Dominated by the Ghost: An Alpha Ghost BBW Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Dominated by the Ghost: An Alpha Ghost BBW Romance
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She reached up and removed the small plait from her long blonde hair hearing him gasp softly as her hair fell in waves down her smooth back. He raised himself up and captured one of her throbbing breasts in his warm mouth. Ruth moaned loudly and held his head captive against her magnificently aroused peak.

He nibbled, sucked, and pinched her hard nipple until she thought she’d honestly orgasm just from the attention her breasts were receiving. His stiff erection prodded against her thighs and her core ached to be filled by it. He kissed her mouth hard, plunging his tongue between her full lips and exploring every inch of it with its erotic dance.

Ruth’s small whimpers of pleasure turned quickly to loud cries of extreme joy as she felt him entering her sweet, wet warmth. He glided into the slick wetness of her sexual excitement easily.

“You feel good. You’re so wet and tight,” he breathed as he pushed up and into her deeper. He held on to her silky, smooth thighs under her flowery dress as she began to move up and down, riding his rigid shaft. She threw her head back and closed her pale green eyes, abandoning herself to desire and lust.

He sat up and held her close as she continued to ride his hard cock. Her breasts bounced against his bare chest as she did so, eliciting a delicious friction between them. She pushed him back so he was lying down once again. She took his hands and pinned them over his head so he was completely at her mercy. He smiled up at her and kept his hands there without the need for her to hold them.

She put her hands on his legs behind herself and rode his throbbing shaft harder and faster while she sat forward slightly and rubbed her aroused and sensitive clitoris quickly. Within seconds, she felt her climax washing over her like a glorious wave of ecstasy.

He brought his hands back from behind his head and held her thighs tightly as her orgasm coursed through her curvaceous body. He pushed his throbbing erection up and into her, so she could experience the most intense orgasm she could. Ruth groaned and shouted his name as her final shattering release was met in a soul shuddering climax.

She collapsed onto his warm and hard body as he kissed her neck gently and rolled her over on to the bed. Ruth’s blonde hair flowed across the pillows as she opened her legs in anticipation of his huge hardness entering her again.

The anticipation didn’t last long as she felt his shaft thrusting into her soaking wetness. She wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him into her deeper until she could feel every throbbing inch of him inside her. He moaned loudly as he started thrusting into her harder and deeper. Ruth grabbed his tight ass as he pounded her.

John gave an uninhibited cry of satisfaction as he spilled himself into her, crying her name as he did so. She unwrapped her legs from his body and dug her heels into the bed pushing up into him. He responded and as he continued with his pounding, she reached another sexual crescendo. If possible, this one possessed more intensity than the first one. She shuddered against him as she felt her tremors of ecstasy subsiding. He held her close and they drifted off into a peaceful slumber in each other’s arms.

They stayed asleep until the next morning when the sunlight streaming in the cabin’s window woke Ruth. She looked across to see John’s handsome face on the pillow next to her and smiled. She couldn’t believe this was the last time she’d see him. She’d give anything to be with him always.

As she watched him, he awoke and sat upright rubbing his dark blue eyes. He stared at her with an alarmed look on his face.

“What’s the matter? John what’s the matter you look like you’ve seen a ghost, excuse the pun,” she asked worriedly. The look of fear on his face was beginning to frighten her. Why wouldn’t he stop staring at her? He didn’t speak a word just stared.

“How do you feel?” he asked finally as he touched her arm lightly.

“Fine, John. Slightly cold but fine,” she replied having no idea why he was gaping at her so intently.

She climbed out of bed and stretched her curvy body as she yawned. She felt great and as memories of last night flooded back to her, she smiled and climbed straight back into bed, “Shall we go again?” she asked him.

“I don’t think we should at the moment Ruth,” he whispered seriously.

She was both hurt and shocked by his response. What had changed so much? Had she missed something? She stood up and added, “Hey this is our last morning together and then I leave the train, John,” she reminded, hoping to alter his mind about having sex. She wanted to feel him again badly.

He walked over to her, touched her smooth face tenderly, and whispered, “I wouldn’t be too sure of that, sweet Ruth.”

Now she was totally bemused. “I don’t understand, John, wouldn’t be too sure of what? That this is our last morning together, or that I’m leaving the train?” Her brows knitted together in confusion. What was going on?

Just then, the cabin’s door burst open and in rushed a team of paramedics. Ruth looked at John who held out a hand for her to hold. She swallowed, slipping her fingers into his as she saw herself lying on the bed with the paramedics swarming around her like moths to a light bulb. They started to administer CPR and Ruth started to panic.

“John!” she shouted. “What the fuck’s going on, tell me.”

“Ruth, calm down. From what I can gather, you passed away in your sleep. They’re saying you may have had a sudden heart attack. I’m so, so sorry Ruth,” he said as he put his arms around her curvaceous body and held her close.

I’m dead. How can that be? I don’t remember feeling anything. A heart attack? I know I’m overweight, but I never imagined…then again I’ve been so stressed and…does it matter?

She smiled not feeling sad at all as she whispered, “I’m not. Now I get to spend eternity with you here on this train. I’m not at all upset, John. Honestly this is wonderful news. I was so sad until I met you and I didn’t want to leave you. Now it looks as though I never have to.” Happy tears flooded her eyes.

“Wow, you’re so optimistic about your own tragedy, sweet Ruth. I can’t believe that you’ll never leave me now this is unbelievable,” he cried as he kissed her lips gently.

Her family would miss her, that much was true, but if she’d had a choice of joining John or seeing her family, she knew which one she’d choose and it wouldn’t involve her leaving the Empire Builder train.  

BONUS - Bitten by the Alpha Wolf




Werewolf Romance



Kyla always got exactly what she wanted. She was used to dreaming something up, then putting a plan into action, and then getting results. After all, she planned things for a living. Weddings, corporate events, she could do it all. There was a structure to what she did for a living that made her comfortable in working the way that she did.

So she had to wonder just exactly how she’d been sucked into coming to Jess’s party. Already tired to her bones with gearing up for the wedding season, all Kyla wanted to do was go home, put on her extra comfy sweats, and veg in front of whatever sappy romantic comedy was streaming.

“You’re going to be glad you came,” Jess had practically sung to her at the door. “Tons of hot guys came. Good call on the dress.”

Kyla looked down at herself. “It’s what I wore to work.”

“Well, it’s perfect. Great color on you.”

Kyla had to agree with that, at least. The emerald green complimented her dark skin perfectly, and the cut of the dress highlighted her curves while minimizing her waistline.

“I’m not interested in hot guys,” Kyla said.

“Oh, pooh,” Jess replied. “It’s been way too long since you had a promising date.”

Kyla couldn’t argue with that. She hadn’t let anyone get close since Dirk, her cheating ex-fiancé, had finally left her for someone else. It was just too hard to put herself out there.

The faint music and conversation in the room fell away when she saw Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome across the room.

“Introduce me,” she said to Jess, nudging her.

“To…oh! To Landon.”

“I don’t care what his name is. I have to meet him now.”

They made their way over to Landon. His sable-colored hair fell wildly against his forehead, and a five o'clock shadow highlighted his copper skin

Jess made the introductions. When Landon shook Kyla's hand, heat coursed through her body. She wondered if Landon felt it, too. She couldn’t have been the only one whose heart skipped a beat. And she couldn’t have been the only one to feel like time stopped in its tracks when their hands touched.

A stunning blonde called Landon away almost immediately, and Kyla frowned. She didn’t want to look too eager, anyway. What was she thinking, practically throwing herself at a stranger?

Another hour at the party passed in a blur. Kyla kept trying to catch Landon’s eye, but every time she turned, it was like he had just moved away to talk to someone else. Finally, she went home early. It wasn’t too late for that romantic comedy.

They hadn’t had a chance to exchange contact information, a point that irked Kyla for the rest of the night and into the next day. She had to resist the urge to ask Jess about him. There was no way that she was willing to look desperate chasing after a man. When she went to bed the next evening, she had to resign herself to the fact that if she and Landon were meant to be in each other's lives, their paths would cross again.

Coming to that conclusion didn’t keep him off of her mind, though. She had not been smitten by any one man in a long time, not since Dirk…and she’d seen where that got her. Cheated on and dumped, with multiple tests to make sure she hadn’t contracted any STDs.

Now, between work and constantly meeting Mr. Wrong, Kyla had practically given up on meeting someone that would not only meet her expectations, but make her swoon.

Kyla decided to let it go and hope that Landon would be at the next party.




“What’ll it be today, Miss Kyla?” the barista asked. He waggled his eyes at her flirtatiously, as he always did, and smiled to show his dimple.

Kyla smiled back at him and closed the browser on her phone. Jess had sent her a link to a site discussing werewolves in Louisiana, and while it was fascinating, it wasn’t as important as a face-to-face interaction with her favorite barista. It was fun to flirt, especially with this guy, because she knew it would safely never go anywhere. "I'll have a vanilla latte and a lemon scone, please."

"That sounds good,” a deep voice said from behind her. “I'll have the same."

Kyla whirled around and nearly knocked into Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome.

"Landon," she said. She tried to remember to close her mouth instead of gaping at him, but she could barely remember how to talk.

"Hi, Kyla."

A thrill ran through her veins. He remembered her.

They were both interrupted by the barista passing them their orders.

Landon gestured to an empty table. "Do you want to have a seat and eat?"

All of a sudden, right here in front of her was the man that she’d been waiting for. She really didn’t have time for a leisurely meal, but the opportunity was here and she didn’t want to miss it.

Glancing at her watch, she said, "I have about ten minutes before I have to get to the office."

Truth was, she had about twenty or so, but she didn’t want to make herself seem overly available. Being so available for Dirk, and having it backfire, had left her skittish.

"Perfect." Landon held his hand out, letting her go first.

Ever the gentleman, he pulled out her chair, waiting until she was seated to sit down.  

"Do you come here every morning?" he asked.

"I do. It's one of my favorite shops. How about you?"

Landon shook his head. "I just found it. It looks like I chose the right day to try something new."

The flirtatious look on his face drew her in. She could feel her cheeks heat up, and she knew that she was blushing. She was grateful that it would mostly be hidden by her darker skin.

"It's always nice to try something different," she said. She couldn’t quite believe she was flirting, but something about him seemed to compel her.

Landon's hazel eyes seemed to stare right through her. "I agree."

They sipped their coffees in silence. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence by any means, because it gave Kyla the chance to look at him. There was something mysterious about Landon, and Kyla could not quite put her finger on it. The intrigue was nothing scary. It mostly made her want to get to know something about the sadness that she sensed behind his warm hazel eyes and that crooked smile.

He was the first to break their companionable silence. "What if I asked you to meet me here in the morning for coffee tomorrow?"

Kyla liked his forwardness. Since she wasn’t brave enough to put herself out there, at least he would do it.

"I would like that. I would like that very much, Landon." She checked the time. She didn’t want to go. They’d barely talked at all, and she had a feeling that if they kept meeting, they’d get to know each other very slowly. It could be nice, to build up trust in this way, rather than jumping straight into a serious relationship.

"That settles it,” he said. “Tomorrow morning the coffee and the pastry is on me. Now I think you have to get to work."

“You’re right.” She gave him a regretful smile and held her cup tightly as she raised her purse strap on her shoulder.

"Until tomorrow." Landon stood up, waiting for Kyla.

"Until tomorrow." Kyla smiled as she walked off. When she looked back, Landon was still watching as she walked out of the coffee shop. For a moment, Kyla considered how lonely he looked. She wondered what it would take to change his expression, what it would take to resolve whatever problems were making him feel that way.

That would come with time. Now, she could just be happy that in the course of her morning, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome had become a breakfast date.

As far as Kyla was concerned, the next twenty four hours would not go by fast enough.




When Kyla arrived at the coffee house, she didn’t want to be the first to go in. It made her feel like it would make her look way too eager. Instead, she waited at the back of the parking lot until she saw Landon arrive. He was dressed casually in a pair of ripped jeans, sneakers, and a vintage gray T-shirt. His hair was wild, sticking out as if he’d run his hands through it. She wouldn’t mind running
hands through it. His rugged look turned her on, and she briefly considered jumping out of her car and pinning him to the wall so she could kiss him silly.

Relax, girl
, she told herself.
Play it cool.

She pulled her car around to the front of the parking lot and found a space. Landon turned around just as she pulled up. He waved, then trotted over to her car.

"Hi, Landon. Good to see you this morning," Kyla said as she opened her door. She hoped that she was not overdressed in her pale yellow sundress and gold gladiator heels.

"You look gorgeous." He took her hand to help her out of the car.

Kyla was impressed by his manners. "Thank you."

They approached the counter and Kyla gave the barista her order. Landon did as well, and they took their food over to an empty table.

Landon took a sip of his coffee and winced. "Too hot,” he said, chuckling. Then he looked straight at Kyla. “I wanted to get to know you at Jess's party the other day, but even though it was a small setting, it still seemed like it wasn’t the place to get to know someone."

He paused, but Kyla could tell he wasn’t done talking. She blew gently on her coffee, listening to him. She didn’t want to respond until he finished. He seemed so shy and quiet that if she interrupted him, he might not finish his thought.

"The only problem was that I didn’t get your phone number. I wanted to ask Jess, but I didn’t know how you’d feel about me calling you out of the blue. I thought that if it was meant to be, we would cross paths again."

"I like the way you think, Landon. I, too, believe in destiny."

He smiled. "Very cool. So what do you do for a living?"

"I’m an event planner. What about you?"

"I work for my dad's construction company. Tell me more about the event planning."

Kyla was happy to tell him more about her profession. She loved what she did. Explaining to him about how she mainly coordinated weddings, and that she also worked on corporate events, Kyla didn’t want to take up too much time talking about herself. Landon paid close attention, seeming to be soak in her every word.

She found a comfortable place to stop talking about herself and said, "So you work for your father's construction company? That must be nice to work with family."

Landon sipped his coffee and shrugged. "I don't know about all of that. I'm just used to working with family. I haven’t known it any other way."

The lull in the conversation allowed both of them the time to regroup as they ate their pastries.

Landon cleared his throat, sounding nervous, but there was nothing nervous about the way his hazel eyes regarded her. He looked like a man who knew what he wanted…and he wanted
. She could hardly believe it.

"What would you say if I asked you out on a date?" he asked.

"I would love to." She smiled, hiding her surprise at his invitation. She was even more surprised by how quickly she’d said yes. She was still trying to be cautious and not appear too eager, but he’d swiped away her defenses with that intense gaze of his.

"What did you have in mind?" she asked.

"I have an idea,” he said, smiling. “You’re probably used to planning things for your job, but let me give it a try. I’ll handle everything."

A man who took charge. She could handle that. She liked it, even. It would be a relief to let someone else take responsibility for an evening. "All right. Where do you suggest we meet?"

"I’ll pick you up."

Kyla thought about it for a moment. She wasn’t sure if she should allow a man she didn’t know to come to her home. But then she realized that having Jess as a mutual friend was a point in his favor. She’d ask Jess more about him.

"Sounds good." She rattled off her address, which he tapped into his phone.

"What about tonight, seven o'clock?"

"Seven o'clock it is," Kyla agreed.

"Great. Well, I'm sure that you have to get to work. I do, too. So I’ll see you tonight?"

Kyla smiled. "Yes. Tonight."

Landon walked her to her car, then waited as she drove off. After she pulled into a parking space at work, Kyla immediately picked up her cell phone and dialed Jess.

"To what do I owe this early morning phone call?" Jess greeted.

"Nothing much." Kyla leaned back in her seat as she talked. "I just met with Landon."

"Oooh, Landon." Jess teased Kyla like they were young girls with a childhood crush.

"Oh, come on, Jess. Be serious here."

"I thought that you said that you really didn't call me about anything in particular."

"I lied. Look, I want to know more about him. What can you tell me?"

"Well, he's a good guy. I met him through a friend of mine, Caroline. She’s his cousin. From what I know, their family has lived around these parts for quite some time. He hung out with a few of us before and seemed cool. So when I invited Caroline to the party the other night, I invited him as well. Wait, did he ask you out?”

BOOK: Dominated by the Ghost: An Alpha Ghost BBW Romance
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