Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals (6 page)

Read Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals Online

Authors: Robert James

Tags: #metaphysical fiction, #reality shifting, #metaphysical adventure

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“But you don’t
think we are real Gods do you?” I had to ask.

“Well, no, not in
the way they do” Peter hedged “But we are obviously more than they.
Look how few we are, with no real military, yet we absolutely
control their world”. There was real relish in Peter’s voice, the
love of power was clearly a family trait, but there was no
compassion, just a subtle hint of pride, as he continued “Their
leaders come to us slavishly to ask advice, they take our every
utterance as a pearl of wisdom. But, it is their choice” Peter
asserted rather defensively.

“You’re quite
certain that the Supreme Family’s divinity is something accepted by
all in the New World voluntarily?” I asked carefully, trying not to
lose another ally.

“Of course Robert,
it seems odd you should ask” Peter’s replied with certainty “The
New World’s Governments have all voted overwhelmingly for a
monolingual, multi cultural society, in which there is but one God”
Peter almost recited “And that His representative on earth was the
Head of the Supreme Family” Peter clarified, and that was that, as
far as Peter was concerned anyway “You don’t remember any of this?”
He asked. I shook my head.

“All I can
remember, right now, is what I’ve learned in the last forty eight
hours” I told him honestly “When did that decision get taken
Peter?” I asked my older Brother.

“Over a century
and a half ago” Peter replied, looking at me strangely “I mean you
are Robert aren’t you?” He was wavering.

“It was a hundred
and forty seven years ago next month actually” Margaret interjected
pointedly, turning to face me expectantly “Well? Doesn’t that mean
anything to you?” She demanded.

“You’re telling
the story my dear” I replied without any rancour “The more you can
tell me the more I’ll know” I told them both.

“That’s all very
well I’m sure” Peter was getting huffy “But, personally, I’m a
little bit concerned about betraying my family, you know, working
with the enemy, sort of” He said worriedly.

“That’s bothering
me too Robert, if that’s who you are?” Young Margaret agreed, still
clutching her little black ray gun. I turned to Zoran, who stood
discreetly out of hearing range. He came over

“Yes Lord Robert”
He asked, looking meaningfully at the other two as he spoke, he was
certainly in no doubt as to who I was.

“How long will it
take to assemble all the off duty and non-essential staff here for
me to talk to?” I asked the smiling old man.

“Perhaps if you
and our honoured guests were to retire to your quarters Lord
Robert, I could have the assemblage waiting in ten to fifteen
minutes.” He replied dutifully.

“Please do” I told
Zoran, rising, with my two siblings, and heading off up the stairs
to my apartment and Miss Susan Proust. This should be interesting,
I thought.

“For a woman of
such humble birth as I to be in the presence of not only Lord
Robert, but two of his Divine Brethren. It is an honour for which I
would gladly die a hundred times” Susan bowed deeply, as her words
flowed effusively.

“How did you come
to be with Lord Robert?” Lady Margaret inquired, openly admiring
the Centropolis woman’s stunning face and figure. Susan had
expected only me and was dressed, well, pretty much undressed for
the occasion, in just a flimsy black lace outfit. Susan told her of
how she had been there, as the personal assistant of the Governor
of Centropolis, and that I’d invited her.

“Do you know how
Lord Robert got to be in such a place?” Peter asked, apparently
impervious to Susan’s well exposed charms.

“Such things are
not for me to know” Susan was clearly shocked that she should even
be asked.

“I think you’ll
get some answers soon Peter” I told him smiling “My intuition tells
me that you’ll both find my upcoming address very interesting. And
not only because it will prove that I am who I am either” I added
mysteriously. With perfect timing, Zoran tapped lightly on the
apartment door.

“Your household
staff are assembled Lord Robert” He called softly through the
slightly opened door. Suzan shot off to the bedroom like a
frightened rabbit, at the sound of his voice, while the three of us
walked out to the landing. There were nearly thirty young men and
women, all in their early or mid twenties and, of course, Zoran,
who stood on the middle landing to my right.

“All of you are
the Sons and Daughters of those who’ve served the House of Red
since my birth” I began “Because of my absence, many of you younger
folks have never seen me before. Yet you, Rachael” I pointed to one
of the bathing beauties “Your Father told you of when I, as a
child, lost my mother” My auto voice spoke “His older Sister was
asked, by the Supreme One in person, to be my acting Mother” I told
the pleased looking girl.

“I remember that”
Peter smiled; now swinging right back to believing me.

“Jarrat, your
parents met in the kitchens here, exactly thirty years ago today
right?” I told a young man, who was visibly impressed and confirmed
my words. I looked over at Zoran

“You have been
ever there, as no Father could have dear Zoran, always in support,
even when you knew that what I was doing was very wrong” I told

“It is not for me
to know such things Lord Robert” The old man protested “Whatever
you do is right, I have no right to judge you Sire” Zoran believed
what he was saying.

“Yes, you do my
trusted friend” I looked across the small assemblage “You all do”
The two stirred beside me, I felt my younger Sister tense up,
little black weapon still in her hand “It is come the time for all
of us to leave this place, as equals!” I told them strongly “It is
true there is but one God, but no mere human can represent Him. The
Creator lives within each and every human being” I continued
telling the now very nervous little crowd of youngsters gathered

Peter was annoyed
rather than angry at my words, he seemed to want to interrupt but
couldn’t. However, I could sense the white hot anger in Margaret
and I noticed she was easing back, quite possibly so that she could
fire her little laser ray gun at me without warning. At the very
last moment, Peter saw what Margaret intended to do and, in
desperation, he leapt in between us.

“Margaret No! Uh”
He cried out, but he was too late! She had already fired it. The
thin red beam seared a surprisingly large, perfectly circular,
bloodless hole through Lord Peter. Then, it hit me and bounced off,
crushing several stones in the supporting pillar where Margaret had
fired from. She was shocked at what she’d done to her Brother Peter
and had not done to me!

Margaret didn’t
notice the tower of masonry that came crashing down on her until it
was way too late. Peter seemed quite un-distressed, watching his
kid sister get broken into bloody pieces, by a ton or two of
masonry, even the gaping black, still smoking hole in his stomach
seemed little more than a nuisance

“Well all this
trying to do good Robert” He said, sounding a little winded “See
what it gets you” He coughed and flecks of blood appeared around
his mouth “Now you’ll have to get out, and take them, else he’ll
kill them all” Peter said, staggering forward to the broad marble
rail. “Zoran, you know the West Pass?” He Gasped. The old man
nodded. Leaning heavily against the railing, his life rapidly
draining away quickly, Lord Peter made an effort to do something
good himself.

He gave Zoran and
the two oldest men in my household staff, directions on how to get
at and take one of the big T.T.V’s, the current operational pass
words, and the compass directions for Centropolis, Alpine Grand and
Oasis City.

“Don’t know the
rest but your ops-code will get them for you from anyone of those
three” The mortally wounded man gasped “Go now, while no-one
suspects any….” Lord Peter slid slowly to the ground dead. Whether
he sought to save the rest of his Supreme Family or me and my
people I will never know, but it was certainly a whole new ball
game now. I had Zoran send two girls up to Susan, to grab what
clothing they could, while she was getting herself dressed.

I then instructed
six of the men to get supplies and six of the girls, including
Rachael and our other bath mate, to come with me, along with the
toughest four men that we had. With them, I was going to hatch a
plan to get rid of our four guards. Hopefully, without having to
harm them. The lights in the darkened courtyard out front of Red
House flicked softly into life, casting a magical scenario of
sculptures and shadows. Music began to softly emanate from the mini
castle’s huge front doors, when they swung open. The four young
Supreme House Guardsmen all stood up, stretched and moved around a
little, so they could get a better look. And it was a look worth
having too! Rachael and her equally uninhibited team of very pretty
young girls, danced slowly out the doors and around the

Beyond a
fluttering scarf or a large feather, the six girls wore not a
stitch to hide their lissom and well endowed bodies. The girls
danced in ever smaller circles, moving faster as the music’s tempo
increased. As they did, the four guards, believing themselves to be
unobserved, moved ever closer, till they were right at the edge of
the concrete and marble forecourt. Zoran flashed a light from the
door and, instantly, the four guards fell unconscious but otherwise
unhurt. Victims of fifty thousand watt stun guns that were part of
the Red House’s defences. I had my four successful ambushers don
their conquests’ uniforms, Zoran and I collected Peter and
Margaret’s laser ray guns and prepared to leave..

After a little
persuasion, via threats with one of the stun guns, the guard’s
senior man agreed to call in two buggies and an escort for Lord
Robert and Lord Peter. Soon enough, the entourage arrived. Given
the unexpected circumstance, it wasn’t so hard to see why it was so
easy to take the new arrival’s guns, uniforms and air bikes. They
simply didn’t expect their own colleagues, who were there guarding
us, to point their guns at them! We left four men in the guards’
uniforms and with their weapons, they were to guard the house
literally! Zoran, Jarrat, myself and our four man, heavily armed
squad moved out. It was only at this point that I realised the
buggies were actually ‘driven’ by small, man shaped robots!

When we arrived at
the central T.T.V garage, where we’d first arrived just two days
ago, the evening crews were all off duty as no-one had ordered

“Lord Robert” The
man in charge jumped to his feet, along with his dozen or so men.
Zoran and Jarrat moved forward to explain. In accordance with our
plan, I behaved as expected and sat in my hovering buggy with air
cycles, ridden by my men, at each corner.

It looked as
though Zoran was having problems, so I motioned my escort to move
us closer. As we did, my once challenging, now servile black
spectre arrived, via the elevator. He walked swiftly over to Zoran,
they exchanged a few words, then the man in black looked over and
saw me. Immediately he came over, Zoran and Jarrat trailing behind

“Lord Robert it is
my honour to serve you” He saluted me.

“Is there some
problem Zoran?” I asked imperiously, ignoring the man in black

“Merely a
formality Lord Robert” The old man assured me with a smile. Between
us, we had thoroughly upset the tall, gaunt faced man in black

“It’s far more
than that Zoran” The man in black barked, then, in a respectful but
frosty voice he turned to me and said firmly

“My orders are
from the Supreme One Himself, Lord Robert” He announced “No
vehicles are to leave without His personal approval” He emphasised,
his folded arms saying it all.

“And, my dear man”
I replied imperiously “Exactly what are you supposed to do if I
choose to defy those orders?” I asked him haughtily “Arrest me,
how? Shoot me? Then you die as is the law?” I turned to Zoran “Who
is this underfed impertinent who addresses me without consent?” I
asked regally.

“I am Dakar, I
hold the trust of the Supreme One” The thoroughly angry, but
respectful man announced at me, more than to me.

“Come now Dakar” I
turned to him, my voice dripping patronisation “You’d have to stand
closer than any but we are permitted to, in order to hear His
orders” I challenged softly.

His body language
indicated that I’d scored a bulls eye, so I pressed on with my
charm offensive.

“You get your
orders from Lady Ursula, Dakar” I told him, adding pleasantly
“Because you are naught but an ordinary human. And you know that
you must obey me” I told the now unsure Dakar “I, on the other
hand, have every right to do as I please, without her consent! Do I
make myself clear?” I snarled, suddenly angrily at the gaunt and
increasingly confused man.

“Lord Robert” He
pleaded “Please do not choose so, for I must obey orders, even if
it cost me my life” He raised his laser ray device. The workmen and
foreman jumped for cover, my men all raised their wicked looking
machine guns, pointing them at Dakar.

“At ease men, he
cannot hurt me” I reminded them, then turning to Dakar I added
“Only you will be harmed if you blindly obey”.

“So be it then” He
snarled and fired at me. I cupped my hands like a baseball catcher
and the beam did a perfect reflection, right back to the place it
came from! The tall thin man stared in disbelief as a fist-sized
hole appeared in his upper stomach. He looked back up at me, then
fell forward. I had Jarrat collect his laser device, while the crew
got very smartly to work, preparing two of the largest, fastest
T.T.V’s in the Supreme House’s garage. With more time to look, I
could see these were fighting craft. Rows of barrels were just
visible and missile launching tubes ran both sides, fore and aft.
It was thirty minutes or so before the super sleek craft were ready
for their pilots to fly them to the West Pass. With our mission
complete, we headed back to Red House, to gather our people and
guide them up a secret trail, on the west side of the crater.

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