Taming The Fae - An Exsilium Short Story

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Authors: Karen Swart

Tags: #vampires, #fae, #hellhound, #kasadya, #karen swart

BOOK: Taming The Fae - An Exsilium Short Story
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Taming the Fae
An Exsilium Short Story
By Karen Swart
Copyright 2014 Karen Swart
Smashwords Edition



To all my amazing fans, and a special thanks
to my amazing street team.


All rights reserved. Published by Karen
Swart. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without written permission from the
Copyright 2014
Edited by Blue Butterfly Editing
Cover by Karen Swart




Custos - Guardian Fallen
Apprendo - Apprentice Fallen
Filiola - Little Daughter
Dominus - Master
Salve - Greetings or Hello
Vale - Farewell
Puela - Girl
Caveo - Take care
Cor - Heart
Bellus - Beautiful
Exsilium - Banished realm
Fillia – Daughter
Bellator – Warrior


Special Note:
This is a short story based on events that
happened within the Kasadya Hellhound Series.


Chapter 1


We all shifted and landed outside Chax’s
home. My heart was still pumping with adrenaline and just utter
shock. I remember the fury. I remember the hatred and then… my own
hellhound pushed me back. I had to witness everything from inside
myself. Although I carried the same fury and hatred, there was a
point where I would not have been able to go on. But not this other
form of me. This form was powerful, too powerful. And then I felt
it, a slight touch of such peace and serenity that even that
powerful form gasped from it. I looked up and found her, still
frozen in place as her big blue eyes looked back at me.


A primal surge when through my body, a
declaration, a promise.

“Do you guys think Kas will be okay?” The
dreadful silence was broken by Lada.

“It will be okay. Chax is mad, but he is not
capable of hurting her…. Or let’s just say killing her.” Lotan
embraced Lada in his arms, trying to comfort her fears.

I looked back to Nanini but she was gone.
Storming forward, I started to search the house. Her eyes were
filled with her own fear, and I am afraid that fear was of me. I
searched everywhere but could not find her.
Where the hell did
she go?

Furious, I stormed back to Lotan and the
others, who were all now in the living room. Lada was sobbing
uncontrollably as Lotan held her. “Did anyone see where Nanini
went?” It came out more of a demand than a question. But given what
we just survived, Nanini being alone was not such a good thing.

“No, she was here a minute ago and then she
shifted out,” Ben replied, opening and closing his hand. He must
have hurt himself during the fight. Although now immortal, injuries
still hurt like hell to heal from.

“I need to find her.” I turned around,
determined to find her.

“Max, she would be in shock. You are the last
person she ever considered mating, and she was never one for the
whole fall in love thing,” Lada muffled as she sat back up to look
at me.

“I know. It’s the reason I need to find her.
She could get into even more trouble if Chax finds out she left the
Although, I might kill him if he tried. No, not might, I

I stopped myself.
Where in the hell did
that just came from?
Inside me I could feel the other part of
me, the creature, restless and frustrated. He wanted her found
Shit! That’s all need, a hormone-enraged

“Knowing her, she would have gone straight
for her parents. They have a very close relationship, and she would
need help to get over the shock,” Lada continued on.

“Where can I find them?” Again it came out
more of an order than a question.

“Max, do you really think it’s a good thing
to try and sort this out now? Maybe you should give her some time,”
Ben suggested.

Should I?
My hellhound slammed into my
head, overpowering that thought instantly.
Find. Mine
. I bit
down, trying to gain control. Feeling my hellhound backing up, I
opened my eyes and locked eyes with Caim. He was standing there

“I think I need to go as well,” he uttered,
and shifted out instantly. Bloody hell, it would seem we both have

Lotan whistled. “It’s going to be a long
night, that’s for sure.”

“Lada, where are her parents?” I asked again,
this time more politely.

She rumbled off instructions to get to their
house, and with a quick thanks I shifted and landed almost exactly
in front of their home. I have been secretly scavenging Exsilium
for a while, and have learned my way around the realm. It’s always
good to know where everything is, especially exits and enemies. And
even here in the so called peaceful realm, there are too many
enemies. I stopped in front of the house, my heart pumping against
my chest. My hellhound was on full alert and prowling. Inside, I
could make out three shadows. Two were standing and watching a
smaller shadow moving around with arms flying everywhere.

“Mine.” The word left my mouth with power and



Chapter 2


“There is no freaking way!”
How could this
happen to me? Why Godzilla? No, No, No!

“Nanini, honey. You need to calm down.” My
mother took a step forward, her eyes pleading with mine.

“Mom, I can’t mate that… that uneducated….
self-centered…. overbearing…bully! I can’t, Mom!” I wailed

Of all the stupid males around in this place,
it had to be him. Why him? I hate him!

“Nanini, take a deep breath, honey.” Now it
was Dad’s turn. The mixture of emotions crossing over his face was
interesting. He was concerned for me, but he was also kind of mad,
I would say.

“He will destroy my mojo. He’s already
started. I can’t possibly end up with him. I just can’t. What if I
run away, you know, go live on earth somewhere-“

“Nanini!” Hearing him calling my name, I
stopped midsentence.

He wouldn’t dare!
Storming to the
window, I drew back the curtain, and my stomach dropped even more.
He freaking did! I am going to have to kill him. Yep, there is
no other way.

“Honey, now don’t do something you will
regret later.” Mom burst my killing bubble.

I turned around and smiled. “Of course not,
Mom. I am just going to ask him to go away. Promise.” With
determination, I shifted outside.

“Leave .Me. Alone.” I sneered at him.

He was in front of me in a flash, grabbing my
arm. “So you can run away?”

I looked up at him, and tried to pry myself
from his grip. “Anything would be better than you!” He might be
taller than me, but I am so going to hand him his ass tonight.

“You are going home with me and staying there
until Chax returns.” His eyes was ablaze, I sure hope that was fury
and not… oh hell no! Eeeuww!

“Get your paws of me dog!” Yep, I just called
a hellhound a dog.

His jaw ticked, and now I was pretty sure it
was fury in his eyes. “Don’t call me that.”

Oh bingo! Hit the soft spot!

“Sure thing,

His left eye starting twitching, and I had to
bite back my laughter. “I know this is a shock to you, it is to me
as well. But you can’t go around making stupid decisions. We
already had enough of that for one day.”

“Oh you are freaking right there. Whoever
decided that this,” I pointed to him and me, “was beyond freaking
wacko. This will never be. Over my dead freaking body!”

His eye twitched again. “Nanini, we don’t
have to discuss this tonight. Just come with me to Chax’s home and
stay there until he gets back.”

Bloody. Freaking. Hell
He was
doing that “Oh I am mature and responsible” crap on me. Screw

I raised myself to my toes and was still a
good foot or two short to really get into his face, “No thanks, I
would rather bite a snake than go back with

I could see the moment he lost all control,
the eye didn’t twitch, it freaking jumped around in his socket like
ping pong ball. And here we go. He tried to shift me to the house,
but seeing that I was a fallen
longer then him, he ended
up looking like an ass. I smiled at him, “Didn’t work hey?”

My smile faded instantly, with a swift move,
I was up into the air and landed on his shoulder. “I don’t have
time now for your little girl tantrums,”
Right you want a
freaking fight, I’ll give it to you.

I transformed and surged my fae bomb into my
hands, building it up to be big enough to throw him forward. Then I
let him have hit. He flew forward and I rolled in time to land on
my feet. Unfortunately, he didn’t eat dirt the way I wanted him to.
He regrouped and stormed at me.
Yep, time to get the hell out of

I flew up into the air and started to go as
fast as I can. See hellhounds have this nasty things about catching
their prey, and being able to fly, he could actually do it.

“Nanini!” He yelled behind me.

Okay, now where to go to ditch this


Chapter 3


I wasn’t going to be able to control the
hellhound inside me much longer. Just my luck ending up with the
one fallen who didn’t do the whole ‘obey’ thing. She flipped me off
and jumped into the air, her small frame moving at an impeccable
speed. At the sight of her flight, my hellhound submerged without
my consent. My huge wings stretched open, and I leapt into the air
after her. With powerful strokes the huge wings gained momentum

, my hellhound complained. For
the first time since taking over, I didn’t disagree. Nanini was one
of the most stubborn females I had ever met. Before I met her, I
thought Kasadya would be the one to give me a heart attack. But
this little fae has proven to be ten times worse than even Kasadya.
Around every turn she would be right up in my face, trying to
dominate me. Me of all people.
Stubborn fae females.

My hellhound snorted in agreement. She ducked
and dived around trees and buildings, determined to outmaneuver us.
But my hellhound was not falling for it. We turned and ducked just
in time as a huge pink bomb descended upon us.

“Nanini! Stop this now!” I all but roared at

In midair, she turned around and double
flipped me off. I bit down and pierced my own cheek.
She is
going to be the end of me.

“Nanini!” I tried again. She dove down
towards the earth. Closing my wings, I followed suit. As the ground
came towards us, I knew she wasn’t paying attention to her descent
towards the ground. She was going to drive smack into it.

“Nanini, watch out!” I cried out and pushed
forward with all my strength.

“Stay the hell away from me!” she replied
while turning her head back towards the ground.

“Christ, Nanini!” I was too late.

The moment she turned her head back, the
ground was already upon her. She crashed with a deafening shudder
into the ground. Dust and debris jumped into the air, creating a
dust cloud which I flew into.

“Nanini! Are you alright?!” I yelled as I
tried to find her in the cloud. I caught a soft whimper to my left
and stormed towards it. Almost stepping on her, I found her on the
ground, covered in dirt and … blood. My heart stopped beating

“Nanini?” I picked her up in my arms. Her
head hung back and she moaned again. “Hang on, I’ll take you to
Maia.” I shifted with her in my arms towards the spirit fae’s home.
I landed as softly as I possibly could but the impact tore another
cry from her. “Hang on, almost there.” I stormed into the house,
not even bothering knocking. “Maia! Maia, Nanini is hurt!” I yelled
as I made my way through the small house. But there was no


“Maia!” I yelled again. I looked down at
Nanini ,whose head was resting on my chest. She was out cold. Every
organ inside me ceased functioning. “Nanini!’ I shook her but she
didn’t wake. My hellhound was out of control, smashing into my
skull as he tried to take over the situation.
Must save. Must

“Yeah, I already know that, but Maia isn’t
here,” I replied to the creature inside me.

Shit, what do I do?

Without any real plan, I shifted to the only
place I knew someone would be able to help, or at least direct me
into the right direction.

I landed in the lobby of the former training
facility of the fallen, called the Hellhouse. But after a huge
breach on earth and thousands of fallen families attacked, it’s now
the Fallen Orphanage. I turned into the first hallway and ran down
it. “Vulcan!” I yelled with each step. Nanini was tossed around
like a rag doll, and my heart struggled to keep pace with my moving

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