Dominic (Saint Brothers #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Dominic (Saint Brothers #1)
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“Busy tonight?”

“Aren’t we always?” She laughed.

“Who was that party that came in earlier? With Olivia Winterly?” I tried to ask casually as I looked around the bar. For some reason, I couldn’t get that girl out of my head.

“They came in to start planning her wedding.” Sheena rolled her eyes and laughed. For some reason, it always amused her the way the wealthy lived their lives.

I nodded. “Did you recognise any of them?”

Sheena shook her head. “Not really. Was there anyone in particular?” She eyed me knowingly.

“Mr Saint. Good to see you.”

Turning around, I saw Mitchell standing behind me. Thank God for that. He’d saved me from a grilling by Sheena, who strode off chuckling. We moved over to one of the tables, keeping things casual while Mitch told me his troubles. I would have preferred to have gone into my office, but he didn’t want to make it too obvious that he was seeking me and my brothers out for help.


The meeting went pretty much as I expected and I called through to Kellin to update him on the situation as soon as Mitchell left. There wasn’t much else for me to do at the club, so I left it in the capable hands of my manager and headed home. I knew my girl would already be asleep, but at least I would be there when she woke up.

Chapter Four




“You’re talking utter bullshit.” I laughed. Chester was at it again, telling tales about the women he had been with in the last week. Apparently, there had been him and three women last night. We all knew him well enough that three would be way too many for him to handle.

“I’m serious!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Kellin elbowed him in the ribs.

Chester sat down heavily on the chair at our table, sulking.

“Kel, go get him another drink. I think our boy needs to drown his sorrows.” I laughed.

The bar was as busy as always. I had to pop in to catch up on some paperwork, which wasn’t something I did often. My days were for that kind of mundane thing, but I’d forgotten some last minute adjustments and decided to call in for a drink with my brothers at the same time. Lauren may do the majority of the paperwork, but that didn’t mean I didn’t go over everything with a fine tooth comb. This was my livelihood and I had to protect it.

For the last few days, I’d had it easy. Decadence was bringing in the cash and Sinners was a madhouse like always. Lauren seemed to be regaining some of her lost spark, which out of it all, was the main thing at the moment. She wasn’t just an employee, Lauren was a friend and we all looked out for her.

Glancing at my watch, I sighed. “I need to get going soon.”

“How’s Lily?” Kellin asked.

“She’s doing great. You should pop over and see her sometime soon. She’d love to see you.”

“We’re all going to have dinner at dads in a couple of weeks, aren’t we?” Jared asked as he sat down at the table.

“Yeah, that should be fun.” I rolled my eyes. It was always manic when the family got together. My dad and step-mum loved to throw a monthly meal to get everyone together. It was noisy, but good to get everyone under the same roof. Sure, us brothers managed to hang out quite frequently at the bar, but work and home commitments often meant that we weren’t all together at the same time.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out with a groan. The call was coming from Decadence which could only mean trouble. “Yes?” I answered as I got up. The music was too loud in the bar and I needed to go into my office to hear.

“Dominic? It’s Sheena.”

“Is everything okay?” I asked, immediately concerned.

“Everything’s fine.” She reassured me.

“So, to what do I owe the honour?” It wasn’t often she called without good reason. The last time was when she told me about Helen and brought the whole situation to light. She didn’t like feeling like a rat, but she felt she owed me and I appreciated her looking out for my interests. I couldn’t help but worry what was going on now.

“Nothing’s wrong. I just thought you’d appreciate knowing that the girl is back in here again.”

“Which girl?”

“The one you were drooling after the other night. The one with the Winterly woman.”

I fell silent for a moment. “Thanks Sheena.” And I hung up the phone. What was I supposed to do?


Leaving Sinners, I didn’t explain to my brothers where I was going. They would assume I was going home, but I rattled off a quick text to Rachael to make sure she was cool to stay with Lily for a while longer before heading over to Decadence.

This was madness. I didn’t go out of my way to chase women. At the bar, they came flocking to us and we could have our pick every day of the week.

There was something different about her. I didn’t know what it was. It wasn’t like I knew anything about her. Fallon. That was all I knew, her name. But it didn’t stop me from wanting to get to know her better.

I wasn’t delusional. I wasn’t out looking for a lifelong partner or anything like that. Living in the moment, that’s what I did best. All I could do was offer a night at the most. I had been burned in the past and wasn’t about to put myself through that again. There was too much going on in my life for some woman to come in and screw things up for me.

Tonight. That was what I was going to have with her.




Why was I back here again? Taylor didn’t need asking twice. She loved Decadence and was hoping to see John again.

Who was to say that he would even be there tonight? I had never seen him in there before, but I could only hope. Why was I even going there looking for him? Was I finally losing my marbles?

I had to admit to Taylor what was going through my mind. She had been over the moon when I told her that I was into a guy. Like my family, Taylor was worried that I was too tied up in my work to worry about meeting anyone, but she also knew not to push it like my family did. But, seeing as I was here making the first move, she was all for coming along and supporting me.

Moving across the room, I quickly sat down and started drumming my nails on the table. Glancing around, I couldn’t see him in there yet. Elliot wasn’t working, either, so I wouldn’t have anyone else to take my mind off things.

“Is he here?” Taylor whispered excitedly.

“No. I can’t see him.” I sighed. What was I doing? Making a big old fool of myself, that’s what. “Can you see John?”

“Not yet. He text me to tell me he’d be in a bit later.” She sat back and smiled as the female server came over to us. Taylor ordered a glass of champagne, once again luxuriating in the elegance of the place. I stuck to a glass of Pepsi. I didn’t care about sophistication, I just didn’t want to drink.

We sat in silence for a few minutes and watched the people around us. Coming off a shift at the hospital, I couldn’t help but see the difference money made to peoples’ lives. They say that money can’t buy you happiness, but it sure can buy the things to help you live comfortably.

Today, we’d had a homeless man brought into the hospital. He’d been beaten, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some group of thugs thought he was fair game and that kind of thing made my blood boil. If only he had a small portion of what these people had, that man would have had a roof over his head and been somewhere safe, away from people who would hurt him.

Running a hand through my hair, I was jolted out of my thoughts by a little squeal from Taylor. “I take it John’s here.”

“He’s just walked in.” She beamed a smile and waved coyly to a man who had walked into the main room of the club.

He was good looking in a traditional kind of way, all smart with not a single hair out of place. He looked like he had come straight from the office, but as he drew closer, you could smell the cleanliness of soap and aftershave.

“Taylor, you look beautiful.” He smiled as he kissed her on the cheek.

“Thank you.” She blushed slightly and turned to me with a twinkle in her eyes. “John, this is my best friend, Fallon.”

He smiled down at me, sparkling white teeth that had clearly had been worked on. “Nice to meet you, Fallon.”

“You, too.” He wasn’t my type, but Taylor obviously liked him a lot so I was willing to play nice.

“Would you both like a drink?”

I chuckled. “Don’t let me cramp your style.”

“Are you sure?” Taylor asked, eager to spend time with her new man but not wanting to leave me on my own.

“Of course. Have fun you two.” I winked at her and she happily walked over to another table across the room arm in arm with John.

It made me happy to see her like that. She wanted a man in her life, someone to make her happy and feel loved. I guessed that was pretty much what we all wanted deep down.

“Fancy seeing you here again.”

I didn’t turn around straight away. Even though we had only exchanged a few words, I would know that voice anywhere.

A shiver ran through me. I didn’t think my luck would hold out and that he would be there tonight. But there he was, sneaking up behind me and making my skin heat even before I set eyes on him again.

“That’s your best pick up line?” I smirked, knowing he couldn’t see my face.

“At least I didn’t ask if you came here often.” Laughter laced his words. “Can I get you a drink?”

Taking a deep breath, I ran my finger around my still full glass. “I’m good, thanks.”

He was silent for a moment, making me wonder what he was thinking. “Can I sit down or are you waiting for someone?”

Closing my eyes briefly, I had to set my resolve. I knew once I looked at him, I would melt and that would not be a good look for me. There was something about this guy I really liked and I didn’t want to screw it up before anything had even started.

Meeting his eyes, I willed myself not to blush or do anything girly and foolish. “I’m not waiting for anyone.”

He didn’t sit like I thought he would. I saw his hand come in front of my face, a gesture for me to take his. Glancing up, my throat constricted. Damn, he was almost too good to be true. Those green eyes sucked me in and held me in place.

He held out a hand to me, but I was frozen to the spot. It was crazy the way those eyes paralysed me.

“Come with me.”

Where did he want to go? To dance? I didn’t care and didn’t question him as I took his hand and followed him across the main room. With a nod to one of the girls’ working behind the bar, he led me through a locked door to the left of the ladies rest room.

It was an office space, neatly arranged and opulent, well in keeping with the rest of the club. Turning to him, I frowned a little. “Do you work here?”

He didn’t say a word as he stalked towards me, prey versus predator and I sure as hell wasn’t the predator. I knew my place. His walk showed exactly who was in charge of this situation and I felt my knees buckle a little, in a pleasant way.

As he stood before me, he reached up to stroke his thumb along my jawline. I found myself leaning in to his touch, craving more, needing more.

This wasn’t like me at all. I didn’t put myself in situations like this. In any normal circumstance, I would never have followed a man I didn’t know into a locked room like this, putting myself in possible danger. But, I didn’t feel anything like that with him. He made me feel safe and wanted. I knew exactly why he’d brought me in here and I was more than willing to play along.

It had been so long since I’d last had a man and I could feel my stomach knotting with need. This guy looked like he knew how to pleasure a woman and I could feel myself getting wet just from him looking at me.

I wasn’t a one night stand kind of girl, but that didn’t stop me from wanting this, from wanting him. He broke all my rules and I willingly let him. He wanted me and I wanted him, it was as simple as that.

Licking my lips, I wanted to taste him. Staring into his eyes, I could imagine falling to my knees and taking him in my mouth, the taste of him exploding on my tongue.

“What’s your name?” I asked, my voice husky, not taking my eyes off his mouth. Those sensual lips curled up in amusement, the five o’clock shadow darkening his features.




My name? She didn’t need to know my name. Too much information could be an issue and tonight was going to be simple. Sex. That was it. Rough, hard sex.

Ignoring her question, I ran my fingertip along the pulse point on her neck and she arched, words now forgotten. Kissing along her neck, she almost purred like a kitten, making me smile against her skin.

I couldn’t believe she was sat there when I walked into the club. When Sheena called to tell me that she was there, I broke most of the speed limits to get over here. It was all worth it when I saw her sitting there.

Seeing the look in her eyes, I knew she came here for the same reason I had. This. This was what we needed and wanted from each other. I couldn’t offer more than a night of physical pleasure, but it was going to be a night she wouldn’t forget.

As she arched back, the fabric of her dress pulled taut against her chest, her hardening nipples aching to be released. Caressing her skin, I ran the zipper down the back of her dress, making sure she felt the trail of my fingers down her skin. She shuddered. Pulling the dress away, I sucked in a breath. She wasn’t wearing underwear and her skin was flushed.

Holy crap, she looked edible and I was going to devour every single fucking inch of that delectable body.

Bending down I took a nipple into my mouth, playing with the other with my fingertips. Pulling it into my mouth, I licked and sucked and she gasped when I bit down gently, rolling her nipple in my teeth. Glancing up at her, she still had her head thrown back, but the look on her face told me she was loving every second of this.

Gliding the dress over her hips and down her legs, I knelt down to run my tongue through her wet warmth. One touch had her legs buckling and I quickly threw each leg over my shoulder, holding her body against the wall as I sucked on her clit and pushed her towards an orgasm.




Oh. My. Fucking. God.

What the hell was I doing? One touch from this man and I was putty in his hands.

The things he could do with his fingers and tongue were out of this world and I felt wave after wave of pleasure crashing over me, so much so that after I’d come for the second time, I was as limp as a dish rag and could only smile sleepily as he carried me over towards the desk.

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