Don't Let Go (13 page)

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Authors: Jaci Burton

BOOK: Don't Let Go
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Chapter 15

hold back the moan as Brady's hands roamed over her back and lifted her shirt. When his hands found her skin, she let that moan escape.

His kiss was hot, his tongue sliding inside to lick against hers. Her knees weakened, and she grasped his arms to hold on as he roamed her bare back with his hands. And the entire time she kept thinking that this was the best damn thing that had ever happened in her kitchen. Actually, she couldn't believe this was actually finally happening. After Brady's reluctance at first, and then all the interruptions, she half expected someone to knock at the door. Or maybe an alien invasion or the zombie apocalypse.

And as he kissed her, part of her waited for that doorbell or the end of times. Because it sure seemed as if the universe had been trying to keep them apart.

When there was nothing except the sound of the two of them breathing, she went lax against him, feeling like this was definitely the right time. Their time.

He backed her against the counter and pressed into her, all his glorious hard muscle aligned with her body. She
forgot all about possible interruptions and let herself be swept up in the passion, for the first time letting herself truly fall into the way he expertly moved his mouth over hers, the way he moved his hands over her body as if he was trying to touch every inch of her. She especially enjoyed that part. Who knew that being manhandled while being kissed would be such a turn-on?

Here was a man who knew exactly what he wanted and went after it. He raised her shirt and bent down to press kisses to her stomach, and she realized that she was panting so hard it felt like she'd just run a mile.

And they were still fully clothed. Though Brady was working on that—he began to undo the button of her jeans.

Okay, so it had been a while since she'd last had sex, but she didn't remember it being so . . . breathtaking.

“Brady,” she finally said.

He looked up at her, and the sheer hot passion in his eyes made her heart beat even faster.


“Let's move this into the bedroom.”

His lips curved. “Oh, so you're the more traditional type, huh?”

She frowned at him. “Was that an insult?”

“Nope.” He stood and took her by the hand. “I'm good with wherever you want it.”

Something in his tone irked her. “Hey. I'm adventurous.”

“Sure you are.”

She tugged on his hand. “I'll prove it. We can do it right here in the hallway.”

He laughed. “Ooh, right in the hallway? The dog might see us.”

“Now you're just being a jerk.”

He pushed her against the wall, his hands coming around to cup her butt. “Are you mad?”

“A little.”

He snaked his hand up her hip and along her rib cage. He'd grabbed a handful of her shirt, taking it up as well. “I'll make it up to you.”

His lips met hers, hard this time. Her irritation forgotten, passion took over, and she moaned against his mouth.

His hand slid over her breasts, his thumb drawing circles over her bra. Her breath escaped in short pants, and she was lost in the sensation his fingers evoked. When he pulled the cup of her bra down and teased her nipple with his fingers, she gasped against his mouth.

He pulled his lips from hers and looked at her. “I like the way you tell me without words how I make you feel.”

He bent and licked her nipple, then captured it between his lips before pulling it into his mouth.

She banged her head against the wall, so lost in the deliciously hot sensations she didn't even care that her head hurt. Brady's mouth was magic, heated soft suction against her nipple, hot lightning shooting straight to her sex.

He popped her nipple out of his mouth and kissed his way across her breasts.

She heard a whimper, then realized she'd made that needy sound when he drew her other nipple into his mouth and sweetly tormented it in the same way he'd done the first one.

He slid her nipple from his lips and raised up, searching her face.

“I'm going to make you come, Megan.”

She believed him, because she was halfway there already. She was damp and quivering and he hadn't even made his way to her southern hemisphere yet.

And when he drew the zipper down on her jeans and tugged the pants over her hips, she felt exposed, and yet she didn't care. He slid his hand inside to cup her sex, and she was afraid this was going to be over all too soon.

His fingers were rough as they rubbed against her. A rush of hot sensation enveloped her, and she arched her hips against him.

“That's it,” he said, his voice harsh and yet sweetly coaxing as he tucked a finger inside of her and used his thumb to find the crest of her clit.

She gasped, and he lifted his gaze to hers.


All she could do was nod, and dig her nails into his shoulders, because it really was good. So good that she couldn't form words. She was incoherent and lost in mad, crazy, delicious sensation.

And then he kissed her again with that same force and passion that drove her wild.

It was perfect. She came with a shuddering cry, her nails raking down his arms as she shuddered through one amazing orgasm that seemed to light her up from the inside out. His fingers continued to gently stroke her through the pulses that continued even after her climax had abated.

He brushed his lips softly against hers then pulled back. “Yeah, that felt good to me, too.”

She shuddered as she took in a breath. “I don't even know what to say. Other than thank you, of course.”

He surprised her then by lifting her into his arms. “Which way to your bedroom?”

She directed him, and he carried her down the hall and pushed open the door, then settled her on the bed. She removed her boots and socks, then pushed off her jeans, her actions absentminded, as she was more interested in watching Brady pull off his shirt.

Oh, my. The man was sculpted well, with killer shoulders, a wide chest, muscled arms, and a tapered waist. She had to pause for a moment to admire his tattoos. She skimmed her hand down his right arm, where most of them were located.

But before she had a chance to closely inspect them, he had grasped her shirt and was pulling it over her head.

“Time to get you naked.”

Now that she couldn't complain about, especially if Brady planned to do the same.

And he did, undoing his pants and dropping them to the floor. When he shrugged out of his boxer briefs, she breathed in a sigh of pure appreciation for his amazing body.

She leaned back on her elbows and ogled him.

He grinned, then climbed onto the bed, scooped one
arm around her back, and undid the clasp of her bra. He drew the straps down and pulled the bra off, discarding it onto the floor.

“Hey, that's my best bra.”

He frowned. “Is it?”

She laughed. “No. I'm fine with it on the floor.”

He arched his brow. “Messing with me, huh?”

“Maybe a little.”

He bent and nuzzled her stomach, then licked her rib cage. She took in a deep breath as their skin touched when he arched up to take her nipple in his mouth.

Wow. She really liked his mouth on her. Anywhere would be great, but she could already imagine what would happen when he—

She lost her train of thought when his lips closed over her nipple, his tongue flicking across the bud. He grasped her breast in his hand to fit more of it into his mouth, as if he couldn't get enough of her.

She couldn't get enough of his touch. She threaded her fingers into his hair to hold him there, because she wanted more. The sensations from his mouth shot straight south, and she moaned as he worshipped at her breasts, giving more attention to them than any man ever had.

She throbbed and quivered all over, and when he kissed his way down her ribs and stomach, she gripped the sheets in her hand and held tight, anxiously awaiting where his amazing mouth would go next.

He shouldered his way in between her thighs, pressing a kiss to each one before lifting his head to look at her.


She looked down at him. “What?”

“How do you always smell like sugar and cookies? Even here. I've wanted to lick you all over from the first time I met you.”

She shuddered, and when he took a long, slow swipe of her sex, she wanted to die the most blissful death ever. His tongue was hot and wet, and as he pressed it against her, she quivered in delight.

“That's . . . perfect,” she murmured, letting herself fall into the rhythm he set as he made his way slowly, languorously over her flesh.

He used his mouth and his hands to take her ever higher, a slow, steady rush that made her body hot and shivery at the same time. Oh, he had a talented tongue, and it was much, much more than she expected. And when she came, she surged against him and arched her hips and she was sure she cried out something utterly unintelligible, but it might have been his name.

He held on to her, cupping her butt and letting her sail through the magnificent orgasm. It was like floating on a cloud of sweet pulses. He kissed her hip bone and made his way up her body, nestling beside her while she caught her breath.

He nipped at her shoulder while he splayed his hands over her lower stomach, letting his fingertips rest just above her sex.

“You taste like cookies, too.”

Her lips curved. He was excellent with the compliments. She turned to face him. “Thank you. For the compliment, and for the orgasms. How about we give you one now?”

He toyed with the ends of her hair. “I wouldn't complain about that.”

She'd been dying to explore his body, and now she had the opportunity. She rolled over on top of him and sat on his thighs.

He gripped her hips and stared up at her. “Now there's a vision.”

She couldn't help the smile that lifted her lips. “I beg to differ. You're the vision.” She leaned forward and splayed her hands across his chest. Everything about him was hard muscle, from his shoulders to his chest to that amazing six-pack of a stomach. She traced his tattoos, so many of them that she could spend hours trying to decipher them all. But she sensed now wasn't the time to ask questions about their origins. Not when his incredible erection bumped against her sex.

She slid down his legs and spread them, letting her hair sift across his thighs as she picked up his cock in her hands, smoothing her hand down the veiny surface of his shaft.

She heard him hiss and met his gaze with a knowing smile.

She was going to blow his mind in the same way he'd done for her.

She lifted to her knees, swept her hair out of the way, then let her tongue slide over the crested head.

“Damn,” he said, his voice lowered to a whisper.

She took the head of his shaft between her lips and pulled it into her mouth, loving the different textures as she drew him inside. She delighted in the sound of his groans as she began to lick his cockhead, then gave him a rhythm she thought he might enjoy.

When he grasped her hair in his hand and tugged, she moaned against his cock.

“Sonofabitch,” he said, which led her to believe he enjoyed what she was doing. And when he began to lift his hips, pumping into her mouth, she knew she was on the right track. His body moved like a caged animal under hers, as if he was poised to explode but fought the urge. She loved feeling Brady's barely leashed passion, knowing what that restraint cost him. She breathed in his musky scent, pulling away only to tease him by licking his cockhead and giving him a look that told him she was going to go beyond the bounds of what he could endure.

He reared up and swept his thumb over her cheek. “You sure about this?”

She responded by engulfing him, and he let out a series of moans that only increased her own need.

There was something so primal and sensual about giving him this pleasure, knowing she could take him right to the edge—then over. She knew what it felt like to have your body in the hands of someone who could give you this kind of intimacy, since Brady had just taken her there. She so wanted to give him that same pleasure.

And when he let out a barely leashed groan and burst into her mouth, she held tight to his cock and pumped him farther into the recesses of her mouth, taking in all he had to give until he went lax against her.

She rested her head against his thigh, but Brady withdrew and pulled her up against him, rolling her onto her back to kiss her, a deep, passionate kiss that heightened her desire to unbearable levels.

She pressed her hands to his chest, and when he pulled back she said, “Now I'm thirsty. How about you?”

His lips curved. “Yeah. Water sounds good.”

She slipped off the bed and fixed them two glasses of water. While she was in the kitchen, she checked on Roxie, who hadn't budged from her spot on the blanket, so she shut off the light and made her way back to the bedroom.

Brady had propped himself up on a pillow and was leaning against the headboard, looking all too sexily like some naked Greek god in her bed.

She might kidnap him, tie him to her bed, and have her way with him night after night until one or both of them died happy.

She grinned as she handed him a glass and climbed into bed next to him.

“What was that smile about?” he asked after he'd downed half the water in his glass.

“I was thinking of holding you naked and captive in my bedroom for the rest of your natural life.”

He set the glass on the coaster on the nightstand. “I see. Like some kind of sex slave?”

After taking several sips, she set her glass down. “Something along those lines.”

He grabbed her legs and pulled her down flat on the bed. “I live to serve, you know.”

He reached for the condom on the nightstand, tore the package open and put it on, then positioned himself between her legs.

She figured this was the time, and she was more than
ready for it. But he surprised her when he kissed her, one of those all-consuming, last-a-long-time kind of kisses that made her lose all focus—except for his mouth.

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