drawer closed before I turn toward my Daddy. My cock bobs with

every step I take closer to him. A foot from Zeke, I stop and extend

my arms, palms up, presenting my choice to him.

He lifts it, tests the weight and grips the wooden handle. “This is

the one you want? It’ll hurt.”

I lick my bottom lip, stare at the ground in front of my toes. “I

know. I deserve it. For you, for Luca… for everything.”

Zeke shifts back a bit, widens his legs and holds his hands at his

sides. The movement gives me a clear look at his dick, the flesh hard

and seeming to reach for me. Only me. “Across my lap then. We’ll do

this and it’ll be done, baby. Okay?”

I sniffle, tears stinging my eyes, because deep down I know that

I’ve disappointed and angered several people with my actions. A bit

of selfishness cause a shitload of problems.

As if I’d done it countless times before, I settle across Zeke’s lap,

cock hanging between his thighs, presenting my ass to him.

His plate-sized hand, complete with calluses, strokes my bare

bottom, skimming my sensitized skin and fluttering across my crack

as if I were the most delicate china. With every moment that he

touches me, I’m more aroused, more in tune with his every breath,

aching to be what he wants in a boy.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 386

“So pretty.” His voice is husky, low, growling and I whimper,

pushing and arching against his hand. “Such a perfect little ass.”

I squirm, wanting… something.

He gives it to me.

Between one breath and the next, the paddle slams against my ass,

no prep, no warming or warning, just the connection between wood

and flesh. I scream and move to rise, the pain, flight or fight response,

taking over my body, but Zeke’s hand in the middle of my back keeps

me from breaking position.

I can’t breathe, can’t move, can only

He hits me again, the sound reverberating through the room,

through my body. The pain radiates from my ass, warming and

shooting through me, bringing tears to my eyes with each thud of the


“Count.” His voice is hoarse, strained.

Another strike. Another bout of agony. “Three, Daddy.”

God, it’s only been three.

Tears aren’t just threatening now, they’re trailing down my

cheeks, splashing onto the floor.

Yet another. “Four.”

I’m gasping. And despite the pain, the agony of the spanking, I’m

turned on by the act. I want this, deserve this and crave this. More

than anything.


I’m choking on the pain and the pleasure that’s growing, radiating

from my ass. The pain is morphing, twisting and turning within,

becoming more.

Zeke stops for a moment, hand sliding over my heated rear and I

flinch with the contact.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 387

“Easy.” His voice is soft, soothing, gentle. Easy, slow strokes of

his palm against my heated skin quickly ratchet up my arousal, make

me want whatever Zeke will give me. “Such a good boy.”

I whimper and press into his touch, search out the pleasure, drink

up every drop. “Daddy.” My voice is a whisper, eyes closed, I tune

out everything but the feeling of his skin against mine.

“It’s over, now, little one. You did good.”

I bend further, press my face against his calf and take a deep

breath, taking in his scent and savor it. As my heart calms, I push into

his touches as they become stronger, harder… more.

Heat is morphing into pleasure, my cock’s throbbing in time with

the beat of my heart, the thunder of blood roaring through my veins.

He’s stroking my ass, fingers playing over my heated skin and the tips

grazing my hole. God, to be filled by him, surround him and cradle

him close.

I arch my back, rising and hinting at what I want, earning a soft

chuckle from Zeke. “Needy, minx.” A quick pop, the palm of his hand

against my ass and then he’s pulling me up until my feet rest on the

ground once again. “Bed.”

I scramble to listen, crawl across the expansive mattress and settle

on my back, legs wide, open and ready for whatever he wants to do to

me. I trust him not to hurt me for a variety of reasons… but it’s my gut

that I’m going with and it tells me that no matter how big, or strong,

Zeke may be, he’d never hurt me. Unless I wanted him to.

He shucks the rest of his clothes, then opens the bedside table to

retrieve a condom and a bottle of lube. Internally? I’m doing a happy

dance. Externally? My cock’s still throbbing, pre-come glistening at

the tip of my dick and it’s taking everything in me not to stroke


I want Zeke to do that, to give me the friction I need with his


Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 388

He climbs onto the bed and settles back on his heels, attention

focused between my legs, straying to my face for a moment before

zeroing back in on my exposed ass.

“So, so pretty.” Zeke strokes my inner thigh, fingertips dipping

between my cheeks for the barest of moments before pulling away. I

hear, rather than see, the cap of the lube clicking open and I imagine

him coating his fingers in the slippery fluid.

Cool digits circle my asshole, nerves tingling, stretching and

awakening under his touch. Round and round they go until a single

finger slips past the rings of muscle to invade my body. He fucks me

then, out and in, nice and slow until I’m sweating and needing more.

Much more.

“Zeke…” I don’t care if I’m begging.

His finger disappears. “What?”

A shudder works through me, cock impossibly harder. My voice is

soft, a whisper, when I respond. “Daddy.”

He gives me more, stretching and filling at the same time, fingers

finding that special spot inside me, stroking the walnut-shaped piece

of flesh that sends lightning through me from head to toe. I close my

eyes, back arched and muscles tight while I rock against him, fuck

myself on his hand, take what he’s offering and work toward my


Hard and harder I move, panting, dying and living at the same

time. Need, need, need…

But I get nothing. Zeke pulls free of my body and I open my eyes

to see him fitting a condom over his cock and I lick my lips, suddenly

realizing I haven’t had a taste of him.

“Later, baby.”

He really needs to stop talking. Really.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 389

I open my mouth to tell him that, but he’s easing into me, ass

burning, skin stretching and accommodating his girth. Fuckity fuck

fuck. And another fuck.

He braces his hands on either side of my shoulders, gaze on mine

while he continues to invade me, giving me an ache that only he can


Zeke inches forward and then eases back, in and then out, over

and again until he’s seated to the hilt. He’s been holding his breath the

whole time, as if afraid even breathing would ruin the moment. We

both moan when he’s all the way in and I wiggle my ass, wanting to

take him even deeper.

“Minx.” He drops his forehead to mine as we share the very air we


“Your minx?” Yeah, I’m a needy little shit.

“Mine.” Zeke growls and captures my lips in a kiss, teeth nipping,

tongue dueling with mine while we explore each other. He retreats

before shoving forward once again, yanking a groan from my chest. I

stroke him, fingers exploring chiseled muscles and sensitive skin.

Learning him from outside in.

His breathing is growing heavy, our bodies moving without

conscious thought, taking and giving everything we’ve got. I want

this, him, more and all of it at once.

I plant my feet on the bed and work my hips to meet his thrusts,

giving us each a little bit more to hold onto, a bigger wave of pleasure

to ride.

Already I can feel myself easing toward the edge, climbing the

mountain and preparing myself to jump off the ledge. The pleasure is

skittering along my spine, plucking at every nerve ending from head

to toes and back again to settle in my balls. God, I want it. Him.


Did I mention that?

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 390

Closer and closer I ease toward release. My cock’s steadily

leaking now, filled to bursting, but not without Zeke. My Daddy. Just,


“Come on, baby.” One of his hands leaves the bed, encircles my

cock and tugs on the hard flesh. I still for a blink and then change my

movements, allow myself to get fucked yet fuck his hand. I slide

easily through the circle of his fingers, his grip tightening and handing

pleasure over on a platter.

I feel like I’m going to stop breathing at any moment, everything

crowding in on me and pushing, dragging me, to the edge.

“Come on. Come for me.” His voice is pure growl, a demand and

a plea in one, forcing me to listen.

Back arched, mouth open and Zeke’s name on my lips, I come on

my chest, pleasure gathering and radiating through my entire body.

Wave after wave of ecstasy pour through me, ride along my veins and

I’m shaking with the intensity. String after string of come spurts from

the head of my dick and Zeke stills above me, roaring his own

pleasure, screaming my name as if he’d never get to speak again.


God, the sound of his voice is enough to get me hard again. My

cock twitches, interested, yet exhausted.

Zeke slumps over me and I cradle him close, relishing in his heavy

weight. I feel protected, wanted. His face is pressed against my neck

and I can feel his lips pressing against my skin, tongue licking me.

He’s nuzzling me, showing the sweet side of the large man who seems

to be able to scare just about everyone. I’m not scared anymore.

At least, not a lot.

Much too soon, he rises and pulls free of my ass. Suddenly empty,

I whimper at the loss of contact, earning a soft pet from Zeke, his

palm skimming my chest, sifting through the come to stroke my skin.

“Shh… I’ll be right back.”

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 391

I quiet and watch him stalk to the bathroom, returning in moments

with a washcloth. A few quick swipes and I’m clean, Zeke settling

next to me, pulling the covers over our naked bodies and tugging me

close. I snuggle against his body, head resting on his shoulder.


More than, actually.

“Was it worth it?”

I’m half-asleep already. I barely register his words. “Huh?”

“Your show tonight. Was it worth the pain?”

I sigh. “Oh, yeah. I got you, right? Any amount of pain is worth

being with you, Zeke. Don’t freak on me, but it totally was worth the


Zeke’s quiet for a few moments and I’m convinced I’ve blown it

all to hell.

He tightens his arm around me and presses a soft kiss to the top of

my head. “I promise not to freak on you if you don’t freak on me.”


Then his hands are on me, shifting me until I’m a human blanket

on top of him, staring into his eyes. “Good. Because I’m keeping


All righty then.


Author bio:
Celia Kyle would like to rule the world and become a

ninja. As a fall-back, she’s working on her writing career and giving

readers stories that touch their hearts and *ahem* other places.

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