Divided Loyalties (18 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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“No, she was only two months old when he died but she might start asking questions as she gets older and sees the other children being collected by their dads.”  It pained her that Leah would never get to experience that.  Danny would have loved to pick her up from here, have her racing into his arms with a big grin clutching a painting she’d made.  “Sorry,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye.

“Children are very resilient, stronger than us grown-ups.  I think Leah will be fine.”  She gave Rachel’s arm a gentle squeeze.  “Come on, let’s see how she’s doing.”

Leah did so well in the nursery that she happily stayed for the entire session.  Delighted, Rachel managed to ignore the snooty looks from the other mums.


Ryan knocked on Rachel’s front door feeling a little nervous.  They’d arranged to meet up to discuss the new business but he felt like he was on a first date.

“Stop being stupid,” he told himself quietly while he waited for her to answer the door.  This was just a business arrangement and he wouldn’t let his personal feelings interfere with making money.

When Rachel opened the door his lips twitched up into a smile.  “Do those pyjamas have bunny rabbits on them?”

“Yes they do and I’m not ashamed.  Leah just spilt a mug of cold coffee all over me then you knocked.  They were the only things to hand for a quick change.”

“Well they look adorable.”

“Thank you.  Come on in.”

He followed her into the living room and Leah shyly hid behind her mummy’s legs.

“Leah, this is Ryan,” said Rachel.

Ryan crouched down so he was on the same level as the little girl.  “Hello Sweetheart, haven’t you got big?  I knew you when you were just a tiny little baby.”

Something in Ryan’s gentle tone and big smile endeared him to her and she stepped out from behind her mummy and babbled something.  He looked up at Rachel questioningly.

“That’s her saying hello,” she explained.

“Hello Leah.  Nice to meet you.”

She gave him a big beautiful smile that melted even Ryan’s hard heart.  Despite her father’s blue eyes she was Rachel through and through, the same pointed chin and heart-shaped mouth.

“Do you like Peppa Pig?” he said, indicating her pyjamas.

She nodded and smiled before hurrying over to the television and picking up the DVD.

“Do you want to watch it Honey?” said Rachel.

She nodded eagerly.

“It’ll keep her entertained while we talk,” said Rachel.

After she’d set it up for Leah to watch, Rachel sat on the couch beside Ryan.  To the surprise of them both, Leah plonked herself on the other side of him and looked up at him bashfully.  She remained there quite contentedly, watching her programme while he and Rachel talked.  By the time the DVD had finished she’d fallen asleep on him.

“You’ve certainly got a new fan,” smiled Rachel.  “She’s really taken to you.”

“I’m used to kids with having four brothers and a sister.”

Rachel looked down at her hands to avoid his gaze.  Her family had murdered three of those brothers.  Now he’d only Jez left.

“I don’t blame you for that,” he said, divining her thoughts.  “That bad blood existed years before you came along and it’s over with now.”

“I’m glad you see it that way and I’m so happy we’re working together on this project.”

“Me too.” 

He smiled back at her.  Perhaps there was some hope after all?  Leah taking to him like she had was certainly a big plus in his favour.

After this initial meeting Ryan became a regular visitor at the house and Leah adored him, greeting him with a big smile and a cuddle and more often than not falling asleep on his lap.  Rachel was astonished and pleased but at the same time, guilty.  Her feelings for Ryan continued to grow but she thought it too soon to be thinking about another man lustfully when she’d only been widowed fourteen months.  There was a time when she thought she’d never want to be with a man again but Ryan wasn’t just any man and those special feelings she’d always harboured for him developed, becoming something entirely new, something more than just sexual attraction.



The renovations to the spa went smoothly.  Ryan had allowed Rachel to choose all the décor and she’d gone for contemporary but welcoming and relaxing with warm reds, deep creams, luxurious purples and silk hangings.  The place was classy and elegant, a far cry from what it was when they’d bought it.  The stables were being split into four cottages as they’d planned, the largest of them kitted out as a honeymoon suite or for those renewing their wedding vows, which they’d decided to include in their wedding packages.  The second stable block was being fitted out as meeting rooms with their own parking for business conferences.  Rachel was over the moon, enjoying watching it all come together.  One day she turned up to find Ryan looking grim.

“What is it?” she said, heart sinking.

“It looks like we’ve got competition.”


“Richard Spencer.  He’s opening a similar business less than a mile away.”

Ryan was heartened when her eyes shone with the anticipation of battle. 

“Let’s not worry about that wanker.  We’ll crush him.”

“Don’t underestimate him Rachel.  He really knows his stuff and he has a mountain of money to throw at any project.”

“He’s arrogant and out of touch.  We just need to find his weak spot and prod it.  Let’s start by nicking all his staff.”

“And perhaps we could set up something to distract him from his new venture?”

His heart banged in his chest when Rachel smiled deviously.


That afternoon Rachel drove out to the spa Richard was setting up and when she stepped inside she relaxed.  It was substantially smaller and not as nicely done as her own with gaudy out of date décor.

The receptionist hastened to greet her with a subservient smile.  “Can I help you Madam?”

Rachel studied her carefully.  Clearly she’d no idea who she was.  “Yes.  I’m getting married soon and I’m looking for somewhere to hold the reception.”

Delighted, the woman launched into her rehearsed spiel.  “Our wedding planner isn’t here today, we’re still setting up but I could introduce you to the chef.  He’s from Paris, he even has two Michelin stars,” she said proudly.

“Sounds perfect,” smiled Rachel.

She met back up with Ryan two hours later at their spa.  The bar was just about ready so they’d arranged to start sampling some wines to decide which they were going to sell.

Ryan was already there, enjoying a glass of red.

“Rachel,” he smiled, “you’ve got to try this.”

She took a sip and nodded approvingly.  “It’s gorgeous, like drinking velvet.”

“Shall we put it on the list?”


“So, how did it go?”

“I don’t think we’ve anything to worry about.  Richard’s place is nothing compared to this.  Besides, I’ve stolen his chef, receptionist, two beauty therapists and a massage therapist.”

He spluttered into his drink.  “You’ve only been gone two hours.”

“I can be very persuasive.”

“You offered them more money?”

“Yes but Richard was paying them a pittance, all except for the chef, he’s got two Michelin stars so he’s on a phenomenal wage.  But I just flashed him some stocking top and had him eating out of the palm of my hand.”

Ryan didn’t like this comment but kept it to himself.  “Do we want to be paying anyone a phenomenal wage?”

“We do if we want to serve decent food.  This guy is famous Ryan, people follow him around just to eat his food.  His name will bring in customers.  With him as head chef the restaurant could really be a focal point and just think of the weddings.  How many brides would like the best day of their life to be catered by a Michelin-starred chef?”

“Alright, makes sense.”

“How did you get on with our little distraction?”

“Everything went smoothly.  He should be enjoying it as we speak.”  He raised his glass in a toast.  “Here’s to a wonderful partnership.”

“I’ll drink to that,” she smiled, clinking her glass against his happily.


Richard Spencer loved gourmet food.  In fact he was such a fan that he owned three restaurants in the city, all run by famous chefs, the clientele composed of politicians, footballers, actors and TV personalities.  He’d just enjoyed another delicious lunch and leaned back in his chair contentedly, ready to discuss how he could go about crushing Rachel Maguire and Ryan Law’s project with his business manager.

Before either of them could say a word a scream from the other side of the room distracted them.

“Cockroach,” cried an attractive blond draped in designer clothes, standing on her chair.

Her cry was taken up by more of the customers and Richard was horrified to see a swarm of cockroaches in his flagship restaurant.

Chaos broke out as everyone ran for the doors, waiters dropping plates of food and trays of drinks in the pandemonium, the room filled with screams, bangs and crashes.

When Environmental Health arrived they found Richard still sat in his chair, rigid with rage.  Everyone else had gone, including the staff, cockroaches crawling over everything.  One was even making its way up his trouser leg but he was oblivious.

“I’ve been set up,” he told them.

The Environmental Health Officers looked at each other sceptically.

“Ryan and Rachel, you’re going to pay for this,” he seethed.


Rachel wanted to do something really special for the launch party so she called in Marcus Armstrong.  He was an enormous black man with a handsome defined face and glittering dark eyes, dressed impeccably in a dark grey suit and his presence was so big that Rachel sensed him before he even entered the room.  She was undeniably impressed, the man was gorgeous and would look more at home on the cover of a magazine.

She rose to greet him.

“Mr Armstrong, pleased to meet you.”

“And you Mrs Maguire.”

“I apologise for the absence of my partner.  Family emergency.”  She had hoped Ryan would be here by now but Jez called him an hour ago on an urgent matter and although he’d promised he’d be back in time to meet Marcus he still hadn’t shown up.  “Please, call me Rachel.” 

“Only if you call me Marcus,” he smiled.

His voice was deep and sultry and Rachel felt other parts of her warming to him. 

“You’ve done a fantastic job with this place,” he said.  “I remember when it was struggling.  This will attract the well heeled clientele.”

“That’s our hope.”

“So, what do you want from me?”

“We’re hosting the launch party next weekend and you’re the man to go to if you want someone famous in attendance.”

“I do have a couple of clients on my books who might be interested.  Anyone in mind?”

“The more famous the better.”

“I’ve got a couple of A-listers.  Male or female?”

“The majority of clients here will be female, so have you got a hunky male?”

“How about Scott Barker, the actor?”

“Perfect.  Would he do it?”

“I can ask him, give me a minute.”

While he strolled off to make the call Rachel fidgeted in her seat anxiously.  If they managed to secure Scott Barker every woman in the city would come.  No doubt his fee would be astronomical but it would be worth it.  On top of that the spa would be synonymous with film star glamour.

“He’ll do it,” smiled Marcus before offering what Rachel thought was a very reasonable fee.

“That’s a good price,” she replied.

“He’s lowered it a little.  He’s heard all about you and is very keen to meet you.  Be warned, he’s a terrible flirt.  No doubt you’ll be on the receiving end of that.”

“Nothing I can’t handle.”

“I’m sure,” he said with a mischievous smile.  It seemed his client wasn’t the only one with a tendency to flirt.

“There’s something else I need to ask you,” she continued.

“Oh yes?”

“There’s a rival of ours opening his spa on the same night.”

“Would that be Richard Spencer by any chance?”

“It would.  I wondered if he contacted you for someone to open his place that you would politely decline?  I’m willing to pay the fee of the celebrity in question as recompense.”

“There’s no need for that.  Frank Maguire helped me out when I was in a bad way.  He was friends with my dad as well as a business acquaintance.  When my dad died I went off the rails a bit.  Frank got me back on track and loaned me the money to set up my business.  I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for him so consider this a favour.”

“Thank you Marcus.  I miss Frank every day.”

“Me too, he was a good friend and deserved better than the end his cowardly brother gave him.  I never liked that bastard.”

Rachel nodded sadly before snapping herself out of it.  “So, drink to celebrate our business arrangement?”

“Sounds good.”

Ryan returned to the spa with a face like thunder.  Someone had had the fucking brass neck to turn over two of his drug couriers, put them in hospital and nick their product.  He’d never encountered such fucking cheek in his life and when he discovered who the was culprit he would punish them severely.  An example needed to be set that you didn’t fuck with the Laws.  Clearly people were starting to forget that.  It was the heroin that was hit, not the coke, so it was just an insult to the Laws, not the Maguires.

Ryan’s foul mood worsened when he found Rachel laughing and joking with an incredibly good looking man.  The way her face lit up when she saw him went a long way to appeasing him.

“Ryan, this is Marcus.”

The two men shook hands, Ryan taking the vacant chair beside Rachel.

“We’ve got our celebrity lined up for the launch party,” she said eagerly.

Her enthusiasm was infectious and his mood lifted a little.  “Who?”

“Scott Barker.”

“The actor?”

“The very one.  On top of that we’ve arranged that Richard Spencer won’t have anyone above the D-list to attend his launch.”

“Mrs Maguire you are a very smart woman,” smiled Marcus, clinking his glass against hers.

“So I’ve been told,” she smiled back coquettishly.

Ryan’s mood darkened again as the pair of them chatted like old friends, laughing, joking and flirting.  He was relieved when Marcus had to leave for another meeting and scowled at his retreating back.

“What’s wrong with your face?” said Rachel.

“He’s a wanker.”

“No he’s not, he’s perfectly nice.”

“Thought you’d say that,” he muttered.

“What are you talking about?”

“He fancies you.”

“Does he?”


“Does that upset you?” she said, tilting her body towards his.

“You can’t go mixing business with pleasure.”

“Why not?”

“It’s unprofessional and makes things messy.”

“Oh,” she replied, shifting away.

Panic seized him.  He’d just fucked up royally with that stupid jealous comment.  Now she’d think he wasn’t interested in her because they were business partners.  This called for some serious damage limitation.

“I’m sorry Rachel, I’m being petty.  Of course you can mix the two, in fact it can be very gratifying.”

“Can it?”

She was staring at him so intently, or was she?  Shit, he was so good at reading people but this woman had him all turned around.

The moment passed and she sat back in her seat.  “It’s a moot point anyway.”

“Why, is he gay?”

“No, despite how well dressed he is.  He’s happily married with two gorgeous kids.  He just likes to flirt.  Did you get everything sorted out with Jez?”

“Yeah, it wasn’t his fault, looks like someone’s got it in for us.  I need to speak to Alex.”

She held up her hand.  “I don’t want to know but please be careful.”

Her concern touched him.  “I will.  I keep forgetting you’re out of the business.”

“Will you ever get out of it?”

“I’ve not really thought about it.  I suppose I would like to retire one day but not for a while yet.  Its been my life for so long I’m not sure I could give it up completely.”

She appeared vaguely disappointed and Ryan got the feeling he’d just failed some sort of test. 

Beth entered with Alfie and Leah in tow and Rachel was delighted to see her little girl, scooping her up in her arms and showering her with kisses, making her giggle.

“Ry Ry,” babbled Leah, turning to him.

“Hello Cupcake,” he grinned, picking her up.  “Do you want some toast and juice?”

“Please,” she smiled dazzlingly.

As Ryan took her up to the counter for her snack, Beth stared at him with her mouth open.

“What’s wrong?” said Rachel.

“Ryan’s so good with Leah.  I thought a man like him would be useless with kids.”

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