Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3)
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“This is the main drawing room. Mother and Father adore this room.” I stood pretending to be awestruck as I gazed around at all the wealth, not to mention the paintings. There had to be at least fifty in here, and this was just one room. “Impressed?”
Not really, I’ve seen this all before.

“Very,” I gasped. “I thought the main ballroom was amazing, but this…”

“There are many perks to being rich,” he smirked, pulling me against his chest. “Have you ever been with a millionaire, Jade?”
Countless times, Asshole! I’ve been with billionaires too!

“No, you’re the first I’ve met,” I whispered, running my hands down his chest. “And I have to admit, you’re making me a little nervous.”

“There is nothing to be nervous about, Baby,” he cooed, running his hands down toward my ass. “Let’s get another drink to help relax you. I can show you the wine cellar, too.”  I nodded, following him.

By the time I’d had the grand tour of the mansion, I counted at least three hundred paintings in this house. At least thirty of them could have been
The Lone Soldier
. I hope Drew had a better luck than me in trying to find it before we met up later.

“Well, there is only one place left for me to show you.” My target’s eyes darkened as they roamed over my body. “If you’re still willing, I’d love to show you my bedroom.”

“You’re not going to sleep with him, are you, Jade?” Zara asked in my ear. “Stun the bastard. He’s way too slimy.”

“Sure, lead the way. I’m looking forward to it.”

“So am I,” he gleamed, licking his lips.

“Drew got the passcode. You’ll be able to make a quick escape once you have the painting.” Zara continued to update me while I stood looking around my target’s room. He’d gone to get another bottle of wine before we got down to business. “You’re not going to sleep with him, are you?” she asked again. “Drew is already getting busy with his outside in the garden.” Jesus! He really had no boundaries. “Oh no, now I think he might be moving into the house.”

“I won’t be sleeping with mine, Zara,” I whispered. “I
’ll be putting him to sleep.”

“Good. I’m trying to research this painting more. There has to be
that distinguishes it from the other paintings.”  

“Okay, anything will help. They have
a lot
of military paintings.” I could hear my target making his way back into the bedroom.

“I have a bottle of my father’s finest wine.”

“Why don’t you let me pour while you get more comfortable on the bed?” I suggested.

“Only if I can strip you of that dress first.” Great! I’d love to have a least one mission where I could try and keep my damn clothes on!
That never bothered you before, Jade.
He came up behind me, his arms encircling my waist. “I want to see you,” he muttered before his lips kissed down my neck. It took all my strength not to pull away, thinking about whose lips had been there last time.  

I felt his fingers begin to pull the zipper to my dress open. As he slid the material down my body, his hands gripped my breasts, kneading them in a circular motion.

“Whoa, slow down,” I panted, breaking free.

“You are so sexy.” He tried to reach for me again but I moved.

“Go and lie down on the bed. I’ll bring the drinks over after I’ve poured them.”

“I guess it will mean I can take a good look at you from my bed.”

“You rich boys are quite perverted, aren’t you?” I teased, watching him saunter over to his bed.

“Oh, I’m all man, Baby. I’ll prove that when you bring that sexy body over here.” I rolled my eyes, knowing my back was to him. After pouring the wine, I slipped the sleeping powder in his wine glass. I giggled to myself, remembering when Molly told me she’d accidentally drank the powder before and was asleep for almost twelve hours.

“You’ll be gentle with me, right?” I purred, moving seductively toward him. “I don’t usually do this kind of thing.”

“Relax, Baby,” he soothed, taking the wine glass from me and placing it down on his bedside table. Damn it, I needed him to drink it. I was still clinging to my wine glass as he tried to take it from me. “I’ll look after you, don’t worry.”

“I could really use one more glass of wine. You know, for courage,” I smiled shyly. He patted the mattress beside him. “Sit down and we can drink our wine in bed.”

“Stun the bastard if the powder doesn’t work,” Zara hissed.

I moved around the bed, sliding in next to him and then taking a large sip of wine. “Aren’t you drinking your wine?”

“I’d rather look at you.” His voice was husky as he ran his fingers down the side of my leg from my thigh to my ankle. “But one more glass wouldn’t hurt, I suppose.” I sighed in relief as he took two sips of his wine. He wouldn’t need to drink too much before the powder began to work. “I’m glad Sam stood you up.” He moved, taking my glass from me as he did. “Enough wine. I want to fuck now.” My back hit the mattress and his hands began to roam my body hungrily. As they slipped into my bra, stroking over my nipple, I closed my eyes.
Please, powder, start working!
Suddenly, his actions slowed and his body slumped over me.

“Thank fuck for that,” I sighed, rolling the asshole off me.

“Is he out cold?” Zara asked.

I checked his pulse and lifted his eyelids. “Yeah, he’s out. How’s Drew getting on?”

“He’s groaning. I think it sounds like they are almost done.”

“He does know this is a mission, right? It’s not how many
times he can I bang a girl in one night,” I replied, picking up my dress and zipping it back up. “You wait until I find him.”

“He’s trying to tire her out, I think, and I just told him what you said,” she snorted.


“What? It was funny. I think his mark is out cold now, too. Yes, he said
he'd meet you in the drawing room. He thinks the painting is in there.” Oh, so Drew
been doing something other than having sex. That was good to know.

I reached the room before Drew. “Do you have any hints on this painting yet, Zara?” I asked, studying the wall in front of me.

“The soldier is a cavalier. He’s dressed in red and sitting on a white horse.” How was that meant to help me? What the hell did a cavalier even look like?

“I know which painting it is,” Drew called from behind me. “But it’s up high. You’ll need to keep watch for me while I climb the bookcase.”

“You’re going to do your Spiderman thing, aren’t you?” I giggled. Drew nodded, smirking.  

It didn’t take him long to get the painting down, and once we’d inspected it, we both confirmed it was the correct one.

“Out of curiosity, how many times do you think I can bang a female in one night?” Drew teased while he pressed the security code for the back door. The party was still in full swing at the front of the mansion. I had to laugh, thinking about
the hosts asleep upstairs.   

“I don’t even want to guess,” I snorted. “I’m glad you had your mind on the mission tonight, though.”

“Posh Barbie dolls aren’t really my thing, Jelly Bean.”

“And sexy, intelligent red heads with green eyes are?”

“Don’t start that again,” he cautioned. I could tell by his tone not to press the matter any further.

“You guys were great,” Zara beamed as we met her in the getaway car outside. “Where are we heading.”

“A bar,” Drew grinned. “I think we need to hit the tequila before our flight in the morning.” Drew was
going to get me drunk!  

Chapter Nine


“How did your mission go with Zara and Drew?” Molly asked. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in months.” It had been a while.

“Fine. Zara is learning fast. She’s going to make one hell of a Seductor.”

“Have you noticed anything about Georgie and Drew lately?” she questioned, sipping on her iced tea as we sat soaking up the sun by the pool. We had our
six-month fitness test today and I knew she was dreading it.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, I don’t know. They keep giving each other these weird looks. What happened in New York, Jade? Does this all have to do with you and your target?”

“You’re being paranoid, Molly. They just happened to be in town while I was still working on the case. Nothing happened.”

“And you’re sure you are okay? I know that New York target was different.”

“I’m over it, Molly. Case closed. Can we move on please?” Talking about him wasn’t going to help. It had been over three months since I’d left him, and Miles confirmed that Oliver had still made no attempt to find me. He’d gotten the message and moved on. With Macy perhaps?
Jade, don’t torture yourself. You know Macy could never make him happy.  

“You just seem different somehow.”

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”

“I heard you have another big mission starting in a few weeks?” I sighed, nodding. I’d been doing lots of smaller missions over the last few months that hadn’t involved sex. It didn’t take Sonia long to place me in another high earner, though. I should have been happy to have something to take my mind off everything, but I wasn’t. High earning missions always meant one thing; at some point, sex would have to be involved, and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to give my body back to this job—not when Oliver still owned it in every single way.

“You are the biggest gossip around here.” I shook my head, looking at the time. “Come on. We need to get ready for our fitness tests.”

“Ugh. Do we have to?” Molly sulked, getting up to follow me.

“Keep those legs moving, Molly!” Jason yelled. “Don’t make me punish you. You’re a second behind the others.”

“This guy is trying to kill me,” she panted to me, quickening her pace.

“Well done, Jade. You beat your record,” Jason praised once the bleep test had finished.  “What ever extra training you’ve been doing in the last six months has paid off.” Jesus, I couldn’t even get away from Oliver in fitness training. Then again, I knew the sex marathons were a good source of fitness.  

“Thanks, Jason. Yeah, I’ve been adding pads to my workout, and I ran a lot in New York.”

“Well, you're looking great. Keep up the good work,” he grinned before turning to glare at Molly. “Chocolate ban for you for one month. You were three seconds behind your best time.”

“But you’ve only just released my other ban,” Molly pouted.

“Don’t argue with me or I’ll make you do another circuit.”

“Okay, no chocolate for a month. Got it,” she quickly replied.

“Excuse me, ladies. I need to do some weights with Evan now.” Molly and I both nodded.

“He’s wants in your pants, too,” Molly muttered. “Oh, Jade you look so good. Why don’t you let me strip you down and give you a massage?”

“Molly!” I snorted. “I don’t sleep with work colleagues. You know this.”

“I bet he’s a good fuck. Have you checked out that ass?”

“Shut the fuck up.” I pushed her toward the doorway. I didn’t want Jason to overhear and get any ideas. Trying to fight off Mario’s advances was enough when he was here. I didn’t need another admirer.  

“I’m off on a mission tomorrow. When does Georgie get back?”

“I think she gets back on Friday,” I called, sorting through my closet. I needed to get a few new dresses. My pamper day at the local salon was scheduled for tomorrow, too. I had to start preparing for my new mission. Sonia would be going over the paperwork with me in the next 24 hours.  

“I can’t remember the last time all three of us were together,” she pouted.

“We’re all pretty busy.”

“We need to try and meet up for your birthday next month.”

“We’ll see.” I didn’t do birthdays. What was the point? I took my mother’s life the day I was born. My birthday wasn’t an occasion to be celebrated.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Jade?” Molly’s voice was full of concern.

“Yes,” I said with a forced smile. “Stop worrying about me.” I knew from the look in her eyes that she didn’t believe me.

“Before we go over this mission, I need to ask a favor. I’m having an issue with a smaller mission.” Sonia was stressing, which wasn’t like her. “This target is extremely picky. I’ve sent four Seductors already and he’s turned them all down. You’re the last blonde I have available. It’s only a small steal—a briefcase—but the reward is good.”

“Who have you sent so far?”

“Faith, Daisy, and Kara first. Then Zara, who just got back. He didn’t accept her, either.”

“Zara didn’t get accepted?” She was stunning. Was this target insane?

“Who’s the target?”

“A Mr. Hudson. He’s a highflying banker. Our client wants his briefcase, as it has all his access codes to their accounts and his. They think he’s been embezzling their money.”

“Naughty Mr. Hudson,” I mused as Sonia passed his paperwork over to me.

“It will be two days in Miami at the most. He likes to
tie women up, but it’s nothing heavy. We already did a background check on him. He’s harmless.” This mission would mean sex. Was I ready for that yet?
Jade, you start a large case in two weeks. You’ll have no choice in being ready then.
“I wouldn’t usually ask you to do a smaller case so close to a large one. I know you’re busy getting ready for it, but I’ve never had this problem before, and you’re the best I have. I need you to work your magic for me please. We’ve never backed down on a mission before, and I won’t allow Mr. Hudson to break us.”

“I’ll collect this steal, don’t worry. I’ll give it everything I have,” I smiled. It was easy being two-faced to Sonia after everything she’d done. I still needed the
top-earning missions, though, so I could leave the Seductors in four years and never look back. She still believed that I would stay on after my contract was up, and my revenge would be leading her on until my very last day.

“I’ll email you all the details and get Miles to sort out your passport. Thank you, Jade. It’s wonderful to see you so dedicated again.”

“The Seductors are my family, Sonia. You know I’d do anything for you.” I smiled sweetly, feeling the bile rise in my throat.
Yeah, I was used to my family making me feel worthless and letting me down.

“That’s all. Thank you, Jade.” My words were affecting her.
Good, the bitch must know what she did to me was wrong!
Was it really too much to ask for? A happily ever after with my target.

“You have another mission?” Molly gasped, watching me pack my suitcase. She was about to leave herself.

“Only a small one. Sonia has no one else to ask,” I mumbled, zipping my bag up. “We can go to the airport together.”

“I need to leave right now.”

“Oh, okay. I still need to see Miles. I’m not sure when I’ll see you next, so take care of yourself.”

“You, too,” she replied, hugging me. “I’m a call away if you need me. Remember that.”

“I know,” I sighed. I couldn’t hide anything from Molly or Georgie. I was lucky to have them as friends.

Miles was flustered as I entered his office. “Is everything okay?” I frowned. It wasn’t like him to get quite this worked up.

“Ask me that tomorrow.”

“I won’t be here then. What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, Jade. I’m just overworked. Have you come for your traveling documents?” I nodded. “They’re out the back.” He went to stand up.

“I can go and get them. Don’t worry.”

“Thanks,” he stressed. “I really need to continue with this.” What was eating at him?  I grabbed my documents quickly and returned.

“I’ll see you when I get back, Miles,” I called. “Is there anything else I need to know?”

“No. Claire emailed you all the details an hour ago. See you when you get back.” He didn’t even look up from his computer screen when he spoke, which meant it was something serious.

I picked up my luggage, and an hour later I was ready to board my flight to Miami.

It was actually quite nice to get away for a few days. I tried to push the thought that I would be sleeping with someone tonight out of my mind. I’d done this countless times before, so why was it bothering me so much?
Sex means more to you now, Jade. Oliver changed that for you.
I wished my conscience would shut the hell up! I needed to focus. I
be having sex tonight. Oliver had moved on; it was time I did the same.

I settled into my hotel when I got to Miami. It was a few
blocks from where I’d be meeting my target later that night. When I read through the mission details again, I sighed. I’d be playing the part of a prostitute. It was my least favorite cover, simply because it felt too close to home. I got paid to seduce and have sex with men regularly. I was just a glorified prostitute; I’d always known that.

My target was meeting me in the bar, and if he liked what he saw, I’d be taken up to his suite. Once he’d had his wicked way with me, I’d be able to drug him and steal the briefcase.

BOOK: Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3)
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