Dominic (Saint Brothers #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Dominic (Saint Brothers #1)
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“Do you think that’s wise?” I pointed to my face. “She’ll probably flip out.”

“She needs to see how serious this is.”

“What about the police?”

“Leave that to me.” And he walked out of the kitchen while I went to get ready.




Waking up next to Fallon had been an experience. Since Jessica, I hadn’t had another woman in my bed. And the most disconcerting thing about it was that it felt right having Fallon there.

I couldn’t have left her like that. It wasn’t just that she was going to wake Lily up and probably frighten the ever living shit out of her, it was because I couldn’t leave her. I couldn’t listen to her being in that kind of pain. She sounded terrified.

Holding her in my arms, she’d kept on thrashing around. I didn’t think she was ever going to settle. But she did. I kept my arms wrapped around her as she calmed down the closer she got to me. Falling deeper into sleep, she snuggled right in.

It made me feel good to protect her.

I wanted to bury those feeling down and never have them resurface again. I’d decided a long time ago that I wasn’t going to have a woman in my life, wanting only to concentrate on Lily.

Jessica had poisoned my view on woman. Why would I get involved with someone seriously when they would have to accept Lily in my life? Especially when her own mother wouldn’t accept her?

Seeing Fallon with her this morning was almost too much. They spoke so easily and Lily was so comfortable with her. Usually, with people she didn’t know, it took her a little time to warm to them, even if she did win them over instantly.

I didn’t know what the fuck to do so I was just going to ignore it. I wasn’t going to fuck her again as that only would complicate the situation. All I had to do was get a handle on this Matt business and then I wouldn’t have to see her again. Fallon hadn’t come by the bar before all this happened and I hadn’t bumped into her at Decadence, either, so she should be easy to avoid.

I was acting like a pussy and I knew it. But what else could I do? It wasn’t going to work.


Dropping Lily off at nursery, Fallon waited in the car. It was so hard to listen to my little girl raving about Fallon when she barely even knew her, asking if she was going to be there when she got home, eager to spend time with her.

“No, sweetheart. She’ll be going home today. Daddy was just helping her out with somewhere to stay last night.” I didn’t want her to get the wrong impression. I’d never taken a woman back to the house and certainly hadn’t introduced anyone to my daughter. I didn’t want her getting attached to someone when I might not work out.

“Please, Daddy? I like her. Don’t you like her?” she asked innocently.

How could I answer that? She was asking a simple question, simple in her child mind. It wasn’t simple for me. Yes, I liked Fallon. I liked her too much. That was the problem. I didn’t know what to say to her for the best, so I kept quiet.

Getting back into the car, I didn’t say a word to her all the way to Lauren’s place. I’d given Maze and Chester the head’s up that we were on our way and that I needed to talk to Lauren. I wanted her to see what Matt had done and what he was capable of. The longer she was away from him, the less she remembered about the bad times.

“Was Lily okay?” Fallon asked quietly when we had been driving for about fifteen minutes.

“Of course she was. Why?”

“No reason.” She turned to look out the window and I didn’t question her further. I didn’t want to know what was going on in her head.

Chapter Fourteen




Pulling up outside Lauren’s place, Chester was waiting for us. “Fuck!” He said as soon as we got out of the car. “Did that bastard do this to you?”

Fallon nodded but didn’t say anything. I knew she hadn’t spent much time with Chester and wasn’t the type of woman to open up to people she didn’t know.

“Is Maze in with her” I asked, nodding to the house. Austen had already called me to tell me that he’d finished up with the security at her house and that Kellin was holed up at the office, following leads. Maze wasn’t on rotation, but I had the feeling he’d call in to see Lauren on his break. His thing for her was growing and he couldn’t keep away from her.

“Yeah, they having breakfast. They didn’t wake up long ago.”

I cocked my eyebrow at him and Chester smirked. We all knew how much Maze liked Lauren and it was about time he made a move on her. They’d be good together and he’d treat her a whole lot better than Matt ever could. Maze had obviously come over sometime in the early morning after the last time I’d spoken to him.

Fallon raised her eyebrows at me, too and I laughed. Evidently, she was of the same opinion as the rest of us that Maze and Lauren as a couple made sense.

“Are you ready to go in?”

Fallon took a deep breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

I knew this wasn’t going to be easy for her and grasped hold of her hand. She held it tentatively at first, but then tighter as we approached Lauren’s door. I knew that she needed my strength right now. Once she was inside and had time to explain to Lauren what had happened, she’d be fine, but for now? I was happy to be there for her.




I really didn’t want to do this. Lauren was going to shit a brick when she saw me.

Holding his hand, it was strange. I’d had sex with him, he’d been inside me and yet this was the closest I had ever felt to him. The little touches really can mean the most. As much as it baffled me, it delighted me and I didn’t want to let go.

Dominic knocked on the door and Maze opened it only moments later. He didn’t say a word when he saw my face, but his expression hardened and unspoken communications flowed between the two men.

“Come on in. She’s in the kitchen.”

I nodded and watched as the men walked into the living room, leaving me to face her on my own. Somehow, Dominic knew I had to do this on my own and smiled at me encouragingly when he released my hand.

Walking into the kitchen, I usually loved coming here. She’d painted the room a cheerful yellow which blended wonderfully with the country cottage feel of the kitchen. There were always bright flowers in vases over on the window sill and the aroma of freshly baked bread and coffee in the air.

This morning wasn’t any different. The bread was fresh out of the oven, the coffee was brewing and the flowers brightened the room with their shades of crimson and yellow.

“Hey, Fallon. Maze said you were coming over. Aren’t you working today? I’ve been going stir crazy in here and could do with a bit of girly company. These guys are driving me nuts!” she said with her back to me as she washed up the dishes. When she turned to me, her face dropped. “Fallon? What happened?” She came to me, helping me into a chair like I was an invalid.

“I’m fine, really.” I tried to reassure her but the bruises on my face told a different story. I thought one of the boys were supposed to be giving her the heads up over what happened with Matt. Evidently not. I sighed. It would have been easier on me if this hadn’t been such a shock to her, but hey, it wasn’t going to be easy either way.

“Tell me who did this.” She demanded. “Was it someone at work? I’ll kick their ass!”

I took a deep breath. She wasn’t going to take this well and was sure to shoulder the blame herself. “It was Matt.” I waited with baited breath as she took my words in, the confusion showing clearly on her face.

“Matt? Why would he do that?” She looked shocked.

“Because he was looking for you and wanted to send out the message that nothing would stop him from getting you back.”

“Matt did this?” she whispered as tears filled her eyes. “I can’t believe it.”

“I’m not lying.”

She pulled me in for a hug, “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t mean that I didn’t believe you. I just can’t believe he’d do something like this. How could he hurt you like that?” she choked.

“I’m fine, Lauren. It’s just a bruise. But you need to be careful.” I didn’t want to play it down too much, but I didn’t want to scare her half to death either. We had to find a happy medium which was going to be difficult.

“He wouldn’t…”

“Hurt you? Of course he would. He emotionally scarred you before and he won’t stop. He’ll do anything to get you back. He’s insane.”

She gasped. I knew it would be a lot for her to take in, but I had to be blunt. If we all kept trying to play it nice to spare her feelings, she wasn’t ever going to get it through her thick head. Matt was a nasty piece of work and he would stop at nothing to get her back.

“I had to call Dominic. I had to make sure you’re safe. Matt is delusional, thinking that you are meant to be together. Nothing will get in his way, Lauren. He’ll do anything to get you back.”

“I don’t understand.” She shook her head before sitting down heavily on a chair at the kitchen table.

Now I was starting to get mad. We’d had many conversations over the last few months with regards to Matt and I hated the fact that she appeared to be softening her attitude towards him. The way he had played her made his influence subtle. She hadn’t even known at the time that he was wearing her down. It was only when she finally broke free that she saw what he was doing to her. But, time was playing games with her and she was finding it difficult to remember his faults.

“Open your eyes, Lauren. Matt did this. He emotionally and psychologically beat you when you were together and it took everything in our power to get you out of that. Now, he’s back. And he did this.”

“But I don’t want to be with him.” Lauren whispered. She finally looked like it was sinking in and she looked scared.

“Good. I’m glad.” I sighed in relief. “I’m glad you’ve got Maze to help you through this. He won’t let Matt get anywhere near you.”

“Maze?” She looked at me guiltily.

I sniggered. “It’s so obvious a blind man could see.”

Lauren shook her head. “He kind of crept up on me.”

“In a good way, I hope?”

“Yes!” She laughed.

Running a hand through my hair, I needed to focus. “As much as I want all the details, we need to focus on this situation. I had Austen over at my house sorting out my security system in case Matt comes back.”

“Do you think he will?”

“We’ve no idea what he’ll do.” I shook my head. “I had to stay with Dominic last night.”

“You stayed at Dominic’s?” She asked, once again in shock. “He never has anyone at his house. Ever.”

“I got that impression from Lily.” My eyes sparkled at her.

“You met Lily? Oh my god, this is more serious than I thought.” Lauren grinned over at me, her mind working over-time.

I had to nip that one in the bud. “Nothing’s going on. He was just keeping me safe.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just like Maze is only keeping me safe.”

Rolling my eyes at her I got up to help myself to cup of coffee. I usually needed at least two cups on a morning to be able to function and the one I’d had at Dominic’s hadn’t done the job. “You need to be serious about this. We can talk about those two later. For now, we need to focus on Matt.”

“What are they planning?”

“I’ve no idea. I got the feeling that something more is going on, but I couldn’t figure out what. Did anyone tell you anything?”


That didn’t surprise me. They didn’t even have the balls to tell her what happened to me.

We sat at the kitchen table and spoke about everything to do with Matt, trying to come up with some idea of what he would do in the future. Honestly, we had no idea. He was unpredictable, as him turning up to my house had proved. I didn’t think he would ever pull something like that. He was full of surprises.

After Dominic and Chester had spoken in private with Maze, they came into the kitchen. They were none the wiser, either. We were all clueless. Matt seemed to have the upper hand. We had no idea what he was going to do next. We were just pretty damn sure that he would do something.

Luckily, I had the next three days off rotation and hadn’t volunteered to cover anyone else’s shifts as I normally would. My mother and sister had demanded that I spend some time with them to help plan the wedding. I’m sure the state of my face wouldn’t go down well with them. I would send them a text later, coming up with some lame excuse to stay away until the bruising had disappeared.

It was decided that I should stay with Lauren. She had the boys looking out for her, so I would be safe there. Honestly, I thought it was overkill. I didn’t think Matt would come back for me again and even if he did, I’d be ready for him this time. But they wouldn’t listen to me, so I was staying.

It wouldn’t be much of a hardship. Lauren had cover for her shifts at Sinners so we had nothing to do but enjoy some girly time together. At first, she’d been annoyed that they went behind her back to arrange cover, but as soon as we figured we’d be having some girly time, she soon came around.

It would be good for us. Lately, with all my shifts at the hospital and her around-the-clock security, we hadn’t had that much time to spend together just the two of us. Now, we had the time to do all the girly shit we’d been missing out on. It was a shame Matt was the dark cloud that hovered above us.



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