Dirty (5 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: Dirty
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Paul nodded in acknowledgement. “Misha.”

“You put on a good show tonight. I think a lot of people underestimated you because of your younger opponent. You’ll easily make
a few grand

Paul shrugged. He didn’t completely trust Petrov. The man only took an interest in someone when
wanted something and Paul wasn’t prepared to barter his soul. “I guess.” He wasn’t here for the money like he’d been as a teenager. The cash he made tonight would go into one of his favorite charities.

The Russian smiled affably enough, but there was a hard look in his eyes that made Paul slightly uneasy. “When I heard that you were involved in the fights again, I wanted to come down and see for myself. You seem to have not lost that killer instinct I recognized in you.”

“Thank you.”

“I heard you went in to business for yourself. A bakery I believe it is.”

Paul raised a brow. “And you know this how?”

“I make it my business to know who participates in these little…get-togethers. Besides, at one point you were one of the biggest attractions. People would come
to see you. When you left, I didn’t think I’d hear from you again but I should have known better. You’re an adrenaline junky. Just be careful it doesn’t get your killed.”

“Are you threatening me?” Paul faced the other man, looking him directly in the eye. Misha seemed to be an inch shorter than Paul’s six foot two but what the other man lacked in height he made up in build. Paul was sure a fight between them would be evenly matched.

Misha threw his head back and chuckled. “My friend, I don’t make threats. I take action. I’m just making small talk as you Americans say.”

“That’s strange considering you’re not particularly know
for making small talk. What do you want Misha.”

The other man narrowed his eyes slightly, but his smile never wavered. “Let’s just say friends help each other out. And you and I are friends. Keep that in mind.” Without waiting for Paul to respond, Misha turned and walked away leaving Paul to wonder what the hell that meant.

Paul was almost certain that no good could come out of whatever it was that Misha wanted, but the Russian had been right about one thing. Paul was an adrenaline junky and he would return
the next event.


As Paul slid into his car later on, the ache began to settle in his muscles. He’d worry about Misha another time.
Right now, h
e looked forward to a long hot shower to loosen the tension in his muscles. Paul picked up his cell phone to check for any messages and was surprised to see a text. It was from Simone.

I need to see you


Chapter Five

Shame welled inside Simone’s belly making the bile rise from her throat. She just managed to keep it down. What the hell was she doing out here? She told herself that she wouldn’t do this again, but she couldn’t help herself, couldn’t stop it. The more she attempted to resist the urge
that made
her do unspeakable things, the temptation had become too much to resist. She glanced at her telephone for the third time in the last few minutes. No calls. So desperate to fill the burning need within, she broke down and did what she vowed she would
n’t do
and called Paul. In her mind, she reasoned that at least with him, it wouldn’t be so sordid and so gut wrench
. Maybe afterwards she wouldn’t find herself bent over in her bathroom, retching out the contents of her stomach.

She’d tried a cold shower but was still granted no relief. Manual stimulation didn’t do the trick either. She needed her fix. Just this one last time.
was how she found herself in a bar outside the city limits in
bobbed wig that nearly covered her eyes. With her makeup heavily applied, she made sure that she’d be unrecognizable to anyone who may have seen her before. But she was almost certain no one would. It was why she chose this

Now as she nursed her watered down cranberry and vodka, Simone wondered if she’d made a big mistake. The clientele looked a bit rough, mostly biker types and men who looked like they’d fallen on hard times. The stench of cigarette smoke permeated the entire
barely masking the stink of body odor and cheap booze. As far as she could tell
there was only one other black person in the entire place besides herself and it looked as if he was on the verge of leaving. She was about to do the same when someone placed a drink in front of her.

pretty lady. This one’s on me.”

Simone looked up from her drink to see a thin clean shaven man with mousy brown hair and a slightly receding hairline. He was neither handsome nor unattractive but somewhere in the middle. If someone were to ask her to describe him with one word, the best she could come up with would be nondescript. But judging from the rest of the men hanging around the bar, he was probably the best and cleanest looking
out of the bunch.

She nodded in his direction and have him a polite smile even though she had no plans on drinking the contents of the glass he pushed her way. For all she knew, it could be drugged. Being in a shady place like this was risky enough, she wasn’t completely without her wits. “Thank you.”

He held out his hand to her. “I’m
. And you are?”

Simone took his hand and gave it a limp shake. “Mary.”

“So Mary, I’ve never seen you here before.”

She shrugged. “This seemed to be as good a place as any to get a few drinks.”

“That’s what you say, but you’ve been holding on to that same glass for the better part of an hour.”

She raised a brow. “You’ve been watching me?”

Giving her a half grin,
winked. “You’re a beautiful woman. You can’t hold that against me.”

She twisted around on her stool until she fully faced him. There was no point in beating around the bush. “So what are you going to do about it?”

“I er…” Her question seemed to catch him off guard. “I bought you a drink.”

“That’s nice of you, but that’s not what I asked. I want to know what you want to do to me.”

, who was in the middle of taking a sip from his own drink spit out his alcohol, obviously caught off guard by her candid question. “Um, I’m not really sure what you mean.”

“Of course
you do. You want to fuck me. And if you play your cards right, I might let you.”

He narrowed his gaze briefly. “You a hooker?”

“What do you think?”

“I think I’m not going to pay for pussy.”

“Wasn’t that the point of you giving me a drink? You might not think you’re paying for it but we all pay for it in one way
shape or form. I’m going to be very frank with you
. I’m not looking for a relationship, and honestly, I don’t care to know more about you beyond your name.”
She ignored the stunned expression on his face. It never ceased to amaze her how surprised guys were when a woman was so upfront about sex when it was all men seemed to think and talk about themselves.
“I’m going to walk outside and wait in the parking lot. If you don’t join me in five minutes, I’m going to get in my car and drive off. No hard feelings.” Simone collected her purse and stood up to leave.

grabbed her by the wrist, halting her. Surprisingly, he had a pretty firm grip. “Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

“What’s the catch?”

Simone snatched her wrist out of his grasp. “Guess you’ll have to come outside and find out.”

He didn’t try to stop her when she moved away. By the time she got to her car
she was shivering. The little voice of reason that played in the back of her mind told Simone to leave right then and there
but that impulse that refused to be squashed wouldn’t go away until it was satisfied.

joined her just as she tried to convince herself why staying wasn’t a good idea. “I didn’t actually think you’d be out here waiting for me. I mean, I know you said you would be but it’s surprising is all. So at the risk of sounding cliché, your place or mine?”



“I saw a motel a few blocks away. That seems like a
good a place as any.”

“That dump? The only people who patron that place are bums
who managed to scrap
together a few bucks, prostitutes and degenerates.”

“Sounds like you’re quite familiar with the place.”

narrowed his eyes briefly and for a second the affable smile
he’d worn since they met, faltered briefly. He shrugged. “It’s no big secret what kind of place that is. You sure
you’re not a prostitute?”

“If I were, do you think I look like the type of prostitute who would be caught dead in a dive like this?”

perused her from head to toe, lingering on her breasts a little longer
Simone was comfortable with. “No. No you don’t. Which makes me wonder what a classy lady like yourself
is doing
on this side of the tracks
You’re dressed nice, smell good,
drive a fancy car. You don’t live around here do you? I bet your name isn’t Mary

“It is tonight. Look, are we just going to stand here while you psychoanalyze me or do you want to head to the motel. If you don’t want to, I’m sure there’s someone else who will.” She turned and placed her hand on the door handle of her car, but
prevented her from opening the door by grabbing her wrist.

“No need to rush off. I was just trying to make conversation is all.”

“I’m not interested in talking. Look, why don’t you head to your car and follow me to the motel.”

He nodded. “Okay.”

she had an out. She could have gotten in her vehicle and sped off before he followed her but the compulsion that brought her here in the first place wouldn’t allow her to listen to common sense. She squashed the small voice of reason that played in her head as she drove to her destination. She parked her car under the only working street light in the vicinity.

As she walked across the parking lot
she spotted a couple people who appeared to be homeless huddled together on the ground. Broken glass and drug paraphernalia
scattered all over the broken asphalt, while the strong scent of urine, feces and marijuana smoke offended her nostrils. The inside of the building wasn’t much better. The overhead lighting flickered on and off signaling the need for bulb changes. The carpets were badly stained with substances that Simone didn’t care to identify.

The motel clerk
behind the bullet proof window covered in bars, smoked a cigar with little concern for the health code laws. Simone would have turned to leave right then and there, but
appeared behind her. He placed his hand at the small of her back. “If you’d like, I can pay for this.”

She shook her head. The last thing she wanted was
him to think she was indebted to him in anyway. “No. I can take care of this.”

He raised a brow but didn’t protest. Fortunately for her
this was the type of establishment that took cash with no questions asked and Simone had just enough to cover them for a few hours.

With room key in hand, Simone headed outside to get to her assigned room. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting
but if she had any expectations
Simone would have been sorely disappointed. The large king sized bed in center was unmade and there was a pile of trash on the floor. There were cracks in the walls and the paint was chipped. As Simone stepped closer to the bed, she let out a yelp. It was infested with little brown and black bugs.

“This is disgusting.”

shrugged out of his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt
seeming unaffected. “What do you expect for a place like this?”

she expect? As much as she wanted to leave
it was too late. She’d committed to being here with
and she would see this through. And after tonight, she’d never do something like this
again. At least, she’d try.

She shook her head. “Don’t take off your clothes.”

“What? You can’t change your mind now.”

“I didn’t say I changed my mind. I would prefer we did
with our clothes on. I’m not interested in making love, or having sex. I just want a quick fuck against the wall. If I would have known this was a crack motel, I might have skipped getting a room altogether.”

narrowed his eyes. “Are you serious?”

I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life
. Do you want this or not
I can assure you there are plenty of men who won’t say no.”

“It’s just that I need a little warming up baby. You can’t expect a man to just…”
trailed off as she raised her peasant skirt to reveal her panty
less state.

Simone took several steps backward until her back was against the wall. “Are you sure about that?”

He licked his lips and moved toward her.

“Condom.” Though this random hook up with a stranger was a risky endeavor in itself, she wasn’t completely crazy.

, reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out his wallet. Simone watched him dig out a condom. She tried not to stare when he whipped out his cock but she found her gaze
dropping down
the center his body until it landed on his member. She bit the inside of her lip to hide a gasp of surprise. He appeared to be erect but it was hard to tell by the size. Not that size was that big a deal because there were plenty of men who had big dicks who didn’t know what to do with it.

managed to sheath his dick, he was on her in a flash, pressing Simone against the wall. When he attempted to kiss her, she turned her head to the side. She didn’t want to feel this stranger’s lips on her. It was far too intimate an act. He growled, burying his face against her neck and planted kisses against her exposed skin before
her leg.

She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he guided his cock
her entrance. Simone waited for him to slide it inside of her. It was only when he released a satisfied groan and whispered, “Oh, baby. You’re so tight,” did she realize that he already had. She grinded her hips against his and attempted to tighten
muscles against him, but she felt nothing.

on the other hand
seemed to be into it as he started to pump frantically against her. It felt like a dog humping her leg. Not wanting to bruise his ego, she moaned and writhed against him
all while counting the seconds in her head. Fortunately for her, she only made it to fifty-seven seconds before
howled his release.

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