Divided Loyalties (25 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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“Joe contacted me after I paid Danny and Rachel a visit at The Wherry Tavern, just after my son was attacked.  He said he had a way of listening in on all the family meetings.”

“How?” demanded Alex.

“There’s a cupboard next to the room you use as an office that only Joe has a key to.  He’d set up listening equipment in it, apparently the rooms are only divided by a thin plasterboard wall.”

Alex made a mental note to have that wall soundproofed first thing tomorrow.

“He said he could tell me everything you were up to.”

“I don’t get it, why not just take it to Benton?” said Alex.

“I did but he said it would be no use, you have too many powerful contacts.  Better to use the information to interfere with your businesses, take everything apart piece by piece.”

Ryan’s hand went to his throat, pressing him into the bed.  “Why were you going to do that to Rachel?  She’s out of the life now, what the fuck did she do to deserve that?”

“She arranged the attack on my son.  Joe overheard her talking to Janine Wareing.”

“All this because of your prick of a son.  He almost killed a small child, why do you think he deserves avenging?”

“Because he’s
child,” he replied passionately.

“So in defence of that scumbag you were going to have a woman raped and murdered?”

“I’m not surprised you’re defending her.  Joe knew when you started shagging, he followed you both when you were playing happy families and you had no idea.”  He looked to Alex.  “I bet you’re angry about that, your brother’s still warm in his grave.”

“Don’t even go there Richard, it won’t work,” retorted Alex coolly.  He was still pissed off about finding out about Ryan and Rachel like that but he wasn’t not going to let this wanker know.

Ryan drew his gun and pressed it to Richard’s temple.  “We would probably have let you live for fucking with the businesses, you didn’t really do anything we couldn’t handle and you are a prominent member of society but for what you did tonight you must die.”

Richard was surprised to find he wasn’t scared, just resigned to his fate but he wasn’t one to go down without a fight.  “Everyone will know it was you and the police will arrest you for it.”

“No they won’t.  Benton’s replacement is in our pay but you are right, everyone will know we killed you.  However that will only make them fear us more.”

The last thing that passed through Richard’s mind before the bullet was a curse on Superintendent Benton for dragging him into this shit in the first place.


While Alex headed home, exhausted, Ryan picked up Jez and they drove straight over to their Mum’s dingy flat on the Montford.

Dawn was just arriving, the sky streaked with a fiery orange but the beauty of the morning did nothing to improve the degradation of the estate. 

They knocked for a full five minutes before the door was yanked opened by a horror in a fluffy pink robe, peroxide blond hair stuck up all over the place.  Estelle was in her early fifties but without her thick make-up she looked closer to seventy, skin ravaged by drugs.

“What do you want?” she scowled.

“I think you know,” replied Ryan in a quiet, calm voice, indicating he was at his most dangerous.

She rolled her eyes.  “Come in then.”

Ryan stifled a shiver when he walked into his childhood home, if it could ever be called a home.  It was filthy, stank of something he didn’t even want to think about and clothes were strewn everywhere. 

Estelle lit up a cigarette and blew the smoke in their faces.  “What do you want then?”

“We’re here to find out why you sold us out to Richard Spencer,” began Jez, barely able to contain his fury.  He’d always harboured the secret hope that one day she would finally become a decent mum, that she might mellow with age but this stunt had destroyed that illusion and it hurt.

“Yeah I took Ryan’s key.  So what?  Spencer paid me twenty grand for it.”

They were amazed by her front. 

“Have you any idea what you’ve done?  Spencer sent four men to kill me and Rachel,” said Ryan.

For once, Estelle’s eyes flickered.  However her concern was not for her son but for herself.  “I wouldn’t have needed the money if you’d looked after me like a son’s supposed to take care of his mother.  You two live in luxury while I’m stuck here.”

“You hypocrite,” retorted Ryan.  “You’ve no idea what a mother is and both me and Jez have given you plenty over the years, much more than you deserve and you wasted it all on drugs.  It’s your own fault you’ve got nothing.  If you’d used it wisely you could have had your own nice place by now but you chose to inject it into your veins instead.”

She couldn’t argue with that so she contented herself with a sneer, taking a deep drag on her cigarette and puffing more smoke into their faces.

“Surely you must have known what Spencer was going to do?” continued Ryan. 

“I had no idea.”

“What did you think he wanted that key for?  To clean my house?” he said sarcastically.

“What are you complaining about?  You’re fine.  Stop whining you stupid little boy.”

For the first time in his life Ryan was sorely tempted to hit a woman and he took an aggressive step towards her, gratified that for once she was looking at him fearfully. 

“You really don’t care, do you?  I could have been murdered in my bed and you don’t give a shit.  All you care about is your poxy twenty grand and your drugs.  Well Jez and I have been talking and we want you gone.”  They both pulled huge wads of notes out of their jacket pockets and dumped them on the stained coffee table.  “There’s eighty grand.  Take it and fuck off.”

She was so busy salivating over the money that she hardly heard their words. 


“You get out of Manchester and go far far away.”

Finally their words permeated.  “Who are you to tell me what to do?  Thanks for the money but I’m staying here,” she said viciously.  “I’ll make your lives a living hell, I’ll tell everyone what Jay did to you, you dirty little boy.”

Jez looked at his brother questioningly, whose face had gone white.

“Don’t you dare threaten me you whore,” Ryan bellowed in her face so savagely she retreated a few steps.  “If you don’t fuck off then we’ll tell everyone that you’re nothing to do with us anymore.  You’ve pissed off a lot of people around here with your antics and the only reason you’ve got away with it for so long is because you’re our mum.  But not anymore.  When we’ve put the word out they’ll soon come knocking for what’s theirs.  I wonder how long you’ll last without our protection?  A day perhaps?”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“I already fucking have.”

They glared at each other with identical grey eyes.

“It’s already done Mum,” interjected Jez.  “You can either take the money and run and never come back or we’ll throw you to the wolves.  Your choice.”

“Alright, I’ll go,” she spat.

She tried to walk past Ryan but he penned her in.  “If just one person hears about what Jay did then it will be the final nail in your coffin.  It won’t matter to me that you’re my mum.”

Estelle swallowed down her fear, finally realising just who her eldest son had become but unfortunately for her she’d realised too late.  “Message understood.”

“Let’s get out of here Jez,” sighed Ryan. 

“Yeah,” he replied, sounding equally weary.

They left, thankful it was the last time they’d ever have to deal with her.

Ryan got into the driver’s seat of his four by four but paused before starting the engine.

“I suppose you deserve an explanation about Jay,” he said quietly.

“I don’t need one and I can sort of guess what happened.”

Ryan just nodded, keeping his gaze fixed on the steering wheel.

“Simmy, Adam and Jamie never appreciated the sacrifices you made for us when we were kids,” continued Jez, “but I did.  I saw what you went through and I just want you to know that it meant a lot to me, it still does.  Without you I wouldn’t have survived and I certainly wouldn’t be where I am now.”

Ryan looked at him, his eyes softening.  “Thanks.  I needed to hear that.”  He started the engine.  “Let’s get out of this shithole and back to civilisation.”




After he’d dropped Jez off at home, Ryan drove to Rachel’s house with a big bunch of lilies.  He was knackered but he wouldn’t be able to rest until he’d seen her.

She opened the door to him solemnly and his heart sank.  It seemed she was still really pissed off at him.

“Can I come in?”

She just nodded and he followed her inside.

“Ry Ry,” called Leah happily, running up to him.

He put the flowers down to pick her up and cuddle her tightly, for what he felt would be the last time.

“How are you Cupcake?”

“Good,” she beamed, giving him the thumbs up, making him laugh.

“Do you want a drink?” said Rachel flatly, as though she was only being polite.

“Coffee please.”

She walked into the kitchen and after Leah had eagerly shown him her new dolly, Ryan left her playing to follow Rachel into the kitchen.  His arms went around her waist as she prepared his coffee and he kissed her neck.

“I heard on the radio this morning that Richard Spencer’s disappeared.  Does that mean you got everything sorted out?” she said quietly.

“Yes,” is all he replied, knowing she wouldn’t want to hear the details.

“Good,” she said, keeping her back turned.

“Rachel, look at me.”

Gently he turned her to face him and he saw her eyes were shining with tears.

“I can’t do this anymore,” she said.

“You mean us?”

She nodded slowly.

“I knew this day would come,” he said, experiencing an acute pain in his chest.  “I just hoped it wouldn’t be yet.”

“I can’t be involved with your world, I won’t put Leah at risk.”

“Believe me I understand that but I don’t want to let you go.”

“You could take early retirement.”

“This life is all I know.”

Rachel winced and looked at the floor to hide her pain.

He tilted her chin up so she was looking into his eyes.  “I do love you.”

“Just not as much as heroin and prostitution.”

“That’s not how it is.  You know my story, it’s been my life since I was a kid.”

She pulled away from him.


“No, it’s fine.  I’d never ask anyone to change their entire way of life for me.”  Tears prickled her eyes, making her feel angry and silly.  He tried to take her in his arms again but she retreated a few steps.  “Don’t Ryan, please.”

“Maybe we can compromise somehow?  This is too good to give up.”

“And how could we do that?”

“I could give up some of the businesses, hand them over to Jez.  He’s not ready to take them all on yet.”

“But you’d still be involved in that life.  I know better than anyone how quickly and easily it sucks you in.”

“Give me time to think it over, I’ll come up with something.”

“And what if we’re attacked again in the meantime?  What if next time one of us gets really hurt or worse?”

He didn’t know what to say.  She was about to dump him and there was nothing he could say to make her change her mind.

“We both knew this day was coming and we kept putting it off,” she continued.  “Now look what’s happened.  I’m sorry Ryan but I’ve given you enough time, I can’t give you any more.  I need you to leave,” she said, a tear rolling down her cheek.

She tried to pull away from him but he grabbed her and kissed her.  Rachel allowed herself to indulge once more, just to say goodbye.

“I love you,” he said, pressing his forehead to hers.

“I love you too.”

He stroked away her tears with the tips of his thumbs.  “This can’t be it.”

“It is.  If I was to lose you like I lost Danny…”  She trailed off, the thought too appalling.  “I need you to leave.  Now.”

“Please don’t do this.”

“I have to.  Go,” she said tightly, wanting him to leave before she broke down completely.


“If you love me you will do as I ask.”

He sighed, knowing he was beaten.  “Okay.”

With that he walked out of the kitchen.  She listened as he said goodbye to Leah, who started to cry, she’d been expecting him to stay for a while.  When she heard the front door slam she hurried into the living room and cuddled the still sobbing Leah tightly, her tears mingling with her daughter’s.

Ryan jumped into his car, torn between wanting to cry and wanting to kick the shit out of someone.  He couldn’t believe how quickly their relationship had changed in such a short space of time.  Only yesterday he’d bared his soul to Rachel, told her all his secrets and despite that she had still said she loved him.  He was planning on popping the question soon, was looking forward to settling down, having a real family.  Now all that was gone and he was alone again.  Leah crying had really got to him and he slammed his fist down on the steering wheel, hating himself for doing that to her because it was all his fault.  He thought his life had been fucked up long ago, that he could never be truly happy then Rachel had come along and he’d dared to hope.  Now that hope was gone, leaving him in the cold and darkness again.  Fucking Richard Spencer.  He wished he could resurrect him from the dead so he could kill him again.


When May Roberts and Jeremy Hunt heard about Richard Spencer’s disappearance they decided it was time to throw in the towel.  They didn’t want to go the same way as Benton, Davenport or Spencer.  The Coalition was officially at an end.  After all, you couldn’t fight against thunder.


“You will not say one word about Ryan to that girl Alex Maguire, do you hear me?” Martina yelled in her son’s face, waggling her index finger at him furiously.

“She’s seeing Ryan Law.  Do you understand what that means?” he retorted.

“He’s her business partner and yours for Christ’s sake.  I fail to see what the problem is.”

Alex, Beth, Alfie and Mikey were gathered at Martina’s house for the traditional Sunday family lunch.  Rachel and Leah were yet to arrive.

“He’s a Law from that scummy estate.  Business is business but this is personal.”

“You seem to forget, Rachel herself is from that scummy estate and Ryan’s come a long way since then, he was educated at Cambridge, or is that not posh enough for you?  When did you become such a snob?  Honestly, you’re just like your dad.”

“Ryan set up Pete Fraser to attack you.”

“How could I forget?  But Pete Fraser is dead and gone, thanks to Ryan and I’ve put all that in the past, just like you told me to.  Anyway, the Ryan we know today is a long way from what he was back then and that’s down to Rachel.”

“Danny’s not been gone two years and already she’s serious with another man.”

“Oh I see, that’s what this is all about, isn’t it?  What do you want her to do?  Live like a spinster for the rest of her life ?”

“No but I expected her to wait longer.”

“She’s waited long enough.”

Alex regarded his mother with a frown.  “Doesn’t it upset you that she’s screwing someone else?”

“No, in fact I’m glad.  I hope he has a great big cock that he rogers her silly with.”

Alex looked scandalised while Beth and Mikey sniggered.

“Mum,” he exclaimed.

“Don’t be such a bloody prude.  That girl has suffered so much heartache thanks to this family and I’ll be damned if I see her suffer one second more.  You’ll leave Rachel be and if you interfere between her and Ryan I swear to God boy I will make you pay.”

“I agree,” said Beth firmly.

“You’re supporting her in this?” Alex demanded of his wife.

“Yes I am.  Rachel’s been my best friend since we were little kids.  She was absolutely devastated when she lost Danny and you know it.  For a while I wasn’t sure she’d ever recover then Ryan came along and brought her back to the land of the living.  So yes, I’m on Martina’s side.”

Alex was amazed by this stand against him.  Beth had never gone against him before.

“Thank you for your support but it’s not needed anymore,” interjected a voice. 

They all turned to see Rachel stood in the doorway with Leah in her arms.  In all the fuss they hadn’t heard her enter. 

“Me and Ryan just broke up,” she ended quietly.

“Ry Ry,” called Leah happily.

The sadness in Rachel’s eyes touched Martina. Taking charge, she set Leah down to play with Alfie then took Rachel into the kitchen for a chat, Beth following.

“What’s happened?” said Martina.  “You seemed so happy yesterday.”

“Insurmountable differences.  It’s his work.”

“I see.  Won’t he give it up?”

She shook her head negatively.  “Apparently he loves me, just not enough to give up his businesses.”

They were both shocked to see tears well in Rachel’s eyes and Martina hugged her tightly.

“I’m sorry, I’m being stupid,” said Rachel, wiping her eyes.

“He really meant a lot to you, didn’t he?” said Beth.

Rachel nodded.

“If he let you go then he’s an idiot,” said Martina firmly.  She poured them each a glass of wine and held one out to Rachel.

“I can’t, I’m driving.”

“Why don’t you and Leah stay here tonight, let me pamper you a bit?”

Rachel smiled, it was just what she needed.  “Sounds perfect.”

“Great.  Right, I need to finish dinner before it burns.  Beth, take Rachel into the front room for a chat and don’t take any crap from my idiot son.”

Rachel kissed her cheek.  “Thanks Martina.”

She followed Beth back into the living room to find a sheepish Alex.

“Sorry Rach, I overreacted.”

“Yes you did,” she replied coolly.

“So, friends?”

Her expression softened and she nodded.  “Course we are.”

Alex wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. 

“Want me to kick the shit out of him for you?” he offered.

“Tempting but no thanks.”

She slumped onto the couch beside Mikey, who pulled her close.  She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling better just for being with her extended family.  The pain inside surprised her, she felt as though she was grieving all over again, which of course she was, for the life she thought she was going to have.  Danny was a hard act to follow and she felt the one man who could have filled his shoes and make her happy had chosen drugs and prostitutes over her.  Rachel’s self confidence plummeted and her misery increased.  She took a large swig of wine to try and drown the pain.

When the others had left and Leah was tucked up in bed, Martina refilled Rachel’s wine glass.

“Come on, let’s get pissed.”

“Good idea.  You know Martina, no man could ever replace Danny.”

“I do know Sweetheart but I want you to move on and be happy.  You can’t be alone forever and Leah needs a father.”

Tears spilled over Rachel’s lids.  “I’d give anything to have Danny back.”

“Wouldn’t we all but I think you’re using his memory as an excuse.”

Rachel blinked with surprise.  “What do you mean?”

“It’s clear you love Ryan and you feel guilty for it.  His businesses are just the excuse you need to break it off.”  Martina’s eyes searched Rachel’s.  “I’m right, aren’t I?”

She slowly nodded.

“Please don’t feel guilty.  Danny would want you to move on.  It’s Alex’s fault, he put the guilt in your head.”

“You’re right I do feel guilty but Ryan’s business is a lot to do with it too.  If I had to go through that again I’d die and that’s no exaggeration, I would.”

Martina grasped her hand.  “I understand completely, it’s why I’ve stayed single, apart from the odd shag here and there.  I’m so sorry Rach, I know how much Ryan means to you.  When you and he get together amazing things happen, it’s a bloody shame you can’t work it out.”

“We can’t.  There’s no option but to split up.”

“But it still hurts?”

“Yes,” she sobbed.

Martina held her while she cried her heart out.


Ryan stared despondently into his glass.  It had been a week since he broke up with Rachel and the gnawing pain inside was getting steadily worse rather than abating like he’d hoped it would.  Not even alcohol could deaden the effect.  He knocked back a whisky then ordered another.  He was at Martina’s Bar, despite his better judgement, hoping Rachel would pop in because he was desperate to see her.  She’d avoided the spa since their split, deciding to work from home instead and she was ignoring all his phone calls.  He’d had to resort to text messaging, which he hated because it made him feel like teenage girl, to which she’d replied with the curt message that she was fine.

A few women were giving him the eye but he ignored them, not interested.  They were nothing compared to Rachel.

He glanced at his watch and saw that it was eight o’clock.  Normally about this time Rachel curled up on the sofa with Leah, the little girl sinking into her arms as she drifted off to sleep.  Rachel then put her to bed and changed into the silky robe, or maybe even the rabbit pyjamas…

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