Dirty (14 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: Dirty
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“Well seeing as how your cousin is married to a very prominent man in the in state, I’m sure he has a certain reputation to uphold. I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate the scandal of a relative through marriage prostituting herself.”

Without thought
she smacked him across the face as hard as she could.

Steve gripped her by the forearms and slammed her into the wall making her head throb. “That’s going to cost you bitch.”

“I’m not a prostitute,” she hissed.

“That’s your word against mine. I think you’re going to make yourself available to me again, but this time on my terms, unless you want to get arrested. What do you think that would do to your dear cousin

“I think you’re the devil.” Did she dare turn him down and run the risk of getting arrested for something she didn’t do. Steve was right that her connection to James could possibly
a public embarrassment to him and Noelle. Hell, it could be an embarrassment to her as well. She was just starting to get more well-known clients which were a boost to her business. A blow like this could set her back. But she only had herself to blame for putting herself in this situation.

“You know
what I think? I think you’re going to say yes. I mean, I could always come by your shop
is it? Oh yes, I know about that. Your cousin gushed over the success of your little boutique when I asked her where I might have seen you before. She mentioned you being in a national magazine and that you’ve been interviewed on the news. Isn’t that special?” The way he made it sound
there was nothing special about it.

How could she have been fooled by this creep?

“Okay, but leave my family out of this.”

“Of course. How about we seal it with a kiss?” He grinned bringing his face closer to hers. There was something green in between his teeth and his breath smelled like he’d eaten salami and onions.

Simone’s stomach turned and she wanted to throw up. She turned her head before his lips could meet hers. With an angry growl he gripped her chin and turned her head toward his. “I’m the one in
.” This time when he leaned
she closed her eyes mainly to hold back the unshed tears that threatened to spill.

“What’s going on back here?” a
voice interrupted them.

Thankfully Steve moved away from her before he could get his kiss. But unfortunately, her rescuer was Paul.


Chapter Fifteen

Paul had a bad feeling about something. He used to get them when he was at school when he was younger and sure enough, he’d come home to find her with a fresh injury courtesy of his piece of shit father. It was the same feeling he had now. James and Noelle had returned to the table with news that they’d been able to recover Noelle’s wedding band and engagement ring because the robber had indeed pawned it. The perpetrator had been stupid enough to leave his real address on the pawn receipt which had led to the arrest.

While Paul was happy that the thief was in custody, he noticed Simone had yet to come back to the table. He excused himself to go check on her.

As he looked through the house, he headed in the direction of the downstairs powder room. That was when he’d heard voices and they sounded slightly contentious but as he got closer, he heard the words, “How about we seal this with a kiss?” It sounded like that asshat detective.

What he came up on was Detective Burke and Simone in a compromising position. The asshole looked like he was about to kiss her and the worst part was she was about to let him. As soon as he made his presence known, they pulled apart like two teenagers who’d been caught by their parents.

The look of pure guilt in Simone’s eyes was all he needed to know what was going on.

Detective Burke actually had the nerve to smile. “I apologize for this unprofessional situation you’ve caught me in. Simone and I are old friends. Aren’t we, hon?”

Simone had lowered her head but she said a very soft, “Yes.”

Paul’s blood boiled in rage. He wanted to beat the shit out of this guy for daring to touch what belonged to him. Most of all, he wanted to give Simone a reminder of who she belonged to as well.

“I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Rothschild wouldn’t want you lingering in their home.”

The other man grinned sheepishly as if the two of them had shared a secret joke. “Of course not. I’d come back here to use the restroom but I can hold it.”

“I’m sure you can.”

“We’ll, I’ll take my leave then.” He nodded in Simone’s direction. “I’ll be in touch honey.”

She kept her head lowered without responding.

With Burke gone, Paul was at a loss for words. He realized he didn’t have the right to be angry with Simone. She after all, had reason to be livid with him. But where Simone was concerned, logic didn’t matter. Seeing her with another man in so intimate a pose reminded him of the night he’d caught her in the alley.

Deciding it was best to walk away before he said something he couldn’t take back, he turned to leave but to his surprise, she caught him by his sleeve. “Wait.”

He took a deep calming breath before turning around. “What? I told the others that I was coming back to check on you. I see that you’re more than fine, so I’m going back outside.”

“It wasn’t what it looked like.”

Paul rolled his eyes skyward. “Sure, I’ll believe you over my lying eyes. Enjoy getting to know your old friend.”

“But uh, that’s it. He’s nothing to me. Besides, I thought…you know that you…”

“That I want you?”

She seemed uncertain in her answer. “Yes. I thought we had an arrangement.”

“We did, until I saw that I’m not the only one you have this arrangement with.”

“That isn’t true.”

“Then what is? What exactly do you want from me?” The he longer stayed in her presence
, the more
he feared he’d do something stupid.

“I just don’t want you to be mad at me?”

“Okay. Fine. I’m not mad.”

“Do you mean that?”

“No. Not really. So now
we’re even we’ve both lied to each other.”

“I didn’t lie. You’re the only man I’m interested in.”

Walk away. Walk away. Walk away.

“You have a funny way of showing it.”

When she reached out and touched the side of his face, something within him snapped. He lifted Simone o
f her feet and carried her inside the bathroom. He released her, closed the door and then locked it.

“What are you doing?”

“No, it’s what you’re going to do for me. You say I’m the only man you want. Show me.”

She moistened her lips and it took every ounce of his control not to throw her on the ground and fuck her relentlessly. “Right here?”

“Yes, right now. Right now. You were after all willing to do it for your old friend,” he taunted.

Simone looked up at him with those big brown eyes and he nearly relented. He’d promised himself after the last time that if he ever got a chance
to be
with her again, he’d make love to her properly. Yet here they were locked in his friend’s bathroom. “Simone, you don’t have to—”

Before he could finish his sentence, she worked on unbuckling his belt. She made short order of getting his zipper down and button undone. The khaki’s he wore were soon around his ankles and Simone dropped to her knees. She yanked his boxer briefs down, freeing his cock. If he had any sense of decency, he’d make her stop but the second he felt the warmth of her breath on his cock, all reason flew out the window.

She gently circled her fingers around his shaft and placed a soft kiss against the head.

“Shit,” he moaned. With just the lightest of touches, he was rock hard. Simone ran
tongue around the tip with an expert skill that sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through his body. When she opened her mouth and slowly took him into her mouth an inch at a time, he nearly lost his mind.

Paul balled his hands into fists at his side and willed himself not to explode in her mouth. The erotic sight of her head bobbing back and forth on his dick was every single one of his wet dreams coming true. He didn’t think it was possible to be this turned by one person, but Simone was the kryptonite to his superman. He was weak against the pleasure she delivered to him.

She gently grasped his balls in her hand and fondled them, while keeping a tight seal over his cock with her lips. Unable to help himself he placed his hands on either side of
head and guided her along his cock. He pushed his hips forward slipping
member deeper into her mouth. He picked up the pace holding her head still as he thrust back and forth.

“Yeah baby. That’s it. Just like that. So good,” he groan

The humming noise she made as she sucked him created a slight vibration
made him weak in the knees. In this moment
nothing could compare to the sweet feeling of her tongue mouth and hand on his cock and balls. Simone gave as good as she got, receiving him with an enthusiasm that turned him on beyond any words he could express.

He was so close to coming but this didn’t feel quite right. The only place he wanted to release was in her tight pussy. A primitive growl escaped from her throat when he released her head and pulled away.

Simone looked up at him with widened eyes, her shock apparent. “Didn’t you…didn’t you like it?”

“Too much.” Paul hooked his hands under her armpits and lifted her off the ground. He carried her the few
to the sink and placed her down. “Turn around.”


“Turn around!”

When she was too slow to obey his command, he gripped her shoulders and turned her around until she faced the mirror. Thank
that she wore leggings so he didn’t have to fumble with any fastenings, Paul pulled them down to reveal her bare ass. In most circumstances
he would have admired her sweet curves or the way the red lace thong she wore rode low on her hips but he needed to be inside of her right now or go

When he yanked her thong down,
and bared her pussy, Paul
placed his cock against it. He ran his shaft along her slit making her moan. With his free hand
Paul positioned her until she was bent over.

Simone gripped the edge of the sink with one and while firmly planting the other against the mirror. Paul teased her pussy, pushing his cock head just past her labia before pulling it out. She was so slick and ready for him. The heat of her cunt nearly scorched him, beckoning him to enter and take her.

“Please,” she whispered.

It was all the invitation he needed before he slammed into her. Her walls held him
a grip so tight he nearly came before he could even get started. Paul gripped her hips and plowed into her over and over again, drowning out everything around him. All he could feel was how good it felt to be inside of her, and how tight
wet and ready she was. It was as if Simone was made exclusively for him. Nothing else mattered. Even when he thought he heard a knock on the bathroom door it didn’t stop him.

“Paul,” Simone spoke in a panicked whisper.

“Shh.” He stilled just long enough to make sure no one was hovering outside. The retreating sound of footsteps was all the confirmation he needed.

“We should stop.”

“Is that what you want?”

He could see the conflict on her face
as he watched her in
the mirror. Finally
she shook her head.

“We’ll just be very quiet.” Paul moved slowly at first to find his rhythm. This time when he picked up the pace, Simone pushed her ass against him making his cock dive deeper into her tight channel. He pumped into her in frenzied movements racing to the climax that he knew would be explosive.

He knew the exact moment when Simone hit her peak, because she nearly collapsed as something between a moan and a scream escaped her lips. It was enough to send Paul hurtling to his own release. He held her against him pumping his seed deep inside of her. Unlike the first time he’d taken her, he could feel her juices coat his cock and nothing could compare to it.

They remained locked together for several moments, panting to catch their breath and Paul savored the feel of her pussy wrapped around him before slowly easing out of her silky sheath. She watched as his seed dripped out of her and realization hit him. “Shit.

“What?” It looked as if it had taken Simone a great amount of effort to stand straight.

“I didn’t use protection.”

“Oh.” She didn’t seem nearly as upset as he thought she’d be.

Paul turned her around until they were facing each other. “You’re not worried?”

“If you’re worried about catching something
I don’t make a habit of having unprotected sex.”

“What about birth control?”

“I don’t…you don’t have to worry about it.”

He frowned. “Of course
I have to worry about it
f there’s a baby.”

“Trust me. There won’t be.”

“You will not abort my child if there is one.”

Simone pushed Paul, putting some distance between them. “I never said anything about abortion. I just said there won’t be a baby. I know my body and I know a baby isn’t possible.”

There was something in the way she spoke that gave him pause. If he didn’t know any better
he would have thought she was sad. “So it’s not that time of month for you?”

“You could say that.”


“You have nothing to worry about. Look, I think it’s best if I leave, just tell everyone I wasn’t feeling well.” She adjusted her clothing.

“You don’t have to leave on my account.

I’m not going because of you. I have some things to sort out.” She could barely look him in the eyes.

He wasn’t sure how to feel right now. On the one hand, he still owed her an apology but then he wanted to know what was going on between her and that detective.

Once he put his clothes in order and Simone headed for the door, his conscience got the better of him. He caught her by the forearm. “Wait a minute.”

“What?” When she turned to face him, her eyes gleamed with the suspicious sheen of tears

“I’m sorry.”

“What are you apologizing for, Paul?”

“When I came by your house
I had no right to treat you like that. I don’t know what’s going on between us but I can’t continue on like this.”

“What do you mean? Like this?”

“These random encounters. I can’t do it. Not when I have feelings—”

She held up her hand, halting him in mid
speech. “I’m not interested, Paul. I don’t care about your feelings. You’re the one who initiated this and you made it quite clear what your feelings were then. If you’d starting to develop a little bit of guilt because of one rough fuck
then it’s a good idea that we’re ending whatever this thing is.”

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