Discovery at Nerwolix (27 page)

Read Discovery at Nerwolix Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #spirituality, #sex, #action adventure, #romance scifi, #war action adventure

BOOK: Discovery at Nerwolix
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Sampson leads the way and after descending
the closest post, we arrive on the ground, allowing the Lynzees to
continue their guidance through Nerwolix’s dark forest. We’re about
twenty minutes in when Reid inches closer.

“Glad I finally got to see them,” he
whispers next to me. “Was curious.”

One of the singsong voices
breezes back.

“About your state of existence,” Clarence
answers quickly. “He meant no disrespect.”

He could not mean it if he tried. For one of
Her younger creations, he exemplifies all that She wanted for their

“Are they saying something?” Reid asks.

I nod. “They’re talking about you.”

“What are they saying?”

She is happy he has selected Fallon for his
mate. He is fully deserving of her.

“Uh…” I stifle a laugh, “they’re… uh….glad
you chose me.”

“Chose you?”

“For a mate,” Sampson tosses back. “And it
is the Spirit that is happy. She says you are very deserving of

“Oh,” Reid nods with a laugh. “Well…” he
squeezes my hand, “glad I got the approval.”

We are nearly there.

We walk in silence the rest of the way,
which is only a few minutes longer. Slowing, I look around, hoping
for a glimpse of Her again. Even if only momentarily.

We are here.

“The Origin…” Sampson whispers to himself,
detaching from our group as he carefully treads forward, past two
of the five ancient Eckles. We’re right behind him, finding
ourselves in the glowing green grass and surrounded by the
glistening gossamer-coated Yulus. Scanning with awed disbelief, he
nods. “Yes… yes… I know this place.”

It is where She created life. It is where
She created everything.

“In all my preparations to become a Fychu…”
he spins, absorbing the location with wonder, inhaling the air into
his lungs as though he’d never breathed, “this is the most
… the most ancient…”

It is where you want to be, Fychu. It is
where you have searched.

“She never tells the location. Why?” he
looks to them, curious. “Why are we granted such knowledge?”

Of all her children, She wishes to give this
to you.

“What’s happening?” Reid whispers. “Where
are we?”

Before I can answer, his fingers fall limply
from mine and he collapses to the ground in a heap. I drop to my
knees next to him, a horrific scream on the tip of my tongue when a
new voice overshadows the fear. It’s the same voice from my dreams,
the same voice I heard here before.

“Do not be alarmed,” a flash of her dress
sparkles ahead. It disappears again in seconds. “He is well. Merely

Sampson and Clarence drop to their knees,
lowering their heads to the dirt. Even with their focus down and
their eyes shut, I can’t force mine to do the same. I’m worried
about Reid. He fell too quickly, like the life had been snatched
out of him. What if he isn’t asleep? What if he’s hurt?

“He could not look upon me,” She says from
behind us. “It would have killed him.”

“He’s not dead?”

“He is not dead,” Her voice assures from the
left. “Merely asleep.”

“Oh Great Mother…” Sampson whispers, “…oh
Great Spirit.”

“You are wondering why you are here, Fychu,”
She says from up ahead. “Why I have called you now and never

“I am.”

“You are curious about several things,”
She’s behind us again. “Why your life has enfolded the way it has.
Why you must feel so much pain in your heart.”

A beat and then, “Yes.”

“It is the same with you, Clynse,” her voice
rings to the right again. “So many questions. So much pain you

He nods but doesn’t answer.

“I do not desire that my children endure
such suffering as the two of you have,” She’s behind us, her gentle
voice calling. “You both pray to me often, seeking help.

Both nod, Sampson silent this time.

“But your pain—it does not recede.”

Neither move.

A quiet moment passes before She speaks
again, this time, from up ahead. “Andrew prays constantly. He never
use to. Not until the plane crash where you found him, Clynse. It
was the first time he called out to me. The first time he asked for
something. Now, he speaks to me daily.”

I look over at a sleeping Reid. I know I
should be focused on the ground like Sampson and Clarence are; I
know I shouldn’t be wondering what I am, but it’s hard to help what
I’m thinking.

“You want to know what he prays about,” She
says behind me.

I start to say no, but figure it’s probably
not wise to lie to Her. She knows what I’m thinking anyway, so why
bother hiding it?

“I’m… curious.”

“He prays about several things. Just like
the Fychu. Just like Clynse,” She is up ahead to the left. “You
want to know how this war will end. You want to know what you can
do to stop it.”

I nod.

“This war involves all my children. Not just
the humans. Not just the Dofinikes.”

“How can we end it peacefully?” Sampson asks
in a delicate whisper.

“There is no peace in war. They are two
sides of the same sphere—one cannot exist without the other.”

“Then there is no possibility?”

“I cannot stop war any more than I can force
peace. I give my children liberty to use their life as they see
fit. But…” She’s behind us again, “…from time to time, I will
intervene, to help direct as it is necessary.”

“Direct?” Clarence questions, his eyes still
low to the ground.

“Francis,” She says, and suddenly, She’s
right in front of me. Her eyes shine like white diamonds, glowing
into mine. “When called, you will leave the others behind. You will
go far from here and learn what you must so that when the time
comes, you will be ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“You will know when you are meant to.”

And then She’s gone, the shining Lynzees
having disappeared with her. Only the shimmering Yulus and glowing
grass offer any light. My mouth drops to say something, but I’m not
sure what. I want to ask Her more questions, ask Her what that last
part meant but we’re all alone again, just the four of us out

“Oh Great Spirit…” Sampson lowers his head,
whispering to himself as Clarence climbs to a stand. He looks
around, possibly hoping to still spot Her but the entire forest is
still. Quiet. Sampson is on his feet as well, looking between
Clarence and me.

“Well tonight was unexpected…” he laughs to

“What did that last part mean?” I ask.
“About leaving the others behind?”

“What happened?” Reid sits up, rubbing his
head. “Did I pass out?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he looks around, trying to piece it

“Reid,” I snap my fingers in front of his
face. “Look at me. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine,” he takes my hand and kisses my
palm. “Just confused. What happened?”

“You… fell asleep,” I rise to a stand,
helping him up.

“Fell asleep?”

“Conked right out,” Clarence nods, but just
as Reid’s about to ask, he goes on, “don’t worry—not your fault.
You were put under.”

“By who?”

“The Spirit,” Sampson says softly. “The

Reid looks around, as if hoping to find

“She’s gone,” the Fychu says, before turning
to me. “Oh Fallon… I don’t think you realize what this means.”

“No, I don’t. Especially that last

“What last part?” Reid asks. “What’d She

Clarence, Sampson and I exchange looks.
Finally, Clarence clears his throat. “She said something along the
lines of Fallon leaving us far behind to learn something so that
when the time comes… she’ll be ready.”

“Learn what?” Reid frowns. “And go

“We don’t know. That’s… all she said.”

“How far?” Reid turns to me with fear in his
eyes. “And when? And why was I put under?”

“Had you looked upon Her, you would’ve been

“But you all saw?”

“Well…” Clarence stifles a laugh, “the Fychu
and I focused on the ground—as you’re supposed to—but I get the
feeling Fallon didn’t.”

“I was looking at Reid.”

“She obviously didn’t mind,” Clarence says.
“I’m just surprised.”

“So how come Fallon wasn’t killed?” he walks
closer, framing my face in his hands, his fearful eyes flickering
between mine. “Could she have been?”

“No—it goes back to her ancient blood. As
the Three Worlds were created before anything else, their
inhabitants are considered the oldest—their abilities stronger than
others. Fallon is like us, considered a ‘first child.’ You on the
other hand… your body wouldn’t have been able to take it. She
knocked you out to protect you.”

“Oh…” he nods, satisfied.

“We must be heading back,” Sampson starts,
“we must tell the others what we’ve learned.”

“About not being able to stop the war?” I

“And what she told you. I’m sorry,” he
places a hand on my shoulder. “I don’t know exactly what it means.
She said when you were called… I suppose it will be quite obvious
but when the time comes… you must go. There is nothing I can do
about that.”

“But you’ll go and come back, right?” Reid

“I—I don’t know. She didn’t say.”


“We won’t know until the time arrives,”
Sampson says. “She was purposely vague. We are not supposed to
know.” It looks like Reid wants to say something but Sampson shakes
his head. “We must be heading back. Not only will the others be
expecting us, but I must speak with Blovid. The meeting with Hozfin
did not go as we’d hoped.”

“What do you mean?” I ask as the Fychu moves
swiftly through the dark forest. Clarence claims his one side while
I stick to his other.

“He still wishes to invade Dellapalania,” he
exhales. “He is seriously considering sending troops on the

“Because of earlier? Because he fears they
will locate the Floating Ruby?”

Sampson shakes his head. “Because he’s
insulted and enraged that they actually tried to retrieve it. Those
eight from earlier… like I said, he wanted to flay them alive. But
his fury didn’t end there. He understands Reuzkimpart wants to
bring an invasion here, but Hozfin is outraged that they even
attempted stealing it. You saw how he was with the Nhazual,”
Sampson tosses me a look. “And that was when we surrendered and
brought information on the war. He thinks sending a counter force
will delay any future visits.”

“But he’s crazy,” Reid says. “He’ll be
dividing his forces, making Zinnollo more exposed.”

“That’s what we tried to explain. But he’s
driven now. He wants to launch a massive attack on


“Soon. Day after tomorrow, I think. Blovid
and I are going to use the time to try and convince him

“But you don’t think he’ll budge?”

“It’s not looking good.”

“What can we do to stop it?” I ask.

“At this point…” Sampson sighs, “pray that
the Vermix arrive first.”


Chapter Eighteen: Beginning

“Well?” Blovid asks as we enter Sampson’s
home. “What happened?”

“The Lynzees took us to the Origin of the
Gifts,” he says and an audible gasp rings. “And then… we saw

“The Mother?” Blovid approaches, his hand at
his chest. “You actually saw Her?”

Sampson, Clarence and I nod, just as the
Arizal Leader shifts his focus to Reid. “Not him… she had him
asleep by the time she appeared. But,” Sampson exhales, “She told
us there’s nothing we can do to stop the war.”

All six Dofinikes frown, Qippert nodding to
himself. “No… I suppose not.”

“Did She say anything?” Jothkore asks,
“anything at all that might possibly assist…”

But Clarence and Sampson are shaking their
heads. Clarence looks at me. “Except that Fallon would need to
leave us at some point.”

“What?” Blovid’s eyes find mine. “To go
where? And do what?”

“We don’t know. She only said that when the
time comes, Fallon must leave so that she can learn something so
that she’ll be prepared when the time comes.”

“That is it?”

Clarence shrugs.

“Well, if She has spoken… then I guess…” but
he looks back at the Fychu. “Why do you think She presented herself
to you now? And with such little information?”

“I am not sure,” Sampson shrugs. “Have you
contacted my father? Does he know?”

“I… have decided to wait on reaching out to
Theon. Hozfin says he will not send them until the day after
tomorrow. I will give it one more chance for him to change his

“But if he still plans an offensive attack,
Dellapalania needs to be warned. The Arizals at least.”

“Would the Zingfinolds know the difference
between Vermix and Arizals?” I ask. “Maybe they could help the
Arizal cause?”

“Even if that were the case,” Clarence
argues, “he’d still be leaving Nerwolix completely exposed. The
last thing we need is for Reuzkimpart to obtain the Gift.
his main objective and if he gets it…” he shakes his
head, “it’ll be detrimental. Much worse than any good the
Zingfinolds would do to aid the Arizals.”

“So what do we do?”

“At this point…” Sampson says, “I’m not sure
there’s much we
do. Reuzkimpart wants to search for the
Gift and Hozfin plans on sending in a counter attack. This is going
to get bad fast.”

“And with Mybyncia still recovering…” Blovid
scratches his chin.

“They still may be able to help,” Clarence
says. “I mean, if we need last minute assistance. Queen Ravan could
still send some help.”

“How?” I ask. “Would you have to go pick
them up and bring them back here?”

“No. They can travel by themselves—same as
us. They would travel through their ocean and arrive here, in

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