A Gym Dream

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Authors: Kathlyn Lammers

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A Gym Dream

By Kathlyn Lammers

Kindle Edition © 2013 by Kathlyn Lammers

All Rights Reserved.

X rated - Not for everyone


A Gym Dream

It was just another common day. Birds singing, cars running and people studying. That day two friends were at the coffee-break area discussing what they were going to do during the afternoon.

“So what are the plans for the day?”

“I do not know yet, I might go to the gym with my brother later on…”

“Wow , on a diet now Agatha?”

“Ha Ha Ha , very funny…I decided to go there because my brother got a free month for someone else…you know these bonuses gyms give to fish another person.”

“Oh I see. Isn’t your brother a child yet, what the heck is he doing at the gym?”

“My brother? He is only three years younger than me silly! So I will be 29 and he will turn 26 next May. You are the only baby here, only 20…It is incredible how much younger you are than me! Gee I remember my early twenties, good old times, good old times…enjoy it while you still can honey, it passes as fast as the blinks of the eyes.”

“Oh I bet.”

“So Sarah, if you want to go to the gym with me, that would be great, we can talk in between exercising.”

“You sure?”

“Of course silly! Plus my brother will be there too…you will see he is very different from that picture I showed you!”

“Oh really?”

“Oh Yeah.”


Later on both ladies went to the gym that was located about half an hour from the university they studied at. They studied in one of the biggest public universities of Brazil. That day the weather was warm and stuffy.

“Are you in this diet because you broke up with your boyfriend?”

“Oh hon, you know I broke up with Jack because he did not want to do things I liked and not because I am a few pounds overweight nor because I love chocolate…he was too young for me, better yet too immature…he was 24 and behaved like a 15 year old. Plus, he had an awful taste when it came to fashion. Just like that time we went to the restaurant with my parents and he arrived there in a stinky wife beater and a backpack…gee we were in a restaurant for God’s sake!”

“Oh ya…”

As both ladies arrived at the gym, they could notice the place was nice. There were several rooms, each one belonged to a part of the body. One for the superior part, one for the legs, one for the chest, one for arms and so on. There were several guys there, some were simply huge. There were several teachers, women and men. There were three lady teachers, all of them around 35 years old. One of them looked more like a male than a female, however was a pretty gentle woman. She even offered Sarah the chance to use one of the treadmills to distract her while she waited for her friend to finish her daily training. The other lady seemed to only walk around the gym observing while the third one was busy evaluating the newbies.

Agatha, who was the 28 year old friend had slightly tan skin, brown puppy eyes and a funny round nose. She was not very tall, however she walked in a funny childish way. She also made rather funny voices. Sarah, the 20 year old female, on the other hand, had dark wavy hair and big almond shaped very dark brown eyes. Her body was lean and she had a big butt and small breasts. Sarah recently lost a lot of weight, out of nowhere, it was a rather funny thing, while one friend tried to lose a couple pounds exercising the other had tons of French fries and burgers and did not gain a pound.

As both went upstairs one of the blond teachers stopped to chit-chat with Agatha.

“Wow, is your brother going to marry?”

“No, not really why?”

“He looks even more handsome each passing day, wow!”

“hahaha, oh Andrew? Nah, he is not even dating at the moment! That is funny.”

“ I am not the only one here that thinks that! Even the old ladies think he is a cutie haha!”

“Oh, wouldn’t he love to know that?!He is a gym nutsy head now. He has always had this “I am super thin” complex…silly guy.”

The friends were then dismissed by the teacher and finally arrived upstairs. There were several guys there, some 40 year olds, a couple young teens and some 25 year old ladies that were not that attractive.

“Oh there he is!”

As Sarah looked towards to where Agatha was looking she saw a short white guy that was extremely muscular.

“Wow he is much different from what I previously thought…”

Seeing to where Sarah was looking, Agatha pinched her.

“No silly! That is not my brother, I do not even not know that guy hahah, he is there at the corner, see?!”

She said while pointing discretely to the corner across from where they were at that moment.

Sarah then finally saw the guy. Or what her eyes allowed her to see without any glasses on. She had a hard time seeing from big distances. She imagined she would not be very impressed, as she never found guys handsome, no wonder she never had a boyfriend. All she knew about Agatha’s brother was that he was tan, had tons of pimples on the face and had jet black long hair. At least that was what she remembered from a picture she saw of him a long time ago. She in fact believed he was still like 14 or 15 years old.

Now she could see him. He no longer had long hair or thick eyebrows. He also got rid of those yuck pimples.

He was about 6 centimeters taller than she was and had short dark hair now. He had a triangular face and small dark eyes, framed by much thinner eyebrows now. He was not a very tall guy and he also did not have such a large frame. He was extremely proportional to his size. He was working on his back at the moment and was not facing their direction. She could see his back muscles flexing as he pulled two sets of metal.

“Hey! “

As Agatha said hey to her brother he turned and finally eyes her. She felt shivers run up and down her spine. She simply never ever felt that when a guy simply looked at her. He also had a little bit of a beard, something she could swore she hated on guys, however on that one It looked quite charming, not to say quite hot.

Andrew was wearing some shorts and a black tee shirt, that was not really the best kind of shirt to exercise, but whatever, that was what he had clean for that day of exercising.

“Hi Agatha, finally got off of your lazy butt to come to the gym. Did you get rid of the chocolate though?”

“Haha, very funny.”, she said in a very sarcastic tone. “This is my friend, Sarah.”

He finally seemed to acknowledge her presence.

“Hi there Sarah.”

“Hi.”, she said dumbfounded. Damn was he ever charming without even wanting to be.

She felt a little sad because he did not show that much interest in her. She was a simple other girl. Nothing very special about her, in fact there WAS nothing special about her.

“Sarah, sit here, I need to go to the next floor to have my body evaluating done. Andrew is going to stay here for a while too right Andrew?”

“Yes.”, he said not taking his off of the bars he was lifting.

Sarah simply sat there and watched him do his exercises in a trance like manner. She was mesmerized and watched as his every single muscle, even if not the biggest muscle in the whole gym, flexed. She slowly felt her panties get wet.

“Gee why is this happening to me, it is not as if he gave a single crap about me anyway…I am ridiculous sometimes.”

“So what do you do Sarah?”

“I, just study.”

She answered in quite a hurry. She was not expecting any questions from him.

“Need water?”, he said showing her his dark water bottle, that was filled with cold water.

“No, thanks.”

“You look thirsty. You mouth is dry and your face is…quite red.”, he said in a sort of mocking way.

She ignored that last sentence by only thanking him.

“You know, you can’t keep your purse here, you need to put it in the locks. I will do that for you.”

With that said Andrew got her purse and went to the masculine locks place it there safely.

After a couple hours both Andrew and Agatha were done with their daily training. It was a little late so Sarah decided and was also invited to stay the night at their house, that was no more than 30 minutes away from the gym, after all she would take almost 3 hours to arrive at her house, she lived in the next city, however the traffic was horrible at that time of the day.

The three then hoped on a bus that took about 45 minutes and then finally arrived at the building they lived at. Sarah then got out of the bus and shyly entered their apartment. She sometimes felt weird at people’s houses, especially when there was a hot male in there.

“Agatha, I am going to shower ok? Can you start preparing supper? Then when I am out I can help you out.”

“Yes, what do you want to eat tonight? I am making pasta, sounds good?”

“Yep, that is fine for me.”

As the male got inside of the washroom to have a nice and warm shower in that chilly night, both girls squished themselves inside the tiny apartment kitchen to start preparing that night’s supper.

Sarah, who quite enjoyed cooking began to help Agatha. Both put the water to boil and waited until they could place the pasta inside of the pot. The kitchen had a tiny little window that was the bathroom window. Both girls could hear as the hot water hit Andrew’s back. As his muscles contracted both girls could hear his groans. That made Sarah wonder what was behind those doors…

In no time Andrew was in the kitchen and it was Agatha’s turn to have her own shower.

“There, you can have your shower, I am done.”

“Ok, help her over here k?”


Sarah, simply got red and continued doing the pasta and the risotto she decided on doing. She quite enjoying cooking, especially for her friends. She had almost no friends, and she always had a hard time finding great ones, however that family seemed to be pretty cool. Agatha’s parents and older sister were also pretty cool people that always had a sweet and warm smile to her.

Right beside the stove there was the tiny apartment’s laundry, where the guy wanted to put his wet towel. Andrew, by that time only had jeans shorts on. Sarah could see a nice part of his boxer underwear as well as his nice chest, muscular arms and semi defined tummy. He was a dream, literally.

The space between the wall and the stove, where Sarah was located was tiny. But when guys feel the sexual tension they love to play with women’s brains right? Andrew passed and rubbed his hips, right where his  now warm and hard member stood. Sarah, who had tight gym pants, could feel his arousal.

“Jesus Christ, what was that!”, she thought to herself as she finally noticed what the heck was going on over that kitchen. It was getting warmer and warmer. Andrew simply passed, and as if never ever happened turned on the stove oven for her.

“I heard you needed this on, and my sister forgot to turn it on for you…I take it I am turning more things on than just the stove eh!?”

He did not give her any time to reply as he pressed his warm and rock hard body against her belly again. They could clearly hear that Agatha was taking her sweet darn time over the shower therefore there were going to be no risks of them getting caught by anyone. He then turned to face the girl, and now without any beard, planted her a hot sexy kiss over the lips. She did not deny the kiss, however she took a while to keep up with his fast pace. He pressed his body against her, and for her own luckiness there were no hot pans on the stove, otherwise she would have a nice burn on the back. He kissed and touched her small round breasts earning from her a  tiny moan. Hearing her sudden pleasure he  shushed her and told her to be quiet, after all they did not need his sister to find out about their little escapade on the kitchen, right behind her back right?!

As he pressed his lips against her, she moaned and kissed him back. His rather full lips engulfed hers and made her feel extremely horny, in fact her panties were already pretty wet, what drove her insanely crazy at that moment. He was a hot thing and she could not resist her, she basically just met him and that player was already pushing her against the stove and making her go insane? Who did he think he was? Had he no respect for her? Was he like that with all girls?

“We forgot your purse at the gym.”

“Oh Lord.”

She was abruptly taken away of her sudden pleasure.

“We better go back there and retrieve it. It is still 9 p.m, they close at 10 p.m, if you want it back we better hurry up.”

“Yes, that is true.”, she said touching her swollen lips after that heated kiss.


“Agatha! We are going back to the gym to get her purse back, I forgot it at the god damned locker. We will not be long ok?! See you soon.”

“K! Good luck finding the gym open!”

“Ha ha, very funny!”

Both then went down the stairs and arrived at the bottom floor of the building, thankfully the bus stop was right in front of the building. As soon as the two arrived at the bus stop the bus they needed was coming down the street. They hoped in the bus and went to the almost closed gym.

The trip felt a little strange as both were still recovering from that crazy and sudden kiss. The girl was rather embarrassed. The trip happened in a deep silence. He just touched her as they were about to get off the bus.

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