Devil's Kiss (Sunset Cove #2) (33 page)

BOOK: Devil's Kiss (Sunset Cove #2)
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JORDAN LEFT THE bathroom with an erection he was sure he could use to drill through fucking concrete, but no. He had other plans for the painfully stiff dick he was trying to calm somewhat.

He had to get away from Derek for a few minutes and get himself under control if he was going to give his guy what he needed.

From the second Derek had stepped off the elevator, the tension radiating off him had been evident. His shoulders had been stiff, his jaw set, and even after stripping down to nothing, his body was held at rigid attention.

Oh yeah,
Derek needed to be worked over, and good.

Jordan threw what he wanted on the bed and dimmed the lights as he listened for the shower in the next room. He was dying to know what had happened today, but he knew now wasn’t the time to ask. There would be time for that later.

He looked around the room trying to decide how he wanted the night to go, and when his eyes fell on the chaise lounge he was reminded of the last time they were there in his bedroom and thought it was time to replace that memory.

With a plan in place, Jordan dragged the chaise so it was horizontal with the end of his bed, and then he stripped out of his clothes and waited. Not too long after, he heard the faucet shut off, and he walked around to situate himself exactly where he intended to start this evening’s performance. He stretched out along the long line of the chaise, draped an arm over the back of it, and slowly milked his cock as he waited for Derek to join him.

He purposely kept his head turned away from the bedroom door, letting Derek know he was in control and expected him to get his ass over here and on the bed as soon as he was done, and Derek didn’t disappoint. Within minutes, Jordan caught the tanned muscles of Derek’s physique out of the corner of his eye as he walked between the end of the bed and chaise.

Seated as he was, lounged back with one leg bent and resting against the back of the chair and the other stretched out before him, Jordan knew his body was displayed to Derek like a fucking gourmet buffet.

He tipped his head up, ignoring Derek’s very prominent erection, and when he had his attention he raised an eyebrow and asked, “All clean?” Then he dropped his gaze to the straining cock only inches from his face and added, “I sure hope not. Sit on the bed, Derek.”

Derek didn’t take his eyes off him as he took several steps back, and when the back of his knees hit the mattress, he lowered down until he was seated.

“Spread your legs,” Jordan suggested, but he knew his tone was more of an order, and if Derek’s quick compliance was anything to go by, he sure as hell didn’t mind taking the instruction. “Now show me how you’d fuck my mouth if it was wrapped around you instead of your hand.”

Derek’s eyes dropped to Jordan’s mouth and he made sure to bite and tongue his lips, making them plump and shiny for the man now sliding his large hand up and down his impressive length.

Jordan couldn’t keep his own hand still as he trailed his eyes down Derek’s serious face to his flexing forearm and widespread thighs. He was phenomenal to look at as his hand moved faster, and Jordan had to clamp his own fingers tight at the base of his arousal due to the threat of explosion.

“Stop,” he growled. And just like that, Derek did.

Swinging his legs off the chaise, Jordan got to his feet and took the two steps he needed to be standing directly in front of Derek’s face.

“Look at me,” he said, needing to see what was going on in those blue eyes of Derek’s. When he tipped his face up and Jordan could see the walls in place, he gripped Derek’s chin, knowing that gentle wasn’t what his man needed right now. Then he bent at the waist to crush his lips against Derek’s in a brutal kiss.

Derek grunted at the fierce onslaught, and Jordan took advantage by shoving his tongue deep as he moved his hand to the back of Derek’s hair to hold his head in place. He bit at Derek’s lips and dug his fingers into his jaw until he heard Derek curse.

Jordan then tore his mouth free and shoved Derek’s shoulder back. “Lie down.”

Derek lowered himself to the mattress without a word, and Jordan, in turn, sank to the floor between Derek’s spread thighs.

This was perfect. He really
a fucking genius.

He grabbed the few items he’d dropped at the end of the bed and placed them on the floor beside him, and then he ran his palms from Derek’s knees to his ankles, and at the left one he said, “Lift.”

When Derek raised his foot, Jordan helped to place his heel on the frame of the bed and felt his dick weep at the sight that was now spread out before him. Derek was a visually stunning man. Jordan had always been taken away by his presence in general. But stripped bare, and laid out for him to do as he pleased, Jordan marveled at the sheer perfection of what made Derek a man.

He had a heavy sac that was currently scrunched up tight to his body, his cock was thick and long when erect, as it currently was, and his hole was so tight that every time Jordan slid inside him, he swore it was the first time.

. That thought was so damn hot that Jordan had to squeeze his eyes shut for a second to control the urge to say fuck it and tunnel into the place he most wanted to be.

Once he was back under some modicum of control, he grabbed the bottle of lube and poured a good amount into the palm of his hand. He slicked it over his fingers and made sure they were nice and wet before he ghosted them across Derek’s balls. Derek used the foot he had anchored on the frame to help propel his lower body up and give Jordan better access down to his perineum.

“Oh fuck,” Jordan heard from above, and he couldn’t help an answering hum of approval as he gently tested the tight pucker under the tips of his fingers.

“Relax for me,” Jordan whispered, and blew a warm breath across Derek’s cock and balls.

“Sure, let me get right fucking on that.”

Yes…there he is,
Jordan thought.
My badass.

“Jordan…” Derek said, and it sounded as though he was gnashing his teeth together.

Jordan didn’t reply with words. Instead, he moved so his mouth was between Derek’s thighs, and flicked his tongue across his balls while his finger slid inside. He thrilled at the shout that met his ears from the penetration, and he could see the muscle of Derek’s thigh tense by his head as he thrust down on his hand. Jordan withdrew his finger and then pushed back in, knowing what was to come was going to be a hell of a lot harder than one of his fingers. Raising his head, he took in the view above and shut his eyes for a second, calming himself as he asked, “You okay?”

Derek’s hand was moving up and down his cock like his life depended on it, and when Jordan got no answer he pulled his finger completely free and a growl of frustration left the man on the bed.

“I asked you a question. Answer me.”

Derek craned his head up and glowered down at him, but Jordan wasn’t fucking around; he wasn’t about to move on until Derek told him—


Exactly that.

* * *

DEREK LAY BACK on the bed and clamped his teeth together at what he knew was about to come, namely himself.

Several times over he’d had to bite his tongue, causing a sting of pain just to stop himself from going off like a rocket. But he knew if he could wait, if he could hold off until Jordan was done tormenting him, the high would be out of this fucking world.

“Bend your other leg, just like this one.”

he thought, as Jordan’s instruction met his ears. He could feel Jordan’s fingers rubbing over his hole, and as soon as he moved his second heel to the bedframe, he saw Jordan raise his hand to pour —
oh, fuck yeah
—a liberal amount of cool lube over him before two fingers were inside him and he was seeing fucking stars.

His fingers clenched in the covers of Jordan’s bedding while his others frantically pumped the cock he was hoping would wait,
God please just fucking wait
, for him to really get what he needed.

When he’d walked out of the bathroom and seen the back of Jordan’s short hair where he sat on that damn chaise like a king, Derek had known he was about to be worked out, wrung out, and then laid out. Then Jordan had gone to his knees with a bottle of lube and a flesh-covered plastic cock, that he had no doubt was about to be shoved inside of him, and Derek was surprised he hadn’t come right then.

But no, he would not let this moment escape him because he couldn’t keep control of his orgasm. He would wait. Wait until Jordan was in him and pounding him through his ten-thousand-dollar mattress before he gave in to the rush that was building to epic proportions.

Derek’s mind had emptied of everything that had been plaguing him when he’d arrived. With every thrust of Jordan’s fingers, and suck of his mouth, he was banishing each and every thought, until finally nothing was in his head or body, except the man working him over.

Derek’s breathing was heavy as he stared up at the high ceiling of Jordan’s bedroom, and with each exhale his body relaxed even further. Just as his eyes were closing, the wide head of what he knew was the dildo pressed forward against his body, and he clamped his fist around the top of his leaking dick, pinching the skin there to hold back the urge to come.


Sharp teeth nipped at his knee, and when the toy slipped past that first ring of resistance, Derek arched his head back and lifted his hips up off the bed.

“Derek, you look so damn sexy,” he heard Jordan say from somewhere between his legs. “Take it.”

Derek let his hips fall back to the mattress as more of the toy was slid inside of him, and when he felt as close to full as he could possibly get, Jordan got to his feet, and the look on his face was one Derek was extremely familiar with. His eyes were narrowed, his face was flushed, and his gorgeous, full lips were pulled taut as he said, “On your stomach, Derek. Now.”

Derek rolled to his stomach and scooted up the bed a little, groaning at the feel of the phallus still deep inside him. As soon as his engorged cock hit the cool sheets, he moaned from the fucking pleasure of it. He pushed up so his forearms were propped on the bed and braced his knees wide and low so he could rub his dick back and forth against the fabric.

“God,” Jordan said as the bed dipped and Derek felt him moving closer to him. “You know exactly what you want tonight, don’t you?”

There was no way Derek could deny it as he lowered his forehead to the bed and masturbated against the sheets. He was going out of his damn mind.

Jordan’s palm stroked over his ass, and as his fingers gripped the seven-incher inside him and pulled, and then pushed it back in several fucking times, Derek felt the cool splash of more lube hit the hole Jordan was stretching. This time when Jordan pulled the toy free, it wasn’t the head of the dildo that grazed over him; it was Jordan’s covered cock, and Derek knew he was teasing them both before they tore into one another.

A firm palm began a torturous glide up along Derek’s spine as inch by inch Jordan filled him. When that hand then gripped the back of his neck and Derek was urged down until his cheek was on the bed, Jordan’s toned body intimately curled over the top of his and Derek heard himself fucking whimper.

Jordan licked the stubble along his cheek, and when he got to his ear he whispered, “Ready?”

Derek licked his lips and swallowed as he closed his eyes and counted back from ten. When his mind was completely blank, he turned his head, met Jordan’s eyes, and said the only word he could.




The command made Derek’s cock ache as his fingers curled around the bedsheets and he planted his knees as firmly as possible in the mattress. A raspy rumble emerged from his throat and his cheek rubbed against the smooth sheets, as Jordan’s hands moved to either side of his hips.

He closed his eyes as Jordan’s fingers dug into his skin, and as he slowly dragged his cock out, Derek heard a groan leave the man behind him.

Derek bit his lower lip to keep from begging Jordan to hurry the fuck up, but he didn’t dare in case Jordan took that as an invitation to torture him some more.

“How you doin’ down there?” Jordan asked, his voice raspy compared to his usual tone.

Derek brought one of his hands down to grip his cock, and as he stroked himself once, twice, and then a third time, Jordan reached around under him and stilled his hand.

“Oh no you don’t,” he teased as he slowly rolled his hips forward, sliding his cock deep inside. “Don’t rush me. Or I’ll make you wait even longer.”

Derek was so gone over this guy. Jordan knew him in ways that Derek didn’t even know himself, and as Jordan circled Derek’s wrist and yanked on it, Derek let him move his hand back to the bedsheet, where he pinned it in place.

“Fuck, Jordan. Hurry up,” he said, finally reaching the point where he was about to come with or without Jordan moving inside him, and he knew which he’d rather have. Jordan’s chuckle was illicit, and the hands that gripped Derek’s waist were his only warning before Jordan slid inside.

Derek’s eyes squeezed shut at the sensation, and when Jordan was so deep that Derek could feel his balls against his body, Derek opened his eyes to look back at the one waiting for him to adjust.

Derek concentrated on the scorching brown eyes holding his, the perspiration he could see gleaming over Jordan’s body, and the tense muscles that were poised and ready for action the second he gave the go signal.

Jordan was an incredible sight to see as he waited, his own muscles now tense with his restraint, his body trembling with his pent-up desire, and Derek admired him as he licked his full lips.

BOOK: Devil's Kiss (Sunset Cove #2)
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