Discovery at Nerwolix (28 page)

Read Discovery at Nerwolix Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #spirituality, #sex, #action adventure, #romance scifi, #war action adventure

BOOK: Discovery at Nerwolix
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“Do you think you should notify them about
the invasion?” Reid asks. “Have her send some assistance now, while
we can still ask for it?”

“The problem is, we don’t know when
Reuzkimpart plans on arriving. It could be tonight, tomorrow, the
day after, next week. There’s really no way of knowing. I assumed
it would’ve already happened, but… I don’t know. And Pryncbia is
still recovering from its loss. I couldn’t ask the queen to spare
soldiers if they’ll only be sitting around here, waiting.”

“But it wouldn’t hurt to let them know about
the situation,” I say. “Even if you don’t ask for their assistance
right now, at least they’d be aware and anticipate the call when
and if we make it. Put it in their hands,” I step forward.
“Chancellor Keller kept saying if we needed anything to let him
know. Advising him of the current situation would fall in that

“She is right,” Blovid agrees. “I understand
why you want to leave Mybyncia out of it at this point, but they
are already involved. Plus, if we are able to capture Reuzkimpart,
we could end this thing once and for all.”

The room sits quiet, a heavy air filling the
room as we all wait for Sampson’s response. Finally, he nods at
Clarence. “Make the trip.”

“Fychu,” Jothkore approaches, “I can go with

“No, I need you to return to Thias. He needs
to be warned about what’s happening—across all matters. The Vermix
invasion, Hozfin’s planned attack on Dellapalania and Queen Ravan’s
possible involvement. I need you to go there tonight. The sooner he
is informed, the better.”

“But you yourself said he may not wish to do

“And he may not. But this is more than just
a Dellapalanian civil war. It concerns the Gifts and has now
reached all Three Worlds.” He sighs, hands on his hips. “Though I
hoped it wouldn’t get this far,” he nods, “I think the Nerwos will
get involved.”

“Then this is it,” Qippert nods. “The Three
World War.”

Sampson nods with a look to Clarence. “Can
you journey to Mybyncia tonight?”


“Please do so,” he turns to Jothkore. “And
you to Thias, if you don’t mind.”

“Whatever you require, Fychu.”

“What about us?” I ask.

“You will stay here—all the humans

“We can still patrol the beach,” Reid says.
“If Hozfin plans on keeping most of the scouts to the Hylas and
around Zinnollo’s perimeter.”

Sampson nods. “Yes, but if you do, remember,
you are not to engage. You are to notify us and get out of

“How do we notify you?”

“Use Fallon.”


“That’s right,” Reid turns to me. “You’d be
like our walkie-talkie. We see something and you let

Sampson or Clarence know. You can use that
telepathy thing, right?”

I turn to them.

, Clarence’s voice rings in my
She can hear our thoughts and send her own

“This is still so weird,” I bring my palm to
my brow.

“You’ll get used to it. Okay,” Clarence
looks around the room. “I’ll travel to Mybyncia and inform the
queen on the current situation. Jothkore will go to Thias and
starting tomorrow, the kids will patrol the beach. We’re doing the
best we can with what Hozfin’s giving us.”

“He may still change his mind about the
counterstrike,” Blovid says. “I will try and council him

“I’m sorry old friend,” Sampson claps his
hand on the Arizal Leader’s shoulder. “But I don’t think he’s
budging on this one.”

Blovid nods.

“Alright,” Sampson looks around the room,
“it’s probably time. Clarence, Jothkore—thank you for making the
trip tonight. Reid, Fallon,” he turns to us, “why don’t you get
some sleep. Especially you, Fallon. It has been a long night.”

Reid slips his fingers in mine and leads us
toward the curtain. With a last glance at all six Dofinikes, we
head out, back into the crisp night air. Silently, we make our way
to my home again and once we reach it, Reid shakes his head. “What
a night.”

“I can’t believe Hozfin wants to strike

“I can’t believe he’s foolish enough to
leave us exposed.”

I lean against the wooden wall and cross my
arms. “What do you think is going to happen?”

Frowning, Reid runs his fingers up the side
of my face. “I don’t know,” he leans in, kissing my forehead. “But
let’s not think about it anymore tonight.”




“So we’re manning the beaches today?” Walker
stares down Reid, crossing his arms in annoyance. “How’d you
convince them?”

“That was the plan. Ever pay attention when
Sampson talks?”

“They’re not going to come from here,” he
motions through the trees to the silent shore ahead. Everything
sits quiet, still. It’s a few hours since dawn and the sky has just
turned from pink to blue. “They’ll be going straight for the Hylas
where Reuzkimpart sent his troops last
where they want to be.”

“Yeah, but Hozfin already has some eyes out
there,” I say. “In case they do come from here too, we need to

Walker shakes his head and turns around. He
plants his hands on his hips and, facing the trees, lets out a
deep, frustrated exhale. “We’re wasting our time.”

“You waste it.
watch the
beach,” Reid looks around the group. “Everyone have their Brulilies
and Traxpires?”

All the Rogues and Pratt hold up their

“Good,” Reid nods. “Now, if you see
something—anything at all—do
shoot. Whistle the two-
toned note we practiced to both of your neighbors and they’ll pass
it along. We all need to be aware of what’s happening. Sampson
doesn’t want us engaging, but if the Vermix is close enough—Walker
said a ten foot radius—use the Brulily. Keep it quick and keep it
silent. If something happens, if they spot you, then whip out the
Traxpire and blow the fucker away. We clear?”

Everyone nods.

“Good. We’re going to spread out,” he points
from one end of the long shore to the other. “I don’t want more
than twenty-feet between everyone. Twenty five tops. Sight and
sound are key. If I can’t see or hear you, I can’t help you and
warn the others. Everyone got it?”

The Rogues and Pratt nod.

“Up the trees, mid-level or so as practiced.
When you get there, send a quick whistle to both neighbors so they
know your location. Alright,” he nods and with a look around us,
rubs his hands. “Let’s make it happen.”

Booker, Werzo, Jace and Walker head for the
left flank while Tucker, Able, Pratt and I aim for the right, Reid
keeping to the center of the shore. I head past Pratt and Able but
as I reach for the last spot near the end of the shore, Tucker
shakes his head.

“I’ll take the edge,” he grasps one of the
Yulu leaves and he’s up.

I turn back and situating myself evenly
between the Rogue Leader and Able, I find my own tree with a
decent-sized branch about halfway up. From there I’ll be able to
keep an eye on my portion of the beach and be close enough to the
others to whistle if need be. Reaching for one of the same lime
leaves, I grasp it and I go flying up. I slow about midway and once
secure on the branch, I let it go.

Everything is quiet. Still. I try looking
for Tucker, squinting through the trees until I find him pacing a
high level branch about thirty feet away. Letting out the low
two-toned whistle, I wait for his response. A second later it’s
reflected back to me. I can hear it, but just barely. Turning to
the other side, I do the same thing. Finding Able a bit closer, I
whistle and he mirrors it back. Okay. So now I know where my
neighbors are and that I can hear them if something happens.

I’ve probably been watching the beach for
twenty minutes and everything is still quiet. Motionless. I decide
to sit down with my back to the trunk and get comfortable. It could
be a long day like this. Craning my neck, I look into the lime
green canopy above, to all the tear-drop-shaped Yulus descending in
various heights. I can’t see the sky anymore, though the sun is
bright enough to light up the rounded bulbs. It’s mid
morning—probably about ten o’clock.

Last night when Reid and I got back to my
home, I couldn’t sleep. We both stayed awake for a while, staring
up at the wooden ceiling in silence. He fell asleep after a while,
but I couldn’t. There was too much to think about, too much to go
over. Like Hozfin wanting to attack Dellapalania. And Jothkore and
Clarence leaving to inform the others. And Clarence himself…
everything he told me…I still haven’t fully wrapped my mind around
it. Around what it means. And we haven’t talked about it since. And
then, going out to the Origin of the Gifts… what did that last part
mean? About me having to leave the others behind? Where will I go?
And to do what? And for how long? There are too many questions, too
many things to think about and all I want is a moment to myself. I
guess this is it. Now. Sitting up here in a tree, waiting for the
Vermix invasion which may not happen today or here at all.

Everything’s going so fast.

I just need it to slow down.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath.
Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. Calming. Soothing. Another
inhale and my body loosens, seizing the relaxation it so
desperately needs. Exhale and my eye lids grow heavy, wanting to
stay down. Another inhale and I slump back further, my fingers
loosening around the Traxpire and Brulily. Exhale and my mind
starts to go blank…white… into the quiet I’ve been craving...

I jerk, hitting the trunk.

How long was I out? Still grasping both
weapons, I rub my eye, quickly searching. Nothing. Everything is
still quiet. Motionless. I look to my right, trying to find Tucker
when a soft two-toned whistles flies through the trees from my
left. It’s almost unrecognizable, like the leaves giving off their
own delicate chimes, but it’s what we practiced. I know that sound.
Maybe Able is just wondering if I’ve awoken yet—seriously, how long
was I out? Turning to locate him, I freeze immediately.

Ahead on the ground, not more than a few
feet from my tree, a group of Vermix move. Heart pounding, I do a
quick count. Only six. Okay. Not bad. Six is not that bad. Softly,
another whistle floats through the air and I look for Tucker again.
But before I find him, I’m startled by another herd of Vermix. They
silently meander through the trees, Traxpires drawn. I do another
count. There are eight. Shit. What do we do? Take them out now? Or
wait until they’re all here? Looking out to the shore, my heart

I can’t see the sand. It’s covered. Covered
with Vermix, all waiting for the first round to finish combing the
trees. Oh my God. There are only nine of us and there must be…
of them. Maybe thousands. I gulp, trying to
remember Reid’s instructions. If they’re close enough, use the
Brulily, but if they see us, if they start attacking, whip out the
Traxpire. But I can’t shoot them with the Brulily—not yet. That
will give away my location and alarm the others that there’s
something up in the trees. No, I can’t shoot them. Then what do I

I need to tell Sampson.

Closing my eyes, I try to concentrate, never
having done this before. We should’ve practiced. Since finding out
about my heritage, I should’ve insisted on practicing how to
communicate, but I was too shell-shocked or something. I have to do
it now.

Sampson—it’s happening. They’ve landed. Can
you hear me? Sampson, can you hear me?

A moment passes.

Yes, I can hear you, Fallon
, his
voice rings in my head
. Are you all at the beach?

Yes. They’re here. Thousands of them.

Don’t engage. Quietly make your way back to
the city. I’ll notify Hozfin and send the Zingfinolds out

Sampson—there are so many. I can’t even see
the beach.

It’s alright; just make your way back here.
I’m sending the Zingfinolds now. They’ll cut them off before the
Vermix can advance to the city.


I wish I had the same ability with the
others, so that I could tell them Sampson is sending in the
Zingfinolds. He wants us to return to the city and not to engage.
The others know this. Maybe if I can show Tucker and Able that
we’re meant to head back, they’ll understand. And Able can pass it
along down the line. It’s the only way. Letting out a faint
two-toned whistle, I focus on Tucker a ways down. The Vermix on the
ground stop momentarily, looking around and then up. Cementing my
back to the trunk, I hold still, trying to still my frantic pulse.
After a second, the footsteps continue and I allow my head to roll
to the right. I find Tucker immediately and he’s already pointing
back toward the city. I nod and turn to the left. Able’s watching
the ground, aiming his Traxpire as the Vermix move closer below

I take a deep breath and let out another
whistle. Able’s head jerks up, but so do the Vermix and this time,
with their weapons pointed. Stilling myself again, I gulp, locking
eyes with the Rogue. Using my head, I indicate moving back, toward
the city and he nods. Okay, good. He’ll be able to send the message
down the line and silently, we’ll all be able to retreat.

Quietly shifting to a stand, I tuck my
Brulily in my jeans pocket and grasp the Traxpire in my left hand.
In my right, I reach for one of the Yulus, readying myself to swing
to another tree. But before I take off, a Traxpire explosion sounds
in the distance down the left side of the beach.

Another one goes off and suddenly, my blood
runs cold.

Chapter Nineteen: Arrival

The Vermix on the ground scatter, Traxpires
aimed high into the trees. I look off the branch and jerk back, the
fiery bullet ripping past me. My heart races and I swallow my
nerves, quickly trying to think. Sampson said not to engage but
it’s already happening. Do I fight back or flee? And is fighting
even an option? When we only have nine and they have… an entire
army? Another explosion rips past the branch, shaking it.

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