Read Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 (24 page)

BOOK: Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10
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Truth frowned. “What is a quilt?” He
looked at Far. “And I want to hear it from Rebecca—not you.”

Far shrugged, his broad, bare shoulders
rolling with the motion.

“I have no idea what a quilt is, either. I
didn’t make an
study of Becca’s culture—I just looked into a
few things she liked.”

“Well, that’s good to know, anyway,” Truth
muttered. “So, Rebecca?”

“A quilt is a kind of thick blanket made
up of different colored squares all sewn together to make a top piece and a
bottom piece.”

“Different colored squares?” Truth asked.
“What colors?”

“Well, the one my grandma made me was pink
and yellow and—Oh!”

Her eyes grew wide. The quilt she was describing—the
one her grandma had made for her back when she was twelve—was suddenly lying
neatly folded across the bottom of the bed.

“Is that it?” Truth’s eyes were also wide.

“Should we touch it?” Far reached for it
without waiting for an answer. He unfolded it and frowned. “It doesn’t appear
very warm.”

“It should be, though,” Becca said.
“Between the top and bottom cloths it has a layer of batting in between. That’s
like, uh, stuffing,” she explained, seeing Truth’s confused look.

Far frowned. “But I thought stuffing was
what you put inside the cavity of the avian your people eat for giving thanks.”

Becca tried not to laugh. “That’s a
different kind of stuffing than what we serve with the Turkey at Thanksgiving.
We…wait. What’s that?” She sniffed the air and then looked down at the quilt.
“Oh, no…”

“What?” Far still held the pink and yellow
quilt which now seemed fuller somehow.
And lumpier,
Becca thought.

She leaned down and put her face close to
the patchwork design and inhaled deeply. The scent of sage, breadcrumbs, and
roasted turkey met her nose. Becca sighed and sat up.

“What? What’s wrong?” Truth wanted to

“Nothing. Only that we finally somehow get
a blanket to appear and we can’t use it because it’s filled with dressing.
That’s a food made of breadcrumbs and herbs,” she explained, seeing that Truth
still looked confused. “It’s also another name for stuffing.”

“What?” Far sniffed the blanket too and
wrinkled his nose. “That smells…strange.”

“With good reason. You don’t usually stuff
a quilt with Stove Top,” Becca said. “I meant
stuffing when I
first described it but I don’t blame you for not knowing what I was talking
about. Put it off the bed before it leaks, okay?”

Far pushed the heavy, dressing-filled
quilt off the bed but there was a thoughtful look on his face.

“Did either of you notice that we’ve
finally managed to make a projection?”

“A what?” Truth demanded.

Becca was already nodding. “He’s right,”
she said to Truth, excited at the realization. “I said ‘quilt’ and you guys
reinforced the idea so it came into being. Then Far was asking about stuffing
happened.” She nodded at the quilt.

“You’re right. This
be what
the voice meant when it talked about projections,” Truth said thoughtfully.
“Projections of the mind brought to reality in the Mindscape. But why were we
finally able to do it just now?”

“We did it in a limited way when we first
got here with the bed,” Becca pointed out. “It gained more details and became
more bedlike as we all agreed it
in fact a bed. Maybe our minds just
have to align or something. We have to all be on the same page.”

“Let’s try it again,” Far suggested. “What
should we try to project next?”

“You mean other than the door out of
here?” Truth growled.

“No exit is needed, Brother. Not now that
we’re beginning to get the hang of this,” Far said.

“Let’s try for another blanket.” Becca
wrapped her arms around herself. “Now that we’re not, uh, touching any more,
I’m beginning to feel cold again.”

They closed their eyes and concentrated on
a blanket but to Becca’s disappointment, nothing appeared. Now that she was no
longer wrapped in the naked three-way embrace, she was really beginning to feel
chilly. She imagined her naked body floating in the icy slime and shivered.

“What’s going wrong?” she asked, opening
her eyes at last.

“Why isn’t it working?” Truth demanded,
also opening his eyes.

“I have an idea but I don’t think you’re
going to like it,” Far said quietly.

“You might as well say it.” Truth made an
abrupt gesture. “Go on.”

“I think,” Far said slowly. “That making
something appear…making a projection if you will…requires a kind of energy

“What are you talking about? We were just
sitting here when we made Becca’s blanket, uh, kilt appear,” Truth pointed out.

Becca corrected. “A kilt’s a whole other

“As you wish.” Truth made an impatient
gesture. “The point is we were resting and just
about the
blanket-thing made it appear.”

“Yes, but what were we doing directly
before?” Far prompted.

“Touching each other,” Becca said in a low
voice. “And kissing.”

“We were generating energy,” Far said.
“The three of us together were building up a kind of charge. And coming closer
together—aligning our minds, if you will.”

“I don’t believe it,” Truth said flatly.
“You’re saying that in order to get around here—to make projections and find
Vashtar—we have to do things we…
…swore not to do?”

Far shrugged. “It might be the only way to
find what we need and get out of here.”

Truth’s frown deepened into a scowl.

“I don’t think—”

“Why don’t we try it again?” Becca
interrupted before the two of them could really start fighting. “Let’s test
Far’s theory. Well?” She looked at both of them. “What do you say?”

Far shrugged. “I don’t mind.

“Well, I
Truth growled. “I
swore I would not…do such things again.”

“Look, Truth, I know how you feel because
I feel guilty too,” Becca said. “I mean, I was going to be a freaking
I wasn’t supposed to wind up with even
guy, let alone
that’s the beauty of it—we won’t really be doing any of it, no matter how real
it feels.”

“Becca is right. This is the perfect place
to channel emotions we might otherwise want to ignore or hide,” Far said. “No
matter what this strange simulation might tell us, our physical bodies aren’t
able to touch.”

Truth looked down at his hands for a

“I suppose you’re right.”

“Of course he is.” Feeling bold, Becca
leaned toward him and kissed him lightly on the lips. Then she turned to Far
and did the same. The light twin gave her a significant look and stroked her

“Come, Brother,” he murmured. “What can
one little trial hurt? If my theory proves incorrect, you can always go back to
your vow. In the meantime, you can help us test it without even breaking that

Becca could tell Truth wanted to listen to
what they said—wanted it badly. She remembered what Kat had said, about the
dark twin feeling like he had to fight his natural instincts. What a relief it
would be for him to give in!
For you, too,
whispered a little voice in
her brain but Becca ignored it.

“All right,” Truth said at last, looking
at both Becca and Far. “What do you want to do?”

“Merely make a series of tests to see what
generates the most energy and how we can best harness that energy,” Far

“No, I meant…” Truth cleared his throat.

The soft, deep growl of his voice and the
need burning in his pale eyes made Becca feel flushed all over. Looking at Far
and seeing the same desire filling his much darker eyes intensified the feeling
until she thought she would die if they didn’t both touch her again.

“Let me be between you,” she murmured,
wondering where she had the nerve to be so bold. “Let’s kiss and…and touch some
more. And this time I want to kiss both of you.”

“Agreed,” Truth said and Far nodded. As though
by mutual consent, the three of them lay down again and cuddled close together.



Truth couldn’t believe he was doing this,
couldn’t believe he was breaking the solemn vow he’d made to himself so soon.

I’m not really breaking it,
he reminded himself uneasily.
We aren’t
really here—this is all in our minds. It’s not real.

It certainly
real, though. The
smooth, rounded curve of Rebecca’s ass pressing back against his shaft, which
was so hard Truth felt he could fuck his way through solid rock with it, felt
real. And the sounds of her and Far breathing was also real. Her soft, light
panting and Far’s deep murmurs of encouragement…

For the hundredth time Truth told himself
that the sound—and the sight—of another male touching the woman he loved ought
to enrage him. Yet when he raised his head to watch as Far and Becca kissed, he
felt only another surge of lust at the sensuous picture the two of them made

What’s wrong with me?
he wondered.
Why can’t I feel the way
I should?

Far caught his eyes and stopped kissing
Becca long enough to murmur,

“Brother, our lady’s breasts are sadly in
need of attention. Would you mind tending to her nipples as I continue to take
her mouth?”

Truth knew it was wrong but he wanted to
do it—he wanted to
. And when Becca gave a little moan and turned
on her back obligingly, he found himself completely unable to resist the ripe
peaks of her nipples. They were hardened by the chilly air and as dark and
sweet as berries. Gods, how he wanted to suck them!

Unable to stop himself, he cupped one full
tit and brought the tender point to his lips. He rubbed it over his rough
cheek, scratching her lightly with his stubble until Becca moaned again. Then,
unable to hold himself back any longer, he sucked the sweet, ripe bud into his
mouth, drawing hard to take as much of her full breast into his mouth as he

Becca moaned and arched her back as Truth
nursed first one nipple and then the other. Her little hands were clenched into
fists and Far was no longer kissing her, Truth saw. Instead his twin was
watching as he sucked Becca’s breasts, his black eyes half-lidded with lust.

Truth returned his stare challengingly at
first but then he realized that Far wasn’t challenging him at all. He was
watching for pleasure—watching because it made him hot, the same way watching
his twin kiss Rebecca made Truth hot, if he was being honest with himself.

“It feels good, doesn’t it, Brother?” Far
murmured, a small smile playing around the corner of his mouth. “And you seem
to be giving our lady much pleasure. Tell me something…do you think she’s wet?”

Truth stopped sucking Becca’s nipples.

“I…I don’t know.”

“Why don’t you find out?” Far suggested.
“With Becca’s permission, of course.” He looked down at her.
you spread your legs so that Truth can pet your soft little pussy? He wants to
know if he’s pleasing you.”

Becca’s eyes grew wide and she bit her
lip. Truth could see her struggling with herself and remembered that she had
admitted to feeling guilt about their three-way entanglement too—but at last
she nodded.

“All…all right,” she whispered. “I guess
that would be all right.”

“Thank you, Becca.” Far pressed a soft
kiss to her lips and then looked up at Truth. “Do it,” he murmured. “Spread our
lady’s thighs and stroke her warm, wet cunt.”

The erotic words and the mental images
they called up sent a hard shiver of lust through Truth’s entire body. He
shifted uncomfortably on the bed, trying to make more room between his thighs.
Gods, if he got any harder he was going to explode!

“Do…” His voice came out so hoarse he had
to clear his throat and start again. “Do you want to touch Rebecca as well,

“I want to watch,” Far murmured. “I want
to see you bring her pleasure while I hold her in my arms and feel her quiver
from your touch. Can you let me do that, Brother?”

Truth knew exactly what his twin was
doing, knew that Far was manipulating him into sharing Becca. And yet…somehow
he couldn’t make himself mind. In fact, he felt eager to do as Far asked. No,
eager wasn’t the right word—it was more like

“All right,” he said in a low voice. “I’ll
touch her while you watch. Will that make you happy?”

“Yes,” Far said simply. Stroking Becca’s
hair out of her face, he leaned down to her and murmured, “Truth is going to
stroke you now,
Can you spread your thighs and let him in?”

Becca gave a little moan but did as the
light twin requested.

Truth caught his breath at the beauty of her
pussy. She had a tiny, neat thatch of black curls and below that, her outer
cunt lips were swollen with need—so much that her pussy seemed to be opening to
him, almost like a flower. Her interior was the same ripe, berry-brown color as
her nipples. Truth even thought he could see the tiny bud of her clit peeking
out from between her pussy lips.

Such beauty should be worshiped,
he caught himself thinking.
gently and tenderly and very, very thoroughly with both fingers and tongue.
He had never had such impulses before as the Rai’ku forbade such things. But
now, kneeling between Rebecca’s lovely spread thighs, they seemed perfectly
right and natural…

No, I can’t,
he told himself fiercely.
Not even in a
dream or whatever this place is. I can’t go so far, no matter how I long to.

Instead of his tongue, he used his hand.
Reaching between her thighs, he cupped Becca gently, holding her warm, wet
flower in his palm, loving the feel of her delicate, fragile beauty being
entrusted to him.

Becca had tensed when he first touched
her. But as he simply sat there, cupping her, letting her get used to his
touch, she seemed to relax. She let out a soft sigh and her body lost some of
the tension Truth had felt thrumming through her. Finally, he felt her rest more
fully against his palm.

“You have good instincts, Brother,” Far
murmured. “Our lady knows she can trust you—she knows she’s in safe hands.”

“I would…never hurt her,” Truth said
hoarsely. “I wish only to bring her pleasure.”

“Then stroke her,” Far said quietly.
“Spread her pussy lips and stroke her inner folds. Becca won’t mind, will you,

Becca looked up, her eyes
half-lidded—almost drowsy with pleasure.

“It’s all right, Truth,” she whispered.
“I…I don’t mind.”

“As you wish,” Truth growled hoarsely.
Spreading her swollen outer lips with his index and ring fingers, he stroked
lightly along the sensitive inner folds. The sensation was indescribable—warm,
wet, velvety—and her sweet, hot, utterly feminine scent which rose to him made
his cock throb.

Becca moaned and arched her back as he
explored her gently but thoroughly, first stroking along the side of her hot
little clit carefully, then circling the tiny bud with his finger, all the
while wishing it was his tongue. Soon Becca was moaning continuously.

“Oh,” she gasped, her hips twitching as he
continued to stroke and explore her. “Oh, please…that feels so

“I’m glad,” Truth told her. He nearly
groaned himself at the pleasure on her lovely face and the soft, helpless
sounds she was making. “I want to bring you pleasure, Rebecca. I want to make
you come.”

“Oh…oh, Mother of God…oh,
Her hips bucked again and he had the sudden urge to thrust into her—not with
his fingers but with his cock. He could just imagine how soft and wet and tight
she would feel around his aching shaft. And she would be even tighter because
Far would be taking her ass at the same time…

told himself fiercely.
No, I shouldn’t be thinking this.

“Well?” Far said softly, breaking into his
guilty thoughts. “Is she wet, Brother?”

“Very,” Truth answered hoarsely. “Her
inner folds are slippery with her sweet honey.”

“I’m sure she’s even wetter inside,” Far
inside.” Leaning down, he kissed Becca again.
can Truth penetrate you? Will you let him put his fingers deep inside you
and fingerfuck your sweet little pussy?”

“Oh!” Becca gasped and then nodded.
“Yes…yes, please,” she whispered. Far’s hot words seemed to be sending her into

Truth had to admit his twin was exceptionally
good at talking dirty. Then again, it could be just that the whole situation
felt deliciously forbidden. He’d never touched a female with another male
looking on before. Never had another male direct his actions as he watched
while Truth carried out his suggestions. It was altogether different…and
altogether addictive.

“Touch her,” Far said, as though reading
his thoughts. “Slide your fingers deep into her wet little cunt and touch
bottom, Brother. See if she would be deep enough to take us if we entered her

Truth frowned. “We will never do that,” he
said shortly. “But…very well.”

Sliding his fingers down her delicate,
slippery folds, he at last located the entrance to Becca’s pussy. She was even
wetter here, her secret inner passage dripping with her juices, making his
mouth water again to taste her.

Truth did his best to ignore the impulse.
Instead, he slid two fingers gently inside her, pressing deep until he found
the end of her channel. Gods, she was like velvet! So sweet and warm and wet
and tight. She moaned and gave a low cry of pleasure when he pressed against
the mouth of her womb. His cock surged and he did it again…and again…and again.

Soon they had a regular rhythm going.
Truth thrust into her, fucking deeply into her soft little cunt with two
fingers while Becca cried out softly and arched to meet his thrusts. At the
same time, Far was kissing her and twisting her nipples gently. Truth heard him
murmuring that she was beautiful, so beautiful to open herself like this. To let
Truth fuck her sweet pussy with his fingers.

“Are you close, Becca?” he murmured,
plucking both nipples at once between his fingers. “Are you going to come for
us? Come with Truth’s fingers deep inside you?”

“I…I think so.” Becca moaned and arched her
back. “Oh, please…I need…I need…”

“She needs to have her clit stroked.” Far
looked at Truth. “Would you mind, Brother? Could you let me caress our lady’s
clit while you penetrate her pussy?”

Again, Truth knew what he was doing—this
was the most intimate sharing they’d done so far. He knew it was wrong and
yet…it felt so right he couldn’t help himself. And he couldn’t deny that he
wanted to watch his brother, to see Far’s hand stroking the delicate, ripe bud
of Becca’s clit.

“Yes,” he muttered, still fucking her with
his fingers. “But get on with it—I think she’s close.”

“Thank you,” Far said softly. Reaching
down with one hand, he stroked over Becca’s trembling belly and slid two long
fingers into her wet folds.

Truth watched, mesmerized, as his brother opened
the woman he loved and caressed the tender bud of her clit. He watched her
reaction—the way her back arched—the soft, breathless moans of pleasure as her
orgasm built inside her until she was right on the edge. And somehow he knew,
she was about to come.

“Come for me, Rebecca,” he muttered, still
pressing deep inside her. “Come for both of us.”

“That’s right,
mi’ now,”
murmured. “Come while I stroke your clit and Truth fucks your hot little cunt
with his fingers. Come…

Becca cried out, her hips bucking wildly
and Truth couldn't help thinking it was a good thing there were two of them to
hold on to her or she might have bucked her way right off the bed.

As it was they were able to stay with her
and ride out her orgasm. Truth cursed softly and with feeling when he felt the
inner muscles of her tight sheath contract, pulling against him as though she
was trying to get more of him inside her.
She would try to draw my cock in
deeper just like this if we were making love,
he couldn’t help thinking.
we were bonding.

For a brief moment he had a mental image
of him and his brother fused together, entering Rebecca as one, making her
theirs forever.
He pushed it quickly away. Better to just enjoy this
moment and not wish for anything more.

Truth stayed with Becca until the very
end, as did Far. Only when she was finally still and panting between them did
they both withdraw, as if by mutual consent.

Truth slid his two fingers smoothly from
her tight sheath with a feeling of regret. Gods, she was so beautiful! When
would he get to see her like this again—naked and unashamed and fucking

As he withdrew his fingers, he couldn’t
help noticing that they were shiny with her honey. He thought about wiping them
on the bed but he didn’t want to do that. What he wanted to do—desperately—was
to lick them. To taste Rebecca’s warm, wet essence and suck his fingers clean
of her honey, just as Far had done when he sucked her fingers during their last

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