Dom of Ages (28 page)

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Authors: K.C. Wells & Parker Williams

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Dom of Ages
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“Want you, Sir.” His voice was hoarse with desire.

All it took was those three words to show me what I wanted. “Tonight, I’m not Sir. I’m Eli. You’re Jarod. We’re two men, making love.”

His pupils were so enlarged, the blue was all but gone. “Yes.” Then those arms wrapped around me, pulling me down into a heated kiss, his hips already pushing up from the bed, the way they always did when he was aroused. I kissed down his neck, tracing over his Adam’s apple with my tongue, before moving lower to bite gently at his nipples. Jarod moaned, and the sound went straight to my dick. Hearing my lover moan because of me was the sexiest sound ever.

More kisses. More caresses. Fingers. Tongues. We were on fire. Sheets were pushed out of the way as we rolled together, a ceaseless ballet of flesh, connected intimately. The sound of our breathing, harsh and rapid, filled the room, an erotic soundtrack accompanied by soft moans, groans of anticipation and low cries when fingers found their way into tight heaven.

I couldn’t wait. My dick ached to be inside him, to feel him wrapped around me. I spread him wide and knelt there, gazing at the tight pucker. “Guide me in, Jarod,” I whispered.

The click of a tube and then his slick fingers guided my cock to his hole. He moaned, pushing against the head. I took a deep breath and eased into him, a long, slow slide into heat and tightness. I groaned as I sank all the way inside him. As good as my memory of barebacking had been, this was so much better.

I looked down at Jarod, who was smiling up at me. He locked his legs around my arse, his feet digging into my cheeks, and urged me on. “Please… please,” he whispered, “just for tonight, don’t tease me. I need you.” A tear slid down his face, and I reached out to wipe it off.

I stilled inside him. “Are you okay?” My body was desperate to move, but I fought the urge.

“God, it feels perfect,” he murmured, digging his heels in, forcing me deeper. “So fucking perfect.”

That was a first. Jarod didn’t swear. I was captivated by the look of rapture on his face. “More?” I said, pulling out of him, only to thrust back, hard and fast.

“Oh fuck, just like that.” The groan burst out of him, loud and strong. “More, more.”

I settled into my rhythm, long, deep thrusts, my cock buried in him to the hilt. I caught his legs over my arms, raising his arse higher and changing the angle. Jarod howled when I picked up speed, and I knew I was hitting the spot. I rocked into him, gathering momentum for what looked like being an epic fuck. My hips snapped forward, my balls slapping loudly against his arse, the crack of flesh against flesh.

Jarod’s chest was covered in a sheen of sweat that glistened in the light. I could smell him, the musk that poured out of his body, the smell of desire and need and sex. I could feel his channel, hot and tight, pulling me into him. I was hyperaware of

He reached down, hand hovering over his heavy, full shaft. “Eli, I need to come.”

“Do it,” I urged him. I was so close, but I wanted us to come together.

He wrapped his hand around his cock and gave a couple of tugs. I thrust faster, as deep as I could go, grunting with each glide into him, my own orgasm barreling down on me like a monster truck. Then the smell of fresh spunk hit my nostrils as Jarod came all over his chest, his arse clenched tightly around my dick, milking come from me. I froze above him, arms locked, gasping while I pulsed into him, filling him with my heat.

“Oh.” Jarod’s eyes opened wide. “I can feel you.”

I doubted there were ever sexier words than those.

Jarod’s body relaxed, his legs around my waist, his hands gentle on my back. His lips sought mine, and I gave them readily, keeping our kisses slow and sweet. I was still locked inside him, my cock a welcome prisoner. I knew there’d come a point when we’d have to move, but the thought of sleeping all night long like this, my dick inside him, was tempting.

Maybe one day I’d try it. I’d wear him like a warm, living glove, our bodies connected so intimately that we were no longer two, but one.

Chapter Twenty-Three





need to help Peter and Alex with something.” I didn’t want to give the game away, but we needed to make sure the group room was ready. It was a quiet night for a Saturday, with hardly anyone in the club.

“That’s fine, pet.” Eli stroked my cheek and kissed me softly. “I’ll find you later.” The huskiness in his voice only reinforced the feeling I’d had ever since he walked through the front door. He wanted me. In fact, since our meal in Severino’s, Eli had wanted me every night, and I loved it. I knew I’d missed sex, but damn, Phillip had never been like this. I’d really thought that at fifty my sex life would slow down a little, but there was Eli, awakening in me a passion I’d never known before. It took so little to have me wanting him, with an urgency I’d not known since I was a hell of a lot younger. A look, a caress, one of those “we’re going to make love all night long” kisses that shook me to my bones….


Eli was staring at me, eyes bright with amusement. My cheeks grew hot.

He laughed and reached down to cup my arse, squeezing it. “Do I have to guess where your mind was? And why are you still dressed? I thought we’d talked about doing a scene later.”

“Yes, Sir, but there’s something I have to do first. It’s… it’s for Master Thomas.”

He nodded. “Ah, now I understand. It’s his birthday, right?” He patted me on the rump. “Go help Peter, then.” A quick kiss to my cheek, and then he gave me a push.

I went swiftly to the group room, surprised to find there were already about fifteen men in there. Alex and Peter were there, standing in the corner. Alex had his hands on Peter’s shoulders, their foreheads touching. I couldn’t hear him, but I knew he was whispering encouragement.

“Have you seen how many guys just arrived?” Scott appeared next to me suddenly. “We might have a bigger audience than we anticipated.”

Gareth, Dorian, and Pietro walked into the room and over to us. Gareth rubbed his hands together. “All ready for our debut performance?”

Pietro snorted. “Our only performance, thank you very much. The next time I do a lap dance will be in the privacy of my own home, with an audience of one. Speaking of which….” He glanced at the door where Miles had just entered with Leo and Thomas. “We’d better get set up, boys.”

As we put out chairs for our Doms, the crowd grew larger, until there were men standing all around the room. “I’d imagined it would be just our Sirs,” Scott said quietly. Then he stared across the room at a young man I hadn’t seen before. “Wow. He came!” He shot across the room, dragging Gareth with him.

I stood by the chairs, uncertain what else I could do to help. Peter was still in the corner with Alex, and I wondered if he’d changed his mind. The idea of performing in front of all these men had to be a daunting one; at least, it was to me, and I wasn’t the one dancing. I was just the support.

Scott caught my eye, gesturing wildly and grinning. The new young man kept shaking his head, obviously disagreeing with whatever Scott was saying. When Scott glanced up and saw me watching, he waved me over. I joined the group in time to hear a strident, “No” from Scott’s companion.

“Jarod, talk to him. Tell him he should dance with us,” Scott pleaded.

All three sets of eyes met mine, and I held up my hands. “Nope, sorry. You’re on your own here. I don’t know—”

“Jeff. This is Damian’s… um… companion,” Scott said slowly. “You’re good at this kind of stuff. Convince him that Damian would love it.”

“Not getting involved,” I replied. “I don’t know Damian, so I can’t say if he would or wouldn’t enjoy it, and if Jeff refuses, then there’s nothing you can do.”

Scott’s lower lip slipped out into an adorable pout. Of all the subs, he was the one I would call cute. I’d never have said it out loud, of course. Where the others were more masculine, Scott maintained an air of innocence that I found refreshing.

“I said I’d come to support my friend,” Jeff said. “Never said anything about getting up in front of this bunch and acting the fool.”

“But it’s not, we’re doing this for Peter,” Scott protested.

Jeff rolled his eyes. “Please. You’re doing this to see Ben get turned on. You can use Peter as an excuse, but I know better. You want Ben all hot and bothered, so he’ll jump your bones in front of everyone.”

Scott blushed. “Okay, maybe a little,” he admitted.

I was about to say something, when a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned to find Alex, who kept glancing toward Peter. “I need you,” he whispered in my ear. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to where Peter stood, clearly agitated.

“I can’t do this,” he cried softly. “I thought I could, but I can’t.”

I put my hands on his shoulders and let them rest there. “Peter.” When his eyes met mine, I said, “Breathe.” He nodded, drawing in air slowly. “Okay, that’s better. Now, what’s wrong? I thought you were excited for this.”

“I didn’t know there would be other people here. I wanted this to be something intimate, not a public spectacle.” He leaned against Alex and whimpered.

“Peter, can I say something?”

He dipped his chin. I looked over my shoulder to find Thomas staring at Peter, Leo’s hand on his arm.

“Look at that man over there, lad. See those eyes? They’re fixed on you. Only you. That’s what you need to do. Focus on your master. He’s the only man here that matters. He’s the one you exist for. These others don’t matter. They may as well not exist. Do you understand? Thomas is your true north. He’s the one that will always be there for you. Can you do that?”

Peter’s eyes went up and must have found Thomas’s, because he gave a slight smile and nodded. “Yes, I can do that.”

From the back of the room came a booming voice. “Are we doing this, or what?”

Alex shook his head. “That’s Joe. He’s… rather blunt. But he’s right. If we’re going to do this, we should get a move on.”

“Yes, let’s do this,” Peter replied, his voice wavering slightly, but still strong. “Alex, you’re up.”

Alex clapped me on the shoulder, then made his way to the middle of the room, which was now full. I caught sight of Eli standing with a couple of Doms, his gaze on me.

Alex cleared his throat. “Good evening, gentlemen. Thank you for coming. We’re here tonight to celebrate Master Thomas’s eighty-fifth birthday—”

Thomas squawked, and Leo laughed. “You’ll get yours tonight, boy,” Leo called out.

Alex grinned. “Oh, I intend to, Sir. Tonight we have something special for you. My friend, Peter, wants to do something for his Master. To show him the depth of his feelings. And to remind him of the sunshine he’s brought to his life. He’s asked his friends to stand with him as he does this.”

Scott, Gareth, Pietro, and Dorian fell in line behind Peter, joined by Alex. Peter was now front and center, all eyes on him. As I watched him, his eyes locked on Thomas’s and never moved.

“We….” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “We wanted to do something tonight. Something I would not have been able to do a year ago. Or maybe even six months ago. But thanks to my friends, I’m going to give it a try, because they’re going to be here with me. If our Masters would take their places, we’ll get started.”

Leo, Thomas, Ben, Andrew, Alan, and Miles each took a chair facing their respective subs, looking expectant. Thomas was nervous, anyone could see. It was then I noticed an empty chair. I thought perhaps it was for whomever Jeff was with.

Peter called out across the room. “Master Eli, would you sit down too?” Then he turned to me. “Jarod? We’re waiting on you.”

“What?” I squeaked. “I thought we agreed—”

“No, you agreed. None of us did. You’ve helped to make this possible, so you need to be up here with us.”

He stepped off the floor and grabbed my hands, pulling me forward. I resisted, because I shouldn’t be up there with these young men, but when I got to the middle of the group, they all surrounded me and hugged me tightly. “You need to be here,” Pietro whispered. “This is where you belong. With us.”

I couldn’t speak. I knew they accepted me, but to tell me I belonged with them sent a surge of warmth through me.

“You practiced with us. You know the moves. No one is expecting us to be perfect, but we expect us to be together.” Peter turned toward the crowd. “Master Eli, would you please let Jarod know he’s to join us?”

Eli locked eyes with me, and I shook my head. A laugh bubbled out of him as he stood. “Pet, I think I’d like to see this.”


“And besides, if you don’t, I don’t.” Peter locked gazes with me.

That was it. I couldn’t let him down. “Okay. You win.”

The whoops that followed made me feel ten feet tall. I hugged Peter tightly; then we were all hugging again.

“Okay, I think we’re ready,” Gareth said quietly. “Remember, this is about having fun. It’s meant to amuse and excite our Sirs. You can’t do anything wrong. Just get out there and show them what you’ve got. Literally.”

We formed a triangle behind Peter, each of us ready to show our friend we had his back.

“Thank you for coming,” he said again. “Now that we’re all here, it’s time to get this party started!” His voice came over loud and strong, and I was so proud of him.

He gestured to a man in the back, who flipped a switch. The lights around the room dimmed, with the exception of a spotlight over us.

“We’ve chosen a musical selection that seemed appropriate for this venue,” Alex called out. “I’m sure it’s something each of you will understand. Michael? Hit it.”

Each of us bowed our heads, and when the music started, Peter’s head popped up, followed by each of us in turn, with Gareth being the last. We began rolling our shoulders, and bouncing on our heels. When Rihanna began singing, we broke into smaller groups behind Peter, taking turns stripping off each other’s clothes. We’d decided it was sexier doing it this way, and it was incredibly erotic to participate in something like this. Our men leaned forward and stared openmouthed as our shirts were pulled off and tossed into the corners of the room. Then we began to strip each other’s pants, slowly moving down to our knees and holding them while our partner shimmied out. Then this was repeated, until all of us stood in nothing but our underwear. We moved en masse toward Peter, who was dancing gracefully, still dressed. As our hands touched him, he stilled, and we began to strip him—slowly, sensuously, one garment at a time, until he was fully naked. Low murmurs rippled around the room, and Peter sucked in a breath but kept his gaze focused on Thomas, only the faintest tremor visible.

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