Devin-2 (7 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

BOOK: Devin-2
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“Grant Law Offices, how may—”

“It’s Ronnie Frey, please don’t transfer me or put me on hold, Mrs. Justice. I don’t have enough money to buy any more minutes on this blood sucking machine, and I have to get back to class very soon. All right?”

“Yes, Miss Frey. What can I do for you?”

“There is a family emergency at home so no one can pick me up after class to take me to his dickship. I have to take the bus and the bus system is a lot to be desired this time of year. If Mr. Grant isn’t there when I get there, then I’ll go home—and just between us, I hope he’s not. I’ve had a really shitty day.

Otherwise, I have no idea when I’ll be done here and there. Shit, what a mess.

Sorry. Okay?”

“Yes, Miss Frey. I’ll let Mr. Grant know. Is there anything I can do for your family?”

“No, I’ve—” The phone when dead.


There was a knock at his door and Devin looked up from the file he was supposed to be working on. He told Caroline Justice to come in. He was not getting anywhere anyway. For the past ten minutes he had been staring at it without seeing it. All he could think about was the woman whose file was in the bottom of the drawer of his desk. What she might say to him when she came tonight.

“Mr. Grant, Miss Frey just called. She’s having a bit of a problem with transportation.”

He looked down at his phone, saw that no one was on hold, and closed his eyes. He just knew whatever the message was, he was not going to like it.

“What trouble has she managed to get herself into now?”

“She called to say there is an emergency at home and that she will be running behind a bit. Her ride will not be able to pick her up. She will be taking the bus and believes that the unreliability of the system will make it so that she will not be on time for your appointment with her.”

“Call the little twit back and tell her that I’ll come and get her. What happened to her car anyway?”

“I’m not sure, sir. She didn’t say. She seemed quite upset. The reason I couldn’t transfer her to you is she was out of money.” Devin gathered up is jacket and coat. He was all the way to the door when he realized what she said. He turned back.

“Out of money? What does that have to do with transferring the call?” Devin could feel a headache coming on.

“She called from a payphone, I believe. She called it a bloodsucking machine and that it would cost her more if I did.”

Devin left. It took him forty minutes to get to the university, and he was sitting out front of her building when she came out. He still had her schedule and since that night driving around to find her, he had a better understanding of the campus area.

Her smile took his breath away. Starting the car to warm it back up for her, he got out and walked to her. She did not see him at first, but when she did, he saw the smile crumble to be replaced with a frown and then anger. He had to smile. This woman was as unpredictable as Ohio weather.

“Come on and get in. The car’s toasty and warm. I’ve made us reservations for dinner and we’ll go there before we go back to the office and talk.”

“No. I have a pass and I’ll take the bus. You go get your dinner and I’ll meet you at the office as soon as I can.” She started to turn away when he grabbed her arm.

The sidewalk was slick and she started to tumble. Rolling her into his arms as he fell with her, he took the impact as his back hit the ground and she landed on top of him. With the wind knocked out of him, he held her to him as he struggled to breathe. Her body moving over his was not helping him at all.

“Stop moving,” he shouted.

She stopped immediately. But that opened up a whole other issue. She was on top of him, all of her pressed completely over him. Heat surged through him, need hurled though his body, and his cock hardened. Thinking a change of position might help, he rolled her off him and onto her back. Now she was beneath him.

“Veronica, this isn’t... Christ, you are very beautiful, aren’t you?” Lowering his head slowly, he could not help but think that he was going to taste her, finally.

Before he touched his mouth to hers, her tongue darted out and ran across her lips, wetting them. He groaned and licked the wetness, tasting her. Moaning, he crushed his mouth over hers.

Mine. All he could think about as soon as he touched her was that she was his. Moving his hand to her hair, he pulled her closer and slid his tongue along her lips, and nearly whimpered when she returned the favor. When her hand curled around his neck, he slid his leg over hers and rocked into her. He needed her, now. The pain in his hip jerked him back. Someone had just kicked him.

“Hey, buddy. I want you to gets off Ronnie. The ground is cold and she might get a cold where she can’t take cough medicine. My momma says that to me all the time. Hey, Ronnie, you okay? He hurting you?” She nearly unmanned him in her hurry to get up. He wanted to lay there and gather himself. But the man was right and this was a public place and he wanted to most definitely take it somewhere where she was not in any danger of getting a cold. He slowly got to his feet, hoping his erection would calm down before he had to turn to face either of them.

“I’m fine. I fell and he caught me. I...I have to go. Thanks for...I’ll see you back at your office. I have to go...I think that...I have to go.” Devin was caught off guard by how flustered she was. Innocence mixed with her swollen lips from his kisses and erect nipples that pressed again her sweater had him groan again.

“Ronnie, get in the car, please. There is no reason for you to ride the bus when I have a perfectly good car right over there.”

“She don’t gotta ride with you, mister. She’s a big girl, and if’n she don’t wanna ride with you, then you ain’t gonna make her. Ronnie, you go on and catch the bus, okay? I’ll stay here and teach this fancy man that women don’t gotta do what he says. I won’t hurt him too much.” Devin looked at her and wondered if she would leave him there. They both knew that this man planned to try and beat a few lessons into him. She stood there and chewed on her lower lip and looked between the two of them.

“I’ll go with him, Billy. He’s my...I have to answer some questions and I might as well go with him to get it over with. Thanks, though. You’re a good man.” She patted the older man on the back and smiled that dazzling smile at him. She had never looked at him like that and he tried not to be jealous of the obvious affection she had for this older man.

Devin reached out for her hand and waited. He could see the anger on her face and also her indecision. He could wait as long as it took, he thought. When she finally reached out and laced her fingers into his, he wanted to jump for joy.

But all he did was take her backpack from her shoulder and lead her to the car.

After settling her inside, he looked over at the man who had kicked him.

“Thank you, Billy. It’s good to know that Ronnie has a protector here, someone to keep an eye out for her. I know that I’ll rest easier knowing that you’re around.”

“You her boyfriend? If’n you are, you should know that that man has been back looking around. He don’t look to me like he means to be nice to her. Want I should call the police when I sees him again?”

Devin looked at the woman in the car and back at Billy. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his card and walked back over to him.

“You call the police then call me. My phone number is on the front and my cell number I’ll put on the back. ou have a cell phone, Billy?” Billy nodded.

“Good, call me when he comes around again. I don’t care when it is, please call me.”

“Yeah, I can do that. He’s a mean man. I can tell. Mean men like him hurt girls. I don’t hurt nobody. That’s why the college lets me clean the floors and take out the trash. I gots a good job and I like Ronnie; she’s good to me. Always nice to me and never makes fun of me. She gived me some mittens last time it got cold. I like Ronnie.”

“I like her too. Thanks again. And, Billy, sometimes women don’t like it when men think they need protecting, so I think we should keep this just between us men. What do you say?” He put out his hand to the older man and hoped he would not be putting him in a position that would get him hurt or in trouble.

“Yeah, my momma said that. She said that girls are strange and that I should just agree with them and walk away. She told me it was safer. Ronnie, she is nice.

I like her.”

As their hands clasped, he heard the door to a car open and turned to see Veronica step out. When Billy waved at her, she waved back and stepped back into the car.

Going back to his car, Devin wondered who Billy had seen and hoped it was just the overactive imagination of an overprotective man. But he did not think so.

He was afraid that Veronica’s father was hanging around.


She sat in the warmth of his car and wondered what the hell Devin could be talking to Billy about. Ronnie knew that he would not hurt Billy, he was too much of a gentleman to do that, but they seemed to be getting very chummy. She was about to get out of the car again and see what they were doing when she saw Devin coming toward her.

He had kissed her. She had kissed him too. Running her fingers over her lips, she could swear she could still feel the warmth from his mouth. She had felt his hardness against her when he shifted over her; his cock moved along her belly and she felt her body respond to him. Never had she felt the...emotions, needs, wants—all that and more—when a man had kissed her and his body touched her like Devin had.

When he finally got into the car and looked at her, her face flushed when she remembered how she had pulled him closer and surged against him. She wondered how much further they would have gone if Billy had not come along and brought them back to earth.

“What are you thinking? Tell me what is going though your mind right now,” Devin asked her in his gently demanding voice.

“We shouldn’t have done that. I work for you and we shouldn’t have done that.” She blurted it out before she could hold it back and then felt her face heat more.

“You’re right; we shouldn’t have done that right there. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to do it again and that I don’t want to go further. I won’t lie to you, Veronica. I want you. I want you very badly. I want to taste you, surge inside of you deep. I want to make love to you in the worst way.”

“I...I work for you, Mr. Grant. I…”

“Veronica, if you call me Mr. Grant again, I’m going to bend you over my knee and spank you. Not that that doesn’t have its own appeal, but we’ll work up to that. For now, my name is Devin. Devin Grant. Say it, please?”

“Why? What could you possibly want from me that thousands of other women, women more in your league, couldn’t give you? Is it just the sex? That couldn’t be it. I’m neither sexy nor beautiful. I’m not terribly smart, I don’t have any money, and I—”

His mouth was suddenly over hers. Sliding closer out from under the steering wheel, he put his hands at her waist and pulled her into his lap, never breaking his mouth from hers. Moving her and adjusting her body, she was soon straddling his lap, her legs on either side of him. As he cupped her ass and pulled her forward closer to his body, his mouth moved down her throat and over her collar bone. Her body was on fire, lava replaced her blood, and her breathing had become ragged.

When his hands, hot and hard, spread across her bared ribs and pulled her forward, she moaned, grabbed his shoulders and threw back her head. His cock was pressed hard into her, and he rode her over him, moving her up and down his hardness with his hands gripping her tight. His mouth, seeking, found her breast, he bit though her clothes and into her nipple as she came apart, screaming through her first release.

There was not a part of her that she thought had been deprived of her release. Even her nipples ached and felt tender. Her heart pounded hard in her chest and she felt dizzy with it. Leaning forward, she laid her head onto his shoulder when she could claim her body again. As the tremors slowed and her heart was not pounding like a jack hammer, she started to stiffen and she could feel the tears start to well in her eyes.

“Don’t, love. Just let me hold you for a minute longer,” he crooned to her as he stroked her back and held her in his arms.

What had she done? she thought. She waited for him what? Pulling back, Ronnie looked at him. His eyes were dark and she could see his need within them. The pulse at his throat pounded like hers had and she found herself wanting to take it into her mouth and nip at it.

“You didn’t come. You didn’t get weren’t satisfied. Are you going to hurt me now?” She hated the sound of her voice, the sound of a small child.

“No, never. I will never hurt you, I promise.” He moved her hair from her eyes and continued to stare at her.

She did not know why, but she believed him. She laid her head back on his shoulder and stayed that way for several minutes before he pulled her back and looked at her.

“How about we go to dinner then I take you home?” He brushed her hair from her face again and moved her to the seat, buckling her into the seatbelt. She did not know why, but she felt strangely happy about his concern.

“I would rather just go home. Please?” He moved back under the wheel and put it into gear. He did not look at her; she knew because she was staring at him.

“All right.”

Other than her giving him her address, neither of them said anything on the drive to her house. She did not say anything when the car stopped, but opened the door and ran to the house before he had the key turned off. She was inside with the door shut when she heard him walking up the stairs to the porch.

Ronnie stood there with her back to the door and waited for him to knock, to demand to finish what they had started in his car. But he did nothing, and soon she heard the car start again and. When she looked out, he was gone.


Ronnie was watching television with Austin when the phone rang later that night. She thought it was probably Ben. She began picking up their empty popcorn bowls to take them to the kitchen.

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