Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (64 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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not rule my life!”

I’m glaring at him, pure stubbornness pouring through me. He’s

glaring at me and he seems to be matching me for stubborn.

I’m starting as I’ll go on and I won’t be pushed around by a man

just because I call him “Daddy”. Even if I really, really want to call

him Daddy. Turning over power is a choice and I’ll be damned if it’s


“Fine.” He’s mumbling around clenched teeth. “
sit and we

can discuss this.”

“While you’re angry and I’m covered in cum?”

His eyes narrow even further. “And whose fault is that?”

“I won’t be held responsible for your emotions. I’m sticky

because of something I did. Period. Your anger is your shit to deal


Zeke relaxes a fraction, shoulders not quite so stiff. “Okay. If I

give you my address, will you come by after you’re cleaned up?

When you’re ready?”

See? He can be polite when he’s not being a bear.

I nod and slump into the chair. “I can do that. Give me an hour

and I’ll be there.”


The ride to Zeke’s doesn’t take long once I’m cleaned up, my little

beater puttering along in his hoity-toity neighborhood. Guy said it was

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 379

“quaint”. He should have said it was filled with half-million dollar


My knuckles are white from gripping the wheel so hard and I

force myself to relax and glance at the slip of paper Zeke’d given me.

Turning my car into his driveway, I take a deep, soothing breath

as I cut the engine. Now or never. Right.

The house was huge. Okay, huge to him.

Wiping my hands on my jeans, I push the doorbell and the door’s

opened almost immediately, Zeke looking just as gorgeous as I


Then again, it’d only been an hour since we’d seen each other, but

still. Hot.

“Come in. I’ve got drinks and I ordered take out. Luca said you

enjoy Italian, so I ordered from Gianni’s for us.”

Okay, score one for Zeke. Even if he did ask Luca.

I nod and follow him into the house, kicking my shoes off near the

front door, Zeke frowns and I smile. “Old habit. I don’t wear shoes


He shrugs and moves on and I’m at his heels, taking in the

sparsely furnished home as we traverse the hallways. Before long,

we’re in the living room, him on the couch, me on a nearby chair,

both leather.

Zeke pops the top on a soda for me and sets it on a coaster while I

poke around in the Styrofoam packages, claiming the Penne ala

Vodka for myself. Yeah, I’m a bit selfish when it comes to Gianni’s.

We’re quiet for a little while, sating our hunger and I’m silent

from nerves more than anything else. We’ve gone about this a bit

backwards, stumbling around instead of having a sit-down like we are


Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 380

Before long, Zeke leans back, not looking half as relaxed as he

probably wanted to. I mimic his position in my chair, keeping the soda

in my hands. Something to hold on to.

He’s not looking at me when he starts speaking, staring into space.

“I like you a lot, Tevin. More than I should considering how much

time we’ve spent together.”

“I like you, too.” My voice is quiet. God, we’re like a bunch of

high school kids. Or elementary age and I feel like I should be passing

him a piece of paper. ‘Do you want to be my boyfriend? Check yes or


A smile, small and soft, forms on his lips. “We’re like kids.”

I can’t stop the laugh bubbling in my chest. “I was thinking the

same thing!”

Zeke pats the seat next to him. “Come here? Let me hold you

while we talk?”

I’m not hesitating now and place the soda on the coffee table

before snuggling next to him, feel him lay his head on top of mine.

“I’m sorry about earlier.”

“Me, too. I didn’t mean to disappoint you and Luca.” I didn’t. “It

was just…”

“Too much temptation. I nearly creamed my jeans watching you.

Then I realized everyone else was watching you, too.
pissed me


I bury my face against his chest, inhale his scent before

responding. “I know. I didn’t think of it at the time. Was just so turned


“I know, baby, I know. It’s forgotten. Once I calmed down, I

realized I was out of line.”

I hear, rather than feel, his kiss against my hair. “I’m still sorry.”

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 381

“Forgotten.” He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling

beneath my ear and I can hear his heart rate increase. “I want a

relationship with you, Tevin. I want to see you whenever we can.

Touch you. Be sweet, and mean, to you. All of it.”

I raise my head, stare into his eyes. “I’d like that, too. But I won’t

be ordered around like a mindless kid. Yeah, you’re older, probably

wiser, but I have to make mistakes. I can’t have you bulldozing me at

every turn. Yeah, I fucked up, but I
to fuck up. Do I want some

power exchange? Age-play? Fuck, yeah. Just, not all the time. I can’t

feel like you’re ruling everything.”

“I don’t want to rule everything, Tev. It’s just…” He rests his

forehead against mine. “I want your pleasure to be mine. I get your

job. I don’t like it, but it’s what you do and I can’t stop you. But

coming on stage? I’d
that you don’t do that.”

I grin. “Then you can’t come watch me. ‘Cause that’s all I can

think about when you’re around. All these muscles tense for me…


“You’re an imp.”

“Your imp?” I mean, it sounds like that’s what he wants. Okay,

sometimes I just want a lot of reassurance. A lot.

“Yeah. Age-play. Condoms, no fluids, only bruises and no

sharing. I can do it all, want to do it all to you. Can’t wait.”

“Me either.” It’s the truth. We had a hiccup before there was even

a “we” to speak of, but I think we’ve got a start.

“Stay? It’s late. You live in a crappy neighborhood.” He brushes

his lips across mine, need rising with each passing second.

“It’s not crappy.” My voice is a whisper, not wanting him to stop.


It’s not really an answer, but I’m too caught up in the kiss now.

It’s gentle, sweet, passionate yet tender. He nips my lower lip and

I open to him. Zeke licks the entrance to my mouth, seeming to enjoy

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 382

my taste, before he delves inside, touching every part of me. I moan

and sink into him even further, drink him in, our tongues stroking and

playing. Gentle. There’s no fight for dominance, just wave after wave

or rising arousal as he seduces me.

And I let him.

With every passing moment, the heat grows between us and I can

feel my cock growing hard within my jeans, making them tight. I

shift, unable to remain still, aching and wanting him more than I can

say. He does it for me. Him. Zeke. Big man with gentle hands. Hands

that will probably punish me but never in anger. Never.

My dick’s throbbing in time with my accelerated heartbeat and

I’m sure a wet spot is forming. I don’t care. I’ll deal with it later. I’m

staying with him and that’s all that matters right now.

I wrap my arms around his neck, one hand sifting through his

short hair, pulling him closer, searching out every bit of his essence I

can find. Want it all. Every drop of him.

With no warning, Zeke breaks the kiss, forehead against mine,

breathing hard. “Bedroom. Please, let me take you to the bedroom,

Tevin. Need a flat surface. Don’t care if this is all we do, but I need

you somewhere other than this couch.”

Yeah. Only I want a lot more than kissing. I want to play. I want…

“Yes…” I lick my lips, hoping he’ll go along, give me what I need.

“Yes, Daddy.”

God damn, but I almost come.

A shudder travels through his body and I hope that he’s feeling the

same things I am.

Zeke strokes my cheek with one fingertip, traveling to my lip and

outlining my mouth. “You’re such a good boy, aren’t you.”

Fuckity, fuck.

I’ll come. If he touches me right now, I’ll come in my jeans.

Swear. To. God.

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“Not today, Daddy.” I nibble my lower lip and the growing tears

in my eyes aren’t all fake.

“I forgave you though, didn’t I?”

I nod, but I think I need more and I hope he can see that.

“Do you need a spanking, little one?” His voice drops, passion

flaring bright.

“I think I do.” My voice is barely a whisper and I can’t wait to feel

his palm on my ass.

He shifts to stand and I crawl from the couch, cock tenting my

jeans. “First door on the left.” He points down the hall. “Naked and

ready. I’ll get some water.”

I shuffle off to do as he bids, trepidation growing with each step. I

asked for this, the pain, the release and forgiveness. I earned the

punishment, even if we didn’t have an agreement in place. Had Luca

not sent me away, I may have eventually asked him for this instead.

Zeke’s room is dominated by a large, four-poster bed, muted

colors throughout. Again, it’s orderly and sparse. I can see that he

needs color in his life. Something bright and fun.

Like me.

I can hear Zeke puttering somewhere in the house and get to work

stripping, tugging my shirt over my head and shimmying my jeans

down my legs. Folding them, I put them on the chest at the end of the

bed, not wanting to ruin the order he’s created.

My cock’s softened without Zeke’s presence to spur on my

arousal. Moving toward the bed, I settle on the carpet on my knees,

ass on my heels and palms resting on my thighs. He didn’t say how he

expected me to appear “ready”, so this is as good a position as any

until he tells me otherwise.

I can hear the heavy thump of his feet on the hardwood floors in

the hallway. Letting me know he’s coming closer and closer and my

erection returns, dick filling with his every step.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 384

Before I know it, he’s there, bare-chested, bulge in his jeans and I

lick my lips, wondering about his taste.

“You sure, Tevin?”

I glance up at him and nod, immediately returning my attention to

his cock hidden by cloth.

His voice turns hard, demanding. “Take me out.”

I scramble to do as he says, lowering the zipper with shaking

hands and slowly easing him free of the constraining jeans. It’s then

that I get my first good look.

Long and thick, he’ll be more than a mouthful. He’s uncut, angry

red top of his cock peeking through the extra skin, tempting me with a

droplet of pre-come on the tip.

Unbidden, I lean forward, tongue extended, already looking

forward for that first taste. Inches turn into centimeters and when I’m

a hairsbreadth from my goal, a large hand fists in my hair and forces

my head back until I’m looking into Zeke’s eyes.

“Did I give you permission to taste?” His voice is a growl,

expression hard.

“No, Daddy.” I whimper, tug against the hold, pain zinging

through me, heightening my pleasure.

“I wanted you to see what you’ll be getting, little one. You don’t

deserve it just yet. Finish undressing me and then go to the chest over

there. Pick your punishment.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat and reach for the waist of his

jeans, ease them past his hips and down his legs until they’re pooled

on the floor.

I’m kneeling at his feet, drinking in every inch of his body, the

play of skin over muscle as he stands before me. When my gaze

finally reaches his face, he’s got a single eyebrow raised. Heat crawls

up my neck, into my cheeks, and I drop my focus to his feet, pull the

jeans aside as he steps free of the cotton.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 385

Zeke pads away from me, toward the bed and settles on the edge.

With practiced ease, I roll to my feet and fold his jeans before placing

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