Doira'Liim (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga) (41 page)

BOOK: Doira'Liim (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga)
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     Talliea had hurt Arizira, however unintentionally, but that act had served to bring them closer together rather than rip them farther apart. Each could now understand the fears, worries, and insecurities of the other. Arizira could understand the devastation Talliea felt over Lao'dahn's abuse, and Talliea could empathize with Arizira in regard to a loved one holding trepidation over a simple touch.

     Whether or not Talliea had actually healed Arizira, or Arizira's recovery was the result of tender care and rest, was unimportant to them. What mattered was that they had both weathered their unexpected storm together. Arizira was healing. She was going to make a full recovery and Talliea had not damaged their chance at happiness.

     Despite all the bad, the pain and tears and the uncertainties, everything had turned out exactly as they were supposed to. A new appreciation had been kindled. A fresh beginning had been granted. No longer would the atrocities of the past hinder the two of them in the present. They both understood the other in ways they had not before.

     As Arizira wrapped her arms around Talliea's neck, and Talliea gently and reverently placed her hands between Arizira's shoulder blades, both women knew they had finally come to the one place they had both longed for since their first meeting.

     Talliea's attack, Arizira's injury, the question of who or what had perpetuated Arizira's recovery, did not seem to matter as both women held the other. Arizira, arms around a tanned neck, grasped a handful of Talliea's dark hair and hugged her body closer.

     "Thank you," she whispered against Talliea's temple. "Thank you for making me whole once again."

     Talliea smiled, tears still lightly staining her cheeks, and replied, "Always, Ahmanae. Always."

                                                        Chapter 29: Unification of Spirits

Cynra watched the clouds in the sky as their color moved from white to grey. A change was nearing with the weather. On the horizon, a storm  brewed. Though the skies were currently clear with no rain or snow falling, Cynra knew it would not be long afore everything changed.

      To her left the white wolf, her companion, looked up at her with blue eyes. "It is today," Cynra said. The wolf turned its head and regarded her again. "They become one today."

                                                                      *  *  *  *  *  *

     "You are sweet," Arizira said as she pulled away from kissing Talliea's lips. The two of them were partaking of a hearty breakfast of fried apples and wild-berries with thick honey and nuts, complete with one of the rabbits Talliea had secured the day before. "You taste like honey and mint," Arizira continued playfully.

     Talliea blushed, a smile lighting up her face, and leaned forward to wipe away at a small dab of honey on Arizira's chin. Since Arizira's recovery four days earlier,  both women, without words or explanations, had come to a better understanding of one another.  Neither was able to explain how they knew what they knew, nor how they felt what they felt. Without their being aware, they had moved farther and farther away from the accident that had frightened them both and, in the process, come closer together.

     "I think you only desired to kiss me," Talliea teased, looking back at Arizira before taking another bite of rabbit. Arizira's smile was immediate. She dipped her fingers into the bowl of honey that sat between them and raised a playful eyebrow toward Talliea.

     "That is what you think, yes?"

     Talliea eyed Arizira with some suspicion, but nodded. "Yes." Before she could react, Arizira was leaning into her again and smearing the honey on her fingertips across Talliea's lips. Talliea tried to move away, laughter sounding around her, but Arizira was too quick. The two women fell in a heap of tangled limbs. When Talliea attempted to speak, Arizira quickly engaged them in a kiss, her tongue swiping over the honey still present on Talliea's lips.

     "You must live with your decisions, Tah-li," Arizira said sitting on top of her companion with a smug look on her face. Talliea could only smirk.

     Once their bellies were full, each chewed a
leaf, a small, deep green petiole the Arnira used for hygienic purposes, and hunkered down into the warmth of their
beds. The weather had turned foul quite unexpectedly and a dismal darkness soon spread across the lands. Clouds, full and heavy, soon released their burdens and all the lands were quickly sodden with wind and snow.

     Talliea snuggled into Arizira's back and wrapped her arm around her middle more securely. It still amazed her how warm and soft the leaves of their bedding were. When Arizira had first told her that the Arnira used leaves to sleep upon, she'd been skeptical that such a thing could actually produce any amount of comfort, let alone warmth. Having slept upon
for months now, she could not imagine anything else offering such gratification.

     "Teach me how to say your name," she said, breaking their still hush. Arizira inhaled at the satisfaction she felt just lying with the woman she loved before responding with, "It is easy, Tah-li. Aree-zira."

     Talliea made a face at the second half of the name, but Arizira could not see it. "Aris-s--" she attempted.

Like a bee, Tah-li."


     A laugh bubbled up from Arizira's throat at Talliea's effort. "Not like a snake! A bee!
" Laughing herself, Talliea tried again. " people do not have this sound."

     "Just try."

     "Ari-sss...Ari-sera," Talliea said, her accent on the name causing Arizira to smile. "Perfect. I like it."

     All fell quiet around them once more. Talliea continued to hold Arizira closely as her fingers began to probe at the material restricting her from satiny skin.

     Arizira moaned slightly as Talliea's hand around her middle snaked its way under her top. Fingers explored the soft skin of her stomach and she could not stop the hitch that came in her breathing. The sounds of the wind and snow, now louder with sleet, sounded just outside their cavern. The fire some distance behind them crackled with life and a defiant need to continuing burning, despite the onset of the sudden winter storm outside.

     All was silent inside the cave, except for the small and light moans of Arizira as Talliea's fingers traversed her skin.

     Talliea smiled upon hearing the response her actions were bringing about. She was still so thankful that Arizira was allowing her to touch her. After the accident, as it had come to be referred, she had truly feared she would never be allowed to explore the body of the woman she loved. How could Arizira accept her touch after what she had done?

     Somehow, Arizira was allowing and welcoming her touch. She did not fear it, as Talliea had worried. It was as if an unknown barrier between them had fallen away. Arizira did not feel as reserved to Talliea. The facade she had always noticed was no longer in place. Talliea could not adequately explain how she had noticed such a change, but she did.

     Arizira's eyes, having always fascinated her, were now more open and expressive. The feelings she had always hidden behind them were now clear for Talliea to see. Ever since Arizira had stumbled to the hot spring four days before, Talliea had been aware of the change. What had caused it, she could not say.

     As for Arizira, she too had noticed a change in her companion. Talliea was no longer shy about her body. She did not fear Arizira's eyes upon it and she did not try to hide it any longer. There was a sense of sureness and acceptance that emanated from her now where her body was concerned that had not been present before.

     Arizira recalled Talliea's feelings of embarrassment when she had informed her of knowing what Lao'dahn had done. Those feelings of ugliness, of being undesirable, were gone. What had caused the sudden change to take place in so short a span of time, Arizira did not know. She felt as if every insecurity or hidden worry the two of them had unknowingly possessed was now gone.

     Talliea did not feel unworthy of Arizira any longer, just as Arizira did not feel as though she had to hide the greater part of her feelings. Certainly, there were still hurdles in the path before them, but both women felt a sense of calm the likes of which neither had ever experienced.

     As Talliea held Arizira's body close, she was not aware of the actions of her fingers. The weather outside, coupled with the peace inside, put her mind and body in a place of absolute serenity. Eyes closed, she kissed the back of Arizira's neck and rubbed her nose down to her shoulder. No longer feeling the pain that had accompanied Arizira's body for days was welcome.

     Her love was no longer broken. She was no longer hurting. Those thoughts were a huge sense of relief to her. She kissed the top of Arizira's right shoulder blade while her fingers moved higher up her stomach. The interruption in Arizira's breathing was immediate.

     Talliea smiled against Arizira's skin. She had no grand plan in her actions. She was not moving to any great end. She was simply enjoying the closeness of her love's body. That was all. The knowledge that her actions were leading the two of them closer to a total unification was unknown to her.

     She traced her fingers along Arizira's ribcage and marveled at the feeling of her bones beneath her skin. She felt Arizira entwine their legs together and instinctively scooted closer. The scent of cypress oil invaded her senses as she trailed her kisses from Arizira's neck to her ear. What was propelling her actions she did not know. She did not care.

     She was tired of being scared. She was tired of worrying over circumstances. It felt good to not give those thoughts much consideration. Everything about Arizira was right. It always would be. Knowing that Arizira trusted her, even after what she had done, touched Talliea. She had never known that type of faith.

     Arizira moaned again and turned her head up, exposing her neck further. One of her hands came up and landed on top of Talliea's. Talliea placed small kisses down the new skin being offered and spread her fingers out to slide down the dip between Arizira's ribs and stomach. She could feel Arizira pushing back against her and, for reasons not clear, the action excited her.

     Slowly, she glided her fingers back down Arizira's stomach, taking time to truly enjoy the feeling of her skin, before stopping at the waistband of her pants. She kissed Arizira's jaw before letting her forehead come to rest against her temple. All actions ceased as she felt her heart begin to beat faster in her chest.

     Arizira swallowed nervously and rolled over to face Talliea. She did not know where their movements were leading them, but it did not matter. Whatever they were doing was bridging any last remaining distance between them. She looked into Talliea's dark and unsure eyes. The hand that had been on her stomach was now resting against the outside of her hip. She searched Talliea's face before leaning up to kiss her.

     The kiss started off slowly, an exploration of what was accepted and what was not. Though she wanted to, Arizira did not attempt to roll Talliea onto her back. She kept them on their sides facing one another, and tentatively began to move her hands and fingers. They slipped under Talliea's blouse and brushed across her stomach.

     Talliea's reaction was just as she had expected: heated. Talliea grasped Arizira's hip with more force and pulled them closer together. Opening her mouth, she allowed Arizira's tongue to glide across her own and in that moment everything made sense. They were in love. They had been since their first meeting, though neither could have been aware of that at the time.

     All of their trials and tribulations had only been presented before them to increase the bond their spirits shared and strengthen a love that was already true.

     There was no force in their embrace. Not this time. Talliea was not touching Arizira and desiring more because her body wanted it. She was not trying to prove anything to herself or get Arizira to open up. She was touching Arizira because she needed to. Her heart and spirit desired it. It was pure. Lao'dahn never even crossed her mind as she pulled Arizira down and on top of her.

     Their tongues met with more passion than ever before. Talliea's fingers grazed the small of Arizira's back before slipping to the front of her jerkin and slowly untying the buttons. Arizira, breathing already ragged, pulled her face back and opened her eyes.

     They both looked at one another for several long moments. There were no barriers between them, no hidden fears or questions born of worry or insecurity. Arizira licked her lips, mint dancing across her tongue, and hesitated . "What are we doing?" she asked, still feeling the need to verbalize her one and only nagging voice of doubt.

     Talliea smiled at her, a smile of complete trust, and raised her fingers up to reverently caress Arizira's jaw. "What we both want, what we need," she replied, fingers slipping from a strong jaw down to a soft and inviting neck.

     Arizira closed her eyes at the sensation. She knew this time was different. It did not feel unsure like it had before. What was different, she did not know. There was not one logical or rational thought that could explain her actions or her feelings in this moment. Everything was happening by what her emotions were telling her. Something had changed between herself and Talliea, something that did not have a name.

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