Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals

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Authors: Robert James

Tags: #metaphysical fiction, #reality shifting, #metaphysical adventure

BOOK: Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals
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By Dr. Robert
Divine Deception
Copyright © Dr Robert
James 2010
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Cover Image by Kate

Table Of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten



About The

Discover Other
Works By Dr Robert James


I wish to express
my sincerest thanks to Katie James-Herbert for her tireless support
and effort, to Gary Williams for preparing this book for
publication, to Kate Andersen for her magnificent cover artwork and
to Melanie Tyrer for her help in editing this book. This book would
not have come into existence without their expertise and

Author’s Preface

Calling these
adventures journeys has never been more justified than it is with
this story. Though every Will Traveller mission has been exciting,
sometimes scary and sometimes a little sexy, and this one is
certainly no exception to that rule, none have been anywhere near
so mentally challenging. Typically, this ‘journey’ began in some
place I didn’t know, at sometime unknown to me, if, in fact, any of
it occurred at all! But, I have to say that every person I’ve ‘met’
and every event that I’ve written about in this book, seem totally
real to me. As usual, very little is the way it first seems, and
trying to sort the bad guys, and girls, from the good ones, is just
a little tricky, to say the least. Of course, my Will Traveller’s
bag of tricks does tend to give one a better chance of surviving
all the would-be assassinations and other lethal events.

As a ‘returned’
member of the Supreme Family, the New World’s ruling religious
leaders, this adventure has me travelling all over a highly
privileged world, one which has been deceived into believing that
my family and I are some kind of Gods, in order to gain the Supreme
One ultimate power. Curiously enough, apart from all the luxuries
that go with being considered to be some kind of Devine Being, it
sure does lead to some surprisingly erotic assignations. I can
honestly say that I have not had more fun writing, than while I was
experiencing and simultaneously writing this Will Traveller
Chronical. Stumbling around without any real idea of what I was
supposed to do, or, for that matter, who I was at first, this
adventure has me exploring the New World. A world quite similar to
parts of our own planet today.

In order to raise
awareness and galvanize the people into an uprising, against my
tyrannical ‘family’, I become involved with a myriad of absolutely
fascinating and often extremely beautiful inhabitants, from the New
World’s many, vastly different States. It’s a world where, much
like ours, the people are ruled because of their own superstitions,
even though they are modern and sophisticated societies. Needless
to say, the despots, who are held in reverential awe by the people,
are very keen to stop me, once they know of my mission. From
butterflies in my stomach, to a variety of stirrings all over, for
various reasons, writing this Will Traveller Chronical really did
move me, literally! It also evidenced that writing is a most
enjoyable occupation. My hope is that you too enjoy this ‘journey’,
and that you find the people and places that make up the New World
as enjoyable, interesting and entertaining as I have.

Warm regards

Dr. Robert

Chapter One

It was bright,
sunny day. Far too bright for me, I had to go pull the shades and
lay down next to our cat Leo, otherwise known as ‘she who rules the
double bed during the waking hours’ and close my eyes for a little
while. The blissful escape into darkness, greatly aided by Leo’s
deep, rhythmic purring soon had me in a state of complete and
contented peace. A million miles from anywhere.

“Can I help you
Sir?” A very sultry voice asked out of the gloom. I shook my head,
was it my eyes or had the room become very foggy? Slowly, I became
aware that I was no longer lying in bed, I was now standing on a
city street, and it was late at night.

“Are you alright
Sir?” The voice, now close beside me asked. I turned to look at

Even with the high
heels her eyes were shoulder height, big and brown. Enough to say
that once I got a good look at her, I certainly wished she could
help me, any man would!

“Uh, yes, well
that is, I feel O.K.” I replied “I just have no idea where I am, or
how I got here” I admitted to the party girl, who rewarded my
honesty with a beautiful smile.

“Must’ve been a
good party” She laughed softly “Love ya outfit, really classy, ya

“Uh thanks” I
mumbled and looked down at myself. I wore a bright red kaftan style
outfit with knee high boots. Then I took a look at the people
around me.

Everyone else, and
there were lots of people about despite the gloominess, wore pants
shirts jackets skirts and all the other normal attire you’d expect
on a city street at night. Dressed as I was, I got quite a few
strange looks from people passing by.

“All coming back
to you now Sir?” My lady of the night asked.

“Not really no” I
answered, trying to recognise something around me. Buildings on
both sides rose several floors up, eight maybe ten, and though
there were a lot of people out and about, cars were obviously not
allowed in this dimly lit plaza area. There were lots of sidewalk
cafés, a few shops that were still open and quite a few strikingly
attractive ladies, dressed just like my own attractive and
inquisitive little friend.

“You done some
real heavy stuff then?” The look of concern returned to her pretty

“I’m not sure
Miss, that could be it” It seemed to be a good idea to play along
with that, at least until things had become clearer to me.

“Maybe you come
with me and I’ll fix you up something that’ll clear ya head, what
d’ya think?” She invited. I patted myself down; there were soft
woollen pants and a long sleeve shirt under the kaftan, but there
was no pockets.

“I’d love that
Miss” I replied truthfully “But, unfortunately, I don’t seem to
have any money on me right now” I told the girl most regretfully.
An annoyed look creased her pretty features

“Look, if I’m not
your type, just say so, you don’t have to crap on about having no
pays left” She snapped and went to turn away.

“No, look sorry,
I’m really confused Miss” I apologised profusely “I do think you’re
very attractive, but I don’t have anything at all on me” I told her
sincerely, adding “I’ve checked everywhere under here” I indicated
my flowing garment.

“You serious?
Really?” The girl asked, trying to work me out. So was I! I seemed
to be me, as I was a decade or so ago, but, so far, I didn’t
recognise the city. The people on the streets seem to be an evenly
mixed cross section of every ethnic group. But, in spite of their
origins, they were all dressed in western big city style

“Look, d’ya wanna
sit down and talk for a while Sir?” The girl invited softening.

“I thought ya was
fooling around I did” She confessed apologetically “But you’ve
really lost it, hey?”

“I’m afraid so
Miss” I answered, becoming aware that we were attracting an
increasing level of attention “I would like to sit down somewhere”
I told her, adding “People are staring at us. Or, I should say, at
me” I corrected myself smiling. She took my arm in both hands,
pressed her body up against me and gently pushed me in the
direction of an almost unlit café.

“We can sit in
Miko’s for a while” She told me on the way “If you’re gonna get
around in an outfit like that Sir, well” She laughed prettily
“People are gonna stare” She chuckled, half pushing, half leading
me to a table, at the back of the dimly lit, ten table café.

“I know this must
sound really quite strange Miss” I began explaining “But I haven’t
got the faintest idea of where I am or who I am” I told her, hoping
she could see that I meant what I said.

“Well, you know
you’re in Miko’s Cafe down here in the pleasure zone of the best
city in the world don’t you?” The stunning little lady of the night
checked confidently.

“Only because
you’ve just told me” I replied “What’s the name of this city?” I

“You’re kidding
surely?” She asked incredulous, I shook my head. “You really don’t
know you’re in Centropolis? The financial, social and creative
capitol of New World?” She asked, there was no mistaking her pride
in this city.

A speaker under
our table hummed and a voice asked “Your order please?” I looked at
the girl blankly.

“Oh well, just
this once won’t hurt” She said, after hesitating and taking a long
look at me. Then she put her right wrist against a blue panel on
our table and ordered coffee for both of us. I looked down at my
right wrist, nothing. The girl saw me do it, let out an
exclamation, then reached over and grabbed my right arm.

“Oh shit” She
muttered and when she looked up, the curiosity had a very distinct
tinge of fear.

“Everyone has a
pay pad Sir” The now very serious girl told me “I never seen no-one
without one before. I’m not sure I understand Sir” She added.

I waited until the
equally scantily dressed waitress had brought our coffees and left
before I spoke.

“I’d really love
to explain Miss” I told the girl earnestly “But I am completely
blank, I don’t recognise anything, yet everything seems quite
normal” I added truthfully. My pretty little pleasure girl was
looking at me intently. Suddenly, she pressed a button on the

“Yes?” A deep male
voice replied promptly.

“It’s Babs, Danny”
She spoke into the blue panel “Ask Miko to come over will ya” I
must have looked concerned, because she reached over to me
reassuringly “Its o.k. Sir, don’t tense up” She smiled intimately,
putting both her hands on my left hand. I a moment, a very tall,
well built man, who looked distinctly Mid Eastern came over and
pulled up a chair.

“What’s the
problem Babs?” He asked her, as though I wasn’t there “Somebody got
delusions of grandeur?” He glanced at me briefly then looked back
to the girl smiling.

“Ever seen anyone
without a pay pad before Miko” She asked almost cockily, as she
used her right hand, to turn my right hand over. The effect on
Miko, when he saw my blank wrist, was pretty dramatic, to say the
least. He got up from his chair, stepped back and bowed his head,
consciously avoiding my eyes.

“You do my humble
café a great honour by your presence Excellency” His voice was now
completely servile “It is the first time I have been so graced Sir,
please forgive my flippancy” He begged, head still bowed.

Then he looked up
at me trying to smile though his obvious nervousness. The girl had
pulled her hands back at his first surprise, now she tried to stand
also; I put my hand on her arm to stop her. I motioned to the man
too, but he was only willing to shuffle a step closer and bend

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