Discovery at Nerwolix (42 page)

Read Discovery at Nerwolix Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #spirituality, #sex, #action adventure, #romance scifi, #war action adventure

BOOK: Discovery at Nerwolix
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What if they flee somewhere else? To the
city or something?

I don’t think Reuzkimpart is willing to
attack Zinnollo again. At this point, if he hasn’t found the
Floating Ruby and with so many of his army killed, he may just
retreat. But we need to keep the Vermix locked in one central

I’ll tell Ehan.

You have Qippert with you, right?


Okay. I’ll be there to pick up the rest of
you in a minute… see you soon, kid.

I open my eyes, finding all the Rogues
carefully watching me for an update. But I push past them and head
straight for Ehan and the other Nerwo.

“I do not think the king wanted to be
involved this long, though,” the stranger shakes his head. “He had
hoped for only a few hours… he does not feel comfortable deploying
his forces much longer.”

“I am sorry, Ghion, but the Vermix brought
more of a force than King Thias expected. It is no wonder Hozfin
unleashed his Ludins. Reuzkimpart must have half the Vermix
population out here. But the numbers are looking good and—”

“I’m sorry,” I look at Ehan, “but I just got
instruction from… the Fychu.”

“Oh?” he raises a brow, quickly glancing at
the other Nerwo who is watching me with the same surprise. “This is
Commander Ghion, Leader of the Northern forces.”

Ghion bows slightly, glancing quickly at
Ehan before returning his attention to me. “The Fychu is here?”

“In the south,” I nod, turning to Ehan. “He
said to keep half your northern forces here and use the other half
to push the Vermix back south again. The Zingfinolds are cutting
off the east and west sides but the Fychu can’t hold the south
alone. We,” I look to the Rogues, “have to go help him.”

“Why move south when we have them all the
way up here?” Ghion frowns. “We are striking now, correct? They are

“They’ve started fleeing south again to come
up behind you,” Reid says. “They’re trying to separate themselves…
break out of your hold.”

“We need to keep them locked in one area,”
Qippert turns to me. “But if the Fychu cannot hold the south, what
are his intentions? How will he corner them?”

“He wants them with their backs to the

“I see,” Qippert nods.

“Fallon!” Clarence calls, rushing up to us.
He slows when he sees the brother and sister, his mouth opening
slightly. “Ehan… Norhra… it is good to see you.”

“Clynse?” Norhra looks stunned, a rosy hue
painting her cheeks. She takes a small step forward. “You are here
as well?”

“I was in Mybyncia only this past day… I
have been with the Fychu since we liberated Harrizel,” he finally
lets his eyes wander to me and the others. “It’s time to go.
Sampson needs us on the shore.”

I nod just as Norhra approaches, the
slightest frown. “You are leaving?”

“The Fychu needs our help in the south.
Fallon told you what needs to happen?”

“We are to move half our forces south… put
the Vermixs’ back to the water?”

He nods. “It’ll keep them out of your area
and away from the mountains. Plus, I’m pretty sure the Zingfinolds
want to deal with them on their land.”

Ehan steps forward. “We will assist. Ghion,”
he turns to him and the Nerwo Commander moves closer. “It would be
beneficial for you to accompany them. Leoh can stay with the others
while we assist the Fychu and Clynse in removing the Vermix.”

Ghion nods, throwing a glance to Norhra, who
hasn’t taken her eyes off Clarence since he arrived. “I will come
with you and assure that the Fychu does not find himself north of
the Hylas.”

“He won’t,” Clarence shakes his head, moving
toward us—the humans. “Fallon, Reid, Tucker and Able with me.
Qippert, want to grab the second group?”

He nods and we start clasping hands.

“So where were you?” Werzo frowns,
stationing himself between Booker and Walker.

“Mybyncia—don’t you listen?” Jace

“You spoke with the queen?” Ehan raises a

“And Chancellor Keller. They are fully aware
of everything happening here,” Clarence glances around our group.
“Meet us down by the shore and I will explain more.”

The familiar lavender billows around us as
everything disappears. We’re only in the purple fogginess for a few
seconds before the beach appears, the lapping water mere feet away.
Sampson, Warze and a host of Zingfinolds chat nearby, stopping as
they see us arrive. Clarence leads us over and just before we make
it, Qippert’s group appears next to Sampson. Ehan, Norhra, Ghion
and a small fleet of Nerwos appear within seconds, all gathered
around the Fychu who speaks with his usual calm and authoritative

“They’re relocating to the far end of the
beach and up by the trees there,” he points to the edge of the
forest where this all started yesterday. “King Hozfin has the
Zingfinolds to the east and west and the Nerwos are pushing the
Vermix down to us. They should be arriving through the trees at any
minute. It is up to
to keep them cornered here. They may
try retreating to the water—”

“Fallon!” Pratt rushes over, leaving Mae,
Vix and Blovid behind her. She crashes into me, wrapping her arms
around my waist in a tight hug. “I was so worried.”

“What about us, little Roguetta?” Jace
laughs. “Not concerned for

“You guys have handled worse,” she quickly
glances back at Mae before setting her worried gaze on me. “Sampson
gave us updates but you were alone out here for a while…and then
Walker didn’t come back with you… and Reid was freaking us out
worrying. I was scared I’d never see you again.”

“I’m fine,” I pat her back. “We had some
close calls, but we’re fine.”

“Thank God we’re all together again,” Mae
glances to Sampson, her voice growing quiet. “Although…”

“…this is going to be the most crucial
point,” he nods, agreeing. “We need to keep the Vermix here.
They’ve gone too far north for King Thias’s liking. And personally,
I’d like them off Nerwolix for good. They are
advance. Their only choice is to flee. That is our aim. Force the
Vermix to leave.”

“But what if they come back?” Mae asks.

“If they return—and I believe they will—we
will have Hozfin and Thias in full collaboration by that point.
When Reuzkimpart chooses to try again, he will be met with better
preparation and a more hostile environment. It will not be this
easy for him.”

“This was easy?” Werzo mutters.

“King Thias does not wish to be involved,”
Ehan shakes his head, stepping forward. “He merely wants the Vermix
far from the north end of the Hylas,” he pauses, smiling at
Sampson. “It is good to see you, Fychu.”

“You as well,” Sampson nods, switching focus
to his sister. “And you, Norhra. Thank you for your

“It was not something we had originally
anticipated. Once King Hozfin released the Ludins, and Jothkore
explained the direness of the situation, King Thias finally agreed
to our temporary aide. But,” she nods, “we are happy to help.”

Sampson offers a slight bow, glancing around
the group. “Thank you all for your help. As I am sure you
understand, this conflict has grown from more than just
Dellapalania’s issues… it now involves all Three Worlds. It will
take everyone’s help to break this threat and send Reuzkimpart and
the Vermix back home.”

“Zingfinold with you, Fychu.”

“We are also with you,” Ehan nods.

“Can’t get rid of us,” Jace laughs. “No use

A genuine smile crosses Sampson’s lips
before he looks around the group, pointing to the trees. “Again,
what we can expect is that the Vermix will be coming from—”

An orange explosion shoots past Walker, just
skimming his arm. He grips it with a curse, turning to the beach
behind him. I do the same, my blood running cold.


Chapter Twenty-Six: Shore Wars

Black suits rise from the water.

They’re the kind we wore on Mybyncia, but
they’re not filled with miyons or mayans. These suits are bigger,
covering a broader and taller frame, and each carry a Traxpire,
firing at us. I’m not sure what to think at first, what to do or
where to go. Everyone is scattering and I’m vaguely aware that I’m
yanked back, Reid’s hands squeezing mine to the point of breaking.
Pratt and Mae are screaming but Jace, Tucker and Able jerk them
into a run as the Zingfinolds and Nerwos race into the water.

There must be a few dozen suits arising from
the lapping blue. More and more Vermix appear until the entire
beach is suddenly plagued with the familiar black gear. They’re
everywhere, storming onto the sand as the handful of Nerwos do
their best to disarm them. But there are too many Vermix. Too many
for what we have here, right now. And just when I don’t think it
can get any worse—a new threat slinks through the Vermix and onto
the shore.

Sage-bodied warriors led by a purple

Reid sees them too, but he’s still yanking
me past the trees as the Zingfinolds rush by, storming the

“It’s Perio!” I scream.

“I know.”

“They have to have Ariana nearby,” I try
pulling back but Reid won’t budge. “She’s got to be around

“We can’t.”


He curses. “Just stay here!”


“Fallon, I need you to—”

An orange blast shoots past us, enveloping a
trunk behind me in flames.

“Fuck!” he hisses, whipping out his Traxpire
and shooting at the impending Vermix. But the Dofinike dodges and
drops to all fours, charging us. Reid fires again but the Vermix
leaps onto a nearby tree and then another. He jumps one final time,
launching himself onto us.

I retrieve the whip from my jeans and time

The Vermix is mid-jump, his Traxpire
clutched in one set of talons as his yellow eyes burn behind the
protective gear of his dark dome. But I only need a second and I
have plenty of them with his eternal leap. Whipping the handle
back, I let the sharp end fly. It slices him across his neck and he
falls to the ground with a loud thud. Another comes behind him, his
Traxpire already firing but I let the whip crack again, severing
his hand from his arm before removing his neck like the first.
Somewhere in the distance, Mae screams.

She’s a few yards over and shaking behind
Able. They’re backed up to an Eckle and Able is doing his best to
shield her from a pair of impending Vermix. I reach back and send
the sharp end of my whip flying, slicing the leaping Dofinike
across his body. The other tries and I do the same, clearing the
space around us.

“Christ!” Able swears, throwing me a

Reid takes my free hand and racing over to
Able and Mae, we swerve in and out of the Vermix, ducking past
Yulus and trunks. Reid shoots a couple more Dofinikes down as we
jump over their twitching forms, Brulily darts flying every which

“It’s Perio!” Mae cries as we reach them.
She’s still shaking, her large eyes panicked. “He’s got to have
Ariana around here somewhere!”

“I know,” I nod with a pant, glancing at the
RC next to her. “Able, you need to stay with her.”

“You’re staying here too,” Reid says.

“No! We’re sticking together. You said

Debating, Reid glances around us. He looks
to Able. “Where’re the others? Did you see where Pratt went?”

“Tucker and Jace have her.”

“Where’d they go?”

“I don’t know. They—”

A small blade flies between us, striking the
trunk just to Reid’s left. Mae screams as a miyon races toward us,
his sage body flying through the trees. Launching himself, the
Musko aims a second blade at me but Reid knocks me back, slamming
the miyon to the ground before he gets within feet of us. The Musko
tries getting up, but a loud crack emits and his head rolls to the
side. Reid rises to a stand.

Two more come rushing through the fauna,
blades already soaring.

“Who are
assholes?” Able
shoots, hitting one in the arm and missing the other. They both
leap onto the trees, jetting back and forth as the RC tries again,
missing his next few shots.

“Keep one alive,” I say, retrieving my own
Traxpire. “We need to find out where Ariana is!”

Mae is at my side, trembling as she grips my
arm. A third Musko flies through the foliage but a rain of Brulily
darts strike into him and he falls, twitching on the ground at our
feet. I’m about to jet forward but a hard smack rings across my
cheek. I’m on my knees and my eye feels like it’s about to explode,
my face instantly screaming at the unexpected pain. Before I have a
chance to move, Reid is next to me, pinning a sage body to the
ground as he pummels his fist into the Musko’s face over and over

“Reid,” I hold my cheek.

“Boss…” Able croaks, firing into the nearby
brush. “We’ve got to go.

Reid gets in another few swings, splattering
the miyon’s blood onto the nearby Yulus before he reaches for my
hand and pulls me to my feet. We’re racing through the Eckles,
under a storm of raining Brulily darts with Able and Mae behind

Without stopping, Reid drags me behind him
so fast that I almost can’t keep up. I only have enough time to see
where I’m stepping, ducking past the lime curtains as I follow his
feet through the lush green. Able is right behind me and grasping
Mae who lets out a startled scream every few seconds. I’m trying my
hardest to keep up but Reid is moving fast—too fast—and at times I
think he’s going to take my hand right off.

Just keep moving. Keep going.

We’re running parallel to the beach, through
the thick trunks as Zingfinolds jet past us, meeting the Vermix at
the edge of the forest. We keep moving, keep racing through the
Yulus until I tug on Reid, indicating a stop. I need to catch my
breath. He hustles over toward an Eckle and Mae and Able

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