Doira'Liim (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga) (43 page)

BOOK: Doira'Liim (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga)
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     The other woman's emotions seemed to be her own and it was all she could do to keep from passing out from the overwhelming weight of it all. She continued to moan the longer Arizira's lips graced the delicate flesh of her nipple. Her right hand in Arizira's hair moved to hold the side of her face. She could feel the muscles of the other woman's jaw flexing as her lips moved to bring her pleasure. "Ari..." she moaned again, her voice but a whisper. "Oh, Ahmanae."

     What she was hoping to express with her words, she'd never know. The need to say...something; the need to have Arizira's name upon her tongue, was staggering and astounding. She felt so overcome by what was happening. How could what she was doing with Arizira ever be frowned upon? How could it ever be viewed as abhorrent or wrong?

     Did her people experience what she was experiencing when they laid together? Did the women of her people live their entire lives without ever knowing what it felt like to be adored and appreciated. Arizira was not just making her body feel good, she was bringing her spirit to life. She was coaxing into existence the profound love the two of them shared with her actions alone.

     This was not a physical act. No, this was an emotional one. A spiritual one. Talliea knew there could be no other more unconditional, unadulterated or pure act in all the world. She let her hands move from Arizira's hair and down the smooth skin of her back. They settled between her shoulder blades, shoulder blades that had been broken and marred, and held Arizira close.

     The Arniran woman kissed her right nipple before trailing kisses across her chest. She felt silken lips press against the outside of her left breast. Arizira's long eye lashes brushed across her sternum before lips attached themselves to her left nipple and paid it the same kind of love and devotion as her right had received.

     With every touch, every caress, Talliea could feel her body responding with more and more sensations. The longer they held one another, the stronger the sensations became. Her breath was ragged and uneven, sweat lightly glistened across her chest, and her heart was pounding in rhythm to the throbbing between her legs.

     How something could feel so good was beyond her. Her nails scratched Arizira's back and marveled at the feeling of her muscles moving fluidly underneath soft skin. She trailed her hands up, allowing her fingers to dip into the curve of Arizira's spine, and brought them to the back of her neck. Arizira ghosted her lips down between her breasts and began to leave hot, open mouthed kisses across her ribs and stomach.

     Talliea felt small hands grab each of her breasts while silken, fine hair moved over her chest. "Ari...yes," she managed to breathe out heavily.

     Arizira sat up, her lips leaving Talliea's body and her hair being tossed behind her head. She looked down at the perfect woman beneath her, body writhing and begging for her closeness, and watched as her hands palmed full breasts. Talliea's eyes were lidded, her breathing chaotic, and Arizira had never seen a more beautiful and giving sight.

     She reached up with her right hand and gently placed it behind Talliea's neck. Leaning back down, she brought their lips together in the most tender of embraces. She felt Talliea respond by tangling fingers into her hair. They kissed for several minutes. Mint danced between their tongues. Pants and moans grew in volume and intensity.

     Arizira kissed Talliea's bottom lip in a small caress as she pulled away and moved to where she was sitting across Talliea's lap once again. Her hands trembled as they mapped and re-mapped the feeling of warm and soft skin. She was amazed with every reaction Talliea gave her. For so long she had desired this. Now that it was finally happening, Arizira was both grateful and apprehensive. When her fingers reached the waistband of Talliea's pants, she stopped and looked back up.

     Dark eyes met her gaze. The most absolute trust stared back at her. She could feel herself becoming more and more a part of Talliea the longer they touched and embraced. Never before had Arizira experienced something so strong and perfect. Whatever was transpiring between herself and Talliea was unlike anything else she'd ever known. Somehow, she could feel what her love was feeling.

     It was more powerful than the times before. Talliea's nervousness, her anxiousness and her pleasure, her trust and her devotion-- Arizira could feel it all, along with her own emotions. It was as if her mind no longer had a part in the act. She was moving as her body desired, as the bond she felt with Talliea asked of her.

     Slowly, Arizira reached down and untied the leather strings that held Talliea's pants around her hips. An uneven gasp met the movement. "You are beautiful, Tah-li."

     Talliea smiled, her eyes locked on the movements of Arizira's fingers. She felt as if she could barely remain still. Her entire body seemed poised for...something. The closer Arizira got to the center between her legs, the more ardent and extreme the pounding became. She watched Arizira's slim and fair fingers untie her pants and if possible, her heart flopped even heavier inside her chest.

     They held each other's eyes. Arizira finished untying Talliea's pants, her own breaths coming much more quickly than before, and slowly slipped her fingers just inside the rim.

     Talliea arched her back, her throat locking as air tried to escape her lungs. Arizira ran her fingers along her lower stomach and the outside of her full hips. The sensation was exquisite. It was better than everything before it. The throbbing between her legs grew and she felt as if it was asking, begging, for something. For Arizira.

     Whatever the wetness covering her sex indicated, it was only growing more and more abundant the longer Arizira touched her. Opening her eyes and looking back down her body, she watched Arizira sit back and slide her pants off of her legs.

     She laid before the other half of her heart, her spirit, and looked up. Talliea was completely naked in front of Arizira. Bare. There was nothing hiding her body. No clothing. No water. Nothing. She watched Arizira's eyes, glowing with a silver fire, trace over the apex of her legs. They settled on her sex and Talliea felt herself twitch at the intensity of the gaze.

     Arizira's hands landed on each of her thighs and slowly began moving up her legs. The pounding increased.
A lot.
Talliea's breathing was so uneven and ragged she truly believed she was going to faint. Fingers brushed the soft skin between her leg and hip and her body jumped. Her back arched. She moaned. Deeply.

," Arizira whispered, using her people's word for perfect.

     Talliea did not understand the word or words. Fumbling, she attempted to reach for Arizira's pants. She wanted to feel her love's body on top of her own with no restrictions. She wanted to see Arizira.

     As if understanding her love's intent, Arizira removed her hands and moved to stand up. Talliea moved with her until she was sitting before Arizira. Tanned fingers beat her own to the tie of her pants and began to loosen the material. Once the knot was released, Talliea looked back up at Arizira before languidly pushing the leather down her legs.

     The smell of what must have been arousal invaded Talliea's senses. She helped Arizira out of her pants and sat back to look up at her. Arizira's sex was glistening like her own. Her body was shaking. They were alike. Each felt the same as the other. Leaning forward until she rested on her knees, Talliea wrapped her arms around Arizira's waist and pressed a hot kiss to her lower stomach.

     She felt Arizira place her hands into her hair and hold her close. After a moment, their embrace ended and Arizira was gently pushing her back down onto the
leaves again. Their slick and heated bodies met. Skin pressed against skin. They were chest to chest, hip to hip. Sex to sex. They had become one. One heart. One spirit. Beating. Living. In two separate bodies.

     Talliea wrapped her arms around Arizira's back once again. Her leg moved to allow her foot to caress the back of Arizira's calf while her lips kissed anything within reach. She was amazed at the heat coming from Arizira's body. The sweat they had both worked up caused their bodies to glide against one another, and both women were shaking with anticipation.

     Arizira kissed Talliea's neck, taking the time to lick at the moisture collecting there. She felt Talliea's lips nip at her earlobe and was so overcome with want and desire that she momentarily lost the balance her arm had on her weight. Talliea welcomed the added pressure, her arms holding onto Arizira tenderly, yet securely.

     "You feel wonderful," Talliea whispered against Arizira's skin. Her voice was low and heavy with her arousal. Arizira pressed her sex into Talliea's again and trailed her tongue up her neck until her mouth came to rest near a tan ear. "So do you, Tah-li," she replied hoarsely.

     Hands moved everywhere. Fingers explored and tantalized every available inch of skin. Arizira could feel the wetness between Talliea's thighs. The soft patch of hair that covered Talliea's sex was new for her. Arniran women did not have such a feature. The feeling was different than what she had experienced. Different, but welcome.

     No longer able to contain herself, Arizira moved her right hand from Talliea's hip to her lower stomach. The leg around her thigh and calf tightened its hold and Arizira pulled away just enough so that she could look into dark brown eyes. "Tah-li," she said.

     Talliea's eyes opened at the sound of Arizira's voice. It was different. Heavier. The musical quality was still evident, but it was deeper and more rough. The accent was more pronounced than it had been from just moments before. She did not say anything in response. Instead, she lowered her leg from Arizira's thigh and let it fall open to her side. Whether or not the action was required, she did not know. It felt...natural to spread herself open before the woman on top of her.

     Arizira smiled down at her before kissing her nose and her eyebrows. Slowly, she began to move her fingers to Talliea's center. A sudden flare of panic? embarrassment? stopped her. Talliea was watching her, some unknown apprehension coloring her eyes. "I...there is..."

     Talliea tried to explain herself. She was not afraid of Arizira's touch. She wanted it, greatly desired it. Her nervousness had come about due to the moisture between her legs. Was it common? Would Arizira be repulsed? She had noticed Arizira's sex appeared much like her own, but still...

     Arizira, having been privy to Talliea's inner musings, only smiled before reaching up and taking one of Talliea's hands in her own. "Do not be upset. This is good," she said, referring to the wetness Talliea was so anxious over. "This is your body's approval of me and my actions."

     Again, her words were harder to understand, her accent heavier. Talliea swallowed her nerves and felt her hand being guided between their bodies. Before she could say or question anything, she felt her fingers come into contact with Arizira's sex. Moisture rushed to greet her as heat assaulted her fingertips.

    Arizira was soft. So, so soft. She was wet and her flesh was warm and Talliea moaned at feeling something so intimately beautiful. She turned and buried her head into Arizira's neck and sighed as her fingers were guided.

     "Good, Tah-li," Arizira whispered, her voice no longer as strong as before. "Your body approves of me?" Talliea asked against her shoulder. "Yes," Arizira moaned. Fingers brushed over her again. "Very, very much,

     Talliea smiled and the last of her nerves faded away. She removed her hand and placed it in the small of Arizira's back. Brushing her nose against a sweat heated neck, she kissed Arizira's jaw. "Touch me," she begged in a small voice.

     Arizira released a breath and kissed Talliea's lips. Her hand moved back between their bodies and she slowly lowered her fingers until she met a soft patch of hair. Running her fingers down further, she finally came to the source of Talliea's pleasure. At the first stroke of her fingers, a hedonistic and heavy moan left Talliea's mouth. She rolled her hips into Arizira's fingers and grasped her back more firmly. ""

     Talliea was gone. Nothing,
had ever made her feel so good, so wonderful. Arizira's soft fingers were gliding through the wetness between her legs, touching a part of her she had not known could feel so much. The throbbing, though still quite persistent, was being sated. Arizira's touch was what it had wanted all along. Her caress was what it had been longing for, searching for.

     With each stroke of Arizira's fingers, Talliea felt the wetness increase. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut and her moans and pants were heavy and without a care. She continued to roll her hips, the actions somehow being what her body needed, and held Arizira closely to her. She needed to feel that Arizira was with her, that the other woman had her in this most special of moments. She gave herself to Arizira then. She gave her all of her control and her trust and she allowed Arizira to lead her.

     In addition to the wonderful and enjoyable emotions and sensations Arizira was making her feel, Talliea also felt the love, respect and gratitude Arizira was feeling. She could feel the sensation of her own wetness on her fingers as Arizira continued to explore her. How such a thing was taking place was lost.

     Arizira was kissing her neck and her jaw and, occasionally, her lips. She could feel wet heat gliding against her thigh as Arizira gently rocked against her, and the act excited her. Unlike when Lao'dahn had been on top of her and had been moving and rocking, Arizira's actions did not frighten or harm her.

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