Discovery at Nerwolix (45 page)

Read Discovery at Nerwolix Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #spirituality, #sex, #action adventure, #romance scifi, #war action adventure

BOOK: Discovery at Nerwolix
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Ghion, the Commander of the Northern forces,
appears with an expression consumed by rage and confusion.
“Something has happened.”

“What?” Ehan frowns.

“You must come now—there was an attack.”

“An attack?” Norhra steps forward. “But

“It was in Gwhenderlin and Vhelsbern. It
was…” Ghion’s eyes flash terror. “We must go now.”

He disappears, leaving Ehan and Norhra to
look at each other. Their focus drifts to Blovid, Sampson and
Clarence. Bewildered and worried, Ehan steps forward, focused on
the Fychu. “I am sorry… we must see to… the villages.”

“Can we assist?”

“It is in the northern territory,” Norhra
glances at her brother. “It is not allowed.”

Ehan gulps, looking at Sampson again. “The
Fychu is more capable at handling attacks than we are. If something
has occurred… it may be beneficial for him to attend,” he shifts
his gaze to his sister, “only this time. It will not get back to
King Thias,” he turns to Sampson again. “Gwhenderlin and
Vhelsbern…do you know them?”

“Of course.”

“Then we shall see you there,” Ehan
disappears, followed quickly by his sister.

Once they’re gone, Sampson, Blovid and
Clarence exchange glances. The Fychu speaks first, addressing the
other two. “Have you heard anything?”

“No,” Blovid says. “I have been with King
Hozfin. I would expect you being with the Nerwos you might have
heard something.”

“Me neither, but we need to go,” Clarence
gestures to us. “The kids?”

“I would prefer we all stay together,”
Sampson says. “I think we’ve spent enough time apart so, if we can,
let’s try to keep from getting separated,” he motions for us to
form our groups again. We break into three circles and this time,
Blovid, Clarence and the Fychu each take part in one. “It sounds
like the attack is no longer occurring, but as you know, that
doesn’t mean the danger hasn’t completely abated. I am not allowed
in the northern territory, so it is asking a lot of Ehan that I be
allowed to assist. Let’s try to get in, assess the situation and
help if need be as quickly as possible, yes?”

The lavender cloud billows around us next,
sweeping the beach away. It must be seconds before the same soft
purple smoke evaporates, and in its place, the familiar Nerwolix
forest appears. Sky-high Eckles with long, lime Yulu leaves hang
past thick, rough trunks, and in between them, rounded copper and
black stone cottages sit huddled together.

Ehan, Norhra, Ghion and a crew of other
Nerwos are entering the nearest house just as Blovid and Clarence’s
group appear. They look at us, then back to the cottage.

“Let’s see what’s happened,” Sampson heads
over and Reid is right behind him, holding my hand. The rest follow
as I scan the trees, looking for something. Anything. There was
supposed to have been an attack, but I don’t see anything.
Everything looks peaceful. Quiet.

The cottages are on top of one another,
separated by short walkways of the same copper and black stone.
They wind in and out of the Eckles while Yulu leaves obscure most
of the roofs and partial sides of the squat little homes which go
on as far as the eye can see. It really looks peaceful here. I’m
not sure how you would know there was an attack. Reid tugs me
closer to him and—

A body lies just off the doorway. A deep
gash drains red liquid from her torso, spilling onto the copper
stone leading up to the cottage entry. Her face is turned to the
opposite side, but I can still see it. She’s older—older than any
Dofinike, Zingfinold or Nerwo I’ve seen—and a red stream spills
from her nose. Her pointed ears push past silver hair and her eyes,
a deep brilliant blue, stare ahead and at nothing.

Jace curses.

Sampson glances at the body, then at the
bare foot hanging just out of the doorway. There is blood on it,
having trailed from further up the leg which disappears into the
cottage. He steps over the calf and through the entry. Reid is
right behind him. He pulls me past the foot and I take my time,
trying not to stare at the butchered body. It’s another female—but
this one is much younger. Maybe just a kid. She has long blonde
hair that is now matted with clumps of dark goo, sticking it to her
golden face and shoulders. A crimson stream leaks out of her open
mouth and like the one outside, her blue eyes are blank;

I look into the home and all air leaves my

The entire floor is covered in Nerwos—all
butchered, all females. Blood lies splattered across their bodies
and the copper-white walls, a few specks hitting the dark ceiling
above. It looks like the floor is wooden, but it’s hard to tell.
Too many Nerwos fill it up, mouths open and gashes cut so deep some
of the bodies are severed. And they’re all female. All children and
elderly. All dead.

“Jesus Christ,” someone mutters.

“Holy mother….” I hear Able behind me.

For a moment we all sort of stare. I’ve
never seen anything like this. What the Vermix were doing on
Harrizel, the experiments… it was grisly… but
? With so
much death, so much blood and all stuffed in one place…

Reid squeezes my hand.

“I…I can’t…” Mae rushes back outside, nearly
tripping on her way out. Able stiffens, glancing over his shoulder
and then heads after her.

“Sampson?” Reid looks to him.

But the Fychu shakes his head, trying to
process it like the rest of us. Ehan, Norhra and Ghion are at the
other end of the home, moving slowly through the bodies.

“Are the others like this?” Sampson

“Every one,” Ghion’s voice is a deadly
whisper. “Every home in Gwhenderlin and Vhelsbern.”

Clarence crouches to the floor,
investigating the corpse of a young Nerwo at the edge of the wall.
There’s a narrow slit across her chest, starting from her shoulder
and ripping down toward the opposite hip. It’s filled with red,
just like the tiny canal running the course of her neck.

“Some with Traxpires,” Blovid nods,
crouching over an elderly female in the corner. “It was definitely
the Vermix.”

“But why?” Walker asks, surveying the grisly
scene. “I thought they wanted the Floating Ruby?”

“They do.
,” Sampson lowers his
head, shaking it. “Enough that they’d slaughter the elderly and
young to find it,” he eyes Ehan, Norhra and Ghion. “These were the
ones not suitable for battle?”

Norhra nods, pale and frozen.

“And you said
home suffered
this fate?” he looks at Ghion but the Nerwo refuses to answer.

Blovid rises to a stand again. “In his
desperation, Reuzkimpart has just involved the Nerwos. You know
King Thias will not remain neutral at this point.”

“I will kill every last Vermix,” Ghion
growls, pushing past the Dofinikes to get outside. Ehan and Norhra
look at each other, then Sampson, Clarence and Blovid. Finally,
their focus flies to us. Without a word, they follow Ghion out,
leaving the eleven of us alone in the silent, corpse-filled

“Do you think they know?” I ask, glancing
between the Dofinikes. “The Vermix? Do you think they…” I gesture
to the ground, “…told them where the Floating Ruby is kept?”

“I doubt they knew themselves,” Sampson
shakes his head. “Very few are privy to the information.”

“So this was all for nothing?” Walker

“I am afraid…” Clarence exhales, “that is
what happened.”

“And it does not look like they were just
killed,” Blovid pales, examining one of the bodies closest to him
with multiple whip indentions. “It looks like they were tortured.
Fychu?” he locks eyes with Sampson who begrudgingly nods in

“So… ” Pratt’s voice is low. “The rest of
the homes are like this? Everyone’s dead?”

“This can’t be happening,” Jace shakes his

I’m still finding it hard to look away.
“What does this mean? In the big scope of things, what can we

Sampson inhales. “Well, Blovid is
correct—Thias will no longer remain neutral. He will want vengeance
on the Vermix… I expect he will launch a full counter attack on
Dellapalania. He has the forces to do so, and with Hozfin and Queen
Ravan’s assistance, he will succeed.”

?” Pratt gasps.
“But what about all the Arizals?”

“I—I am not sure. Only the Vermix attacked
and so only
should be targeted but… I don’t know. With
all their heinous crimes, they’ve angered the Three Worlds. I would
hope all Dofinikes won’t be lumped together but I know Thias
doesn’t hold a liking to
of us. This…” he exhales, “this
will get infinitely worse.”

“Maybe an attack on Dellapalania wouldn’t be
the worst idea,” Clarence clears his throat. “Take Reuzkimpart out
at home.”

Sampson shakes his head. “If they attack
home, he’ll flee and take his army with him… if he feels he is

“Then we would follow him,” Blovid says.
“There is nowhere he can flee that we would not find him. He has
made enemies in the Three Worlds.”

“I cannot allow an attack on Dellapalania…”
Sampson shakes his head. “Reuzkimpart will try again. And again and
again to obtain the Gifts if he must. We cannot spare the innocent
lives of our brethren.”

“But Hozfin and the Mybyncians won’t attack
the Arizals,” Booker says. “Right?”

“In the middle of war, mistakes occur.
Casualties are a necessity, and I don’t think the Nerwos or
Mybyncians will stop to confirm they’re attacking the
enemy. It is why we use our human skin… not because we’re not proud
of our heritage, but to avoid confusion. The Nerwos, Mybyncians and
the Zingfinolds have all been attacked by the Vermix. I’m sure to
some, we have been lumped together. I’m afraid…” Sampson exhales,
“…I’m afraid that through their anger and despair, they won’t take
the time to separate the two factions of Dofinikes. Many will
simply wish to kill any Dofinike they see. If there is an invasion
on Dellapalania…I fear for the survival of our race.”

“Fychu…” Blovid places a hand on his
shoulder, “it may come to an invasion. You must know this.”

“If there is an invasion,
will need
to lead it. And I will need to visit Dellapalania beforehand and
prepare her for it. An invasion will only work if it’s orchestrated
correctly, not by Hozfin or Queen Ravan and
Thias. He has wanted to strike back at the Dofinikes since… well…
since me. I will not allow innocents to lose their life at my

“Fychu…” Ehan’s soft word comes from the
entryway. He looks worn, angered and depressed all at the same
time. “It seems… it seems King Thias is arriving soon. He wishes to
see what has happened here in the villages. Jothkore will be with
him,” a lump rolls down Ehan’s throat. “The king does not wish to
keep his company any longer. You… you will need to go.”

“Of course,” Sampson steps forward. “Thank
you for allowing me this short time. I offer my sincerest apologies
and condolences for all you have lost.”

Ehan nods.

“I promise to keep to the south, per my
agreement with Thias. You need not worry about my presence anywhere
in the north, anywhere near…” his eyes grow full and sad again. “I
will stay and assist Hozfin as much as I can.”

“Do you know how long you will stay on
Nerwolix?” Norhra steps past Ehan.


“Fychu stay as long as want,” Warze says
from the doorway. “Hozfin wishes Fychu do no leave.”

“It will have to be the south,” Norhra nods,
stepping further into the house. “Absolutely no way can you travel
here again. I… cannot guarantee your safety if you do.”

“I understand.”

A long silent moment passes.

“Uh… can we get out of this house?” Jace
glances around.

Sampson, Blovid and Clarence nod and we all
filter back outside, careful as we step over the bodies. The Fychu,
Ehan, Norhra and Warze are the last out and stand besides Ghion,
who looks like he’s trying to hold it together.

“I trust we will communicate openly
regarding anything to do with Dellapalania?” Sampson shifts his
focus between the brother and sister.

Ehan nods. “We will keep you informed,
Fychu. We are aware it was only the Vermix who invaded and attacked
us. We… will keep reminding Thias of this as well.”

“Thank you. Please let me know if I can be
of service,” a small smile appears as he squeezes Ehan’s shoulder.
“It was good to see you,” he glances at Norhra. “Both of you.”

“We have instructed Jothkore to meet you at
Zinnollo,” she nods as unsaid words dance behind her blue eyes.
Sampson must understand because he keeps his smile intact,
releasing her brother’s shoulder with a tight squeeze.

“Take care, old friends.”

Ehan steps forward. “I will pass along news
of your wellbeing to… to those who would want to know.”

Sampson stops. He stands rigid and after a
long second, he finally nods. “Thank you, Ehan.”

The Fychu turns to the rest of us. It looks
like he has a lot to say, some sort of summary or conclusion to
wrap up everything that’s happened so far. But how can you sum it
up? And especially when we’re still so far from the end?

“Alright,” he inhales. “Let’s get back to
the city.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Aftermath/Decisions

I’m surprised how much Zinnollo has been
damaged. Parts of the trunk-bridges have melon-sized holes blasted
through them while tiny, narrow indentions mar their knotted
texture. And it’s the same everywhere I look—evidence of Traxpires
and whips mark the city like a disease. A recent, rampant, nearly
fatal virus that ran its course through Zinnollo leaving a handful
of survivors.

I’m afraid to ask what this battle cost the

We arrive to the king’s home first and find
Jothkore, Vix and Qippert. Ariana sits beside Tucker who has been
laid out on a long red cushion next to a few other tribesmen.
Hozfin himself sits in his throne, listening as Qippert, Jothkore
and Vix explain everything that happened toward the end of the
battle, when the Mybyncians arrived. Everyone looks up as we

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