Donovan's Struggle, an Erotic Romance Novella (Anam Céile Chronicles) (8 page)

BOOK: Donovan's Struggle, an Erotic Romance Novella (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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“Donovan!  I am serious!” her tone is fast becoming
irritated.  “Just do it already, while I still have the benefit of being drunk
on the pleasure you gave me.”

Wishing nothing more than her happiness, I heed her words
and plunge in and upon feeling a subtle pop, am fully submerged in her.  Fer
one single moment, I am in ecstasy, the exquisite feeling of her heat wrapped
tight about me.  But then, her hearty cry and face scrunching up in pain impels
me to stall again, hoping she will not loathe me fer bringing this upon her.

Frowning at me again, Aislinn says, “Why do you halt? 
Please, Donovan, just keep moving, push me past the pain.”

I do not require much encouragement and I pull back slowly
and push back into her again, feeling guilty fer reaping so much pleasure from
the pain I am causing her, though I can see she is endeavouring to appear
unaffected by it.  While me conscience is telling me to stop putting her
through this, something primitive comes alive in me and all I can think about
is fucking her ‘til I expire.  Surrendering meself to me instincts, I pull back
again and drive me cock back into her sex with a deeper force than she had
anticipated, eliciting from her a moan— one clearly of pleasure.

With that, there is no turning back fer me and I begin to
pump her mercilessly.  Her resulting moans tell me she enjoys it, only
impelling me further.  I gaze down at her beautiful body laid out before me,
watching her breasts swaying back and forth with every drive of me cock into
her as she so willingly receives me in her body.  Already, I feel me pleasure
gathering within me body, and with her reaping such evident enjoyment from it
now, I do not want to disappoint her by bringing it to a premature end.  So I
slow me pace, and then bring me rhythm to a halt altogether, leaning down to
kiss her during me respite. 

Lifting her head to meet me, she receives me passionately,
capturing me mouth and drawing me tongue into her mouth to dance with hers.  Me
hands go to her breasts and massage them.  Then to me pleasurable dismay, she
begins pushing her pelvis toward me, impelling me to move again.  I groan and
allow meself to pump into her a few times before realising I cannot continue
much longer before I lose meself.  I pull out of her altogether, causing her to

“Donovan, what the hell?” she screeches in her frustration
at being vacated.

“Just please allow me a slight respite, Aislinn, so that I
may continue to pleasure you as you deserve,” I try to explain to her.

She rises up, scrambling onto her knees and points to the
bed.  “Lie down,” she orders.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“You heard me,” Aislinn says firmly.  “Now don’t balk, just
do as I say, Mister O’Connor!” a smirk developing on her lips.

She is going to make one hell of a mother.
her face, I see that she is absolutely serious, so I submit and lay upon the
bed, face up. 

“Certainly Missus O’Connor.”

A satisfied smile evolves on her face and next thing I know
she bends down and takes me into her mouth again.  As she sucks me, I try not
to watch her, not wanting to lose meself just yet.  As good as it feels,
wanting to feel meself explode deep inside of her fer once, I have to tell her,
“Aislinn, that is enough.”

Of course, she does not stop.

“Aislinn!” I grab hold of her hair, pulling her head back
from me cock.  “Why can you not just listen sometimes?” I ask, me voice

She smiles at me mischievously.  “I do not please you,
Mister O’Connor?”

“Oh you please me very much, Missus O’Connor.  Too much, in
fact, which is the heart of me dilemma.  I aspire to save meself fer you.”

Me words inspire a smile from her.  Then sitting up, she throws
her leg over me, so that she straddles me, me erection pointing straight up at
her entrance.  I cannot believe she is doing such a brazen thing, although with
Aislinn, I should never be shocked.

With a devilish expression upon her face, she grabs hold of
it, and guides it back to her entrance.  I take a deep breath as she backs
herself upon it, taking it inside of her sex.  Me eyes fall closed as I am
engulfed in the sensation of her tight, wet canal gripping every inch of me
hard shaft as it slides into her.  When she has taken all of me inside her, she
gasps and stills, allowing her body a necessary moment to acclimate to me mass.

Opening me eyes, I am blessed with the splendid view of her
sitting atop me, and once again, it is almost as though it is not real.  She is
so exquisitely beautiful, her body stretched long before me, her ivory skin
glowing in the moonlight which envelops our chamber, the rounded underside of
her breasts a beautiful curve, her rosy nipples pointing outwards.  Just the
realisation that I am indeed making love to this woman who has vowed to belong
to me forever sends a shiver through me, making me cock tremor.

“Ohhhh,” Aislinn coos, her eyes rolling back, her lips
parting.  “Mmm, that felt so good . . .” 

With that, her exotic eyes lock onto mine and she rises up
slightly, moving slowly on me, her sex caressing mine luxuriantly.  Me eyes I
cannot remove from her as she settles into a delightful rhythm, the muscles of
her abdomen beneath her soft skin stretching with her every rise, her breasts
bouncing gently, making me salivate fer the taste of them, pure pleasure
painted across her beautiful face.  The expression in me eyes communicates me
deep love fer her, and I perceive she sees it as a knowing smile turns up her

Reciprocating me expression of love, Aislinn leans forwards
and places her full lips to mine, kissing me tenderly, as she continues in the
natural motions on me which she is so remarkably adept.  Leaving me mouth, she
gazes into me eyes, and as her breast sways towards me face, I swiftly capture
it between me lips, drawing her nipple into me insatiable mouth.  She moans
softly as I commence to suckling upon her, her hands roaming over me head,
stroking me hair, lovingly over me face, down me cheek and jawline.

I move to her free breast, and she leans back, thrusting it
further into me mouth, the long line of her neck a tempting sight, the warmth
of her gripping passage speedily propelling me towards final ecstasy.  The
sound of her repetitive moaning combined with her luscious breast in me mouth
soon has the sensations within me body collecting.  I recognize the sensation
of the pleasure centering in me groin, the pleasurable tension collecting in me
testicles, causing them to tighten.  Me breath hitched, in the next moment, I
sense the force propelling its way through me shaft, eliciting from me a low
groan as I experience the release, shooting me hot seed deep within the one
woman ever I have loved. 

“Oh, Aislinn!  How I love you!”

Upon receiving the ultimate thrust of me passion deep inside
of her, Aislinn moans vocally, her mouth gaping as she looks upon me convulsing
beneath her in ecstasy.  The knowledge that she has just received the utmost
validation of me love overwhelming her, tears begin to form in her eyes,
spilling down her cheeks as she smiles down at me. 

“And you I love, me Donovan!  More than you could ever know.”
she commences to showering me face with soft kisses.  Upon regaining me breath,
grasping her petite face between me strong hands I take hold of her mouth, and
bestow her with a tender, yet passionate kiss.  She gazes at me, and I brush me
finger over her face wiping clear the moisture from her tears of joy.

“I believe I do know it fully, fer you I love just as much,
Aislinn.” I tell her, taking her into me arms.







Chapter Four




t long last, the day of our
wedding had arrived!  Upon waking, me mind was whirling with the surrealism of
it.  So that we would not have to travel such a distance the morn of the nuptials,
me parents, Doctor and Missus O’Connor, and I stayed at a boarding house there
in Galway. 

I arose from the bed, stretching me lean body tall, and then
went down to find something to eat in hopes of settling me anxious stomach.  After
breakfast, me grandfather assisted me in dressing, giving me sturdy pats of
encouragement to calm me nerves.

“You’ve done well, lad!  A finer lass you could not have
chosen.  You have made your grandmother and I quite proud!”

I smiled at him in response, too nervous to utter a word. 
sure hope me nervousness calms before I am standing before her, attempting to
recite our vows.  Though anxious I have been, never did I think I would be so
affected by it!

By late morning, we were heading to the manor of Fergus and Deirdre,
where the wedding was to take place.  As we pull the carriage up before the
manor, somehow all does not seem as I had anticipated.  There was no happy
bustling going on, not any sign of wedding preparations. 

I exchanged a concerned glance with me parents, and then
jumped down from the carriage, heading fer the front door.

Before me hand was at the knocker, the door swung open and I
was met with a distraught Deirdre.

“Donovan!” she cried, slumping against the doorframe.

“Deirdre, what is it?” I asked, me eyes analysing her face. 
“Is it Aislinn?”

She nodded her head, a sob escaping her.

I grasped her arms, attempting to shake an answer from her. 
“Tell me, Deirdre!”

Her sobs breaking through, she choked out the words,
“Aislinn is . . . missing.”

It felt as though time suspended in that moment.  Her words
made no sense. 

How could that be?  Aislinn is not missing.  It is not even

I searched her face fer some sign she was jesting me, though
why she would jest about such a thing, I could not understand.

“What do you mean, Aislinn is . . . missing?”  Now I
couldn’t seem to quite get the words out.

She started sobbing again, more uncontrollably and fortunately
her mother walked up just then and took her back into the house to console her.
 Fergus approached, looking wearily at me frantic expression.

“Donovan,” he greeted me with a nod of his head.

“Good day, Fergus,” I reciprocated his congenial gesture,
though I scarcely had the patience fer niceties at that moment.  “Now can you
explain to me what is going on?”

From the weary expression he wore, me heart instantly sank
into me gut, me fear that Deirdre was not merely exaggerating confirmed.  “When
Deirdre went into Aislinn’s bedchamber this morning, she was not there,” Fergus
stated plainly.

I felt as though he had left me hanging.  There had to be
more to it than that.

“And . . .” I prompted, hoping he would recall some vital
information he had forgotten. 

“That is really all anyone knows, Donovan,” Fergus replied

“Well, was the entire manor searched?” I interrogated.  He
nodded his head.

“The stables!  You know how she loves the horses and
animals.  We will search them immediately!” I declared, grasping fer the
solution to this impossibility.

Fergus looked at me penitently.  “They were searched, as
well, Donovan.”

I stared at him, then went to speak again, but was promptly
interrupted.  “You have my deepest regrets, Donovan, but please do believe we
have searched the entirety of the immediate vicinity.  Aislinn is nowhere to be

His words sounded so final. 
But that cannot be all there
is to it.  No, I will never accept that.  She has to be somewhere!

Fer the next month, I devoted me every waking moment
searching the entire west of Éire fer Aislinn.  I refused to accept that she
was gone, that I might never set eyes upon her again, feel her, touch her, kiss
her.  It was too painful.  If I accepted such a travesty as that, I might as
well be dead. 

It cannot turn out as this, not after all we have been
through, how long we have waited to be together.  No, I refuse to believe
that.  We will be reunited.  And as soon as we are, this time I will not
hesitate to carry her away within me arms and make love to her.  

A couple weeks in, I took to searching the lands surrounding
her parent’s farm, though I did not believe she would have returned there. 
Rather bizarrely, a striking wild red horse took to shadowing me in the
Burren.   Weeks passed and still the mare did follow me.  Though I did think it
quite strange indeed, beyond grateful I was fer the companionship after all the
time I had spent isolated in me searching fer her.

“So, tell me lass, what do you think?  Where is it we should
be searchin’?” I queried the mare.  “I don’t know why I have the outlandish
feeling that you know where she is.  Maybe ‘tis only the striking resemblance
of your coat to her red hair that has me relating you to her.”

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